Late night shenanigans for Noah

This topic has 107 replies, 42 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Dustin.

  • Author
    • #12162
       Meghan Mayhem

      Got activated tonight.

      Late night call from Noah sending me to a secret location.

      Somitting really big is going down tonight, so get excited, little birds.

      I’m about to do you all proud.

    • #12165


    • #12166

      Pics or it didn’t happen.

      GET IT GURL.

    • #12167

      Duuuuddddeeee yes!!!!

    • #12172


      What are you wearing?

      And what’s happening now?


    • #12175

      Oh shit!! Good luck @meghanmayhem

    • #12176
       Haley Wilde


    • #12181
       Brad Ruwe


    • #12183
       Lawrence Meyers

      Yay! I hope it’s a dragon onesie.

    • #12184
       Andrew K

      OOOH MY GOD.

      Give us the play by play!

    • #12185
       Brad Ruwe

      I don’t need sleep, right? Patiently waiting more info.

    • #12186
    • #12187

      10 bucks Otis is driving Noah and her to whatever they’re doing.

      Also I am fucking pumped with Sabotage playing.

    • #12189
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz I KNOW RIGHT??!?!?! Perfect music for tonight.

    • #12191

      11 on a school night? @meghanmayhem you absolute rebel.

    • #12192

      “Oh my god it’s a mirage, I’m telling y’all it’s sabotage”

      Whuuut dude…?

    • #12193
       Twan Intarathuch

      Nah I’d rock Guns and Ships


      I’m takin this horse by the reins makin’
      Redcoats redder with bloodstains


      And I’m never gonna stop until I make ‘em
      Drop and burn ‘em up and scatter their remains, I’m


    • #12194

      Official confirmation that
      1) Noah’s dad is alive
      2) Noah’s dad is in power and was behind Tension
      3) Sarah is in danger or possibly being held captive
      4) We know nothing

    • #12195

      Image from Meghan’s Periscope:
      Lust forms
      “I pledge my desire for their sacrifice and freedom.”

      Meghan’s Periscope with special guest.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Kevin.
    • #12197

      Even though it was laggy, the replay plays fine with no incident.

      And holy fuck it was awesome.

      That was my favorite periscope I’ve seen of the entire experience.

    • #12198
       Meghan Mayhem

      I have so much to report back, but I will yell you this right now…

      Looks like Otis got the job.

      • #12210

        Wait… Otis got the job??? I hope Otis is safe!

    • #12199

      @kevin beat me to it lol was just about to post that. What does it say?? It’s hard to make out. “I pledge my desire for their sacrifice and freedom” ??? What?

      So Noah’s dad. Do we think it could have been the guy in the red room? Nah that guy had an accent..probably not. Aw he cares about Sarah. I’m loving that they tied all that shit together right now. Oh man. I’m so tired…lol

    • #12200
       Brad Ruwe

      I really should be trying to sleep, but Lust clearly has my focus right now. @meghanmayhem we all eagerly await your recap!

    • #12201


      Looks like Otis got the job.

      ? please just tell me he’s ok!

    • #12202

      Yeah, I think that’s what it says. The image itself looks like the Lust logo upside down, but missing the key and wings(?) inside an Ouroboros.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Kevin.
    • #12203

      I predicted Noah’s dad was in power a while ago so it’s nice to see some vindication. I strangely like Noah more than ever now… His fuck shit up attitude is fun to watch… Amazing Periscope!!

    • #12205

      An Ouroboros? Paging @larry!! An eye, like the LUST logo, but the fire is upside down. Hm…

      Also I am not a lawyer but those forms you guys signed? They can’t possibly be legally binding. All of the important terms weren’t defined, and the conditions of an agreement were not clearly laid out. I don’t know what purpose they’re meant to serve besides setting up the image on the back, but regardless, you (probably) HAVE NOT agreed to anything and if they say you have, THEY’RE LYING.

