Unknown Visitor 8/7

This topic has 87 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Lauren Bello.

  • Author
    • #21862




      Met with mysterious woman in front of my apartment. She was really freaked out. She is an actress and her friend – Hostess in Black – is missing. She found my apartment address and wanted to contact me. She let me know that the lust events/retreats are super sus. There are altars and stuff. She recorded audio in the last one she went to and sent it to me via email.

    • #21863

      She also told me she was leaving tonight and that she recommended I do the same.

      Brad is currently working on the audio file. It’s 16 minutes long.

    • #21864
       Kevin Hsu

      so person you met was part of Lust, or just a friend of Hostess in Black?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Kevin Hsu.
    • #21865
    • #21866
       Winston Smith

      Did you get a name from her? Can’t wait to hear the audio. The altar stuff sounds a lot like that thing Andy stumbled into. I wonder how freaky they get in these rituals?

    • #21867

      Out front your home?

      What, daaaang!

    • #21870


    • #21871
       George Zuniga

      Be careful. Keep a watchful eye out tonight… or better yet, the next few days.

      Also, altars and shit sounds a lot like some cult-ish stuff. Possible Church of Anoch connection? Or maybe something different?

    • #21872

      She called and was surprised that I hadn’t left yet. Goody for me and my smartass fucking mouth for saying that I didn’t think anyone else would visit. HA HA HA HA HA.

      She wanted to emphasize the fact that the producers make the actors go above and beyond what is necessary for these experiences. I highly recommend listening to the audio. It takes a good while for stuff to get interesting, but about 10 minutes in sacrificial talk starts to happen. It sounds like Horace.

    • #21873

      @winstonsmith No name. And I’m not referring to Arya Stark.

    • #21874

      Oh dear…there seems to be some procreation in this sacrificing ritual…great emphasis on the woman’s body…Woo hoo!

    • #21875

      Audio file. Girls name is Cynthia and the guy telling her to put on the hood sounds like DLB.

    • #21876

      The neophytes (sp?) shall not speak? And then weird chanting and drum beating…Who you all once were will die tonight.

      Well, that’s a fun and grand time at this ritual…

    • #21877
       Brad Ruwe

      Just finished listening to the audio, just as I see our Slack messages about it being deleted. Guys… the fuck is going on?

    • #21878

      Did Alex Jones record that file?

    • #21879

      Chanting? Drum beating?
      Weird sounds ahoy!

    • #21880
       Brad Ruwe

      Well I was going to sleep tonight…

      It sounds like if any of us are friends with the Tension cast, they may be in some serious trouble.

    • #21881
       Brad Ruwe

      And is the voice on the audio file Horace?

    • #21882
       Kyle Bown

      Yup. No sleep tonight for me. This is insane.

    • #21883

      @mamatato @nothenrygale

      The drop box audio file has to be recorded in the Sinclair house, Classical music is like the Sinclair (house/compound) theme. Like from the happy family periscope and otis’s as well.


    • #21884

      I am going to get ready for bed. I am sure Ruck and Kevin have proper screengrabs of what transpired in the Slack. I hope things are alright for my mysterious visitor

    • #21885

      @mamatato I’m working on typing out what was said in the slack. Hold tight.

    • #21886
       Brad Ruwe

      Exhaustion And nerves on high levels tonight. I swear, if I have Lust nightmares again…

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Brad Ruwe.
    • #21888

      From the slack:

      “I only have a few moments, Sarah. I’m sure you can verify my identity. We don’t have a lot of time. No, I don’t have a lot of time. Most of you will write this off as some hoax leading up to something. Others will make a joke out of it. My friend went missing because of it. I love immersive theater, I thought I was joining something amazing. Don’t let any of them fool you. What transpires behind the scenes, the training, the ‘theatrics,’ I know you have no reason to believe me. I wouldn’t. Next time you cross paths with an actor, ask them, look in their eyes. Look in there [sic] face and ask about the retreats, what they are shown. Don’t believe something just because it pretends to be entertainment.

