Semi-comprehensive list of e-mails/results?

This topic has 57 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Lia.

  • Author
    • #1290
       Max Z

      Obviously this has been the hot topic on the forums and there’s been a lot of chatter every which way about it, but I’m curious specifically not just about everyone’s results, but about what you wrote that ended up in those results. So I thought I’d create this thread as a place where we not only share our results, but share the content of our e-mails verbatim (only if you’re comfortable with that of course) and see if we can spot any patterns. For example, some people are suggesting that anyone who wasn’t sycophantic enough got a rejection letter, while others have said that this is not the case, they were plenty assertive and still got an acceptance. Some of you have already volunteered this info, others haven’t, but I just kinda wanna…put it all in one place and see what we can see.

      I’ll start.

      My exact e-mail was:
      Saw your site and it was inspirational. I’m ready to (finally) take charge and step up. Fix my life, Noah. I want the system.

      -Max Z

      My response was the generic “This small step has already proven” letter with no personalization.

      What did you guys do to get what you got?

      • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Max Z.
    • #1294
       Stephanie Martin

      This was my exact email:
      “Hi Mr. Sinclair,
      I would like to be on your list for seminar updates and information.

      And I got the “unfortunately for you, you have clearly displayed you are the latter” email.

    • #1295
       Kimberly Stewart

      I’d rather not give a word for word on what I wrote, but I’ll say it was very brief, personal, and hinted at past damages. I didn’t feel any need to insult Noah, nor did I pander to his ego.

      I’ve posted this elsewhere… The reply I received, in full:

      “Dear Kimberly:

      You sound exactly like the type of person we are looking for.

      I see great things in your future.

      We will be in touch.

      Sarah Sinclair
      Chief Operating Officer
      Noah Sinclair, Inc.

    • #1302

      Mine was pretty simple with asking to be brought into his circle and introduce to his ways. I asked to be added to his mailing list for future events and seminars.

      And then I added this:

      This submissive girl needs to learn how to flip the domme switch in her and bring people to their knees.

      Like @electrichippo, I didn’t feed into his ego or be combative with him.


      I got the “Congratulations, this small step has proven….”

    • #1304

      I was a bit aggressive. I’ve posted my exact email elsewhere on the forums. I fell into the “unfortunately for you, you have clearly displayed you are the latter” email.

    • #1307
       Allison Fogarty

      Mine was short and sweet:
      “I would like to join your group in learning the skills to dominate life.
      Please contact me at your earliest convenience,
      Thank you,

    • #1309

      I wrote: “You’ve intrigued us. I’ll be waiting.”

      And got the “neither chosen nor eliminated” response with further questions. Which makes sense because I don’t know if it would have even been possible for me to be more cryptic.

    • #1310
       Kyle Bown

      I emailed:
      “What if I don’t want to wait for May 1st?

      If I’m supposed to grab life by the nuts, why wait for your schedule?”

      And got the “neither accepted nor not accepted” with further questions response.

    • #1311


      Please keep me updated on seminars and opportunities”

      Sarah Sinclair:

      “You have not been chosen, but you have also not been eliminated”

    • #1312

      I’m sure there’s some variable that chooses whether people are being accepted into the pro- or anti- Noah/Sarah faction, but the “Prove yourself” category is what I’m fascinated by.

      What’s the common link, there? Overly short messages? Newcomers? Are people who are new to Lust, having not been a part of Tension getting that letter? Are there any newcomers who didn’t do Tension getting any outright acceptance/rejection letters?

      Perhaps the OSDM has enough information on those who went through phase one to assign us into a group but needs more information on the newbies before knowing where to place them?

      • #1313
         Meghan Mayhem


        Perhaps the OSDM has enough information on those who went through phase one to assign us into a group but needs more information on the newbies before knowing where to place them?

        This is an extremely plausible theory.

      • #1319
         Kimberly Stewart

        @thegilded If OSDM doesn’t know the most invested Tension alumni inside and out, I’d be pretty disappointed in them, and question their abilities as the data clearinghouse they claim to be. One thing though… Didn’t the alumni who received a reply back from Noah also get the brief questionnaire (name, address, motives, etc)? I feel like I might be the only one of us so far that didn’t have a single question asked of me. At first glance this is flattering, but then quickly that turns to vigilance and a healthy level of concern.

