
This topic has 41 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by superstar.

  • Author
    • #25596
       Hannah Schenck

      I was at Cloak & Dagger last night with the usuals, when Sabrina walks in. She is holding a manilla envelope and was constantly texting someone. She happened to be standing next to us at the bar and would look over from time to time. At some point her and I are standing next to each other and we make the awkward eye contact. She leans in and says “You’re Hannah right?” I replied yes and she proceeds to ask me if my last name starts with an S. I say yes and she says “Do you want to come with me?” I said hell yes and she tells me to follow her. We walk to the photobooth, which is occupied, and she tells me we are going in there after them. Now, I’m extremely awkward when I’m with someone I don’t know and am not sure how to carry the conversation. I asked her awkward questions about if she comes there often and what she is drinking lol We agreed on having the same girl crush on this lady that was dancing, and finally the photobooth frees up. We go in, she swipes her card, enters her email address and the count down to photos starts. She faces me and opens the envelope. It is a rather thick paper with 12 different open spaces empty from major cities around the world. The bottom of the page says:”REDUCTION COMPLETE” and my jaw dropped. It was very loud in there and not everything she said was completely heard but this is what I took away from our brief conversation:

      -She stated the infamous “Every action has a consequence”
      -She gave me the impression that she does not have free will with what she does. Everything she does, her hands are tied and has to do it
      -She could have totally been playing me, but presenting me this information, she looked concerned and terrified
      -This reduction is on us. We did this.
      -They have people wrapped up with the OSDM in every part of the world


      Kodak moment

    • #25597

      Holy shit

    • #25598

      Oh fuck…

    • #25599

      Whoa. I asked Mason how big the OSDM was. He said, “That’s something leadership has been quiet about. It’s big enough that you can’t sleep, you can’t breathe, you can’t go anywhere.” I did not understand that answer until just now. This visual is frightening.

    • #25600

      Yeah, this is unsettling as all hell. Just…all those empty rooms…were there people there?? Was this a mass murder?? WTF HAPPENED??

    • #25601


      With regards to the lack of free will: did you get the feeling as though she was not in control of her actions, or that it was her assigned responsibility from someone higher up that she could not question, or was it that she had no other options?

      • #25615
         Hannah Schenck

        @addisonborn I got the feeling it was more on the side of she has no other options. She could totally be playing into my inner desire to help those in need, but she came off as in distress. She was fidety, drinking her drink nervously, and when she was texting she seemed very cold and emotionless. We are responsible for this, but I also got the sense that we don’t have any other choice but to expose.

    • #25602

      Well… I guess most of us wanted to take them down, and it looks like we’re doing it. Sabrina can only guilt trip us so much, though. After all, many of us are only here because of her or other people that we met during Tension. For every faceless person who lost their job in office # KH87 or whatever, there’s someone we know and care about like Stephanie or Myles that was permanently scarred by what’s happened to them. No one leaves the OSDM, they get out. What we don’t know is if we’re liberating the people who used to work in these offices, or if we’re killing them. Or if there isn’t a difference between the two options.

    • #25603
       Bryan Bishop

      I’m reeling over the above photos. And the email I got this morning that ties into them.

      A few weeks ago I was emailed a series of leaked text screenshots that appeared to be a conversation with one of TPTB. This morning on my work email I received another series of screenshots from that same email address — only this time, the conversation is with Sabrina. It appears to be the texting convo Hannah mentions in her post above.

      I’ve been debating whether to share these in their entirety. I think it could put multiple people in danger, and even compromise their safety. But I can only assume that they were sent to me because they were meant to be shared. So in the name of transparency and Never Silent, I’m including them unaltered below. I hope this is the right move – particularly after the recent phone recording.

      I’m not quite sure how to parse some of this, but some immediate takeaways:

      1. This is Darren having a conversation with Sabrina. The writer mentions having just seen Blade Runner, which DLB mentioned seeing on Instagram.

      2. Somebody named Katniss is in play.

      3. Darren appears to encourage Sabrina to not reveal the above info to us. Who that is in service of, I have no idea.

      4. Stephanie fucked up a “role” she was supposed to play last night, but we also “have no idea about her”

      …and I don’t even know about the rest.

    • #25604


    • #25605

      Could Katniss be a code name??

      Just…I don’t even know what to think of all of this. Holy shitfucks.

    • #25606
       Brad Ruwe


    • #25607

      Stephanie had a role to play and fucked it up? Wait, is Stephanie still working with the OSDM? We saw her with Briarberg at that meeting. Either way, why is she leaving with Morgan?

