Sinclair Fucks

This topic has 46 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Taylor Winters.

  • Author
    • #19861
       Hannah Schenck

      Soooo us fence sitters @kasch @larry @superstar @sfire8 @bruinbown were enjoying our two for one drinks at Nobar and sure enough, a handsome man dressed in a suit walked in. We all know who this was… Mr. Noah Sinclair himself ? He chugged all of our drinks and basically told us that if we don’t make a decision and pick a side, someone will pick one for us. Then he proceeded to write down a url for us to follow and it is as follows:

      Sinclair fucks

      *I would like to add that he smelled heavenly*

    • #19862

      I mean… the choice is obvious.


    • #19863
       Meghan Mayhem

      Don’t do what THEY tell you to do. Do what YOU choose to do.

      Whether that be siding with those that tell you you’re not good enough until they say you are
      Whether that be siding with those that destroyed our cheese and killed our friends
      Whether that be chasing a cute boy or a woman that buys you dessert
      Or whether that be siding with the people who say no more lies. WE decide what happens next.

      The choice is yours and yours alone.
      And every choice has a consequence. Not one of them will be painless.
      Choose wisely.

    • #19864

      He’s only pressuring you into making a decision because he’ll benefit. Just like salesmen who say “you’ve got to ACT NOW or else!!” Take your time. Decide, or not. And if you do, when you do, always keep an open mind. Decisions are rarely final.

    • #19865

      Having already made my own decision to support Joyce and OSDM, I will also add to those undecided that there really isn’t a right or wrong choice for you to make. Maybe they’re all wrong. Maybe (definitely) they’ll all hurt. But if you do nothing, nothing is done. Jump.

    • #19866
       Lawrence Meyers

      Noah went out of his way to recruit The Ronin.

      He also smells good. I almost went gay for him. And @shankfx22 had a major girl boner for him.

      And he had no problem drinking cheap liquor.

      The Resistance had to resort to deception to recruit. Ronin respect honor. The Resistance has none.

      The Ronin recognize what the System may have to offer. The Resistance offers disgrace.

    • #19871
       Andrew Kasch

      I feel like The System is bi-partisan.

      We can choose either OSDM/Resistance. The System seems to like whoever is decisive.

      At least that’s what I took away from it.

    • #19873

      So he just cheered a shot “To the Resistance” which was either him mocking us… or he’s Team Resistance.

    • #19874

      Andy looking sharp though 😉

      And of course Noah shows up right when I leave -___-

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Candace.
    • #19875

      What’s more attractive: Desperation or Confidence?

    • #19877

      Who are you calling desperate? @thebuz

    • #19878
       Lauren Bello

      Possibilities based on his visit to the Resistance:

      1) he could genuinely be bipartisan
      2) he could secretly be rooting for the Resistance as a means to get out from under his father’s thumb
      3) he could be mocking the Resistance
      4) he could be trying to sow distrust and make us think the Resistance is no threat to him bc it’s under OSDM control, we’re all one team
      5) he could be acting nice and hanging out in order to lure you to the System with his scent
      6) he just wants you to know that the video was not from a computer generated Noah…that was really him. He’s cutting off our suspicions at the pass.

    • #19879

      @daela 4 is the first thing that came to my head because trust issues :/

    • #19880

      @daela he did smell really nice…

    • #19881
       Lawrence Meyers

      Team System.

      We Smell Better.

    • #19882
       Maxwell R

      I distinctly remember adamantly telling Sentinel to go fuck himself last year. I’m stoked this dreamy eyed, tall drink of water is back in the picture. #teamnoah #teamwherethefuckisotis #teamsystem

    • #19883

      Fucking. Last minute live-stream of Dream Daddy just ended. I’m incredibly upset I missed him. But I’ll see him in the future.

      Noah. You are the true Dream Daddy.

    • #19885
       Bryan Bishop

      So he just cheered a shot “To the Resistance” which was either him mocking us… or he’s Team Resistance.

