Clint's Instagram

This topic has 20 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by Christine Barger.

  • Author
    • #23310
       Meghan Mayhem

      I was perusing Instagram today and saw that Clint posted a photo of his dog about 5 hours ago.
      I couldn’t help but notice the odd framing as there was some mail clearly in display to the side of the couch.

      I zoomed in and noticed it was a letter from Clint addressed to Stephanie. It appears to have a “Return to Sender” sticker attached to the front.

      Looks like he tried to send her something and she sent it back to him.
      I guess this confirms she really does want nothing to do with them now?

    • #23311

      It looks like a greeting card from the size of the envelope. It’s too early for a birthday card, so I wonder what its story is…

    • #23312
       Brad Ruwe

      Seriously incredible find. I remember seeing this post but didn’t pick up on the mail thing.

    • #23313

      @meghanmayhem Good eyes, you god damn secret spy. If Stephanie is really unhappy with them, could this be a “hey since you won’t pick up your phone so sorry about that thing we did here’s a card love hearts!”

    • #23314

      Could also be an invitation of some kind?

    • #23315

      I think kind of yellow Return to Sender Sticker means it’s not deliverable.
      Does that mean Stephanie has gone to ground/moved without telling them?

    • #23316
       Bryan Bishop

      Is that… is that a coffee cup stain on the envelope?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Bryan Bishop.
    • #23317

      There’s actually a lot of different reasons you could get a Nixie label

      No postage
      Incomplete, illegible, or incorrect address
      Addressee is not at the address (unknown, moved, or deceased)
      Mail is unclaimed
      Mail is refused by the addressee at time of delivery
      Mail is refused by the addressee after delivery when permitted
      Minimum criteria for mailability is not met

      So it’s plausible that it was refused by Steph, per post office rules and such.

    • #23319

      Moving over from Slack:

      Confirmed with @meghanmayhem that all of the actors from last year had positive things to say about the event and their time with Tension. Recently that all changed and now none of them want anything to do with any of it. So what exactly changed and when did that shift occur?

      • #23323

        @kevin seemingly right around the time Mason appeared, no? At least that’s when it started to come to light.

        Then the distaste was solidified by the discovery of bugs in their homes, followed by the recorded audio leaking?

    • #23320

      That’s a damn impressive find – great work @meghanmayhem.

    • #23321

      What a neat catch!

    • #23322

      Judging from her response (and the response of all the other actors who’ve been contacted), I think a refusal is likely. SO Clint & Darren are still involved enough that Stephanie wants nothing to do with them either. I wonder if any of the actors have been in touch with each other.

      I’m not a betting lass, but I’d put money on something funky going down at these “retreats” that are making people spooked. Maybe they’re realizing this isn’t a game anymore too? WTF IS GOING ON AT THESE RETREATS?? Bet Joyce was at one when she was “realigning [her]…sensitivities.”

    • #23327

      @addisonborn Yeah, we’ve only heard about it recently, but I’m wondering if there wasn’t some specific event that drove them all away prior to this (at a retreat as @erisbonn suggests). Or it could very well be that Mason has been contacting them and letting them know what those behind The Lust Experience are up to.

    • #23328
       Lawrence Meyers

      I can confirm the street address is correct. Don’t know about the apartment.

      The swirl in the upper right corner was made the USPS. It may be either to confirm postage was correct, or incorrect.

      I received a card about that size from Clint just after our show closed. Stephanie did not mention that she received one.

      Nice catch @meghanmayhem

    • #23329

      @larry Did he see your show? Who sends cards anyway.

    • #23330

      …I do. All the time. :/

    • #23333

      I love getting cards but nobody sends them anymore 🙁 Well, nobody but @coryphella I guess lol

    • #23351
       Lawrence Meyers

      He didn’t see the show but was 100% in my corner and encouraged me to do the immersive.

    • #23820

      Did anyone notice Clint’s other IG picture? Looks like some of the dead drop letters from last year with the redactions.

    • #24626
       Christine Barger

      I love his puppy. Never noticed the card. Sharp eye.

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