This topic has 47 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by Robert Fuller.
September 4, 2017 at 9:01 pm #23957
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantMason called me again. But this time something was different. He was drinking…holding back tears. He wasn’t using his fake voice. No creepiness. This was a real human being, calling to confide something in me.
I won’t attempt to paraphrase this one, so I’ll give you the basics of what he told me:
Mason wants us to know more about him to curb some misconceptions. “My name is Mason Silver. That’s my real name. It’s not great, but that’s the name I was born with.” He told me how he grew up in the OSDM. His parents were members. He tried to be a “good little cultist” growing up, but got rebellious as he got older. His parents let his behavior slide.
Then he put on the helmet. In his words, he was hoping it would “make me the next Gatekeeper, but surprise! It didn’t work.” According to him, it opened up something…different.
So he left. He left to start his own organization. Something in the spirit of the OOA, only this organization would “focus on the science.” He told me I would soon see it for myself.
I thanked him for his story.
“I have to call Megan now,” he said, “Bye, my dude.”
Again, I was totally surprised by his candor. This was not the bat swinging Mason we’ve seen publicly in the video. This was a vulnerable human opening up about an incredibly dark past.
I feel like I’m starting to understand him.
September 4, 2017 at 9:05 pm #23958
Lawrence Meyers
Me and my Shadow…..
September 4, 2017 at 9:05 pm #23959
Meghan Mayhem
ParticipantMason is a goddamn Freezoner.
September 4, 2017 at 9:06 pm #23960
Brad Ruwe
Participant@meghanmayhem What’s a freezoner?
September 4, 2017 at 9:07 pm #23961
InactiveWelp. There’s an info drop if there ever was one. Thank you for relaying that to us.
Also, I approve of letting us know more about him. One of the biggest issues I’ve had with him from the beginning is the lack of transparency while pursuing us for information. Give a little. Get a little. All that jazz.
September 4, 2017 at 9:09 pm #23962
Meghan Mayhem
Participant@nothenrygale A Freezoner is an ex-Scientologist that still believes in the teachings of Scientology, but disapproves of the organization as a whole. Think of it like a Catholic who still believes in God but stops going to church because of the controversies and abuses.
September 4, 2017 at 9:16 pm #23963
Robert Fuller
ParticipantThere goes the box theory. So what was in the box?
September 4, 2017 at 10:12 pm #23964
ParticipantAlright @daela and I have been chatting on slack and thought we’d paste the back and forth over here
[1 hour ago]
Ok so…If the whole thing with OOA was fiction, then Mason lied to Kasch about his life story. Why.Id also venture that Mason called both of them at the same time to disprove a two masons theory.
daela [32 minutes ago]
I think that the OOA *WE* saw was fiction, but it was a fictionalized version of real events and a real culturedaela
[31 minutes ago]
And it was at least partially told using actors who had been brainwashed into believing it was realwanda102
[27 minutes ago]
it seemed an awful lot like Mason was referring to the fictional OOA in his call to Kasch. If he isn’t an actor, is he creating his own OOA that is “better?” I dont know if that really makes sense, to me. Darren’s leaks seem to admit the whole thing was theatre before, and now it maybe isn’t, and Mason is real. If he’s real, then who’s story is he telling?daela
[24 minutes ago]
In a Mason email, he said, “…one of the more frustrating aspects of this entire ordeal is that every thread that we seem to pull and pursue has had a double fail safe of being written into their narrative as part of universe’s fiction…”daela [24 minutes ago]
I took that to mean that just because things were written into the theatrical production of the OOA…doesn’t mean those things weren’t also happening in real lifewanda102
[21 minutes ago]
then why would Darren say to Clint “i think he’s real?” I keep coming back to that and it’s frustrating. if everything was always real and they co-opted it into fiction, then why is Mason so troubling to the creators?wanda102
[18 minutes ago]
also should we forum this? loldaela
[18 minutes ago]
Because he’s making real trouble? Same reason that Remy was upset that Sabrina was threatening to leak secrets and that he had to fund her music video?To respond to that last bit…so contacting the actors is the “real” trouble, we’re thinking? It’s bad enough to make Darren walk away?
September 4, 2017 at 10:19 pm #23965
Robert Fuller
ParticipantI don’t think the OOA being fictional precludes Mason from drawing inspiration from it for his own organization. Or, if it does, it could be that he’s not lying, and that this back story is simply a new identity implanted by the helmet. It just doesn’t feel like a lie to me.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Robert Fuller.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
September 4, 2017 at 10:20 pm #23967
Lauren Bello
ModeratorSome thoughts on Gatekeepers, Helmets, and the reality of cults:
If you don’t know what a Gatekeeper is, there’s a history of Tension Gatekeepers here:
If you don’t know what the Helmet is or how it works, “Addison’s Journal” contains a description from her POV of the helmet’s effects:
The main question is…how much of the above was real? Were Gatekeepers a thing? “Addison” was a false character: does her journal actually document real events? Was anything that happened during Tension real, or was it all a fiction? How much of it really applies today?