    • #1315
       Stephanie Martin

      @thegilded I am a newbie, and I got the rejection email. My email was also relatively short.

    • #1316

      Maybe there’s an information availability modifier?

      – Are your social media platforms open to the public? Facebook, Twitter, any publication that you contribute to?

    • #1317
       Chelsea Morgan

      I’ll add mine to the list, but I have a feeling it’s going to make things more confusing:

      My e-mail:


      I’m sick of being pushed around, of using my past as an excuse for my weakness and I’m tired of being quiet. I want to step up at life and you’re going to show me how. Sign me up.

      Looking forward to hearing from you”

      Their response:
      “Dear Chelsea,

      Keep talking. We are listening.



      • #1321
         Kimberly Stewart

        @darthzannah – Seems to me you fascinate them and I can’t blame them one bit for reacting this way to you. If Noah and Sarah are as savvy as they claim, they will clearly see your value and uniqueness. Beware the quiet ones who understand the value of choosing their words wisely.

    • #1318
       Lukas L

      I got accepted and I was a bit more aggressive.
      Subject: Stop Being Ugly

      Hello Noah,

      I want to dominate Life. I can take on anything. In past 2 years I have:
      “Insert list of personal achievements in the last 2 years here” (Taken out for personal reasons)

      But I’m not satisfied Noah. I’m not satisfied at all.

      I want to grab the world by the dick and make it my little bitch. I want the women to fall for me, the men to worship me, and I want the whole damn world to know damn well who I am.

      I’m Lukas L and its time for a shit storm baby!

    • #1320
       Stephanie Martin

      @thegilded I swear I have no social media with the exception of Yelp (yay check-ins!) and my Yelp is public.

    • #1322

      @electrichippo – you aren’t the only one, I didn’t have a single question asked of me either, though their response was enough to indicate they know me well. 😉

    • #1323
       Kimberly Stewart

      @coryphella: Ah yes, they insulted you. What I meant was from the replies that received an acceptance or maybe. My mistake for not clarifying.

    • #1324

      @electrichippo – Oh I don’t think they did that, either, but I guess it’s all in how you want to see it.

    • #1325
       Chelsea Morgan

      @electrichippo I tried to keep talking, but knew when to stop. I hope my offer intrigued them enough to continue this path.

    • #1326

      I want the women to fall for me

      – I hope your wife doesn’t come on the board or see your emails 😉

      • #1337
         Lukas L

        @mike Well… I never said I would take any of them up on it. 😛

    • #1327

      Didn’t the alumni who received a reply back from Noah also get the brief questionnaire (name, address, motives, etc)? I feel like I might be the only one of us so far that didn’t have a single question asked of me.

      – This got me thinking about how/if the Tensionverse is truly connected within this. With you being BoS before anyone else and for so long, and now knowing that OSDM created BoS, it makes me think that they know you already, know what you’ll do, what you’re capable of, etc. Michelle probably wrote in your permanent file “She gets shit done”. If that’s the case, they have no need for questions of you. You’re one of the few people who met Michelle, so it wouldn’t surprise me 🙂

    • #1328

      @thegilded I ended up in the rejection group, but my information may help answer your question.

      My email wasn’t too short, but it was aggressive in tone. I’m a newcomer – new to Lust, and had not participated in Tension.

    • #1329
       Meghan Mayhem

      @mike I met Michelle one on one. She is one very angry lady. Lots and lots of pent up rage.

      • #1348
         Brian E

        I met Michelle too on the last Saturday of Tension Sampson and Michelle came together.

        Sampson enters the room with Michelle:
        Sampson : Surely you know who I am….

        My response: Nope

        Really funny to me in hindsight. I was considered a loser by Sarah Sinclair, I was OOA, and therefore my theory is this isn’t a place for us.

        My idea is maybe well see another group or faction, or Sarah will rise up and revolt maybe kill Noah and take his power, or branch off and start her own thing with the losers. I though about responding, back or calling the number, but I’m content with losing this battle.

    • #1330

      @dawsonc – Hmm.. more support that this theory is incorrect. What’s the status of your online presence? Any public social media? Anything that might suggest that they already have the information on you that they’d need from an essay prompt?

