My Shadow Life Podcast

This topic has 25 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Melissa.

  • Author
    • #5063

      Welp, looks like shadow Mike and Russel have taken over the podcast. XD

      (Also, Russel Fontane aka shadow Mike likes Twilight. End them. Now.)

    • #5064

      What the hell? Where did this come from??

    • #5065
       Lukas L

      That just made my morning. And for the record shadow @mike said “Safety” like 5 times. Tisk tisk

    • #5066

      Wait… I am confused. What’s going on?

    • #5067
       Julie R Goldstein

      I only have one question for shadow @mike and @russell @russell-eaton

      Team Edward or Team Jacob?

    • #5068

      @russell – Goddamn OSDM setting us up I think

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Mike.
    • #5070

      @mike After the last couple of days, who knows what’s about to go down…

    • #5071

      @julierei I have no idea what that means. Are you talking about Jacob Odenberg (@jakeo) and Edward Norton? Definitely Team Jacob O!!

    • #5072

      Yeah, Team @jakeo all the way, of course.

    • #5073

      Best April Fools morning EVER! Mad props for the Bing Crosby theme song. Even though it was totally hilarious, I couldn’t help myself with COMPLETLEY agreeing with Shadow Mike (or is it Russell?!) when he was disappointed with the parents fully stuck in their phones. That always makes me sad. They should be enjoying their children and by the sound of it that magical SLIDE! (New rosebud? )

      Of course I preach all this while staying fully glued to my phone…

    • #5075
       Bryan Bishop

      Okay, OOG for real: @mike and @russell, did you guys really not put this up yourselves?

    • #5076
       Alejandra Acosta

      I am so creeped out by shadow @mike…wait, Russell?

    • #5077

      Hahahaha, as a mom of two little boys and frequent park-goer, this is hilarious!! If this is not a total April Fools, by the real guys, they did name the park? Are we supposed to go there or something??

    • #5078

      @bryan – I reset all the passwords just in case

      – Just to be on the safe side, I went by there a little bit ago and checked out the slide. Nothing. I think if OSDM/Lust wanted us to find something, it would probably be through a Periscope of something so we can see where we need to go and what to find 🙂

    • #5079

      @clairebuch – Parents not being present…The OOA has more work to do!

    • #5080
       Bryan Bishop

      Um, @mike, is there a particular reason you just tagged my shadow account?

      Just so I know this is really you, where did we first meet IRL – and what show did you tell me about?

    • #5081

      That was an accident. I typed your name and it picked up the wrong one. Sorry @bcbishop

      I don’t remember much about that night as I was too busy getting upskirts of Frankenstein 😉

    • #5083
       Bryan Bishop

      Okay @mike, you pass the Voight-Kampff this time… but wtf?

    • #5084

      This is the BEST. “It’s the kind of swing that has a back to it!”. Oh, holy cow! I am so ready for that!!! XD

    • #5086

      I could listen to Shadow Russel and Shadow Mike bicker about Snickers all day ALL DAY.

    • #5087
       Brad Ruwe

      Team Kit Kat all the way. Also lost it with “the shallow north”. So good.

    • #5093

      Hahaha. This is the best morning. Not only have shadow @mike and @russell but somehow I was merged into a Twilight reference

    • #5099

      I went through all of Tension and all of Lust so far and THIS is the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been

    • #5104
       Kimberly Stewart

      Totally agreed @thegilded. I had to pause at 1:44 and go get a cold beverage. I was starting to sweat and it’s only 65 in my home right now. I still haven’t gotten up the courage to turn it back on. Pray for me to have the courage required to do the things I know I must do.

    • #5114

      The real mystery about this my shadow life podcast is how they got through 17 minutes worth of audio without laughing!

      (Also seemed like it could be a little cathartic acting as one’s shadow self..hmm)

    • #5117

      Pfffft hahahahahaha excellent podcast!!! XD

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