Mason’s communication with Kasch references cult living, wanting to be a Gatekeeper, and trying on the Helmet. To me, this indicates that all three things are real. Yes, Tension was fiction, but it was a fictionalized version of real events.
In Mason’s email to Brad, he said, “…one of the more frustrating aspects of this entire ordeal is that every thread that we seem to pull and pursue has had a double fail safe of being written into their narrative as part of universe’s fiction…” In other words, just because something happened in Tension doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening in real life.
Darren’s texts that were leaked to Bryan Bishop also said that all this is “a lie sandwiched in between these things of truth”.
Right now, in the absence of further evidence, I believe the lie is “this is all theater”: the truth is that the hierarchy of Gatekeepers, the cult, the sacrifices, they are all real. And because of Tension, we have become desensitized to real dangers, believing they they are theater.
September 4, 2017 at 10:21 pm #23968
Robert Fuller
ParticipantAlso, are we sure the OOA is fictional? Or is that a lie sandwiched between truths?
EDIT: Ha, @daela beat me to it.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Robert Fuller.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
September 4, 2017 at 10:28 pm #23970
ParticipantAll he said was that he left the OSDM to start his own thing “in the spirit of the OOA,” that’s the only mention. Maybe he’s literally talking about leaving to create his own Ascension-type show/emotional data collector. People were theorizing he wanted to start his own immersive. That doesn’t negate the part of the story before he left.
September 4, 2017 at 10:42 pm #23972
Kevin Hsu
ParticipantI was thinking the same thing @macbethinabathtub
September 4, 2017 at 10:42 pm #23973
Participant@macbethinabathtub I would actually say that Mason referring to it as the OOA and an organization refutes this some. If he’d been talking about a theater performance, I think he would have referred to it as such. I don’t think he would have called it the OOA either, Tension or Ascension would have made more sense. Mason also said that it would be science based. That could be talking about a show and making it based around a scientific organization rather than a cult, I suppose. I would venture that it would be about their data collection efforts more likely, but if an organization is collecting data of any kind, there’s got to be some kind of scientific method there (even if it is fairly light).
I guess that’s a long way of saying that what Mason said doesn’t track for me.
September 4, 2017 at 10:59 pm #23982
Kevin Hsu
ParticipantOSDM creates OOA, it collected data and emotions. In the end it was just written off as theatre, nothing to worry about. OSDM creates iConfidant and The System, more data and emotion collection. This time we’re being warned that it’s not just theatre. Mason was born into OSDM but now he wants to start his own thing “in the spirit of the OOA”, perhaps The Briarberg Institute. This time not under any guise of theatre, but under the guise of scientific study.
September 5, 2017 at 3:28 am #23988
ParticipantLet me clear up some misconceptions since there seems to be a lack of understanding and empathy about what transpired in my house tonight/last night.
Bryan and I had talked yesterday morning about Mason’s call the night before and I had convinced or been convinced that he was NOT going to call last night. When the phone rang at 10:15ish I had just told Travis I was heading for bed after finishing something. It scared the shit out of me.
Mason asked if I could talk and I said yes. He asked what I had done that day, I said that mostly I had prepped for teaching (Tuesday is the first official day of classes). I said that I was teaching writing and it was my first time, and I was nervous. The other class, lighting design, I was less nervous. Blahblah teaching prep. He asked if I’d left the house at all, and I thought for a minute before saying yes, I had gone for a walk with Travis.
He then started talking personal stuff like the previous night – why did we get married on Friday the 13th. What was the tattoo I was going to get for my 40th birthday going to be (I had had to postpone getting it when Travis had the heart attack). Why did I like ammonite fossils and the sea. Why was my screen name a defunct genus. What did I think the song Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters meant – where this last one came from, I have NO idea, I have searched my blog. I love the song, where have I mentioned it online and why did he bring it up??