    • #12206
       Max Z

      So can we take this as a confirmation that, though our registration today made it pretty clear that “The Lust Experience” is an immersive theater event or at least something posing as an immersive theater event, Noah and Sarah are not “actors” within said event but are very much real and very much capable of doing some damage to it? And if this is the case, how do DLB and Gordon and the Tension folks fit in? I would like to think they’re not in cahoots with an organization as nefarious as we seem to be being presented with here, but there they were in plain view on the premises today…

      And WHO is Noah’s dad? Did some of us potentially meet him today?

      Also: Noah seems to be stepping up to right his wrongs and help Sarah out of a jam, and it’s doing my heart good. Let’s hope it works.

    • #12207

      @thebuz WORD. Classic @maddyxxx at his finest.

      This day has been too much. Noah giving a masterclass in crazy faces, me signing my life over to some Anoch-spewing supermodels, Otis pops in at the last second.

      What the heck are we doing?

    • #12208
       Twan Intarathuch

      I guess it was a good thing I didn’t sign my name

    • #12209
       Michael Rizzo

      Yoooo otis though!!
      I’m imagining this in my head and wow this is amazing

    • #12211
       Andrew K

      “I pledge my desire for THEIR sacrifice and freedom”

      Who is “THEY”?

      Also, @meghanmayhem – I’m assuming Otis got the job driving for Noah?

    • #12212

      This was the best mid season finale you could ask for.

      Brought two threads together and opened up a new one.

      I’m legit so fucking stoked right now. This. Was. Awesome.

      Holy shit where’s the tylenol?

    • #12213

      *And a sigh of relief that Otis is in game.* Wow. Wild.

    • #12215

      I remember someone else who once threatened to shine light on the inner workings of the big dogs and who was going to shake things up.

      I sincerely hope that Noah has a brighter future than they did. I like Noah a whole fuck of a lot more.

    • #12218
       Michael Rizzo

      I apologize if this is a slow question, I’m just catching up from driving but was there a video prior to them inside the warehouse? A video of them in a car with Otis? Or was it a guess based on how he had mentioned a driving gig? Again I am still catching up so please forgive if this is a dumb question lol

    • #12220

      @rizzzoooooo Meghan confirmed Otis was driving.

      And no previous video.

    • #12221
       Michael Rizzo

      Got it? Thank you @thebuz!

    • #12222
       Andrew K

      @thegilded – yes, but none of those people were the “big bad’s” son, as Noah himself pointed out.

      That’s why they’ve simply continued to “recapture” him and keep him docile with alcohol than try to eliminate him- they can’t, and he knows it.

      I like Noah a whole lot more now too. I hope he can get Sarah back…..and where is Timothy!?

    • #12223

      @anakindrew – you’re not wrong. At least I sincerely hope you’re not wrong, for Noah’s sake.

      But Those Who Pull The Strings have had a history of acting against those who threaten them in this way. I hope that Noah’s position and knowledge make him a more worthy adversary for Them.

      If not, what’s the old phrase? Pride comes before the fall?

    • #12228

      I KNEW the back of those papers had some sort of message! But Sniffer Stick Man ripped mine up…still valid?

      Also…really starting to like Noah more and more, which I never thought I’d say. He was so goofy and hilarious! Loved it.

      Ooof, what a day!! My head is spinning!

    • #12231

      So those of us who didn’t sign, are we in the clear? I wonder where our path lies.

    • #12232
       Meghan Mayhem

      For those that missed the broadcast:

      Noah has something to say.

      Full write up in the AM.

      (and let it be known that while Noah was ranting, once I was done assembling the pages, I was petting the shit out of those warehouse kitties)

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.
    • #12235

      STOP! STOP! Please, my head can not handle anymore of this! So awesome!

    • #12240

      I really want to learn more about daddy Sinclair and what his motives are. Sure, they want our data, but so do Google and Facebook. Just like Noah, who when his website first popped up seemed like a one-dimensional arrogant dick, I wonder what assumptions we’re making about the people behind all this.

    • #12243

      Wow that was cool
      Periscopes now mind anyone can recap that for me please?

    • #12245

      Do we have a count of who actually signed the their paper? I don’t recall many, if any. I wonder if a signature even matters after showing desire by being there.

      On Noah’s website he talked about taking his father’s position at the head of the company. Was that just propaganda bullshit or does that play into this development?

