Tagged: Beta Test, Flow and the Farm
This topic has 71 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Cyrus La Rosa.
April 6, 2017 at 9:51 pm #6804
ParticipantVariations of this have been hinted at but recent posts by @maddyxxx are painting a clearer picture of what the OSDM is up to:
Collecting data and characteristics of individuals to feed into an AI army used to manipulate the world
– watch this video (from the AI generated song) that talks about Flow Machines creating music and text based on the work of existing artists by creating a “computational object” (data/characteristics of the artist).
– combine this with @maddyxxx’s implying IT is a copy of himself, a farm manipulating national consensus, Sarah selling us into a living hell
– add the obvious collection and scrutinizing of our reactions/behaviorsOSDM has been:
– collecting data on us and are training their robot army.. with our behavior as inputs.
– testing their robot army on us.. seeing how we react, how realistic their army is.
– soliciting a specific type of person to gather characteristics to feed into the farm.. (currently those who are attracted to the powerful Noah Sinclair brand)Sorry if this is obvious or batshit crazy. I’m not feeling well I can’t tell.
This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
April 6, 2017 at 10:20 pm #6806
Kimberly Stewart
ParticipantIt’s not completely crazy, @shaun. I’ll even add my own insane train of thought to the madness:
I’ve always been prepared to discover the “Yes” I received from The System wasn’t going to be a prize at all. My “Yes” said this and this alone:
You sound exactly like the type of person we are looking for.
I see great things in your future.
Reading this back now, with all we’ve heard about insane notions of Shadows, ITs, Farms, Flow Machines and the like… Rather than giving me something, do they want to harvest what I have? Will they want to take what’s intrinsically me? Could there be a me and then a more in control and advanced version of me floating around amongst us, hellbent on destroying the inferior original? If that did happen, how would anyone know? This all sounds a lot like what Noah is claiming has happened to him.
In a month from now will I be the one writing nonsensical angry letters under some XXX handle on these forums?
If you got a “Yes” could all of this be you, too?
Equally as haunting… What if rather than harvesting you, what if they asked you to be on their team in building the future humans at the expense of the individuality and freedom of others?
Crazy? Probably. Possible? Yeah.
April 6, 2017 at 10:22 pm #6807
Participant@shaun I like this theory a lot. How does this idea work for those of us that didn’t go through Tension and thus never gave our information to OSDM to the degree that many of the participants did, I wonder?
April 6, 2017 at 11:33 pm #6815
Participant@wanda102, I also didn’t participate in tension, but maybe they are already are collecting?? I’t gives me the creeps, but what if they are using the forums and are collecting the words from our posts right now to incorporate into some creepy “flow machine” future human version of ourselves?
Remember the “word cloud” on Shadow Megan’s profile pic…I’m really freaked out now.
April 6, 2017 at 10:47 pm #6808
Participant@electrichippo I think you’re on to something, Kim. This part of your post in particular stood out to me:
Rather than giving me something, do they want to harvest what I have? Will they want to take what’s intrinsically me? Could there be a me and then a more in control and advanced version of me floating around amongst us[…]?
Thinking about how all of this — the OSDM’s search for data, the concept of shadow/robot/replicant selves, alternative humans, the goal of The System being supposed self-improvement — ties into the theme of Lust, what if the OSDM is looking to create an ultimate version of us, flawless, perfect, and better than us originals in every sense? Why wouldn’t we want to be our best possible selves…you could even say that it’s something we all lust after in our own way. To be made irrelevant by improved versions of ourselves would be its own special hell.
I could even see the OSDM believing what they’re doing (if this is indeed what they’re doing) is noble and a good thing. To strip away the flaws of humanity! The opportunities that would bring! Nobody thinks they’re the villain of the story, and the OSDM is no different.
April 6, 2017 at 10:56 pm #6809
Meghan Mayhem
What stuck out to me the most about the emails was the supremely ominous phrase “you are now well on your way to getting exactly what you deserve.” -
April 6, 2017 at 11:13 pm #6812
Lawrence Meyers
ParticipantOkay, so, Skynet.