      Sorry, I was kicked out [of the slack chat]. Even for us [the actors??] they make it a show. A game. Theater. This is much darker than the system, or a dating site. These are their lures, how they try to catch you.

      I have to run. Listen to the audio. On the surface, a mock event for us, bonding, building, giving us a taste. It wasn’t. I was hired two months back for some event, some bar. Some of who were there I couldn’t talk [to]. I tried to. [Hannah: “Elizabeth?] I have so many names. Elizabeth, Janice, Nancy. They change them, and us. They hire a lot of people out of town and bring them in. They want people with low social profiles, people harder to trace back. Sometimes they can’t. They use a ‘Sabrina.’ No everyone are actors. They put us in so people think it’s ‘theater.’ I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I am sorry to all of you, for anything I have ever done to harm any of you. It’s not ever going to be okay, and I was partially responsible for this. [People in chat are telling her to go, to take off] I am going, but I’ve done things. How do you wake up tomorrow and pretend none of this happened? I don’t know the plant. Brianna never told me. [She] was scared. [Kevin: Brianna is the Hostess in Black?] Yes.

      Listen to me. Look closer, ask more questions, there [sic] cardboard palace only looks legit from the front. Go to the sides.”


    • #21889

      Part of the audio mention that these “strangers will become your brothers and sisters.” There was a strong sense of familial bonds running through the iConfidant event and @bcbishop’s Joyce note mentioned something about being connected through bloodlines or something similar. Clear through-line there between everything all pointing back to OSDM.

    • #21890
       George Zuniga

      I have a transcript of the audio here!:


      Cynthia: Hi, how are you? Where are we going?

      Unknown: Cynthia, moving forward, there is no more talking. Please put on this hood.


      >car starts moving

      >someone gets a text (phone vibration)

      >some weird ass unintelligible noise

      >more ear rape/movement within clothing

      >fucking creepy piano music

      >this goes on for a while

      >random skipping of piano arranged classical music

      >…. same shit

      >oh, suddenly violins, how exciting

      >suddenly more ear rape/movement

      >9:20-ish car suddenly stops

      Unknown: Please take off your hood.

      >shuffling for a bit. probably walking.

      >footsteps through grass, maybe leaf-covered pavement

      >timpani drums

      >more shuffling, walking

      >timpani drums continue, followed by weird deafening tone

      Some Priest or Something?:Tonight, and each night after you are reborn, you walk toward us and be with us(?)… power of sacrifice. We all sacrifice. Some with emotion. Some with power. And some… with blood. Tonight, however, it’s about bonding. You’ll bond with us, and those who you stand with. Look around you. To your left. And right. You stand with strangers! In a moment’s time, these strangers will become your brothers. You all share something that cannot be bought, or downloaded or described.

      >Sudden pause

      SPOS?: You! You there! Do not look away at the two bodies in front of you. They’re connected- inside and out. The procreate here for a purpose much greater than you can possibly grasp.

      Cynthia: What is this?

      SPOS?: Bring her forward. She stands before you. As was the day she was born. Look at her. Soak in who she his. Her hopes. Her dreams. Her fears. Look her in the eyes- she, her as a person who is sacrificing her modesty for you. Touch her. Feel her skin. Her warmth. Her heartbeat. Now realize, this is but a vessel. A suit of skin. The life inside her is trapped- trapped by flesh and bones. She has a name. She has a name. Her name can change. She had a career. Her career can change. She is whoever we say she is.

      Tonight, we allow her to reach her full true profession. We give her the feeling of repreive from the perils of this room. Tonight, we remove the pressures of your life of your life by allowing her life to spittle freely. THE NEOPHYTES SHALL NOT SPEAK.

      >drumming starts again

      Cynthia: What is this place?