    • #1331

      Oh! Ok, thanks @meghanmayhem

      and you got accepted correct, with no questions asked?

      Possible pattern with those who met Michelle?

    • #1332

      @thegilded Maybe it is as simple as the order of when the email was received—Accept, reject, questionnaire. Accept, reject, questionnaire. etc. or some other pattern.

    • #1333

      @dawsonc while possible, I wouldn’t believe it. As They once said and as I now believe:

      Nothing is random

    • #1334
       Meghan Mayhem

      @mike I got the “Congratulations, you are a potential candidate” email with the questionnaire.

    • #1335

      @thegilded I do have Facebook and Twitter accounts, although I don’t post much to them. I also have a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram that I use for my home haunt. Still, I don’t post enough to those either.

    • #1336
       Kimberly Stewart

      @mike: Those of us who met with Michelle at the BOS van event are a mixed bag of replies. We’ve received: “Yes,” “sold out,” and no reply. No flat out “you’re a loser, no” emails have come in unless that honor will ultimately go to @rizzzoooooo who continues to patiently wait for his email, and wouldn’t that be typical (and a bit hilarious). Rizzos forever being Rizzo’d. ?

    • #1338
       Michael Rizzo

      lmao I’ve come to peace with my “Rizzo’d” _path

    • #1339

      Subject: Sign me up



      “It’s about finally realizing how to craft the ancient art of NOT GIVING A FUCK…”

      Sounds like me in college. Sign me up, I want to know more.


      The generic “congratulations. .one small step…” with questionnaire

    • #1340

      To make things easier, I’ve put together a quick survey so we can see if there’s data behind this. We know how much the OSDM loves their data..

      And yes, this is transparent, so you can see your own and others’ responses here, so please don’t include any info you don’t want everyone to see..

      Also, in case it doesn’t automatically give you the spreadsheet and just sends you to the summary.. here’s the spreadsheet of responses:

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Addison.
      • #1349
         Brian E

        Great idea. Thanks for putting this all together, and I submitted my info.

    • #1346

      @addisonborn I both support what you’ve done and also see what you did there with the last question, you heathen

    • #1347
       Max Z

      @addisonborn This is a great idea! Thank god for organized/tech-savvy people like yourself.

      In response to your theory about responses being based on whether or not they have enough information, I got a generic acceptance, but my social media is all locked down very tightly and relatively inactive to boot, and I was not involved in the Tension process on the boards until like the day after THE END. However, I DID attend Ascension, so they theoretically might still have the little clipboard sheet that I filled out for them in the lobby, but I would be kindof shocked to learn that I’m on their radar enough that they would receive my email and say “Oh Max Zumstein, huh? Don’t we have a file on him from when he attended the very last night of Ascension after never participating in the boards prior?” But then no one ever profited from underestimating the OSDM.

    • #1350

      I wouldn’t consider myself a Tension alumni, and I don’t think they have much data on me, but here’s what I wrote: “This sounds promising! Can you give me some more information about what it is that you do and how your business model works?”

      I got the “unfortunate for you…” reply with this at the beginning: “We do not answer questions, or our we in the business of proving ourselves to you.” (sic)

    • #1351
       Max Z

      @izryn That “or our we” instead of “nor are we” is a very interesting “typo”. It’s so aggressively wrong it has to be on purpose. Couldn’t begin to fathom what it might mean though.

    • #1352

      @izryn and @maxzumstein I’d have to disagree with both of your self assessments, while it’s Addison’s survey that will ultimately yield more answers on these patterns, I’d argue that both of your stories support my theory rather than act against it.

      I remember you from the forums, you joined late but definitely had enough posts to stand out. If you stood out for me, you surely attracted some of Their attention

      I’d absolutely and immediately claim that anyone that’s been through Ascension has been thoroughly vetted. Depending on what you believe, you were either a part of Their search for an Oracle or were at least physically present for an impressive data-mining experiment. Either way I’d be straight shocked to find that they don’t have extensive files on you. Hell, chances are you even held the file and handed it to the processors in The White Room, didn’t you?