But, lest I again seem like the crazy old man screaming at people to get off his lawn —
OOA = Object Oriented Analysis
“Object-oriented analysis[edit]
The purpose of any analysis activity in the software life-cycle is to create a model of the system’s functional requirements that is independent of implementation constraints.The main difference between object-oriented analysis and other forms of analysis is that by the object-oriented approach we organize requirements around objects, which integrate both behaviors (processes) and states (data) modeled after real world objects that the system interacts with. In other or traditional analysis methodologies, the two aspects: processes and data are considered separately. For example, data may be modeled by ER diagrams, and behaviors by flow charts or structure charts.
The primary tasks in object-oriented analysis (OOA) are:
Find the objects
Organize the objects
Describe how the objects interact
Define the behavior of the objects
Define the internals of the objects
Common models used in OOA are use cases and object models. Use cases describe scenarios for standard domain functions that the system must accomplish. Object models describe the names, class relations (e.g. Circle is a subclass of Shape), operations, and properties of the main objects. User-interface mockups or prototypes can also be created to help understanding. -
April 6, 2017 at 11:15 pm #6813
Participantsoliciting a specific type of person to gather characteristics to feed into the farm.. (currently those who are attracted to the powerful Noah Sinclair brand)
Equally as haunting… What if rather than harvesting you, what if they asked you to be on their team in building the future humans at the expense of the individuality and freedom of others?
We know they aren’t just soliciting those who are attracted to the Noah Sinclair brand though. The focus group was a mix of people, both “winners” and “losers” with a wider range of characteristics than just one group would have had. Then from there they went on to test not only how persuasive people were, but how malleable their minds were. Could you convince someone that something as fundamental as the color of their shirt wasn’t true? Could you get them to move off their strongly held beliefs?
So not only might they be looking for a team to help them build those future humans, but a group of people to be those future humans. People they can shape or reprogram or whatever it is they want to do to them.
April 6, 2017 at 11:33 pm #6816
April 6, 2017 at 11:35 pm #6817
Participant@sfire8 yes! I wish I could make those words out better, to maybe see where they came from.
Maybe it’s “once they stop believing you are who you SAY you are…then you know it’s begun.”
April 6, 2017 at 11:44 pm #6820
April 6, 2017 at 11:51 pm #6823
Meghan Mayhem
Participant@sfire8 @wanda102
*ahem* Shadow Meghan.
Megan(@coryphella) put in a phone order for a new friend. My new friend just sorta showed up.But yes, the word cloud has me very curious. Usually those things are generated via a Facebook profile, but the small amount of words I could make out from the tiny image didn’t seem like words I often use on my FB account (which TPTB have full access to) so I do wonder where those words came from.
April 7, 2017 at 12:07 am #6827
ParticipantSorry Meghan/ @meghanmayhem!! Yes, very curious about the words, words must mean something here! I’m also thinking about the actual lyrics of that Mr. Shadow song? Did someone figure out the words being said? Maybe I missed that?
April 7, 2017 at 12:04 am #6826
Participant@nothenrygale I’m more and more glad I didn’t get to go the focus group!
April 7, 2017 at 1:05 am #6829
Meghan Mayhem
Participant@sfire8 I spoke with the creator of the Mr. Shadow song and he informed me that there are no actual lyrics and that it’s just syllables assembled. While his English isn’t the best at times (he’s French), he seems very pleased to have a mention in our storyline and I gave him some basic information about LUST.
April 7, 2017 at 1:23 am #6830
Participant@meghanmayhem, wow that’s cool you did that! Good to know.
April 7, 2017 at 1:31 am #6831
ParticipantAll roads lead back to Miku. Hologram and all.
April 7, 2017 at 6:44 am #6832
Julie R Goldstein
ParticipantI can’t believe the conspiratorial thinking I’m seeing from you guys…
I care about you all. Please get tested for Diabetes. I’d be devastated to lose any of you…
April 7, 2017 at 7:06 am #6833
Brian E
ParticipantThis is a fascinating discussion, and this theory @shaun came up with is truly terrifying. Perhaps they are looking for very specific traits in a personality, and those that went to the focus test were the trail run, not really a “focus test” more of a “beta test” the chosen 9 being used as a test to extrapolate limited data from a human host and see what they can do with it.
Maybe it’s not to copy one person and create a clone, what if it’s to copy personality traits from a group of people to create a specific personality. Maybe this was done to Noah Sinclair, and he’s an earlier version of this practice “the system” as it wore and because he’s an older earlier model of this technique there are certain side effects and he is no longer who he once was.