      >drumming, weird low droning noises- maybe another drum

      SPOS: Who you all once were will die tonight. People will look at your bodies and remember you by another name. Smile at them. And nod. Act the part of who they remember you being, but know you are not that person. That person died here, tonight. Tonight, you are somebody new. You are apart of something-

      >some dude yelling THIS ENDS NOW

      and they are part of you. The events tonight never happened. You will never speak of the things that occurred here. If one talks, you endanger all. Now go. Go in his light. Become the name you have been given.

      >Chanting. Anoch.

      Fucking. Creepy. Also, excuse my sassyness. I’m not keen on my ears being attacked.

    • #21891
       Winston Smith

      Great transcription, thank you so much for that. It’s gonna be helpful in the morning when I’m not on Ambien.

    • #21892
       Brian E

      Excellent job on the periscope @mamatato , and @nothenrygale thanks for getting the file online so quick. First thing I did when I woke up was listen to the file.

      Could this have been the New Moon event that was supposed to take place?

    • #21893

      “They’re connected- inside and out. The procreate here for a purpose much greater than you can possibly grasp.”

      ….sounds like ritual sex to me.

      “She has a name. Her name can change. She had a career. Her career can change. She is whoever we say she is.”

      …. is this how the handlers/attendants got their names?

      So many questions.

    • #21894
       Julie R Goldstein

      “Go in his light…”

      Horace is a true believer… He understands the power of Anoch…

      I’ve been wrong about him…

      Glory Be, my brother in Anoch!

    • #21895

      @mistere it could be the new moon event, but I think it’s unlikely. The NM event was made out to be a ritual sacrifice, where this “retreat” doesn’t feel like that, at least from what little we’ve seen (or heard, rather). Also, the slack messages make these “actor retreats” sound like a regular occurrence, where as the NM event doesn’t. But I may be wrong, and they could be connected. Idk.

    • #21896

      About the location of the “retreat” – just because there’s classical music doesn’t mean it’s the Sinclair house… It’s not like having classical on in the background is unique to them. Heck, my apartment radio is perpetually tuned to the classical station. I and many of my musician friends have CD/mp3 collections that get listened to. Horace might just be the kind of guy that brings CD players to rituals. Who knows.

    • #21897

      @izryn thank you so much for that Slack transcript.

      I wanted to reiterate something I said late last night after all of this that we were given a very important piece of advice by…whoever she was.

      Listen to me. Look closer, ask more questions, there [sic] cardboard palace only looks legit from the front. Go to the sides

      With respect, I simply cannot take this whole thing as proof of “OSDM BAD BOS GOOD.” It’s too…flimsy.
      Another actress in peril? Someone new to save? Maybe it is OSDM and they’re back to their old tricks, but maybe that’s just too damned easy.

      So I don’t think I can trust her, but I can do as she says. Go to the sides. It’s important we ask questions. Of each other. Of our Creators. Of our Experience. Because when have things ever been exactly what they seem?

    • #21898

      Just waking up to this excitement. So, the audio file was delivered via Dropbox? Has anyone investigated the file itself yet to see if it contains any hidden metadata? Just curious. I can take a look when I’m at my computer.

    • #21899

      @wanda102 no problem.

      I think you make a good point, and in something like this where lines are constantly being redrawn or erased altogether questioning what we’re shown is essential. Personally I’m the type to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise, as genuine grievances can be easily lost in the noise.

      So here’s a question. The OSDM is deleting Cynthia/Elizabeth’s messages from the slack, but why are they then leaving all this on the forums untouched? The audio file is still up. The slack transcript is still up. Is having us “wind the clock” more important than suppressing this information? Or is it all part of their plan to make us think it’s genuine…?

    • #21900
       Winston Smith

      Horace might just be the kind of guy that brings CD players to rituals. Who knows

      That’s so Horace. Maybe he only keeps Noah around to help him figure out his AOL?

    • #21901
       Brian E

      @izryn Thanks, I’ll check out the slack later when I have time, looked like a busy night on there.

