This topic has 19 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Chris.
June 6, 2017 at 12:21 am #16100
ParticipantSo when Otis had his live stream I took out some of my mythology books and looked into the symbolism in all that- and tonight I was like “fuck it I’m going to see if Horace’s name is in any of these” and low and behold, it was in one of them. Which got me down a rabbit hole of the Egyptian god named Horus.
Now, to clarify, I don’t actually know if I even believe this theory/connection. It’s literally only based on Horace’s name, and that they had some Egyptian art stuff at the start of Lust. There isn’t anything else to really connect it by fact.
And with that, I present this crack theory.
• So. Horus was an Egyptian god who was known for the sun, war and hunting. He had a massive war between him and his brother, Set, to take the throne of Egypt. Horus eventually won, but the point was that there was a fight to keep the throne/how I’m making a connection to Horus (Horace’s) actions towards Noah and his boner for making sure Noah is in charge.
• Eye of Horus AKA “Always watching”
• Horus has a son with Hathor, Ihy who I’m taking as Noah.
• Hathor is Horus’ mother as well as his wife. Keeping bloodlines pure. Connection to Lust things.
• In Egyptian art, Ihy is shown with a Sistrum which is a rattle made of bronze or brass. His toy/Noah’s toys. Connection only cause it’s one of the only things on Ihy since he’s not a very important god.
• Ihy later has a connection with Hathor that transformed him into a god of pleasure, lust and fertility. Fuckin. Connection.
• Egyptians believe that in order to connect with god Hathor, the person must become intoxicated first; and worshipping Ihy in this way can help to reach his mother (Hathor). Noah is a god damn drunk.Well. Yeah, if anything it was fun finding all this out and trying to string it to Lust.
June 6, 2017 at 1:12 am #16104
Hannah Schenck
ParticipantLet’s say that this theory does connect to Lust:
-This makes me very excited to find out who Noah’s mother is, because she will probably be an important character who holds a lot of power if Noah were to come in contact with her again.
-Noah drinking could be a way of him trying to connect with his mother
-The fertility doll practice ritual @confuseddude stumbled in on could have been a way to try to connect with Hathor to transform someone with the powers of pleasure, lust and fertility. In this case it may be a woman that they are looking to test this on.Regardless if this plays out or not, I think it is a good find @kortneydarling
June 6, 2017 at 6:53 am #16112
June 6, 2017 at 7:05 am #16113
Bryan Bishop
ParticipantAwesome research, @kortneydarling! A lot to chew on here.
And agreed @wanda102. We’ve seen a lot of clues and imagery over the past couple months. Just because things like iConfidant have grabbed our attention since doesn’t mean everything doesn’t fit together.
June 6, 2017 at 8:57 am #16117
InactiveI need to start telling younglings to skip college and just start doing these experiences because you learn more about history and mythology than you ever do in a classroom setting.
This is really fascinating stuff. Each bullet point you hit by itself is a “Well… maybe..” But all together leads me to believe this is more than just coincidence.
At the end of the day all of this has happened before and will happen again.
Also some interesting notes on the Eye of Horus:
“The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and royal power from deities, in this case from Horus or Ra. The symbol is seen on images of Horus’ mother, Isis, and on other deities associated with her. In the Egyptian language, the word for this symbol was “wedjat” (wɟt).[13][14] It was the eye of one of the earliest of Egyptian deities, Wadjet, who later became associated with Bastet, Mut, and Hathor as well. Wadjet was a solar deity and this symbol began as her all-seeing eye. In early artwork, Hathor is also depicted with this eye.[15] Funerary amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus. The Wedjat or Eye of Horus is “the central element” of seven “gold, faience, carnelian and lapis lazuli” bracelets found on the mummy of Shoshenq II.[16] The Wedjat “was intended to protect the king [here] in the afterlife”[16] and to ward off evil. Egyptian and Near Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their vessel to ensure safe sea travel.[17]”
Also Horus was known as the God of War and Hunting. I found this piece to be rather appropriate:
Horus was also said to be a god of war and hunting. The Horus falcon is shown upon a standard on the prehistoric Hunters Palette in the “lion hunt”. Thus he became a symbol of majesty and power as well as the model of the pharaohs, who were said to be Horus in human form.
Anti, another war god and the tutelary deity of Tjebu, was later identified with Horus.[18]
June 6, 2017 at 8:58 am #16119
InactiveAnd then there is this piece that seems maybe less important but entertaining none the less:
Horus was told by his mother, Isis, to protect the people of Egypt from Set, the god of the desert, who had killed Horus’ father, Osiris.[19][20] Horus had many battles with Set, not only to avenge his father, but to choose the rightful ruler of Egypt. In these battles, Horus came to be associated with Lower Egypt, and became its patron.