@sfire8 here’s a somewhat better image of the @meghan-mayhem word cloud.
@meghanmayhem Always thinking outside the box. Interesting idea contacting the original creator of the song directly. Does the words in the word cloud mean anything specific to you? Does this look accurate to words you’d use? To me it seems almost like a random word generator, maybe it’s a process that will be redefined as time goes on. -
April 7, 2017 at 8:15 am #6836
ParticipantIs the AI is already so good they can cold call people, ask what they’d want in a friend, and eventually fabricate an AI to satisfy the request?
Sin with perfection.
One meaning could be that the the perfection is their AI and we are sinning by playing with their AI.. or by helping them perfect their AI through our interactions and testing. I assume it would be a sin to be a part of the ultimate demise of humankind.
April 7, 2017 at 1:27 pm #6888
ParticipantI’m flabbergasted that nobody has mentioned Black Mirror “Be Right Back”.
April 7, 2017 at 1:29 pm #6890
Brad Ruwe
Participant@brianamatopoeia It’s totally been in the back of my mind for a bit now.
April 7, 2017 at 4:13 pm #6895
Andrew K
ParticipantThe theory that they are creating AI utilizing information that they are gathering on us is an interesting one, and makes sense to me.
Acension tested us in various emotional and physical ways and they collected data on us via our consultations with the women in the white room- asking all of us very specific questions and then probably logging our answers and coming up with the most-used responses.
They then tested us physically and emotionally by removing our 5 senses to see how we would react to certain things without sensory input and how that affects our decision-making.
Pair that with what they have been doing with LUST- they are harboring information on our interactions from the forums as well as from the Focus Group- where they tested various methods of how different humans lie/manipulate one another and where each of us stands on morality and how easily those morals can be manipulated and broken.
Seems to me that they would use all of this data and compile a “personality” based on the most common traits throughout all of us, and what they deem to be the most effective personality traits, speaking traits, looks, etc. to have to get one wants to to easily be able to manipulate others.
April 7, 2017 at 4:25 pm #6897
Andrew K
ParticipantTo me, these very decisive, specific phone calls people have been getting regarding friendship goes very well with the theory in this thread.
They are asking very specific people what they look for in a friend and what kind of personality traits they look for in a friends- otherwise known as: SOMEONE YOU WOULD TRUST.
They are examining and logging our responses to various emotional, physical and psychological exercises and interactions and using that information to create an AI possible of replicating us and manipulating us in ways that are effective based on the person the AI is interacting with. For what purposes, I’m not sure- but I’m sure it’s nefarious.
All of this also goes along with the magazine Sarah had about the “next human beings” – the next human beings not being humans at all, but in fact advanced robotic AI that can accurately replicate human emotion, appearance, moral compasses, etc. – once and AI can do that- is it still just AI?
Maybe this is all crazy conspiracy theory, but it all makes sense to me….
(I know I posted this is the “phone call” thread as well- just thought I’d also post here, since I find it relevant.)
April 7, 2017 at 4:40 pm #6900
Andrew K
Participant@mistere – I think it makes sense that the person of “NOAH” is a first attempt at brainwashing someone and implanting/creating an accurate personality within that person based on data collected from several people. Noah is perhaps a failed experiment who is “glitching” and not who he once was, and not what “they” want him to be either.
Interesting- I wrote/directed my thesis film in school about a man who murders his wife and is put into an experimental asylum tasked with giving him a drug to erase his memories and implanting him with new memories and character traits via physical/mental/visual stimuli so as to “rehabilitate him” and release him back into society as a new person.
This is all extremely fascinating to me- the idea that they could create an accurate human being based on datas collected from others is both incredible and terrifying.
Perhaps LUST is all about humans playing God and the adverse things that can come from it if not kept in check?
April 7, 2017 at 4:46 pm #6902
Participant -
April 7, 2017 at 6:30 pm #6907
ParticipantMmmm soft robots.
@anakindrew if you were around for Tension there was some brainwashing/re-programming story threads around Addison via a metal helmet (glitches and all).Also there was seemingly a ‘safe word’ that, when spoken, would disable Addison bringing her to the ground. I’m sure that’s a useful feature when programming an AI into a human!