    • #12246


      Noah: “Heeeyyyy… Dad… Guess where I am. NOT. AT. HOME!” Meghan and Noah are in the warehouse from registration earlier today. He’s asked her to lay out those sheets of paper on the ground. “Some of you knuckleheads signed up for some shit that I don’t think you have any fucking clue what you’re getting into.”

      Noah asks Megan to flip over the pages, keeping them in order, while he goes on a rant.

      “Something good is coming, something good is coming. We are here tonight to expose a couple of things. Now, I have found something we can dive right into. Hey, Dad, do you remember these?”

      Noah holds up the questionnaires from Tension.

      “Look familiar? I bet they do, I bet they do, I bet they do. Here’s all the precious, emotional data from your previous experiment, and all the people that you mined it from. And hey, do you remember when you had me go in and try to contain everything? ‘Everything’s getting waaay too contaminated. I need you to go over there, and clean it up and fix it!’ And boy, did I go in, and I was a huge fucking failure, I really was. But it was so much fun. SOOO much fun.

      “And now, here I am, getting to enjoy my NEW punishment – oh wait – I’m sorry, it’s my new opportunity. New OPPORTUNITY! Right? As you call it? It’s going to be A REAL BLAST!”

      Noah pauses for a second and hushes, as if he thought he heard something.

      “Oops, false alarm. But you know what, I do know YOU, and I know you’re going to be sending someone here to collect me again in just a few minutes, so, I will just cut right to it. Sarah, she tried her best. But as you have probably learned over the years, I’m a bit of a handful. HAH! And what are you supposed to do when there are no consequences for the [unintelligible]’ son? (What’re you going to do? Story of my life, right?) But I will say it was very smart of you to try to have her get me to fall in line. But we all know how well that works out for you, right? But that’s OK. That’s OK because I know that this is still the only power that I have. Small as it may seem, but for a time I can deal with it. Cuz you know why? Because I got the fucking secrets! Uh-huh. So I think it would be very good if you could let her go, because if you don’t, I will shed as much light as I fucking want to, and you will be exposed, and I know that YOU DON’T WANT THAT! So that’s what we’re going to do.

      “But first I should really point out what’s going on here in the grand design of things. Because if you think I’m not capable of unleashing that, well, here we go.”

      The camera pans to the papers on the floor, which have now been flipped over to reveal an ouroborus surrounding an eye and a flame, with the text ‘I pledge my desire for their sacrifice and freedom.’

      “Get a good shot of that!” Noah yells. “Look at what you silly motherfuckers signed up for! And what is it that they are looking for? What have you gotten yourselves into? Wahhhh! So yeah. Dad, this is where things stand. I hope we can go back to business as usual because I like telling people what to do, I feel I’m very good at it, and I feel I really like telling them HOW to do it. So that’s what we’re gonna do. Back. To. Business. As. Usual. And Sarah will be safe. PEACE BITCHEEESSS!”

      Periscope ends.

      Sorry for any transcription errors, I tried to do it quickly and on my phone.

    • #12247

      Or if you prefer, in Limerick form:

      Noah said, “Meghan let’s go
      To a place that I’m sure you all know”
      An eye and a fire
      ‘I pledge my desire’
      Daddy is running the show.

    • #12248

      Thaaks girls this is truly amazing. I don’t feel FOMO from yesterday I think this is so cool to read everyone stories and help me TL catch up on recaps. You guys r amazing!! Now me off to work!!!

    • #12251

      @sassyyael & @izryn – I’d be willing to help out transcribing in the future too, I did a bit last year when we had periscopes that were readings from the book of Anoch. Just volunteering now that the semester is winding down. 🙂

      Also WHAT A GREAT NIGHT. I actually was awake right before this happened but couldn’t stay awake long enough to watch.

    • #12253

      Well that was fun to wake up to! @meghanmayhem, did you end up painting any stuff since you both were wearing those tyvek suits? I’m assuming there was some significance to the outfits? Can’t wait for the write up! Also, outstanding job on being ready at a moment’s notice!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by LaSalle.
    • #12255

      @meghanmayhem I was wondering about the suit too. Any purpose other than dust and potential paper cuts? Or do you think perhaps it was just a change in your environment to put you in a focused mindset?