      I’ve got a feeling Noah doesn’t care much about Team Resistance, Team System, or even Team Pineapple Pizza.

      As long as Noah’s trying to make his dad happy, he’s on Team Emotional Investment And Conflict. Every single side we’re looking at — BOS, OSDM, System, etc. — is serving the same god: emotional data.

      By encouraging everyone to pick sides, Noah is encouraging everyone to have context, and a baseline position. To invest emotionally in a given outcome. That puts us in conflict with competing sides (conflict!) which means more EI data. It also makes us vulnerable when things go wrong (even richer EI data).

      In that sense, Team Fence Sitter (or quitting altogether) is the only way to actually fight back against Horace, OSDM, The Investors, or whomever we want to be mad at this week. But shit… it’s so much more fun to pick a side, isn’t it?

    • #19891
       Lawrence Meyers

      No. Team Ronin were enjoying being Ronin.

    • #19909
       Andrew Kasch

      I enjoyed being on Team Ronin. It was fun while it lasted.

      That said, I firmly believe that we have to pick between OSDM or BOS. Noah came and toasted The Resistance. He told us Ronin that The System only believes in people who can pick a side.

      So no matter what side of the fence you are on, it sounded like The System will cater to both. And since I’m pro Noah all the way, that makes things easier.

      Time to make a choice, folks…

      • #19914


        So no matter what side of the fence you are on, it sounded like The System will cater to both. And since I’m pro Noah all the way, that makes things easier.

        Absolute horse shit. That is the safest interpretation there is! And if we know anything now it is for sure nothing is safe.

        Whatever you fucking side with Noah is going to drop kick into whatever field goal(laces out) he chooses. Your belief system means nothing to him.

        I’m 100% Team Noah but that doesn’t mean I’m not aware of the fact that I might have to face my distrust and revulsion of BOS down the line. He could very well flip if he feels like it. There is zero way to be sure.

        What I am sure of though is Noah is only on Team Noah. He’ll go where the wind takes him. And there will be a whole lot of fire and fucks along for the ride.

    • #19911
       Nicole Mae

      How exactly does one ‘pick a side’?

      Declare here, on the game board that we are Team Resistance, Team ODSM, Team System, Team Creators, Team WhoTheFuckKnows?

      Do we create a website, print flyers, make tee shirts, simulate a new ARG, send an email, have a meet up?

      And how do we even know what the sides definitely ARE or that we have been presented all the selection options?

      I can’t blindly leap in to a ‘side’ that I don’t feel strongly about either way on. I know I need The System, so that’s about the only side I could pledge to – and with what the word on the street about Noah’s appearances last night, it doesn’t seem like The System has a dog in this fight.

      Give me a clear choice and I’ll make it.

    • #19915
       Andrew Kasch

      How exactly does one ‘pick a side’?

      Declare here, on the game board that we are Team Resistance, Team ODSM, Team System, Team Creators, Team WhoTheFuckKnows?

      Until we hear otherwise, I think we have a two-sided coin: OSDM or BOS. Noah is a wild card. No team. No side. No allegiance. He goes wherever the fuck he wants and doesn’t care who you side with.

      As Noah said to us last night, “Pick a side…or one will be chosen for you.”

    • #19916
       Andrew Kasch

      Absolute horse shit. That is the safest interpretation there is! And if we know anything now it is for sure nothing is safe.

      @thebuz Then explain to me why Noah encouraged us to choose a side last night… Explain to us why he showed up and toasted The Resistance… Why he’s standing with fucking Horace, the grand asshole of the OSDM…

      I’ll tell you why: Because despite all appearances, he’s the one and only true Ronin in this game. And he’s not here to play fucking favorites.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #19918

      @kasch, I interpreted last night differently. I thought Noah said something along the lines of, “if you’re not going to pick a side, I’m going to pick one for you…”. Then he wrote down the website for The System and gave it to us, which I took as meaning he was choosing The System for us. There can’t just be two choices, I think TPTB made that clear in their letter after the TMC turmoil.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Sage.
    • #19920


      What the bloody hell are you talking about? Your interpretation is SAFE. Can’t decide which side to be on? DON’T WORRY THE SYSTEM CATERS TO BOTH.

