My Haunt Life Episode 45!

This topic has 11 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Julie R Goldstein.

  • Author
    • #3060

      Hello Community!

      So if you haven’t listened in on My Haunt Life Ep 45 @mike and @russell have put the fate of The Lust Experience sound effect in the listener’s hands!

      So naturally I made a survey.

      It’s right here. VOTE TO DECIDE!

      You’ll have to listen to the podcast to know what I’m talking about–my vote is a FUCK YES for the sound effect–I was in TEARS FROM LAUGHING! XD

    • #3062
       Bryan Bishop

      Ballot cast!

    • #3066


      Fuck no. NO NO NO.

    • #3067

      Aw COME ON @mike it’s a good sound effect!

    • #3082

      Where’s OSDM and their hacking when you really need em?

    • #3088
       Alejandra Acosta

      I’ll listen after work! 🙂

    • #3164
       Max Z

      Oh yeahhh

    • #3685

      A little late to the party, but YES PLEASE! IT’S THE MOST AMAZING SOUND EFFECT EVER!!

      It could be even more amazing if you replace the whip sound with one of @russell ‘s haunt noises. *fadeout LUSSSTTT *AHHHHH** It’ll sound like a weird immersive lusty party.

    • #3687

      Sorry, I’m with @mike on this one guys! While it is funny, I think the whole thing is a little too cringy and a bit too long for a sound effect. Maybe either just the whip, or just the “lussttt,” but not both.

    • #4018
       Alejandra Acosta

      FINALLY listening to this, I am delightfully uncomfortable. I vote yes, though…

    • #4114

      Hahhaha I will have to agree with Mike and vote a hard no 😛

      Ps I love that this episode is mentioned on this forum because they totally gave me a shout out at the end of the episode 😛

    • #4120
       Julie R Goldstein

      Maybe add a moan after the whip and then we’re solid.

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