Potential Karaoke Songs for TONIGHT

This topic has 29 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Tom Kircher.

  • Author
    • #4867

      THE GARAGE has Karaoke Tonight
      (she’s posted a million times…)
      3387 Motor Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034

      We were thinking it would be fun to come up with some Lust Themed Songs. What do you think should be added to the list?

      So far, we’ve got:

      You Can’t Always Get What You Want (Rolling Stones)

      (I can’t get no) Satisfaction (Britney Spears Version)

    • #4870

      Know that I can’t meet up not because of lack of interest but instead only because of distance.

      But my contribution for song would be Hurt. Either Johnny Cash or Nirvana versions would work.

    • #4872

      Oooooh… I’m gunna have to give that Nirvana version an immediate listen.

      Gunna miss you, but we’ll get you soon somehow! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #4873

      Might I suggest Tom Petty’s “Even the Losers (Get Lucky Sometimes)”?

    • #4874

      Starting a playlist on youtube. Love it.

      Couldn’t find the Nirvana version. It must be obscure… would love a link if you have one to a vid. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #4875

      NIN not Nirvana… Sorry huge NIN fan and NIN sometimes doesn’t get the credit for the song once Cash remade it. Plus, in case you weren’t able to find a Nirvana version.

    • #4876

      Maybe even

      Ashlee Simpson – Pieces of Me


      Seems super relatable – or maybe (You make me wanna) LA LA

      Thanks M. ? I did see that NIN had a ton of versions. So, Johnny Cash covered NIN? Did not know that. JC is more bad ass than I thought.

    • #4879

      @michelle – My mistake entirely. I accidentally get the two mixed up all the time and lemme tell you it really does not do well for my music cred

    • #4881

      @hazelverse Yep, Cash covered them. Reznor’s quote about it is pretty great.

      “I pop the video in, and wow… Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps… Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn’t mine anymore… It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. [Somehow] that winds up reinterpreted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning โ€” different, but every bit as pure.”

    • #4882

      I fucking love music. That’s awesome. Thanks for the insight K!

    • #4884

      I can’t make it tonight. Am I the only mom in this group??

      But for lustful karaoke I would add:
      NIN “Closer”
      The Divinyls “I Touch Myself”
      Eric Clapton “Layla” –the story behind this one!!
      Cheap Trick/Letters to Cleo “I Want You to Want Me”

    • #4885

      @thegilded… I always hold you with the highest regard. You have total cred!

      .. You’re welcome. I would have hated for anyone to be chasing down a song that didn’t exist. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #4887

      M.- I googled it, and apparently a recording of them covering it live does exist but is not on youtube. But, thanks for sparing me the frustration! Much appreciated.

      Gilded- 10 cred points taken away for the error. 15 awarded for the way in which you did humbly concede.

      Sage- Total win with that list. My playlist is happy.


    • #4890

      @hazelverse, Hotel California (The Eagles or the Gipsy Kings version for the adventurous!), hands down.

    • #4891

      I don’t think I can make it tonight, but you can’t go wrong with ATC’s “Around the World (La La La La La)”

    • #4941

      “46×2” – Tool
      “Sound of silence” – Simon and Garfunkel
      “These times (they are a changin”- Bob Dylan.

    • #4954

      Adding all of these to the PLAYLIST

    • #4964

      You guys… this playlist has like… 43 songs on it… it has a life of it’s own… and it’s mostly angsty.

      press play for earlobe satisfaction

    • #5003

      “Anticipation” – Carly Simon

    • #5005
       Tom Kircher

      The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson
      Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac

      And in dedication to everyone who has yet to have an interaction:

      Call Me by Blondie

    • #5023

      @k-w-t I literally just made the most distinctive “eeeeep!” sound at your choices ?

    • #5027
       Tom Kircher

      @blondie hahaha I’m glad you appreciate my taste!

    • #5033

      All added to the LUST playlist. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • #5034
       Tom Kircher

      Also, my dad would be disappointed if I didn’t mention his go-to Karaoke songs:

      House of the Rising Sun by The Animals

      Sweet Transvestite from Rocky Horror Picture Show

      Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

      Feel free to use or reject these at your leisure.

    • #5035
    • #5039
       Alecia Steiner

      So is this happening tonight? It’s at the place on Motor?

    • #5040

      Yup. ๐Ÿ™‚ 3387 Motor Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034

    • #5044

      Be there in 20ish according to gps. I will try to grab a table if no one else is there yet!

    • #5050
       Tom Kircher

      I’m not sure how late you guys are going but I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it. ๐Ÿ™ My boyfriend’s family was in town today and I didn’t realize we’d be with them as late as we were. Next time, I’ll make sure I can stop by.

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