      Bull fucking shit.

      He is on one side and that is neither OSDM or BOS… it’s Team mother fucking Noah.

      The System is it’s only lunatic endeavor.

      Him showing up and toasting the resistance? Same fucking thing he did to you guys at the Fence sitters meeting. He was making himself known. Showing exactly who was boss, who’s the alpha.

      Look at what he’s done to the resistance this morning? Half of them are utterly bewildered on what his intentions and motives were for showing up last night. You think that’s an accident?

      Divide. And. Conquer.

    • #19921

      Sorry @kasch, I think @thebuz is right here. Noah doesn’t care what you choose, he just wants to watch the turmoil that results. And you certainly don’t choose Noah. You throw yourself at his mercy and if you’re (un?)lucky, he chooses you.

    • #19922

      Welp, I missed Noah last night at NoBAR by about 10 minutes. Always a bridesmaid… In any case, as I have only had experience with The Midnight Commish/BOS (unwittingly, mind you), I feel like my current leaning is towards them. Although, I am VERY interested in meeting @joycecarlberg because she seems like my type of lady. So, for me at least, it’s a decision between those two factions.

    • #19924
       Meghan Mayhem

      I’m just…I’m straight up bewildered by the responses here.

      We have people very literally telling you directly that they are going to lie to you. That they think less of you and that they think you are too stupid to understand.
      People are threatening your friends and making fun of you and so many of you are still going “Hmm. IDK, it’s pretty funny. I think I’ll hang out with them.”

      In the beginning of all this, The System made winners and losers out of us. Many of you who are now screaming for The System were told “you aren’t good enough” and instead of saying “no fuck you, I’m going to show you why I am good enough!” you accepted it and went “well fuck you too then. I don’t want to be in your stupid club anyway”. The Creators even called us out for the divide. “Winners? Losers? Soon you will need each other more than you even realize”
      iConfidant was a bait and switch just to get a reaction out of all of us for their own gain. We watched as they called out @russell just to try and break his heart in front of all of us.
      We met a nice old man who many of you began to care for quite a lot. Suddenly his life is in turmoil and he’s being dragged into things, brainwashed, forced to do horrible things, and you shout DON’T YOU HURT THAT POOR OLD MAN!! and who was it that did that to him? The OSDM.

      People keep saying that The Resistance exists with no understanding of what we’re resisting, only that we want to rebel. You think standing up and saying “Stop treating us like your pawns. Stop using us. Stop hurting us. Stop taking what you want and destroying everything in your path” is just because we think it’s fun? The System wants to teach you to be strong? Burning a child’s toys to detach them from sentimentality makes them strong. And cold. Strength doesn’t have to come from defeat and abuse. We are strong because we stand up for ourselves and say WE ARE NOT VICTIMS. NO MORE.

      Noah showing up last night is a shiny distraction. He’s cool and confidant and charismatic and you are a moth to his flame.
      Don’t forget the bigger picture.

    • #19925

      Did none of you learn from the parable of the fluffernutter?


      • #19932


        Did none of you learn from the parable of the fluffernutter?


        Are you completely unaware of the irony here? In fact because I think the fluffer nutter fellow was an OSDM operative so he was more than likely referring to the Resistance.

        You can’t just wake up and be the thing everyone flocks to just because you think it’s right. No one wants to join the Veruca Salt of factions.

    • #19926
    • #19927
       Andrew Kasch

      Never said Noah cares about WHAT side you choose. Just that you choose.
      I don’t think the man has a horse in this race or gives a shit whether you’re BOS or OSDM.

    • #19928
       Bryan Bishop

      If one wants to empower people, perhaps one should not start the dialogue with secrecy and trickery.

      That tactics of BOS have brought skepticism about its motives into play. Shouting at people for not agreeing with them won’t change that.