    • #21902

      @winstonsmith we’ve already got a “That’s so Joyce” TV show… Coming to VHS home video this fall: the sequel, “That’s so Horace.” (Somebody please make a promo!)

    • #21903
       Brad Ruwe

      @chrysalis359 The audio was emailed directly to Sarah. I put it on Dropbox for easy sharing.

    • #21904

      Ah, my mistake @nothenrygale This is what I get for commenting before coffee. ?

    • #21905

      I’m going to quickly expand on something I said on Slack – I’m with @wanda102 on this. And I am aware what I am about to say isn’t going to go down particularly well, but… Needs to be said.

      We’re so quick to jump on this as being legit, but stop, take a breath and go to the sides.

      Last year, I had huge issues with the Addison “storyline” (I am so glad I can call it that now) – something about it always screamed EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION to me. And that’s exactly what it was designed to be, through all levels from IG-IG to OOG. There were two people particularly drawn in by her story: Russell and Morgan.

      Now fast forward to yesterday. We apparently have multiple damsels in distress. The immediate reaction is to believe this girl, to try to get her to safety. But isn’t that exactly the response the OSDM would want from this situation? I can just imagine Horace leaning back in his leather armchair, chuckling over the fact that we have learned NOTHING. Also, with Morgan’s past with wanting to save Addison, what better way to bait the Resistance and attempt to get them to show their hand too early?

      Just look at all those notes we found in the compound and that were sent out with our Tension books. All those handlers that we developed personal relationships with, only to be shown that they could not be saved. Macy (although she may be safe within the Resistance). This keeps playing out time and again, because we’re not learning the lesson…

      Always with the honey trap…

    • #21906
       Andrew Kasch

      Jesus, just waking up to this Eyes Wide Shut madness…

      A few thoughts:

      – The voice is definitely Horace.

      – The weirdest and most unnerving thing is how long the classical music was going on…without any other voices or movement. It almost sounded like someone walking through an empty party for a long time.

      – Those drum rolls were almost 20th Century Fox style. Could studio executives be a part of this twisted society?

      • #21924
         Robert Fuller


        The weirdest and most unnerving thing is how long the classical music was going on…without any other voices or movement. It almost sounded like someone walking through an empty party for a long time.

        I think they’re in a car. There are engine sounds, and then we hear the music being shut off and keys jingling, and then outdoor sounds and a door closing. They’re taking her to the location, with a hood over her head so she won’t know where it is.

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Robert Fuller.
    • #21907

      I actually want to clarify and say that some of my reasons to suspect here stem from the fact that the emergence of these damsels in distress seems to be very conveniently proving The Resistances point. And I think that is far too simple, and far too easy, to really be the case. We’ve seen this before. Why again? It’s too convenient. I want to caution to look closer.

    • #21908
       Bryan Bishop

      Damn. I picked the wrong night to go to bed early.

      Truly upsetting — and with so many things, everything can be looked at from many angles. I think @blondie and @wanda102 are wise in exercising caution here, particularly given the rather overt resonances with what we saw last year.

      Anytime something seems too easy or convenient, it probably is.

      Along with their excellent takes, here’s another potential theory in chronological timeline form:

      1. People are checked out of THE LUST EXPERIENCE.

      2. Forces behind LUST talk in leaked emails about finding ways to bring people back in.

      3. Old BOS members get phone calls, TMC spins up, and @joycecarlberg appears.

      4. It’s revealed that TMC is actually the new BOS, led by one of our very own.

      5. Status: most of the unengaged are now suddenly, actively engaged.

      6. After going dark for several weeks, the head of the BOS returns. Begins holding events and actively recruiting.

      7. Two days later, an unknown figure appears, warning us with a story that seems to directly match the BOS leader’s (still vague-ish) warnings.

      Convenient timing. Look to the sides.