    • #25608
       Lauren Bello

      1) The screenshots appear to be taken from Darren’s phone.

      2) Is Stephanie a double agent? Warning us about the OSDM but then working with Sabrina?

      3) Is everyone from that Briarberg meeting a double agent?

      4) Stephanie left with Morgan. Morgan, did she say anything to you?

      5) What did Stephanie *think* was going to happen? All Sabrina did was show Hannah the folder. Did Stephanie think she was going to do something more sinister?

      6) “I think I’m taking Meghan….I’m taking Hannah.” We obviously don’t have the full context, but this does make it sound like Sabrina assumes Darren knows about her mission. Why is that?

      • #25609
         Lauren Bello

        7) In fact, let’s start with the obvious question – why is Sabrina texting Darren a play by play of her mission at all? Is she giving him a chance to stop it? Is this her version of a cry for help?

    • #25610

      So it seems Sabrina’s hands are tied and she has no free will but she said no one is forcing her to do this. What are her motives? She keeps leading us to believe she has no choice but that’s not what she said in the text.

    • #25611

      8) Who is leaking these screenshots?? Darren himself?? Someone who has access to Darren’s phone?

    • #25612
       Bryan Bishop

      7) In fact, let’s start with the obvious question – why is Sabrina texting Darren a play by play of her mission at all? Is she giving him a chance to stop it? Is this her version of a cry for help?

      That’s the only one that seems clear to me. It’s a fuck you. A demonstration of her total agency. DLB and CS aren’t pulling her strings anymore.

      As one might say, she is in fucking control.

    • #25613

      @bcbishop Yup, that’s exactly what I’m thinking too. Sabrina’s on her own.

    • #25614
       Brad Ruwe

      So OSDM was basically a Cabin in the Woods type organization then yes? Branches all over the world, setting up their own narratives to achieve their desired end?

      When do we get the mermaid?

      Yes, what happens to those let go from OSDM is a key point for me right now. If they’re let go, then cool, put up the banners that we shut down a good number of their factions. If they’re harming these people, then there’s still plenty of work to be done.

      • #25616

        When do we get the mermaid?

        Right here!!!

    • #25617
       Hannah Schenck

      It seems as though this is a back and forth between DLB and Sabrina to expose each other’s faults and involvement. She leaked information to me last night that he didn’t want her to do, so he exposes the conversation to deplete her credibility

    • #25618
       Kyle Bown

      Anyone else notice the one office we were pretty sure existed that isn’t on the list of Reducted (is that a word?) offices? Los Angeles. Did they pull everything back to focus on LA? To focus on… us?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Kyle Bown.
      • #25621

        @bruinbown That’s a really good question.

      • #25624
         Brad Ruwe

        @bruinbown I absolutely had the suspicion. Though today is supposed to be the completion of the reduction, yes? Is it possible the LA operation could be shuttered today?

        Who are we kidding, this is “reduction” not “closure”. I get the feeling all of their attention may be on this single operation now.

      • #25640

        But why would they keep open/focus on the one that is giving them the most trouble? Because we give the most data? Also, I wonder if they have a UK office… No reason. Just curious ?

      • #25643
         Brad Ruwe

        @blondie Exactly. Focus their resources on the area that needs it most. Could be they need to bring in reinforcements to handle the “troublemakers”, as well as collect more data on one of their biggest sources.

    • #25620
       Brad Ruwe

      This reminds me a lot about Noah crashing the “Resistance” meetup. He was on his phone for most of the time, texting someone when it was just him and me waiting outside for @chelsea to come back with drinks. Think he was also reporting back to DLB? Or was there also an argument about that? It’s possible he was only supposed to show up to the “fence-sitters” meetup and when he decided to crash the other one they could’ve gotten into an argument.

    • #25622

      @shankfx22 Makes sense.

      I’m super curious about Stephanie, though…did Sabrina think she was on her(our?) side?? If Stephanie was s’posed to “play a role” does that mean Briarberg is in fact just another OSDM construct?? Or did that have to do with her conversation with @larry??

    • #25623

      @shankfx22 It seems more like DLB was trying to prevent people from being dragged into this than preventing Sabrina from releasing that information.

    • #25625

      I had a feeling that it was only a matter of time before they started hitting up the regular Lust hangouts. I was under the impression earlier that the OSDM worked like a resistance operation, with loosely integrated cells in various different regions of the world… But maybe everything’s a bit more connected.