      I’ll always take the people that openly tell me they’re in it for themselves over the ones that lie, and then tell me they’re doing me a favor. That’s one similarity between Noah Sinclair and the OSDM that I admire.

    • #19929

      I admire the commitment to your choice, @bcbishop, but I won’t be getting off of your lawn anytime soon.

    • #19930

      It’s my commitment too, @kipsie. We’re all intelligent people who’ve made decisions based on what (little) information we have now. If we all agreed with each other, there’d be nothing left to discuss. But you won’t catch me as a carnival barker, luring people over to our side; folks can come as they please, or not. But know that, even though we’re all destined to burn, people like Bryan and I, we’re welaware of the fire we’re walking into. I’m sure you are too.

    • #19931
       Meghan Mayhem


      If one wants to empower people, perhaps one should not start the dialogue with secrecy and trickery.

      That tactics of BOS have brought skepticism about its motives into play.
      Shouting at people for not agreeing with them won’t change that.

      Like crashing a book party and pouring gasoline on everything?
      Like making supporters create a smear campaign video against a participant for not behaving the way they want?
      Like the Investors threatening DLB and CS for not behaving the way they want?
      Like making people sign a contract at registration with a hidden message?
      Like Sabrina turning out to be everyone’s iConfidant and stealing our energy to power their Anoch resurrection machine?

      Or maybe like you yourself creating an anti-Noah website and flyering neighborhoods in support of it after you went on a rant filled campaign to discredit Noah because you were so angry that he tried to blackmail you into doing what he wanted and for bringing your family into it?

    • #19933
       Bryan Bishop

      @meghanmayhem The difference in those scenarios that you leave conveniently unaddressed? We’ve known we’ve been walking into something structured by the OSDM this time. We know they’re here to give us intense emotional experiences, from which they also benefit. And not just because it’s been leaked on a random Periscope: it’s because they’ve straight-up told us. And we came willingly. We can’t feign horror now.

      As I said above:

      I’ll always take the people that openly tell me they’re in it for themselves over the ones that lie, and then tell me they’re doing me a favor. That’s one similarity between Noah Sinclair and the OSDM that I admire.

      As for Noah, I’m glad you never asked! You know what pissed me off most about Noah Sinclair? That after all of his drama and theatrics with the blackmail attempt, he ghosted. Like a coward. I’ve gone after Noah Sinclair from the jump because he’s all talk, and zero follow-through. Unless Periscoping to make his daddy mad counts as amazing follow-through. (Which, lest we forget, actually led to him going back to the fold, leading Andy to his demise, and making Horace happy by relaunching The System properly. Bang-up job, Noah.)

      The turning point for me in all of this, as I’ve said several times at this point, was my meeting with @joycecarlberg. Not only did she admit what they were doing and openly answer our questions, but I met the women that played the prostitute in my initial encounter. Meaning that the blackmail attempt was always an OSDM operation. It was them pushing me to get an emotional response. Because that’s what they do.

      Which is exactly what I signed up for. They gave me something more stirring and more powerful and more revealing than I could have imagined. For that, they deserve my respect. I’ve pledged myself to them because it gets me what I want. It’s the path towards self-realization — even if I burn along the way.

      I don’t expect you to agree, and frankly it doesn’t matter if anyone else does, either. My _path is my own. But I am exhausted by The Resistance constantly spouting off about how important it is, and how it’s going to change the world, all while doing absolutely nothing.

      The BOS wants respect? Earn it.

    • #19934

      @thebuz The fluffernutter is everything. It’s the OSDM. It’s the BOS. It’s Sabrina, chock full o’ helmetaches. It’s Otis being dangled above our heads, just out of reach.

      I’m not telling you or anyone to join the Resistance. All factions are fucked. None of us are getting out alive. We all need to examine what we’ve been given so far and make the correct personal choice, as we’ll have to live with the consequences.