That’s when he spoke to someone and said thank you, and I heard the clink of ice in a glass, and asked “where are you?” and he said “Saint Paul.” And I sat straight up and said “no you’re not.” He said he almost came by to visit today but didn’t have the courage or didn’t want to scare me. (He had said earlier in the call that he never would want to scare me.) He asked me if I knew Mark – since I was with my friend Mark last night and I thought of Kyle’s Molly interaction at first I thought he’s going to tell me that Mark’s involved, but Mark would never get involved in this – he was referring to Mark that worked at the bar. He was at a “dive bar.” I asked what the name was and he said “Groveland Tap.” Note that this is the bar that @ziegenbartsr and I have met at several times and we have mentioned it on the forums. It’s about 2 blocks from my house. I live in the Mac Groveland neighborhood. Mark apparently gave him directions to the bar (who needs to be given directions???) and he told me how he got there, driving towards the river, etc. He said he went by my house, described the buildings on my street, said he couldn’t find 224 at first and then found it (this is actually a common problem people have, finding the house).
While he is saying this, I am chatting with Bryan, and I tell him “HE SAYS HE IS HERE. DOWN THE STREET.” Bryan is Bryan, and writes back “LOCK ALL YOUR DOORS. IS TRAVIS THERE?” Bryan tried to call Travis but couldn’t get an answer. I walk around my house and check to make sure the doors are locked, and when I get back to my computer he has said “DON’T LET HIM IN.” I have a difficult time reading people when there are layers of things going on, unless it’s in a play and I’m aware of them and it’s intentional/directed/scripted. I take things at face value. And I’ve seen Bryan and how he gets. And my heart was pounding, I was feeling REAL feelings, not fake ones, and I was trying hard to remind myself that there was NO WAY Mason was in Minnesota, and that he could get all that info from Google maps, etc., but Bryan’s messages meant, to me, that someone else felt it too.
Sometimes, when people react to things, I have to turn to other people and ask “is that person really afraid or are they pretending?” I didn’t actually ask Bryan in that moment because I WAS KIND OF REALLY AFRAID.
I did manage to ask Mason if I was supposed to share these calls with everyone, he said “you do you, Megan.” I explained that me doing me usually got me in trouble, and he said “because you always think you’re doing everything wrong.” I said that sometimes I got the feeling that he was saying important things but I wasn’t sure. He eventually said he had to go, and hung up.
I think, at that point, I typed “jesus fucking christ” on the slack, but then ran into the bedroom and got into bed with Travis for a minute. I told him what had happened and spent a few minutes trying to calm down before saying I had to go post about it if I was going to get to bed – my alarm goes off at 6:30, Tuesday is a LONG day.
I got back and thought that Lust had posted a “never silent” because of what had been said on slack, and I was pissed. This turned out to NOT be the case, but now add being pissed to being scared. On slack I started to explain what happened. I actually opened a post in the forums simultaneously but got sidetracked once I saw Kasch’s call – because THAT WAS THE CALL HE MADE during MY call. And I went back to slack to say so. Then a “delete” happened and I became aware that my freakout was being witnessed, which may not matter to you, but does to me – so, that made it worse. We are now at 20 minutes after I got on slack, for those keeping track of that hour I had time to chat. Now, I start typing a post, because y’all have moved on and are hashing through theories without me. This wasn’t easy, I was NOT calm.
Five minutes after that, in the middle of typing that post, my phone rang again from Darren’s number. He said he was following in slack and wanted to know if Mason sounded scripted. He seemed concerned, really concerned about the Mason call. He wanted to make sure Travis was here, and then he said he was sorry, and said he’d call me right back, and hung up. So, now, my heart is racing more. And we are now 30 min into that hour. And I’m thinking – do I wait for a call back? Or do I go to bed? I have to teach? What do I do? Type the post. I try to do that. I fail, because five minutes later I realize that I missed two calls – a No Caller ID, AND a call from Darren, because after 10:30 my phone doesn’t ring unless you call 2x in a row. Darren left a voice mail telling me to call him back so I do. That’s when I hear him yelling at someone to “just fucking call her.”
Robert makes a very helpful and soothing reference to Hannibal hunting Clarice and everyone starts theorizing again and I’m trying to write the damn post but I am NOT thinking straight. I’m having a few thoughts too and trying to follow along/contribute but my attention is split. I see the thing about Meghan saying that DLB is asking if I bought it and am like “…what?” She explains that. We are now at midnight. It’s been an hour. Larry and I get into the exchange about Clint and whether he’s my BFF or not.
And that’s when Meghan makes her comment about posting right away because that’s when things are fresh in my mind.
I had the post 75% written at that point. Nothing I do is ever fucking good enough. And it never matters anyway. It certainly doesn’t matter what I’m FEELING, or what I’ve been going through in that last hour, because to you, it’s fake. I shouldn’t be taking it so seriously. I should know it’s a game and it’s fiction. Right?