According to The Contendings of Horus and Seth, Set is depicted as trying to prove his dominance by seducing Horus and then having sexual intercourse with him. However, Horus places his hand between his thighs and catches Set’s semen, then subsequently throws it in the river so that he may not be said to have been inseminated by Set.
So whose load is Horace going to be catching and tossing into a river? Is Otis going to blow his goo in Horaces palm, and then Horace is going to holler “GLORY BE” and fling the mess into a warehouse?
June 6, 2017 at 9:08 am #16120
ParticipantSO glad we are finally talking about this Egyptian connection! I’ve been hoping for this since I created the “Kinky Egyptians” thread back in March! Also throw in the mirrors and the scale in the hotel for more Egyptian symbology!
I still want to know what was in that Egyptian book!!
June 6, 2017 at 9:29 am #16121
InactiveIt also should be noted with all of this that it would seem Horace is ancient Egyptian mythology… and Noah and Sarah are biblical.
Old Religion Vs New Religion.
June 6, 2017 at 9:34 am #16122
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantFascinating stuff. Def think there’s an intentional connection with what’s going on. A good number of that was just too much on the nose.
June 6, 2017 at 9:40 am #16123
Bryan Bishop
ParticipantIt also should be noted with all of this that it would seem Horace is ancient Egyptian mythology… and Noah and Sarah are biblical.
Old Religion Vs New Religion.
Uh-oh. You’re dead-on with this, @thebuz. Our last encounter with these people revealed that our instinct to buy into a manipulative narrative (the story of Addison Barrow) could be weaponized, used to blind us to all reason and self-preservation. Is religion writ large the lesson this time?
I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
June 6, 2017 at 9:49 am #16126
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantI’ve brought this up before, but I’ll bring it up again…
With various religious iconography at play, I feel now more than ever like “thoughtform” is at the heart of all this.They NEED our attention. The Sinclairs, Horace, Anoch, iC, OSDM, etc… They wouldn’t exist without people like us who willingly give ourselves over to them.
June 6, 2017 at 10:03 am #16131
ParticipantIt also should be noted with all of this that it would seem Horace is ancient Egyptian mythology… and Noah and Sarah are biblical.
Old Religion Vs New Religion.
Diving into this a little bit more. While the Bible certainly fits in as a newer religion, the Old Testament and the New Testament fall pretty well into the old religion/new religion divide we’ve heard about with the Book of Anoch.
God in the Old Testament is pretty brutal. There was the flood (hi Noah), the total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah where a woman was also turned into a pillar of salt, the plagues of Egypt, and even asking a man to sacrifice his son and allowing him to back off just before he killed him. And those are just some of the highlights (there’s a reason “Going Old Testament on your ass” is a phrase). Noah and Sarah are both names that show up in the Old Testament.
God in the New Testament was quite a bit nicer, but also less active. There’s more a focus on how people spread the message to a larger number of people, and not just the chosen ones. Of course, a single sacrifice was still necessary, even if he was nicer on the whole. To my knowledge, we’ve only seen one New Testament name come up, Timothy.
June 6, 2017 at 10:03 am #16132
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantWhat was the thing said at “The End” event? The thing Michelle said, like…
“The one thing we couldn’t program out was faith”
What if THIS was their big takeaway from Tension. You can’t deprogram people and remove their strongly held beliefs. So the best way to control people isn’t to take away faith, but to instill new faith. To craft a brand new belief system so strongly held in people (us) that they’ll blindly follow them wherever they are led? Once again, we are being indoctrinated. I think this time it’s not just a “little theater thing” fake cult, but an actual installation of a new belief system. Creating an army of devotees to the church of Anoch.
June 6, 2017 at 10:08 am #16134
Hannah Schenck
Participant@kevin You’re speaking my entire childhood! This is pretty fascinating, and to be honest, most people accept the New Testament over the Old due to the more inviting and guiding messages, as opposed to the Old Testament where pretty much anything you did outside of breathing got you killed. There was a lot more judgement and scorn in the Old Testament.
June 6, 2017 at 10:24 am #16135
InactiveIn terms of Old Vs New, Old Mythology and Old Testament was all about Gods running the show and telling people what to do.
New Testament and other western religions (and some Eastern) is all about self. You do you essentially. We essentially have the choice to sin or not. Obviously some of these religions have the punishment happening at the end of your life if you’re a sinner, but it’s not an immediate threat like it was in the old days where the Gods would just get pissed and sink your ship if you didn’t say Bless you when someone sneezed.