After going down this ‘farm’ path I start to wonder if everyone in the OOA compound was possibly an AI. It could explain why they were so needlessly disposed of (splayed and lifeless) in “The End”.
April 7, 2017 at 6:46 pm #6908
Brad Ruwe
Participant@Shaun OH GOD YOU’RE RIGHT
Think about it, in Westworld, characters are killed off and brought back after some maintenance work time and time again. Just reset the programming, fix up any damage to the skin, and voila, back out in the park running their narrative.
We’ve seen characters like Sadie die time and time again in the OOA. The Tension book tells us she was played by an actress (AI?) named Maddy. Sure enough, who’s our spambot that “N” used to reach out to us this week? @maddyxxx
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Brad Ruwe.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
April 7, 2017 at 6:50 pm #6910
Lawrence Meyers
ParticipantAll of this has happened before and it will happen again.
April 7, 2017 at 7:17 pm #6912
Participant@nothenrygale that kinda fits with a Sarah telling me today that “Everything should be back on track shortly.” Gonna do a hard reset? Take the game out, blow on it, put it back in? ?
April 7, 2017 at 7:18 pm #6913
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantGod damnit now I got the image of Sarah “blowing on it” (Noah) to reset him.
April 7, 2017 at 7:39 pm #6914
Tom Hite
Participant@izryn – “ultimate version of us, flawless, perfect, and better than us originals in every sense?”
We have a lot of binary oppositions going on: shadow/light, sin/perfection, winner/loser… your comment brings up a crucial point.
What would be the “ultimate version” of you? How would you know? We’ve all been indoctrinated by a world that depicts a certain style, body-type, language, etc. as somehow preferable or privileged, and it’s tempting to accept the narrative of “nature” as our designer…
But how natural is anything, really? Haven’t we reached a point (a la Reggio’s “Koyaanisqatsi,” for one) where “nature” is ultimately a meaningless gesture of a notion? We *are* nature. Our technology, albeit distancing and artificial-seeming at times, is borne out of the same instincts as that which first impelled us to harvest wheat, build fires, and conjure language from our bodies.
What algorithms could identify a kernel of “you” to improve upon and extrapolate into an ideal? This is a very real question, and leads to the same problem we always run into when trying to reach perfection: in order to know what is best, we would have to know everything.
Your perfect self is not taller, shorter, or stronger. To misappropriate Wesley (the Dread Pirate Roberts), “anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.” As horrible and self-help-ey of a conclusion as it is, we have only one to draw until we can figure out all the possibilities: you *are* the perfect you.
Now, if you’ll pardon me, I’m gonna go clear some of this sunshine from my butt.
April 7, 2017 at 8:20 pm #6916
ParticipantThis also puts a spin on “sin with perfection”. Like literally sin with a “perfect” person. Hmmmm….
April 7, 2017 at 10:49 pm #6917
Inactive@larry So say we all.
April 8, 2017 at 12:45 am #6919
Participant -
April 8, 2017 at 1:58 am #6922
Haley Wilde
ParticipantThis is an eye-opening theory, honestly. I’m trying to figure out where I stand on all of this. I’m trying to believe that Noah is good, I want to believe it. I want to trust him. I spent a lot of effort and time to make him like me, to get the “yes” response I wanted… but maybe I got exactly what I needed. It puts things into perspective. I believe you’re on the right track my friend.
April 8, 2017 at 8:00 am #6924
InactiveThe more I keep hearing this AI stuff, the more my overworked, sleep deprived brain presumes that I am an AI or similar to a n AI. Then again, it would make sense considering my history.
Perhaps this is why @nothenrygale likes me. Ha ha.
April 8, 2017 at 10:08 am #6925
Tim Redman
ParticipantNeed more RAM to compute this all. Is it so wrong to want to just wait andsee what unfolds next? There’s so much cooking here and I can only eat so much.
April 8, 2017 at 10:18 am #6926
Brad Ruwe
Participant@timsmyname Why don’t you just Download more RAM?
April 8, 2017 at 10:21 am #6927
Participant -
April 8, 2017 at 10:23 am #6928
Tim Redman
Participant@nothenrygale thinking about chocolate robots…..