    • #12256

      I assumed they were the same suits we wore at Ascension (the first time through). Any other reason for them?

    • #12257

      @coryphella what purpose did they serve in Ascension? (Asking here because I may not be the only one that doesn’t know).

    • #12258

      They sort of took away your individuality/identity…but more importantly protected your clothing from splashes of blood. 😉

      That may not be the purpose here though, since there was only two of them.

    • #12259

      “Peace Bitches!” That was awesome. I signed one. Gulp.

    • #12260


      Honey I can teach you peace bitches in ASL ?

    • #12261
       Bryan Bishop

      Waking up to this, and wow. This. Is. Amazing!

    • #12262

      Not everyone signed the paper though, right? I’ve been reading through all the recaps and some people have said that they got the paper, but nothing to sign with. Did everyone actually sign the paper or just some? And, if so, does that mean those who signed are even more screwed than the others?

      Also excited to see how the phone registrations will work! I’ll be having my ringtone on blast for the next few days! ?

    • #12263

      Noah seems to be trying to do the right thing, but he also seems unstable.

      What he referred us to signing up with, are we sure that he was talking about Lust? Is there still no connection with iConfidant?

    • #12267

      @coryphella yes many thanks!!

    • #12268

      Great information, I was given the paper yesterday but was not given anything to sign it with as well.

    • #12274

      Holy shit! I go to sleep for a few hours thinking everything is fine, we learned a little bit about the investors and why they are pissed but then I wake up to all this! DAMN! And this is all just the Prologue! The first chapter has just begun. I think we are all screwed… but cannot wait to see where that takes me. @meghanmayhem, great job for answering that call so late. I am so curious as to your write up and report if there was anything else that we missed. Also thanks for the update on Otis. I swear I believed that he was not part of the game and everyone was just being super nice so the creators did not have to step in since nobody was being evasive or pestering towards the gentle old man.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Neil.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Neil.
    • #12277

      @sassyyael Closed captions in Youtube Video

      Noah talks fast but I got most of it.

    • #12282

      This just makes me ask more questions.

      The creators live in convolution.

    • #12284

      Say, that’s a familiar looking ouroboros.

      View post on

      (Caption reads: One is the all.)

    • #12324
       Meghan Mayhem

      Alright, here’s a rambling wall of text of The Adventures of Meghan and Noah from last night.

      I was hanging out at the post-registration bar (I definitely maybe wasn’t there for like 5 hours) when I got a call around 10pm that went a little something like this:

      “What are you wearing?”
      “All black as usual.”
      “I think the question is, what SHOULD you be wearing?”
      “Is it time?”
      “It’s time. Let’s go fuck shit up.”

      He told me to gear up in his little gift to me and gave me a zip code to wait for him in. He also asked me to do him a favor and make sure the forum was watching. On alert.
      “Something big is going down. Make sure they know.”
      Eventually I got another call telling me to meet him at his favorite watering hole (a snazzy hole in the wall bar around downtown/arts district)
      I wandered the bar and didn’t see him, so I waited outside and a black SUV pulled up. I immediately saw Noah in the backseat in a tyvek suit, and Otis in the drivers seat.

      Oh no.

      I try to get in and the doors are locked. Otis is struggling to get the doors unlocked and Noah is getting frustrated inside. Eventually he leans in from the backseat and smacks the unlock button himself.
      Country music is playing loudly from the stereo.

      I had brought the outfit with me and began slipping into it. Noah remarked that I looked good in tyvek white.
      I told him it was nice to meet him in person and he smirked and said “I bet it is.”

      We start to drive and Otis seems to be a little nervous. Noah is shouting directions at him that he’s reading off his phone.
      We arrive at the location and I immediately recognize it as the registration warehouse.
      We try to get out, but Otis has locked the doors again and can’t seem to figure out how to unlock them. Noah is yelling at him. He’s not blindly being a dick, he’s just very clearly in hype mode. Super revved up and all over the place emotionally. Manic. Much more than he was before now that we’re at the location. Otis is fumbling with the locks and Noah is exasperated.