There is NOTHING that was “fresh in my mind” at that point. I could have posted it five seconds after that phone call and still not gotten it out. Me not remembering the last part of a muffled conversation that had taken place in the background of Darren’s call 20 min prior has nothing to do with “freshness” and everything to do with my heart racing and it being late and me being stressed about a million other things.
At that point I decide, fuck it. No one’s going to die over having to wait until morning for me to finish this post over breakfast. And I decide to go to bed. That’s when I get an email from Gordon. I would love to be able to copy and paste it for you but…my night kept happening AFTER this and I no longer have it.
In his email Gordon said that he had heard from Darren that I was upset over a distasteful storyline/narrative/something with Mason, involving Mason being in my home town. He was writing to assure me that Mason was NOT here, that this was all part of the fiction, and to have a nice day.
At that point I assumed – ok this is who he was yelling at.
I said good night to y’all. I closed my computer.
I got ready for bed and got into bed.
And I got a text from Darren.
So I started texting with him. He couldn’t talk but he said not to believe any of them. I asked who – did he mean Gordon? He wanted to know why I mentioned Gordon. I said I just got an email from him that said he and Darren had spoke and I was not to worry, Mason wasn’t here, it was all a fiction. Darren said he hadn’t spoken to Gordon in over a month. He asked me to screenshot the email and send it to him, so I did. A couple of seconds after that, he writes back and tells me to delete the email, empty the trash completely, and shut my computer down NOW. Then he tells me not to answer the phone at all the rest of the night. And he says he is so very sorry.
And that was it – he didn’t answer any more texts.
I called Bryan and told him what all had happened so that someone else knew. Bryan said two words to me that helped convince me everyone could chill the fuck out until morning. Unfortunately, as we all know now, thanks to Mason, I don’t sleep normally, and I’m up.
I don’t really know what else to say here, I’ve deleted about 17 paragraphs now. None of them are right. I am hurt, and angry. But more than anything I am grateful that TPTB are doing this because I didn’t think this was possible. They are the reason why I haven’t walked away and I’m glad that I’ve stayed.
September 5, 2017 at 4:56 am #23989
ParticipantWow. Just… wow @coryphella. I think we experience a different kind of “game”, not living in LA. For those living in LA, a personal interaction could happen at any time, someone can show up on their doorstep at any time – as such, I believe the reminder that it is not real provides a kind of security, a safety net, an understanding that provides a degree of separation and thus makes it all a bit less scary. However, we tend to be a bit smug in our distance. We can get e-mails and phone calls, but the chance of something in person actually happening is so small… We don’t protect ourselves, because we don’t feel it is necessary. So when stuff does happen, it is so unexpected and we are so woefully underprepared and we really *feel* it. I can understand the mental battle you had when Mason said he was in your town – he couldn’t possibly be, right? But what if he is? My heart is pounding just imagining it!
And you’re right about freshness. Has nothing to do with being able to recall what was said. I wrote up my call immediately after taking it and I remembered nothing due to sheer panic. I think it is pretty obvious when the content of a call is time sensitive and needs to be posted immediately – it’s usually directly tied into the narrative. If you’re dragging your heels and it is important, then yeah, you’ll get a prod from TPTB. Like, I kinda feel Kasch’s call was narrative-focussed whereas yours Megan, I feel that your relationship with Mason flirts with the narrative and adds texture to it with clues, but I don’t think it is central to it, if that makes sense?
I understand the hurt and anger and you know that is pretty much where I’ve been all weekend, but for slightly different reasons. But in a twisted way, and I say this with deep deep affection, I’m glad it’s getting to you, because you threw down the gauntlet. You set yourself up as a challenge. When it comes to Lust, we are all “asking for it” – we get what we deserve… Only in this reality could saying “I am glad you were rattled and couldn’t sleep” be a compliment, but that is where we find ourselves, ha ha.
There’s so much here to dissect, but I just wanted to get this stuff out first. The rest needs some dwelling on for me… Keep telling myself to take a step back and be quiet for a few days, but here I am…
September 5, 2017 at 6:24 am #23990
Participant…the chance of something in person actually happening is so small…it is so unexpected and we are so woefully underprepared and we really *feel* it. I can understand the mental battle you had when Mason said he was in your town – he couldn’t possibly be, right? But what if he is?
Yeah I am really, really good at talking myself out of anxiety and paranoia – I’ve had to be. I’m also incredibly literal and have said a million times, it has to be *real* to get me. And what did I say a few days ago? That he was going to show up at someone’s door? I meant LA people. Not me.