April 8, 2017 at 10:25 am #6929
ParticipantI just don’t understand why something would want to be ‘human’ or ‘human replicate’ To achieve conscious thinking. Breaking away from the worker-bee status in any system is painful. Going off script (for you Westworld fans) is nearly unfathomable for a scripted creature. Identity is complicated and intrinsically flawed. It sucks. There’s constant turmoil, and it’s simply an unquenchable side affect of the human condition.
Maybe they achieved this finally with Noah, and it broke him? Upon emotional and intellectual independence,the complications won out? Maybe that’s what they’re trying to eliminate, the pain of being human?-
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
April 8, 2017 at 10:29 am #6931
Inactive@theladyj “He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.”
April 8, 2017 at 10:31 am #6932
Brian E
ParticipantAwesome theories @anakindrew @nothenrygale that sounds like what could be happening. Tension had a cult backdrop as a theme, it easily could of been an a high-end technological experiment that was created under very specific settings. Thinking like the stations on Lost how each station was created for a specific purpose and experiment.
Addison and the Helmet she was forced to wear at times easily could of been an early beta test for this tech, with the Cult of Anoch being nothing more then a super elaborate set piece, and while they were at it they had the idea, this is working better then we thought and we can get all these people to willing give up all their super deep and personal information.
That whole connection between Maddy and @maddyxxx blows my mind.
April 8, 2017 at 10:39 am #6933
Maybe that IS the malicious point? Create something that looks like us, talks like us, and our inner workings. But doesn’t feel like us and with no emotional weaknesses. In creating this Frankenstein’s monster, in creating a cult of personality, easily, such a monster could rule us all. -
April 8, 2017 at 10:40 am #6934
Inactive@mistere RE: Maddy — you’re telling me, man!
April 8, 2017 at 10:41 am #6935
Kyle Bown
ParticipantIn the inevitability that one of these AIs becomes sentient and breaks away, remember. It isn’t the AIs fault it was created. If that is N.O.A.H. then it is clearly struggling.
If you haven’t, I highly recommend watching the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Measure of a Man. About the android crew member, Data, and whether he is considered a person or property. Brilliant episode.
April 8, 2017 at 12:30 pm #6936
Kimberly Stewart
Participant“Friday, Aug 26, 2016
Correspondence between the Clockmakers and MJLemke:
MJL: We have been extensively looking into this and believe that she is not only still susceptible but she maintained much more of her core personality than all of the most recent GKs combined…
Clmr9: …Four was bad enough but III? Who eats pancakes like that… Plus the loss of life and what have you… I want to make certain we don’t go down that road again.
cMake34: We all saw what happened to III. Be careful with that thing.
ClM568: If we can’t end her then capture and reprogram. Is this still a possibility? Will it stick or will we be stuck with another vegetable…”
The helmet technology was failing. Many of us saw it face to face in the form of personalities such as Ellis Gordon or Overseer glitching out in various ways. Sometimes their dialogue would skip like a record, or they’d forget they ever met you after having just greeted you warmly by name. There are so many existing examples of the technology failing.
This reminds me again of the words of Michelle at The End. She said the one thing we couldn’t program out of her was her faith.
Program. Programming failed. Next obvious step is to find a way to avoid this pesky humanity problem once and for all.
If the technology isn’t working, fix it. If you can’t fix it, replace it.
The System is the new entry point into the clutches of OSDM or above. OOA had been revealed. Something had to sprout up in it’s place. Rather than seeking enlightenment, we are now being promised to win at life, dominate the game. All we need to do is take that one small step. You have to welcome them in and then they take over.
P.S. Thank you for the poster, Jackie ?
April 8, 2017 at 1:42 pm #6939
Andrew K
Participant@prufrock5150 – to add on to what you said- if you think about it them trying to create the “ultimate versions” of all of us in an AI makes complete sense.
Noah’s “system” was/is one that teaches you to be stronger, smarter, BETTER than everyone else. What other better way to do that than to subject us to brainwashing/technological implantations that literally change who we are and utilize all of the data they’ve collected to make people into better versions of themselves?
Seems they used this System on Noah and it worked, for awhile but now he’s glitching out and they need to “reset” the system.
They need to get him back so they can reset him and make him back into the puppet/AI they need him to be- or deactivate him all together and start anew.
My guess is that Sarah and Noah were never actually married, but that “marriage” was implanted into Noah via brainwashing. Perhaps the alochol he was drinking helped to change/alter or helped him “see through” the programming implanted in him and that’s why he drank so much?