    • #21909


      I actually want to clarify and say that some of my reasons to suspect here stem from the fact that the emergence of these damsels in distress seems to be very conveniently proving The Resistances point. And I think that is far too simple, and far too easy, to really be the case. We’ve seen this before. Why again? It’s too convenient. I want to caution to look closer.

      Indeed. And the use of damsel is spot on.

    • #21910

      Oh yes, totally convenient timing… But too clumsy, too obvious, too BASIC, for it to actually be The Resistance.

    • #21911
       Brad Ruwe

      I’d agree. The thought that this could be @111error’s doing did cross my mind for a moment. And hell, it still may be. He did say he was looking to copy the OSDM’s tactics. BUT, after this weekend, I feel like I know his motivations are not nefarious. I could have misread him, but based on what I saw when I stepped into the darkness, I don’t believe that to be the case. This is a case where I absolutely do plan to follow her instructions, ask the actors about the retreat. See how they respond.

    • #21912
       Bryan Bishop

      @blondie Going less for it being them… more that The Resistance has been serving the ultimate goals of The Experience…

    • #21913

      Could it be someone else entirely? It feels too easy and obvious no matter which side you come at it from right now. Hostess in Black indicated that the current Resistance was a game, which could point towards a new, third faction. We have no way of knowing if there are more people on board with that right now though.

      The woman @mamatato spoke with last night confirmed that HiB’s name is Brianna last night on Slack. I don’t recall anyone showing up by that name, does anyone else?

    • #21914

      I’m with @blondie and @bcbishop and @wanda102. No surprise there.

      We’ve been told over and over – there is no more out of game. There are no more walls. Sometimes we’ve been told this en masse on these forums and sometimes in private conversations but regardless when do we start listening? We are being tricked into believing there is a fiction, very conveniently created to keep us here. God even I was convinced to stay after I said I was leaving! That’s amazing when you think about it.

      And speaking of no coincidences did anyone see what mike posted with the photo of the contract? The last line from Hotel California. We are stuck here and they’re going to keep inventing exactly what we need to be convinced to stay.

    • #21915
       Twan Intarathuch

      All I can say about everything is that watching everyone jump into action, organize all the data and come together to decipher clues is very satisfying. Whether or not this is just another wild goose chase or legit warning, I am eager to see how everyone bands together to uncover what lies within the shadows.

      @mamatato GOOD LUCK!

      @thebuz Thanks for bringing me back. I forgot how fun this is.

    • #21916
       Bryan Bishop

      Hostess in Black indicated that the current Resistance was a game, which could point towards a new, third faction.

      Good point, @kevin. Is it time for a new Team Fuck Everyone to emerge?

    • #21917

      But what could a third faction be, saving of people? Hunting down the missing family members and friends? Spurred lovers? Fuck the Experience as a whole?

      Just more distractions.

    • #21918
       Twan Intarathuch


      I’m already on Team Fuck Everyone OOG

    • #21919
       Bryan Bishop

      @theladyj Would probably have to be a faction aligned around not buying any of the convenient, pre-digested narratives we’re being fed on all sides. That would include “honorable rebel alliance” narratives.

      According to the Slack discussion last night (if it’s legit), the retreat ritual was designed to look like theater. It wasn’t. It’s probably wise to assume that everything we’ve seen thus far across the board could be the same. As @coryphella pointed out, there is no fourth wall. And almost everything in the past six weeks has been designed in some fashion to get us to stay. To buy in. To engage. With The Experience.

      On one hand — sure, they’re distractions. But on the other, we’re all still here, living it up in the Hotel California.

    • #21920

      @nothenrygale (knowing that I may have to eat these words one day, in this fucked up world) I wouldn’t say Morgan’s actions are nefarious, not at all. He is one of the finest people I know and if his movement proves to be serving nefarious means, I’d think he’s completely unaware of it.

    • #21921


      But what could a third faction be, saving of people? Hunting down the missing family members and friends?

      Saving people, hunting things. The family business.

      Team Sam and Dean forever.

