Sabrina Email 12/12/17


This topic has 22 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 3 months ago by Tim Redman.

  • Author
    • #27865
       Tim Redman

      Post deleted. I should not have posted things that were not meant for me.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Tim Redman.
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Tim Redman.
    • #27866

      > he’s using burners and already has a different chip.

      Chiming in here in case it’s related, but I periodically check the Resistance burner phone to see if any service time has been surreptitiously added.

      I checked it this morning, and instead of the usual “95.28 Minutes. You have 0 services days left”, it now reads “Unrecognized SIM Card.”

    • #27867
       Drew Huntley

      Whoa, there is quite a bit that can be ascertained from this “leak.” For one Noah doesn’t know where his girl stands, or he knew that she would rat him out. She was clearly trying rat out Noah to Timothy about his knowledge of the Honoring.
      Which I’m hoping he knew she was a double agent.
      I guess the other possibillity is that Timothy is on Noah’s side as well, but I doubt it.

      It also sounds as if sex is part of the honoring ritual, hence the Horace impotence concern, and that the blond that is going to be put forward is Steph.

      Another thing that strikes me as odd is that this strikes me like a chat log (slack) and not as email banter. Also Sabrina’s side of the conversation seems very dry and unhumanistic, almost robotic.

      • #27868
         Drew Huntley

        Just realized I’m an idiot and missed the burner comment. So that is why it obviously feels like a chat log… its a text log. My bad.

    • #27869


      So… if we believe that this email is legitimate and @timismyname received in error –

      Noah and Sabrina are working together, seemingly Sabrina working under the direction of Noah, and setting up “the Honoring” for Horace. Meaning Noah is definitely still connected to OSDM.

      Noah’s calling Sabrina “M” – who is M?

      Sabrina is not going to be performing the duties of “the Honoring,” but Horace is, and has invited everyone in his circle. Sabrina is on “hosting” duty. “The Honoring” requires stamina that Horace may not have.

      For some reason Sabrina is responding very matter of factly. She may be a robot, but her responses also read like an effort to make sure her words are not misunderstood or able to be twisted in any way.

      So it’s one of these three: Sabrina has no idea Noah is actively trying to tear down the OSDM, Sabrina is a part of The System/Resistance, or Noah and the concept of resistance is a fraud.

      However, it may also be a faked convo that was sent to Tim on purpose. Just like me saying I’m gonna hand my phone over to Noah quick-

      “Hey you screwballs it’s me, Noah. You can believe me because I introduced myself. Anyway, see you sacks of shit this weekend. Try not to fuck up the directions, just put the fucking address into your phone and drive your sorry asses to the address provided. Ta ta for now.”

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Addison.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Addison.
    • #27873

      Noah is speaking to Mason

      – Noah refers to party in question as “M” and “big guy”
      – “Half robot brain”, “Rainman” both fit for someone who has been described as HIGHLY analytical.
      – Conversation between Sabrina and Granik suggest that this isn’t a chat dump she’s sending him, it’s a bugged phone/conversation

      Assertion 2:
      Mason, rather than Sabrina, will be the “Host” of Anointment

      Given that Noah is speaking to Mason, we see that Noah offered Mason the host position and Mason accepted. They also recognize that Sabrina will be there in some capacity, but it seems that we’ll be seeing Mason in the position that Sabrina was in for Ascension

      • #27874
         Bryan Bishop

        It seems that everyone on the OSDM side of things has a problem with email autocompletes. The email from Granik I received was because @A accidentally kept me on an email chain, and now there’s this.

        Proof your autofills before you hit SEND, people.

    • #27875

      Sooooo if we’re assuming that M is Mason, due to Noah’s slack post saying “Just a friendly little chat between me and an old friend and the blonde tattles.”

      Everything we know about that dude says he’s not about to put himself in a position where any entity including the OSDM would be in the position to own him. So I think it’s not that far of a reach to wonder if the screenshot was provided by him to Sabrina.

      Which is why Noah would swing onto Slack and say “And people wonder why I have trust issues…”

      Because right now, Mason’s possibly leaking texts.

    • #27876

      There’s a lot to digest there, even outside of the who sent it, how they got it, and why.

      This is the first we’ve heard of The Honoring, which looks like what the MSE/Anointment actually is.

      I find it interesting that Horace, given his previous comments and misogyny, would indicate that he doesn’t have the “stamina” to perform The Honoring.

      We also found out that there are “50 prophecies” about him and it’s giving Noah the pull to send Mason back in. Also, that Noah was supposed to perform The Honoring and refused. Which resulted in Horace inviting all of us into OSDM HQ. So are they looking to find someone to perform The Honoring, are we there as witnesses, or are we playing another part in the ritual?