If how they are brainwashing people is through any kind of chemical injections, it might make sense that alcohol would suppress it in some way?
April 8, 2017 at 2:34 pm #6942
Kimberly Stewart
Participant@theladyj: Forgot to ask earlier. Re: The poster that reads “Rather than giving me something, do they want to harvest what I have?”
Who even is that blonde girl, and why is she drinking a Guinness?
April 8, 2017 at 2:47 pm #6943
I don’t know, I use whats available to me, watermark free, unlicensed stock imagery, Narrow it down with like ‘Predator’, ‘unawareness’, then, which ever inspires me. Like for yours I felt doing something with a sensor bar, like an edited document, or not having the whole picture. And the woman drinking, seemed very candid. Because like her, we have little grasp on the gravity around us. It even has that subtle, owner less hand on her far shoulder.For a fear of sounding WAY too artsy:
Inspiration. Free Images. Themes. Pretty? Pretty. Put words on it. Font play. Share. -
April 8, 2017 at 3:09 pm #6944
Brad Ruwe
Participant@anakindrew That’s a really good thought regarding the alcohol! It would fit given all of the talk about “sober” and how he tossed the empty bottle when he came in on the focus group.
OSDM, the best argument for drinking alcohol?
April 8, 2017 at 3:15 pm #6945
Meghan Mayhem
ParticipantI don’t know about the rest of you, but I certainly drink alcohol to reboot myself sometimes.
April 8, 2017 at 5:47 pm #6946
ParticipantWhat better way to sin with perfection than to literally be a perfect specimen of a sinner via an AI implant?
That sounds like a perfect business plan to make some money with the flow machine shadow implant technology. I know I could use a good reprogramming to get what’s mine.
Speaking of reprogramming did you happen to have some alone time with Sarah last weekend @julierei? You are acting a bit differently recently.
April 8, 2017 at 5:55 pm #6947
Julie R Goldstein
Participant@shaun – I can guarantee you that any choices I’ve made, I’ve made of my own free will.
April 8, 2017 at 6:16 pm #6948
ParticipantI’ll have what she’s having ?
April 8, 2017 at 9:09 pm #6949
Kimberly Stewart
Participant@theladyj: Thank you for explaining ♥️
April 8, 2017 at 9:17 pm #6950
April 8, 2017 at 10:40 pm #6951
Participant -
April 8, 2017 at 11:45 pm #6952
ParticipantThat makes some sense! Why else would they want to collect our responses and what some want in friends?
April 13, 2017 at 11:52 am #8157
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantRacist AI back in the news again. https://www.buzzfeed.com/nidhisubbaraman/robot-racism-through-language?bftw&utm_term=.uozx84OgX#.stLenY2AR
April 14, 2017 at 9:11 am #8514
ParticipantGoogle has taught an AI to doodle
April 14, 2017 at 1:47 pm #8604
ParticipantI like the idea of AIs and Robots. Too bad the last leaked message seems to disprove the theory of AIs?
April 14, 2017 at 1:57 pm #8611
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantHey @bunny, welcome! I loved the idea too, big scifi fan. And the message seems to go against the idea of ROBOTS, but not AI. It’s very possible they’ve been collecting our data as a means to potentially replicate us in AI form.
Apologies for asking, but may I ask what brought you to this topic? I saw you just joined, and you instantly commented here. Not trying to throw doubt around, just trying to be cautious. We did just have a big “player may be in on it” moment.
But yes, I still want me some scifi goodness damnit!
April 14, 2017 at 2:00 pm #8613
Participant@nothenrygale, I know @shaun and he has been keeping me up to date with the story. Plus he started this thread so I’ve been following it. 🙂
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
April 14, 2017 at 2:02 pm #8616
April 14, 2017 at 5:34 pm #8674
Kurt Lohse
ParticipantI’m new to these boards, but I’ve read through this thread and would like to offer my take on what I think may be unfolding:
The goal of “the game” is complete control. First of the individual, then of the collective, then of society at large.