June 6, 2017 at 10:30 am #16136
ParticipantTo my knowledge, we’ve only seen one New Testament name come up, Timothy.
I didn’t think about that until you just said it but yes Timothy is New Testament. In the Bible Paul writes letters to Timothy from prison to help him take care of the flock (the church) while he was in prison. Timothy was to to be in charge and run the church basically in Paul’s absence but the believers despised him because he was so young
June 6, 2017 at 10:31 am #16137
InactiveHoly shit @pandace88!
I love threads like this that start putting puzzle pieces we’ve had for awhile together. Things are clicking.
June 6, 2017 at 10:35 am #16138
ParticipantMore Egyptian mythology thoughts…
Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris (in some versions – others his mother was Hathor as noted previously)
Isis and Osiris were brother and sister, Isis is mother, nature, magic – still worshipped today in many pagan religions (which for all their denial of it do share some overlap with satanism). Osiris is the god of the afterlife and one of the things I found particularly interesting about him is that he is often pictured and associated with ostrich feathers – that may be what the feather symbol on the forum page is in reference to.
June 6, 2017 at 5:17 pm #16168
ParticipantAnother thought I had re: the doll in the ritual that PlAndy stumbled in on…Isis had to reassemble Osiris after their brother Set killed him, chopped up his body and scattered all the pieces. This became their creation myth/version of the resurrection/breathing life into a body to blahblahblah stuff, which seems relevant to the creation of maybe confidants.
Also given that Horus and Set had to wage a battle over who was king, and then Osiris decreed that Horus most definitely was the King, I think that might have to be taken into serious consideration when thinking about who the King card represents.
July 21, 2017 at 11:12 pm #20058
ParticipantI know the Horace/Horus name association is a too good to pass kind of thing, but if we take the characters “personality”, does Horace really goes for the God who fought to protect the Egyptian people against his uncle? Most of all, he is in this mythology, the figure of the “Son” and not the father, as Horace here… I know that Horus was the God of war also and had a falcon as a symbol (which could lead to the wings in the Lust Logo, the bird on the side of the “Forums” link on the homepage and so long….
“[Horus] seems to have begun as a god of war and a sky god who was married to Hathor, but soon became considered as the opponent of Set, the son of Ra, and later the son of Osiris. However, the situation is confused by the fact that there were many Hawk gods in ancient Egypt and a number of them shared the name Horus (or more specifically Har, Heru or Hor). Furthermore, the gods Ra, Montu and Sokar could all take the form of a falcon. Each “Horus” had his own cult center and mythology, but over time they merged and were absorbed by the most popular Horus, Horus Behedet (Horus of Edfu).”
If I was actually to pick any Ancient deity to choose from to match (the little I know of him) Horace, it would be Ra.
“Ra (Re) was the primary name of the sun god of Ancient Egypt. He was often considered to be the King of the Gods and thus the patron of the pharaoh and one of the central gods of the Egyptian pantheon. He was also described as the creator of everything. Ra was so powerful and popular and his worship was so enduring that some modern commentators have argued that the Egyptian religion was in fact a form of veiled monotheism with Ra as the one god.” (Does it sound familiar?)
“Ra-Horakhty-Atum was associated with Osiris as the manifestation of the sun at night.” – Seek for the light in moments of darkness, anyone?
And, another thing, about the Eye:
“The Eye of Ra has anthropomorphic qualities and is sometimes also called the daughter of Ra. Ra sends out his eye to seek information as well as hand out wrath and vengeance against those who have insulted him. (they are always watching, right?)
Thus, it is a much more aggressive symbol that the Eye of Horus.
The Eye is also given to a variety of goddesses such as Sekhmet, Wadjet, and Bast. Sekhmet once ranged down such ferocity against a disrespectful humanity that Ra eventually had to step in to stop her from exterminating the entire race.
The Eye of Ra commonly sports a red iris.
As if that wasn’t complicated enough, the concept of the Eye of Ra is often represented by another symbol entirely, a cobra wrapped around a sun-disk, often hovering over a deity’s head: most often Ra. The cobra is a symbol of the goddess Wadjet, who has her own connections to the Eye symbol.
Wadjet is a cobra goddess and the patron of lower Eygpt. Depictions of Ra commonly sport a sun disk over his head and a cobra wrapped around the disk. That cobra is Wadjet, a protective deity. An Eye shown in association with a cobra is usually Wadjet, although sometimes it is an Eye of Ra.Just to be further confusing, the Eye of Horus is sometimes called a Wadjat eye.”
And can I ask if there is a post about the symbols of the Lust logo being all free mason symbols?
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