      We finally get out and walk up. Noah tries a couple of the doors, which are locked. Eventually he and I work together to pull open the gate enough for the two of us to slip in one by one.
      We found an open door and enter the building. It’s dark and quiet and our steps echo. We wander with flashlights and he is super duper hyped at this point. Heavy breathing, pacing around. Got spooked by garbage kitty. He tells me that we need to “find the files”. I ask which ones and he tells me that I’ll know when I see them.
      We proceeded to wander the whole place by flashlight, searching the red office, cabinets, the storage room. He finds the overhead lights and things get slightly less spooky. We open a bench seat to find several clipboards with the contracts signed by people during registration.

      “Bingo.” he says.

      He instructs me to order them numerically, as there are small numbers printed on the bottom corner of each other. 49 in total.
      I am trying to do this fast and fucked up a few, but got it done. The entire time that I am sorting, Noah is pacing the room frantically. Growling and talking to himself. Muttering and laughing. He’s spinning fast. His manic energy is bleeding onto me and making my paper sorting feel really intense and panicked. After they’re sorted, he kneels down with me and with labored breathing, tells me to lay them out 7 in a row, which I do.

      At this point, he tells me to grab my phone, log into the wifi, and get on Periscope. He made me promise that you were watching. That they were all watching.

      And then you all saw what happened next.

      After the periscope cut, he made me collect all the papers and he shoved them in the boxes along with all the processing paperwork from the OOA. We stole both boxes and ran out the door. In the parking lot, we removed out suits and he started rambling about how we needed to make sure they couldn’t trace me to this. We had to be stealth. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans and it was momentarily shocking to see him in such casual wear.
      We slipped through the gate and headed towards the car with a patiently waiting Otis. Noah told me that they’d called me an Uber because I couldn’t be seen with him. He can’t let them trace me to this.
      Otis is smiling at me through the window and happily waving me towards the car, motioning for me to get in.
      Noah is shouting that I need to stay away and to not get in the car.
      Otis continues motioning for me to get in.
      I am a conflicted puppy.

      The Uber pulls up and I start to walk towards it. I stop and turn around for a moment.

      “Noah, can I ask you a question?”
      “Sure, but know that I don’t have to answer a fucking thing if I don’t want to.”
      “Should I be afraid of iConfidant?”

      He briskly walks up to me, putting his face close to mine and smirking.

      “You don’t have to be afraid of fucking anything.”

      He walks me to the Uber and tells me “You did great tonight.”

      I get in and drive off.

    • #12326

      I have nothing of value to add in a content sense but I do want to chime in to say that holy fuck that sounds like the coolest fucking night.

      Except for the part where Otis got yelled at. That part was less cool

    • #12327

      HOLY SHIT! That sounds crazy!

    • #12328
       Brad Ruwe

      @meghanmayhem Thank you for the recap. I’m very happy you were the one who got to go on this adventure! Excellent question about iConfidant, cause I’ve had that same thing nagging at me. Sounds like one hell of a night!

    • #12329

      @meghanmayhem my instincts are to trust Noah for the same reasons. And even if I didn’t, I trust you, Crackfox, so let’s get weird.

    • #12330

      @meghanmayhem – That’s so rad! Also, I was picturing you walking into a bar in the tyvek suit and it’s an amazing image. Just want to make sure, but the tyvek suit was what was in the box he left for you?

    • #12332

      That is so so sooooo fucking rad.

    • #12333

      @meghanmayhem – SO. FUCKING. AMAZING.

    • #12334

      Wonderful job, @meghanmayhem, thank you. Collating has never felt more exciting and Otis having trouble with locks is gold. Well done for having the composure and presence of mind to ask about iConfidant. I guess it’s just not time yet.

    • #12337
       Meghan Mayhem

      @wanda102 I’mma hurt you real bad

      I initially had the outfit on, but removed it before entering the bar because I didn’t want to get arrested. The box had a jumpsuit, head cover, painters mask, gloves, shoe covers, flashlight, painting tray, and duct tape. Never did get to use the duct tape. Not yet, anyway.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.
    • #12347

      @meghanmayhem, wow I love the image of you and Noah searching that place in your suits with flashlights! Question, so when Noah was trying to get you in the uber and Otis was trying to get you in the car instead, do you think you could have actually gotten in with Otis? I mean I know Noah is pushy, but just wondering what that was all about…the choice between the two? And wondering what Otis believed he was there for and why he was waving you in???