Ascension/Tension Experience was an experiment in physical control through a mixture of social conditioning, chemistry, technology, and the manipulation of our most basic emotions relating to fear, pain, sensuality, anxiety, etc. The experiment showed promise but ultimately failed. Faith and deep-seated core beliefs about individuality are tough to permanently condition out of people even through the most rigorous cult tactics. And as long as these core human traits remain to provide hope in an absurd universe, we will continue to be susceptible to altruistic behaviors – which aren’t the most conducive for getting people to act contrary to their own best interests – let alone do what many would consider being inherently evil.
So we learn, adapt, and move on to the next most promising path forward: botnets and deindividuation
If I were planning phase 2, Lust would naturally progress to experiment with AI and non-physical representations of individuals. If you can’t control the physical and mental decision-making of people directly, do the next best thing and create hard to distinguish digital replicants – first on a small scale and then ramp up. Pollute the digital ecosystem to such a degree that no one can tell the difference anymore or they just get too lazy to figure it out. I mean, do you really believe all those recommendations on books, products, politicians, etc. are written by humans anymore?
Botnets have been one of the most serious security and societal threats yet invented, and they are poised to do far more damage to humanity than simple DDOS attacks or hacking exploits to steal credit card information. In the age of fake news, most find it incredibly hard to discern real from fake anything, and people are slowly just giving up. The next evil evolution (as has already been evidenced by the more publicized Russian election hacks) is to create masses of fake digital people fueled by AI, automated by Botnets, and coordinated in ways that influence real people to make evil decisions. Welcome to the dawn of the great digital deindividuation!
Tease people with delights, fulfill their desires, feed their prejudices, and promise the world just enough to encourage complete disclosure of your innermost secrets and desires and then use this information to blackmail the early victims into “playing along”. Once you have your core set, that set can be used to influence a larger set and train the system to do more on its own. Once you are at critical mass, anything is possible.
Why is achieving deindividuation so important to our wonderfully nefarious overlords? Because ordinary people like you and me have been proven to do evil things when we are willingly (or unwillingly) stripped from our individuality and embrace the social psychology of “the anonymous crowd”.
Deindividuation is a theory that explains the tendency of violence to emerge in large crowds of people. It explains why firefighters and police are required to push people away from active suicide attempts – because in crowds ordinary people will eventually provoke the victim to jump. Deindividuation refers to the process of losing hold of our own identity, which can occur with the anonymity and diffusion of responsibility offered to us when in large groups. Thanks to AI & Botnets, and armies of fake digital people, it has now become possible for this horrible societal side effect to spring forth from a completely digital trigger point.
While terrifying, I predict this experiment will fail as well in time, although somewhat spectacularly.
Phase 3 of the control game would then evolve to be perfect remote mass mind control and develop ways to separate an individual’s conscious control over their bodily actions – even if just for a few moments. If someone could prove to you that through a simple phone call from anywhere in the world that they could make you harm yourself while your consciousness left your body and you watched helplessly from the ceiling as your body did the worst thing imaginable, would you ever disobey another order? – but that’s just silly sci-fi thinking, right there.
There are secret collectives of digital anarchists operating right now using crude technology and poorly understood thought pattern shaping techniques to remotely influence individuals, large groups all over the world, and even inanimate systems to…break. They use a twisted philosophy that allows them to do horrific things for the greater good and are the very embodiment of modern evil. To be successful they need large numbers of trained and philosophically aligned participants OR a ton of energy, and I mean a ton, like from an artificial gravity well that certain secretive defense contractors have been playing around with for decades.
In these kinds of extremely strange times, there seems little hope… for hope.
Of course, I could be way off, but it’s fun to think about anyways.
April 14, 2017 at 6:21 pm #8697
Participant@shadow462, that’s really interesting. Having control be the ultimate goal does reflect what The System wants in terms of power, for what is power but the ability to have control over one’s circumstances?
April 17, 2017 at 9:51 pm #9204
Participant@thebuz I think this thread is worthy of the ‘participant theories’ portion under here not because I think it still fits the narrative but because of @shadow462’s (chilling) in depth theory!
April 17, 2017 at 10:23 pm #9207
Inactive@shaun Added! 🙂
April 18, 2017 at 3:48 pm #9372
Kurt Lohse
ParticipantThanks @shaun & @thebuz! I hope others help explore the theory.
May 6, 2017 at 5:12 pm #12765
Cyrus La Rosa
Participant@Shaun I just joined and reading your post has blown my mind to bits!
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