      Did we make a change that’s blowing up other chapters and other participants, just like us, across the world?

    • #25626

      Also note: if “Katniss” is a person’s name and not some sort of moniker or code name, then Katniss is probably a child.

      Katniss was not a name in popular use until ~2012 when the Hunger Games popularized it. Under that assumption, Katniss is at most 5 years old at this time. Source (warning: sound auto plays)

      • #25632

        Brought over paraphrased from Slack:

        The name “Katniss” also fits well as a codename. The idea of a woman or indeed any person in a subjugated class rising up against the all-present entity oppressing them by participating and eventually rising through the events that the all-present entity organizes certainly fits here. Going by what we’ve seen, The Hunger Games can be directly compared to Ascension or The Experiences as a whole, and may have caused more people rising up than just the BoS.

        Could be another rebel on the field?

      • #25634

        Also moved over from Slack.

        While Katniss is associated with the rebellion in The Hunger Games, she was manipulated throughout for someone else’s ends. She essentially becomes the face of the rebellion, but isn’t afforded the opportunity to make many of her own choices.

      • #25637

        Damn. I didn’t see this until after I posted. Great minds…

    • #25628

      Those images of the offices look like the ones we were shown at the investor registration. I wonder if these were the ones that we all picked in our meetings?

    • #25631

      I’d like to hear more about last night from someone who was there (beside photobooth)? What was Stephanie doing? Was she really getting everyone to hide from Sabrina? Did she seem to be playing a role, then fuck it up? Did Stephanie and Sabrina interact? The mention of her in the screenshots seems important.

    • #25633
       Hannah Schenck

      I want to clarify some things:

      I didn’t mention that Sabrina showed up with Stephanie, because I wasn’t sure if it was IG, but they arrived together. They didn’t converse much with each other, however I did see them step away and while conversing they were looking at us.

      When Sabrina was at the bar, I noticed she was texting DLB. I saw her mention our names, as if letting DLB know who was there. They texted back and forth for a very long time… I’d say 30 minutes before she brought me to the photobooth. This conversation we are seeing is only a tiny portion of the conversation between the two of them.

      I hope this helps clarify for the leaked texts and perhaps the idea that Stephanie is involved more than we thought?

    • #25635

      This is probably gonna be considered super lame, but has anyone else read The Hunger Games, or seen the films even… Particularly the last one? Katniss becomes the leader of the Resistance. So could definitely be a code name…

    • #25641

      Sabrina’s acting on her own here – isolating her side of the conversation.. jfc.

      This feels like it confirms that she’s working with Stephanie, for sure. Or at least means to. But Stephanie isn’t playing along. Or Stephanie at least knows what Sabrina has planned and is trying to slow Sab down.

      What’s most distressing to me is this exchange:

      “You’re better than this, and it makes me sad”

      “Obviously I am not. I owe you a lot but you seriously need to back off.”

      – now I understand what you mean with regards to no other options @shankfx22

      The most confusing thing to me is the last message.

      “You heard what they did and are continuing to do. I try to stop and then they stop me. I’m taking Hannah.”

      Are we assuming “they” is those resisting and “what they are continuing to do” is resist, or rebel, or go to war? Or is it OSDM, and they are continuing to “Reduce.” Or anything else OSDM is doing right now – and what did she try to stop? Did she try and stop the reduction, but she was stopped? Or did she try and stop the resistance, but was foiled in some way?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Addison.
    • #25645
       Meghan Mayhem

      It’s true that Sabrina arrived as Stephanie’s guest. They had both come from the screening. Though as soon as they arrived, Stephanie went to warmly greet us all and Sabrina aggressively pushed past us from the other side to get to the bar, where she remained. She regularly turned and glared at us, with the manilla folder in full view. At a few points she opened it and stared at us, then closed it and moved back to her phone.
      We made eye contact as I glared back at her through the gaps of several shoulders and she returned to her phone to aggressively type.
      Shortly after this happened, Morgan, Stephanie, and myself left together to go to the patio for some fresh air.
      When we returned, Hannah had been given the folder and Sabrina was gone.

      Yes, every action has a consequence.
      The OSDM isn’t going to just roll over and accept defeat quietly.
      Show their soft underbelly and close up shop.
      “Gee, we’re trying to shut down their evil organization but I hope we just ask them to be nice and they say my bad you’re right we’ll be nice.”
      They want our guilt, they want our retreat.

      Cornered rats.

    • #25853

      Any possibility that the letters/#s listed after each location are a code of some sort?

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