    • #21922


      I’ve always thought, along the ideas of ‘Promised theater was not theater, but some wonky on the DL shit,’ that escape rooms in the wrong hands could easily create a farm of victims. And one pays to do it. Immersive theater and pseudo-escape-horror themed adventures ask us to ignore the safety mechanisms in our brain, against all reason and logic because…like, right?…Right? no one ever died from a game? Especially not a deal Shannon found on Groupon? There are horror stories about casting calls, but that’s not you right, not on your first big break in LA?

      We’re all cautionary tales at some point. So is this a true event, or a spiced up Urban Legend with a Noir flair promotion.


      Yes sir, you were eagar to light fires from the beginning.

    • #21923
       Winston Smith

      @wanda102 You make some really good points, and you’re absolutely right that we shouldn’t jump to the conclusion “OSDM BAD, BOS GOOD”, just because someone showed up telling us what we expected to hear about OSDM. I happen to think she’s likely to be credible, but you’re absolutely right that the “damsel in distress” bit is more than a little familiar at this point.

      If the point is that the “damsel” is one of their standard tools, then I guess the takeaway is that OSDM has graduated out of it’s “startup phase”, and is now in full growth mode, spreading its poison around the world. That could also explain the apparent willingness to absorb significant financial losses as a consequence of their startup phase.

      If the point is that BOS will save the cheerleader, and save the world, then that does feel like a bad omen. There’s definitely something to the idea that whatever the subjects “want”, gets delivered to them in a well controlled package, almost as if it were collecting dust on a shelf, waiting to be called into action again.

      “Oh, you’re the rebellious sort? That’s great, we’ve got just the BOS for you. RABBLE RABBLE!”

      “You’re looking for a greater purpose in life? Have you met my friend Anoch? Isn’t he/she/it the greatest?”

      “You’d like to be more self-confident/assertive in life? Well, my friend, let me tell you all about The System, and what it can do for you!”

      “Feeling lonely? Wouldn’t you like an iConfidant to share your deepest, darkest secrets with? You know, someone who *really* gets you?”

      These components *do* feel suspiciously modular, like Lego blocks.

    • #21926
       Winston Smith

      @remrelganaps It totally reminded me of Sneakers, with Whistler duplicating the tire noises to determine which bridge they crossed.

    • #21927

      @winstonsmith I am comforted to know that you and I enjoy a civil skepticism of each other’s positions, more of that, please.

      • #21939
         Winston Smith

        @wanda102 If I’m ever not civil to another participant, I would hope someone would smack me upside the head, and let me know. Even when we disagree, the other participants are the reason I want to be here. Shit’s gonna get heated, but it should never get personal.

    • #21928
       Robert Fuller

      @winstonsmith I think you kind of nailed it. So what are we saying here? What’s the endgame? What do they want to build with the Lego blocks?

      • #21943
         Winston Smith

        @remrelganaps Perhaps we’re all just rats on a treadmill, furiously running nowhere, while TPTB harness all that energy, and direct it towards some nefarious purpose. As long as the rat is running, it thinks it’s getting somewhere.

    • #21930
       Twan Intarathuch


      I really enjoyed your breakdown about modularizing participant’s experiences. There’s something for everyone. I just want to point out that no matter what path we find ourselves on, we are probably all fucked. I can’t really see a scenario where anyone has a happy ending 😉

    • #21938

      Exactly @genghistwan. Nobody “wins,” and whatever happens to us, happens to all of us, no matter where you lay your cards.

      And damn it’s good to have you back.

    • #21941
       Lauren Bello

      I agree with Erzen, this is the New Moon ritual. Note the name of the file: 7-24-17b.mp4. The New Moon was on 7/23/17. If this recording were made after midnight that night, that would explain the date.

      A reminder of what happened that night, according to Instagram: “The New moon brought with it New life.” Was something conceived during this ritual?

      Also, according to Instagram in reference to the New Moon, “His sacrifice delivers change.”