    • #19935

      BOS copied OSDM’s tactics nearly to the letter, as they admitted. They even had a whole room of people sign a book pledging allegiance to BOS before they knew that it was BOS. What is this teaching us? Don’t give your data to strangers? I get that. But it’s my data to give; my choice. And I’m comfortable with it, as it stands. As far as choices, we’ve all got to make one eventually, or we’ll be stuck in the middle when the earth moves apart.

    • #19936
       Meghan Mayhem

      Your continued support of the idea that The Resistance has somehow crossed the line in terms of tactics is akin to a 1st child bullying a 2nd child every day for months in school. One day the 2nd child has had enough and punches the 1st child in the face. Suddenly the school is saying to the 2nd “woah, woah…violence is not ok. You don’t get to act like that.”

      Remember that if you support the OSDM, you are supporting them.
      If you are part of The Resistance, you are part of us.

    • #19937

      Meghan, I never said in the post above that anyone crossed a line. I pointed out that BOS is acting just like OSDM in some regards and wondered what we should take away from that. Then I said it’s my choice to take the path that I’m on.

      I do not appreciate being told what to think or being mocked for thinking differently than others.

    • #19938

      Noah doesn’t care who you chose. He just wants you to choose so he can get what he wants from you when he wants it from either side, or just to watch one of the sides burn to the ground. He does whatever benefits him the most at the moment because that’s what he’s learned to do to get anything in the world. I’d like to help him, if he wanted it, but I don’t really think he does. Noah is a god, the god of chaos, our very own Loki, and he loves it whether we like it or not.

      Ultimately, it’s up to you as an individual to decide where you want to go. But while I may like Joyce’s no nonsense attitude and Noah’s “I don’t give any f*cks” attitude, I can’t side with anyone who wants nothing but to take and hurt and openly admits to it. I want to help @111error take back what was lost, I want to help Otis even if he possibly ends up being the main villain, I want some semblance of justice given to all those that died in “The End”.

      What I want, the Resistance has. So let’s “burn this to the motherfucking ground”

    • #19939

      I’ve mentioned before that I support the OSDM because they’ve provided me with some clarity as to what’s going on and what they’re about. That’s helped me see my own path through this. Are some of their goals still murky? Sure, but recently they have started offering answers to some of the questions people have asked about them as an organization. As for being upset about last year, well, that was all a theater performance. No one actually died, hell, Stephanie Hyden popped up at registration a few months ago.

      As far as BOS using the OSDM’s tactics, that’s not something I really have a problem with. They’re effective, go ahead, make use of them. I do take some issues with The Resistance criticizing the OSDM and not finding a better, different way though. Some can argue that they betrayed our trust to teach us a lesson about not trusting, but it still amounts to a betrayal of trust in my mind. I recognize that the OSDM has betrayed people’s trusts, but I’m well aware of that and what could happen as a result. I’m not totally sure I can trust The Resistance or what they’ll do next. As someone said after the big reveal, “Better the devil you know.”

      Unless Periscoping to make his daddy mad counts as amazing follow-through. (Which, lest we forget, actually led to him going back to the fold, leading Andy to his demise, and making Horace happy by relaunching The System properly. Bang-up job, Noah.)

      Noah’s goal the whole time seemed to be getting back in, he said:
      “I hope that we can go back to business as usual because I really like telling people what to do. I feel like I’m very good at it and I feel like I really like telling them how to do it. So that’s what we’re going to do. Back to business as usual.”

      Now, maybe he does have other plans because he’s inside. Maybe he’ll help The Resistance, maybe he’s committed to the OSDM, most likely he’s out for himself. In any case, it’s worth considering that two people who are well liked, Sabrina and Noah, have both willingly gone back to the OSDM because of what they can provide. And isn’t that why we’re all here anyways? To help them wind the clock, so we can partake in what they have to offer?