      And is this meant to honor Anoch? Do they believe they’re anointing a host or conduit for their god?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Kevin.
    • #27878
       Unseen Presence

      I think that the most obvious read of this leak is:

      Horace wanted Noah to perform the Honoring. Noah refused. Horace invited everyone–and someone from that ‘every Tom, Dick and Harry’ will be asked to perform the Honoring. That could be us–or someone else from OSDM–or perhaps it’ll be decided on scene.

      Perhaps that’s what the possible extended time is referencing–whoever gets chosen to remain for the actual ritual.

      If this is an actual leak, however, then it puts the entire plan Noah had in potential chaos…because now the idea of having M(ason) as Host could be in doubt. The event itself seems likely to be both too convoluted and too important to OSDM (for whatever–Anoch?) to alter–but whatever Noah was planning may be hampered severely.

      Or perhaps Noah’s smarter than this. Perhaps it’s all one elaborate charade to intentionally leak things so that OSDM responds in a way that Noah has planned for. Perhaps he’s learned to use their own tactics against them. It would be a fitting case of the son defeating the father.

    • #27879

      So after everything, OSDM will just be cool with Mason popping in for hosting duties? Just ‘cause Noah said so? K…

      In any case, it’ll be nice to see the old chap. Haven’t seen him in person since his “Jack” days.

      And @timsmyname, nice work on being born a Tim! Hooray for auto-fill!

      • #27883
         Drew Huntley

        I had the same concern on Slack and @kevin made a good point. Noah mentions that there are “50 prophecies” pertaining to him and the event. So true believers may be willing to listen to him against their better judgement if he were to say “Mason’s cool, give him another chance.”

    • #27885
       Bryan Bishop

      Uhhhh… @timsmyname why did you just delete your post?

      And who the fuck is Cecilia?

    • #27886

      Y’all, I’ve developed this great new technology. I call it “Copy and Paste”

      Here’s the original post from @timsmyname that has been since edited:

      I received an email this morning which was meant for Timothy Granik. Here is the link to the jpg.

      Below is the transcription.

      ———- Forwarded message ———-
      From: Sabrina Kern
      Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 12:16 AM
      Subject: The son
      To: Tim Redman

      Mister Granik, here is NS’s latest correspondence. As per usual he’s using burners and already has a different chip. thought you would want to know…


      Yes? I am here.


      Yes. I am familiar with this tune. It is quite enjoyable. Thank you for sending it to me.

      Ha. You like that big guy?
      I didn’t just send it to you because it’s MR B.I.G. I sent it because it’s a clue my friend.

      How interesting. A clue for Parties or Bullshit?

      Honestly? A little of Both. I need you to go back in to the lions den for me one more time. Horace has called another Honoring.

      I would think that he may be a little too old to perform the duties required? Do you feel that your father has the stamina for such things?

      Well I’d prefer not think about it at all but you are. as always, correct. He wanted me to do it. I flat out refused and he retaliated by inviting every Tom, Dick and Harry in his not so little circle.

      An open call so to speak? You want me to perform the duties of The Honoring myself? I suppose I could but I must warn you that I would receive very little joy from such things.

      No, no, no… no.
      And b t dubs you are about the last person on this earth I could think of that wouldn’t enjoy such a think but, no
      I want you to go in as a host.

      Don’t you feel that given my past with the organization and my proclivities toward helping you with your more subversive projects would keep me from such things?

      Listen, he’s putting in the blonde so I’m putting in an old friend, end of story. I’m sure there are about 50 prophecies that say my word is law when it comes to this event so everyone can

      if they have a problem.

      That was very amusing. You are quite adept at finding seemingly random yet entirely appropriate pop culture memes.

      You can say that again Rainman…

      That was very amusing. You are qute adept at finding seemingly random yet entirely appropriate pop culture memes.
      There I have said twice, per your request but I am afraid that I don’t exactly understand the significance of this chimpanzee attempting to nourish himself with his own urine…

      Don’t worry about it. So are you down to clown again or no?
      Oh fuck, I saw your reply before you wrote it. That was a figure of speech. Can you attend the upcoming Honoring as a Host? I will make sure that no one has a problem with your return.

      I am. Please let me know when, where and how I can be of service.




      Thank you.

      You are quite welcome my friend.

      Wow. that was actually very touching. Don’t go getting soft on me.
      You main task will be using that beautiful half-friend computer brain of yours to keep an eye out for anyone trying to cause trouble. Good?

      Very good.

      Alright, don’t stay up all night in your textbook again. Life is worth more than learning about insects and butterflies.

      Butterflies are insects.

      Hahaha, what the fuck ever. just go to sleep. Big days ahead of us…

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Addison.
    • #27888
       Drew Huntley
    • #27889

      Nicely done, fellas! Cute how they’re trying to silence us…

    • #27895
       Meghan Mayhem

      I feel like @timsmyname is trying to tell us something without getting himself tracked down. Might be too late for that? You get more than what you’re telling us, bud?

    • #27901
       Tim Redman

      I’ve said everything I have to say about this. I hope we can all just move on.

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