    • #21949
       Twan Intarathuch


      It’s good to be back. When shit goes down, I know I’d want to have you as an ally. *cue Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring music

    • #21958
       Lauren Bello

      On the subject of whether or not the Hostess truly needs our help…

      We’ve spoken a lot about the boy who cried wolf. I wonder if crying wolf is a desensitizing tactic of the OSDM.

      Tom asked for us to help Addison by giving her Cat Bear. If all he needed was for someone to “trigger” her, he could have given Cat Bear to her directly: he had hired her, brainwashed her, and most likely had better ways of accessing her. But he involved Russell, he involved us, so we’d jump at the chance to save Addison, and fail. First case of crying wolf.

      Kristen called Morgan and urged him to run. Urged him to tell all of us to stay far, far away from the iConfidant Meet and Greet. Turned out, she didn’t actually need our help. She was playing games to get us to show up. Second case of crying wolf.

      Now, we’re suspicious of anyone who asks for our help. Our first reaction when someone asks for our help in escaping is to accuse them of crying wolf.

      Could this be exactly what the OSDM wants?

    • #21965
       Brad Ruwe

      @daela THIS THIS SO MUCH FUCKING THIS. “Boy who cried wolf” was one of the very first things to come up from our interactions with Noah. This “System” Noah rubs me the wrong way in every possible way, but I really think that’s not the REAL him. Helmet, sex ritual, whatever the hell happened I think this isn’t who he really is, and he’s dropping hints to that.

      When the boy cries wolf time and time again, no one listens to him when wolves ACTUALLY show up. It’s entirely possible he saw that they were prepping us to not believe what we were being told, and slipped that reference to us early on as a means to remind us that there will come a point when the person crying for help is legitimately in need of it. Could we be getting played AGAIN? Sure. But it’s entirely possible that’s exactly what OSDM wants us to believe so they can keep getting away with what they’re doing.

    • #21967

      Wow, all caught up!! Not much to add but here are some thoughts about last night:

      “Elizabeth” the iconfidant hostess is looking for another “hostess in black?” On slack someone referred HIB as Briana or Cynthia? Anyone know where that came from or where she could have (played) a “hostess”?

      What did “Elizabeth” do at the retreat? “I’ve done things…” Not just a sex ritual.

      We are supposed to ask questions and dig deeper, look to the side of the cardboard castle. I’m laughing thinking of all of us asking “what happened at the retreat? What were you shown?” to every cast member over and over on the 13th!!

    • #21968

      @sfire8 Elizabeth (among other names she’s used) is the one who met with @mamatato last night and it looks like she was the host from the iConfidant event. She is not Hostess In Black. She doesn’t know where Hostess In Black is, but confirmed that HIB’s name is Brianna.

      When she said she’d done things, I took it to mean that she had deceived or done things to us. At one point on Slack she mentioned that she recognized people at the iConfidant meet, but hadn’t said anything.

    • #21969

      @daela @nothenrygale so with the OSDM desensitizing us with all the “crying wolf”, we’re being given two choices.

      – call any call for help a false flag and walk away. we’re not giving the OSDM what they want, we’re walking away unharmed, but there’s a chance that whoever’s reaching out to us may not be, and that’s now on us.

      – assist those looking for our help. as we’ve seen so far, we’re most likely getting played. BUT the 1/10 times we’re not, we’re legitimately helping someone. for the other cases, we just need to stay strong.

      We’re already marks for their bullshit, and if they wanted us gone, we’d be gone. They want our emotions, but if we stop playing ball, they’ll figure out a different way to get what they’re looking for.

    • #21970


      They want our emotions, but if we stop playing ball, they’ll figure out a different way to get what they’re looking for.

      That is terrifying, but probably right on the nose.

    • #21972


      RE: New Moon Ritual

      So…if that happened and there was a conception….

      I wonder what the fuck we’re going to be witnessing 9-ish months from now?