    • #19949
       Hannah Schenck

      So Noah is only team Noah and genuinely only cares about what’s best for him? I half believe this. I feel like Noah is going to have a similar transformation as to The Hound in GOT. Ruthless, doesn’t give a fuq about anyone else, and does what is necessary to get him where he needs to be, however, I can see a side of him that will soften and transform into a more well rounded individual who thinks more clearly. Who’s going to be his Arya Stark? What needs to happen for him to make that transformation? If it’s in the cards then I guess we will have to wait and see…

      Now that I’m done talking about my dreamland theory, I do have to say that when it comes down to it, weighing the pros and cons of each side, I am very drawn to being told motives upfront. I am a truth seeker at the core, and despise being deceived. Realizing that the OSDM faked the entire experience last year just for our reactions is slightly unsettling, but also shows how powerful this faction really is, and to what lengths they are willing to go to in order to gather our emotional data. They are persistent with what they want, which appeals to me greatly. While I can’t say for certain how I will feel down the road, my gut is leaning towards OSDM.

    • #19954

      He was making himself known. Showing exactly who was boss, who’s the alpha.

      In my experience the true “alphas” don’t need to show anyone that they’re the alpha. Anyone who has to demonstrate it by showing us their peacock feathers isn’t worth following. I don’t understand why anyone is confusing Noah’s humiliation play with getting shit done.

      We have people very literally telling you directly that they are going to lie to you. That they think less of you and that they think you are too stupid to understand.

      But that’s the thing – my being on “Team X” doesn’t preclude my agreement that Team X’s assessment of me is correct. Only that I have decided being on Team X is the thing I want to do. I’m going to be on Team @joycecarlberg because she asked me to be, end of story. Had Noah or The Resistance thought I was a valuable enough resource to add to their team they could have made the effort but they didn’t. I don’t feel the need to prove to anyone why I should be on their side. I’ve done more than enough proving of myself for Tension & Lust in the last 16 months, I’m sure someone has access to that data. And I don’t think a rebellion should be built on brain teasers.

      People are threatening your friends and making fun of you and so many of you are still going “Hmm. IDK, it’s pretty funny. I think I’ll hang out with them.”

      But no one has threatened anyone, really – and regardless we want them to do that. Believe me as someone sitting here with no one threatening her, you want that. This actually IS a situation where we are asking for it. 🙂

      I don’t fight for ideals because ideals are abstract things that get you nowhere. They aren’t practical, they can destroy relationships, they ruin compromises that actually build communities and solve problems, they divide people, not bring them together. *When* I fight for anything, it’s for the people actually being affected by something, because those are actual real things. Convince me there’s a real thing to resist, and I’ll resist.

      Until then I am on Team Fuck With Megan’s Head. Whichever team can do that the best, or at all as I am forever skeptical that it’s possible, that’s my team.

      iConfidant was a bait and switch just to get a reaction out of all of us for their own gain.

      For OUR gain.
      Can we not be honest with ourselves about why we are here?
      Has everyone forgotten The End, and the book launch party? The handlers that died at every performance but were FINE the next night? Those of us who were sacrificed but are still alive? All those “characters” dead at The End who were there at the party?

      You’ve been told it was all an immersive theatre show before – you’re in one now and you can’t leave it. None of it is real.

    • #20165
       Taylor Winters

      I’m not shy about my motivates. I’m in this for myself. I lust after power, influence, and authority. I want to better myself and those who stand with me. Right now, the OSDM can offer me exactly what I want, so I will support them. And with my background, I am a good piece to have on your side of the board.

      But I’m not blindly loyal. The OSDM has done nothing tangible yet for me, other than call me a few times and tell me what to do to be useful. I appreciate it, they seem to have an interest–and that keeps me interested so far. Conversely, The Resistance has tested me, and I succeeded there as well. I solved every single one of their puzzles and proved my intelligence based on their little tests. But they have done nothing for me other than test me.

      I’m not one to simply react. I’ll proactively be making myself better, stronger, smarter. When The OSDM or The Resistance want me, I’ll be ready. As for right now, I’ll put my faith in those who have a higher probability of being able to offer me what I want. But I’m always open to other offers as data changes.

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