      • #1356
         Max Z

        @thegilded I DID hand my file directly over in the white room. Then again, they did also dump out boxes and boxes of paperwork during THE END. But it’s not like they burned it or anything, so I suppose none of that means anything in terms whether or not that information was actually purged, maybe it was just a powerplay visual demonstration of everything they have. In any event I’ll defer to your estimation, mostly because it makes me feel special to think they have a file on me somewhere, maybe even with my picture still in tact!

    • #1354

      @izryn I had a similar response to a similar email. Seems like anyone who did not show blind devotion and had any question or hesitation was rejected.

    • #1355

      @thegilded I mean there’s a very significant correlation between thoughts on tbell and acceptance into The System so idk if I’m that far off base with that question..

    • #1357
       Carl Webb

      I’m not a Tension alum (though come to think I did sign up for the mailing list), so unless their spy network is even better than I’ve been led to believe, I would guess my acceptance as a potential candidate is based on the tone of my initial email.

    • #1358
       Mike derwart

      I received the questionaire email. I was just an observer during tension. I want to become more involved this time around. Im in florida. I know people all over the world were able to participate last time. I hope it will be the same this time around.

    • #1360

      @izryn @maxzumstein Do you think the “or our we” could be the result of Sarah using dictation software? Just a thought…

    • #1362

      My original email was short and was met with the response asking me to tell them why they should choose me, as they don’t have a lot of time to mold clay (no questions). I felt like my reply accurately depicted the type of person I am, and I’m hoping that Noah sees something in me he can use. I asked if they need a secretary/assistant, as the first sentence in the email mentioned how difficult of a time they are having replying to all of these emails. I’m surprised the two of them were actually doing the answering at all. Two yachts and no assistant? Anyway, I need a new goal, something new to chase. I’m feeling restless recently. How many half marathons can a girl run; how many crowns can a girl wear before it stops having meaning? I need a new finish line, a new title to hold. I think Noah may be able to help me find one.

      • #1370
         Lawrence Meyers

        @Briana, I can offer you a 99.99999% guarantee that will be given more than you can handle.

    • #1364
       Tom Kircher

      My email was as follows:

      Hello Noah,

      I emailed you a few days ago but haven’t received a response, so I’m following up.

      Success, money, and power are all things I have been driven to achieve since I was a child, and I am never willing to settle for less than the absolute best. I believe your system can teach me how to truly dominate life, and I want to sign up for your program.

      Please let me know what I can do to make this happen. If you need any more information, you can reach me via email at [REDACTED] or via phone at [REDACTED].

      Thank you, and I look forward to attracting power.

      I still have not yet received a response—which is somewhat concerning of course—but given the somewhat personalized nature of the responses I understand why it may take time.

    • #1367

      Honestly, I think “or our we” might just be a typo… Unless we see similar errors in other folks’ emails I wouldn’t think too much of it.

    • #1369

      @addisonborn ? organization, lists, questions… ??? *runs to get laptop*

    • #1379

      Babyface and I had similar theories upon receipt of the emails.

      The ideas we had didn’t hold up under scrutiny.

      BF who has had minimal participation received a maybe email, while I received a rejection with promise to see Noah in the future.

      I believe that the TEAM is sending us the responses that would get the most response out of us individually. The OSDM exists to record our reaponses as to be able to further manipulate us. This is just another “litmus test,” if you will.

      What will we do to succeed?

    • #1382

      @hazelverse My thoughts exactly… The e-mails are definitely designed to illicit reactions in people. You receive a rejection – do you accept it or fight it? Also has to be said, I love how many were all like “the OSDM will have to work to get any info from me” and yet are happy to answer the Sinclair questionnaire which is clearly a data-mining exercise…

    • #1389

      @hazelverse If that’s really what they’re doing for every single email, I think they might be looking into our history as well. It definitely FEELS like they are taking the time to look at us individually in order to craft the most interesting paths for us.
      If I look at the way that I was treated during Ascension and compare it to now, I can definitely draw some parallels. I felt like I received some preferential treatment during both visits to the OOA, whereas my hubby had a markedly different experience. @macbethinabathtub was left alone for long stretches during his visits and even had repeat trips to the red room. Now, Sarah has sent me the congratulations email, and Chris received the “maybe” questionnaire. They definitely know that we are in this together, so they’re making sure that we have to make our own choices.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Lia.
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