    • #21973
       Lauren Bello

      @addisonborn Yup – this is why I vote for continuing to believe those who claim to seek our help.

      To quote a Megan Amram tweet, “Would you rather: accidentally help a villain, or accidentally punish an innocent? Your answer defines all your political beliefs” what faction you’re in. I think this is one of the fundamental differences between factions: the Resistance always errs on the side of accidentally helping a villain rather than ever risking punishing an innocent. It’s something I’m ok with.

    • #21974

      The only thing that I am mulling over right now in my sleep deprived state is why am I being warned to get away and leave? Just because it’s convenient in isolating @nothenrygale? Aside from me delivering information to you all last night and it being revealed that we are a select group of 5 that have not been assigned a handler of sorts, I am baffled by my role in any of this.

    • #21975
       Brad Ruwe

      I’ve been wondering the same thing today @mamatato. She never told US to leave, only told you to leave. It could be she wasn’t aware we live together, but I was in the start of the Periscope, and if it’s true she got your address from OSDM files, I’d be shocked if those files didn’t include that a second participant lived there as well. I’d assume that if you’re in danger, so am I. Unless whatever the danger was she was trying to get you to run from was only targeting you.

      Man my head hurts thinking about this.

    • #21977

      You know me, @nothenrygale. I don’t generally see myself as important enough to warrant someone being sent after me or anyone making a fuss over me. So the whole thing is just baffling. I theorize that someone was probably going to be sent after you and she just wanted me out of dodge but, unfortunately, I fear I may be wrong this time around. I would very much like to be right…

    • #21979
       Meghan Mayhem

      As per usual, I completely agree with you @daela and @addisonborn. As much fun as it probably is to be the baddie sometimes, in my heart I know that I want to be on the side of good and help people. I will not foolishly and blindly run into any scenario, but I will listen to what someone has to say and not discredit it them immediately simply because there’s a chance it may bite me in the ass later. I’ll carry that screaming woman out of a burning fire and then figure out later on the safety of the street if she’s an asshole that poured the gasoline or not.

    • #21983
       Kevin Hsu

      I agree with @addisonborn and @daela. There are so many things that we don’t know and may never be able to prove, but we should try our best to do the right thing. I’m still a cautious skeptic, you won’t find me running blindly into danger; but if I can help somehow, I will.

    • #21986

      Just want to make it clear that in my earlier posts I wasn’t advocating inaction. I was simply pointing out reasons to be wary and the need to go into these things with eyes wide open and the knowledge it could be a trap…

    • #21987
       Lauren Bello

      We got you @blondie! You’re right, odds are high that it’s a trap of some sort. It’s a tough balance for us all to strike, for ALL factions – following the leads we’re given without being too gullible. I think we’re all getting better at it with practice.

    • #21989
       Lauren Bello

      Listening to this recording…do you think there’s a reason why the driver changes the music so often when they’re in the car? One song is interrupted after a minute, one is interrupted after five seconds or so…none of the songs ever seem to finish before we’re rushed into the next song.

    • #21991

      @daela Not to mention that some of the songs were chopped up. Moonlight Sonata does not sound like that.

    • #21994
       Lauren Bello

      A few updates for the transcript:

      POS?: You! You there! Do not look away at the two bodies in front of you. They’re connected- inside and out. The procreate here for a purpose much greater than you can possibly grasp.
      Cynthia: What is this?
      SPOS?: Bring her forward.

      Between “much greater than you can possibly grasp” and “Bring her forward,” the guy says, “Watch without embarrassment or reservation.”

      Tonight, we remove the pressures of your life of your life by allowing her life to spittle freely.

      What I heard was, “Tonight, we remove the pressures of her world by allowing her life to spill freely.”

      You are apart of something-
      >some dude yelling THIS ENDS NOW
      and they are part of you.

      I heard only one person saying “You are a part of something and this is now a part of you.”

      There’s also chanting during the drumming, maybe someone with better audio equipment can figure out what they’re chanting?

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