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Sage.
    • #12350
       Bryan Bishop

      Amazing write-up, @meghanmayhem, thanks for sharing! The game is so very on. 🙂

    • #12356
       Lawrence Meyers

      Nicely done @meghanmayhem
      If you were missing page 54, that’s my fault. I think it’s in my back pocket.

    • #12357
       Meghan Mayhem

      @larry It was only pages 1-49.
      Strangely, one of the pages towards the middle had the corner with the number torn off though. Noah helped me place that one.

    • #12362
       Kyle Bown

      Holy damn, @coryphella! Badass! That was pretty awesome. Can’t wait to see what’s next.

      What are the odds Nicole and Noah are brother/sister?

    • #12363
       Kyle Bown

      Holy damn, @meghanmayhem! Badass! That was pretty awesome. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
      What are the odds Nicole and Noah are brother/sister?

    • #12369

      I just read Meghan’s experience and HOLY SHIT.

      I think I’m out and then I’m not.


    • #12370
       Andrew K

      @meghanmayhem that literally sounds like the coolest shit ever. Well done! And awesome job asking about iConfidant.

      Im so excited to see what happens next.

    • #12371

      …. o_______O

      This is all so amazing. Where the hell is this going?

      Did anyone look into the logos yet?


      The logo for Lust was projected onto the wall.


      The logo for … whatever this is ..

      The eye and fire has been inverted, and the key has been removed.. and of course the snake is eating its own tail. Lots of meanings you can read into all that..

    • #12372

      Kyle, I remember reading that Nicole shouted her intent to fuck Noah… so that would be… weird.

    • #12373
       Meghan Mayhem

      @111error Both the key and the wings are gone. The two symbols of freedom.

      and this is the wiki write up on this Ouroboros in particular.

      The famous ouroboros drawing from the early alchemical text The Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra (Greek: Η χρυσοποιία της Κλεοπάτρας) dating to 2nd century Alexandria encloses the words hen to pan (Greek: εν το παν), “one is the all”. Its black and white halves represent the Gnostic duality of existence. As such, the Ouroboros could be interpreted as the Western equivalent of the Taoist Yin-Yang symbol.

      The Chrysopoeia Ouroboros of Cleopatra the Alchemist is one of the oldest images of the ouroboros to be linked with the legendary opus of the alchemists, the Philosopher’s Stone.

      As a symbol of the eternal unity of all things, the cycle of birth and death from which the alchemist sought release and liberation, it was familiar to the alchemist/physician Sir Thomas Browne. In his A Letter to a Friend, a medical treatise full of case-histories and witty speculations upon the human condition, he wrote of it:

      […] that the first day should make the last, that the Tail of the Snake should return into its Mouth precisely at that time, and they should wind up upon the day of their Nativity, is indeed a remarkable Coincidence,

    • #12375

      Symbology has never been my strong suit, but I’ve been focusing most of my efforts in linking the multiple signs together.

      I’m not seeing direct links between the Tension, Lust and Lust v2 symbols but perhaps there’s something I’m missing?

      Ourboros in Lust v2, the Egyptian symbolism in v1 and the Leo in Tension seem like there’s something there

    • #12378

      Hahahahaha “Peace Bitches!”
      Noah reminds me of a really screwed up Chris Pratt! ???

    • #12381

      Wow fucking anazing!

    • #12389

      What an experience, great recap!

    • #12396

      @meghanmayhem great recap. I can’t believe after all that you had your wits enough to ask about iConfidant. Looks like Noah chose wisely when choosing you.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by ian.
    • #12399

      @meghanmayhem That’s my girl. 😉

    • #12401
    • #12402

      I am doubtful of whether or not we signed the release yesterday even matters. If Remy was your guy, most likely you didn’t sign at all; And unless your signature is very legible, it’s probably pretty impossible to tell who’s signature is who’s, being that there was no second line provided to print our names.

