The Lust Experience: Anointment

This topic has 16 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by Hannah Schenck.

  • Author
    • #24014
       Bryan Bishop

      It looks like we have a name for the mid-season event:

      Ten Days

      A post shared by The Lust Experience (@thelustexperience) on

    • #24015

      The wording on this is breaking my brain, but I’m so ready to be Anointed!!!!!

    • #24016
       Meghan Mayhem

      Last year, the ARG was Tension: Indoctrination, followed by live event Tension: Ascension
      looks like we’ve got ourselves Lust: Anointment.

    • #24017

      So.. there’s been Egyptian influenced symbolism throughout this year, and Anointing in Egypt was used as a ceremonial blessing, often in coronation of new royalty.

      That, with the fire, possibly symbolizing rebirth. And the OOA symbol in the fire, recalling the warehouse fire after the book party.

      Is this a midseason event or an entirely new beginning?

    • #24018

      The OOA symbol is visible in the flames. Very interesting.

    • #24020
       Robert Fuller

      It better not be the week after Halloween. I’ll be in New York that week.

    • #24022
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz’s mentions of it likely being in October are being deleted… so it seems to confirm TMSE will be after Halloween as the image calls out.

      Which means I can likely go without any schedule craziness! #ThanksHauntSeason

    • #24023

      Let’s get sacrificed y’all. My body is ready.

    • #24025
       Andrew Kasch

      Dollars to donuts, this is where Horace’s words will become reality and the OOA will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes. Here we go…

    • #24026
       Robert Fuller

      @nothenrygale Fuuuuck. I thought I was okay when they said it was in October. I’ll be so pissed if I don’t get to go.

    • #24027

      I’ll bring the matches.

    • #24028

      Be getting anointed in spirit! Have fun with the sacrificing and traumatizing 48 hour sexual exploits guys!

    • #24029

      The banners on the forum still say one week in October but the Instagram post is clear. Anointment in November!

    • #24030

      Maybe there are two events. October and November. Or maybe tickets go on sale for a week.

      Whatever it is: Bring on the turkey, football and cultism.

    • #24031

      Oh my god. Can it be until the weekend of the 10th??

    • #24032

      Ascension was, at least on one level, about the hunt for and ascension of an Oracle.

      Is this another event that is in search of something? Is Anointment a process required for someone in service of Anoch or some other entity?

      Either way I’m down.

    • #24035
       Hannah Schenck

      Anointing, also called Unction, is the pouring of oil on an item or body part, often the head. Sometimes animal fat or melted butter is used. The process is employed in several sacraments of the Orthodox and Catholic Christian churches and is exercised ritually by many other religions and ethnic groups.

      People and objects are anointed to mark the introduction of a sacramental or divine influence, a holy emanation, spirit, or power. Anointing can also be used as a mode of ridding persons and things of dangerous spiritual influences, such as diseases and especially demons.

      In Hebrew, the term of an “anointed one” is mashiach, from which the term “Messiah” is derived. The Greek translation of this word gives us the English term “Christ.” Jewish, Egyptian, and other ancient kings were often anointed, and in western history, anointing has been used as part of the royal coronation ceremonies, symbolizing a divine blessing upon the monarch.

      In Christian tradition, the anointing oil may be called chrism. Formerly known as Extreme Unction, the Catholic and Orthodox sacrament Anointing of the sick is not to be confused with the “last rights,” which includes not only unction, but also the sacraments of Penance and Viaticum, a form of Holy Communion.

      Sooooo is this another form of ritual to invoke Anoch? Who will be the main focus of this anointing? Will it be us as a whole, individuals, or will there be “The Chosen One”?

      If we look at it from the other perspective of ridding demons, who among us, or in the “narrative” needs cleansing?

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