    • #12404
       Meghan Mayhem

      @sirhuxleywiseass Well, not to mention the fact that Noah stole most of them last night.

    • #12409

      @meghanmayhem @sirhuxleywiseass I’m so glad all that personal info is in… good hands….

    • #12411

      This. Is. Magnificent.

    • #12412

      @theladyj That means a lot coming from you.

    • #12413
       Meghan Mayhem

      @lilmsfancpants You are a fucking delight.

    • #12414
       Brian E

      @meghanmayhem Awesome write up Meghan, and that was such a good question to ask. Excellent job, chapter 1 here we go!

      So Noah and Meghan might have done us all a huge favor by taking all the contracts, in a sense. I did sign that sheet, I never thought about it, Nicole asked me to sign and so I did.

    • #12415

      In the Periscope, we learn a couple things: Noah’s dad has some connection to The Tension Experience and The Lust Experience, [what I got is that] Noah’s father has Sarah somehow, Noah isn’t willing to cooperate with his father unless “Sarah is safe”. He also referred to The Tension Experience as an “experiment”.
      It was a little unclear on the relationship between Sarah and Noah (does she like him? Or is she just being paid to be with Noah?)
      EDIT: The symbol of the snake eating itself (according to Wikipedia) “…is said to have a meaning of infinity and wholeness.” Just thought I’d add that in there. It may also symbolize a constant cycle…? Nah, I could be wrong.

    • #12422

      @lilmsfancpants that screenshot collage is fantastic. I want to record an album with Noah and have that as the back cover on the vinyl where the credits run. Fucking gold!

    • #12516
       Hannah Schenck

      @meghanmayhem Holy shit this looked like the most epic night, paired with a rather crazy day lol Sounds like Noah’s style… and also you looked uber cute in that get up 😉

    • #12778

      Hey something I can actually be useful for once on an ARG. Symbols and religion are a hobby of mine.

      Obvious one is Orobous which is a gnostic symbol that’s also very prevalent in occultism. Orobous is seen eating his own tale as a metaphor for re-incarnation in general. It’s very similar to the World Serpent in Nordic myth so it could mean re-incarnation of the universe as the Hindus believe.

      That eye looks almost exactly like the eyes seen on Hamsas which is a talisman to ward off harm from the evil in Arabic culture. You know, those hands with the eye often associated with new age moments. However, it seems to be missing the hand which is the protective element of it which might be a subtle hint to the evil intent of the cult. I feel like a lot of people associate with Hinduism even though it’s Arabic.

      I can only speculate for the other symbols but considering the religious and occult natures of the other symbols, my interpretation would be the key symbolozings unlocking secrets as the Alchemists, Gnostics, and Occultists believed in. The fire could be the Promethean fire that humans stole from the Gods and the wings could represent ascension.

      I mean given Tension Experience and the information on Iconfidant, we’re obviously dealing with some kind of cult but these symbols might be able to give us some more information.

      The fire could also be associated with the element fire(attributed to will power by Crowley or associating with a trans-formative element in Daoist and Western Alchemy) or more likely- lust. I don’t have any source but I remember hearing quite a few times in my life that interest in fire is related to sexuality from various people. I just don’t know how, maybe someone could find more on it.

      Now, I didn’t follow Tension Experience or visit it but from the interviews and reviews I’ve read it seemed to be more focused on breaking down a person. Which is only the first step in average cults. The next step is use religion that both fills a need to keep the content and filling the hole from them breaking and keep them busy with religious tasks repeatedly through the day so they don’t have time to think.

      If this is related to the whole Tension/Ascension organization at all it could be another branch of the cult responsible for the second step in their programming. The Children of God had a set-up where there was like 12 different branches and what Bousman has said about the “seasons” of these experiences would make sense with a conspiracy theory like organization/cult behind these various programs.

      Obviously with what we know so far, these people and organizations are promising to feel needs, romantic, sexual, wealth, etc. The religious symbols could be indicative for the promise to fill the need for meaning. Power play and manipulation seem to be very prevalent from the story beat of the guy getting blackmailed by Noah too. Noah’s also obviously a religious name which cults would often give to new members.

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