But in a twisted way, and I say this with deep deep affection, I’m glad it’s getting to you, because you threw down the gauntlet. You set yourself up as a challenge. When it comes to Lust, we are all “asking for it” – we get what we deserve…
OMG, totally. 2000%. Many people here know that I definitely asked for this and most definitely deserve it. And probably more. And I know I’m supposed to be sitting here stewing over whether or not there IS more. I have said – I don’t know who I said this to directly, it may have been TPTB or may have been in writing somewhere – that I wanted to *truly* not know where reality ended and the fiction began. I know that’s an argument I’ve had with Steve Peters, who believes that many people say that they want it but actually don’t. I’ve been given that this year in several ways, some of which I’m not sure are IG, because there have been some actual blurring of those lines going on for me, for real. A lot of my certainty/security about things here has rested on not only my location but also on me just being one person, NOT in Los Angeles, who is a pain in the ass, not an easy target…why bother spending the time and money and effort? If I start to question that then all bets are off. My security is gone.
September 5, 2017 at 7:19 am #23991
Participant@coryphella amazing account of what went down last night!
So if Mason is NOT in town does that make Darren crazy and/or overly paranoid?
What were the two words @bcbishop said??
September 5, 2017 at 7:46 am #23992
Participant@coryphella Ummmmm….HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!
I think we experience a different kind of “game”, not living in LA. For those living in LA, a personal interaction could happen at any time, someone can show up on their doorstep at any time – as such, I believe the reminder that it is not real provides a kind of security, a safety net, an understanding that provides a degree of separation and thus makes it all a bit less scary. However, we tend to be a bit smug in our distance. We can get e-mails and phone calls, but the chance of something in person actually happening is so small… We don’t protect ourselves, because we don’t feel it is necessary. So when stuff does happen, it is so unexpected and we are so woefully underprepared and we really *feel* it.
This, this, thiiiiis. I joked about Mason coming over, but if I’D been the one to get that call, if he’s told me he was…I dunno, hanging out at MJ’s (though I’d be kind of amused cos it’s a gay bar but I can see it from my house) or Charlie’s (across from MJ’s), I’d absolutely be experiencing some real gooddamned emotions. And everything from Darren, and that email from Gordon…girl, they are TRYING to get you HARD. And it seems to be working so, like @blondie said again, I’m also kinda happy for you.
A lot of my certainty/security about things here has rested on not only my location but also on me just being one person, NOT in Los Angeles, who is a pain in the ass, not an easy target…why bother spending the time and money and effort? If I start to question that then all bets are off. My security is gone.
Also this. There’s a kind of beauty to being able to be truly, 100% lost in the narrative, and really blurring that line, and I think that’s a lot more difficult to accomplish for those of us not in LA. It’s also a thing I’ve been kinda jealous of since I dove into all of this, but clearly they have ways, and I’m really glad you’re finally getting the Experience you were after.
Random side note: Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters is my absolute favourite Elton John song. ammonite fossils and the sea…that’s also a whooooole thing for me too <3 <3 damn.
This is a LOT to process. You did good, don’t worry bout what everyone else said.
September 5, 2017 at 7:53 am #23993
Bryan Bishop
ParticipantHoly hell, @coryphella. Reading this all just… yeah. Suffice to say I’m happy you and Travis are okay.
Some thoughts after thinking all of this through:
-This past weekend we saw Mason bust into somebody’s apartment and beat them with a baseball bat. We better be locking our doors and taking precautions. ALL of us.
-The Darren call and Gordon email reveal a clear schism, imo, and I’m wondering if it ties into the “Are Clint and Darren split?” theory we discussed yesterday.
THEORY: Gordon Bijelonic was still working with The Investors back in May. There’s no reason to believe that still isn’t the case. Him trying to downplay the Mason threat smells like bullshit, and Darren opposing it supports the idea that Darren is no longer “in,” as it were. However, him checking about whether Mason sounded scripted could be two things:
1. He was checking to see if it sounded fake, because Clint and Darren have gone their separate ways and Clint might be playing the company man with the Investors here.
2. Darren is still trying to figure out whether Mason is real or not, continuing the idea first mentioned in the leaked Clint Sears recording.
-“Mona Lisa and Mad Hatters.” The first thing that came to mind for me was Samson. Last year, I visited The OOA compound but spent some time with Samson in his car beforehand while he sang to me. (This was the night I learned Sabrina’s real name, and that the helmet had stopped working.) One of the songs Samson sang was “Mona Lisa,” which I interpreted at the time as a reference to Sabrina/Addison — she was a enigmatic figure with a mysterious smile, upon which we had all projected our own thoughts and feelings, but wasn’t actually real.
This ended up being exactly who Sabrina/Addison was in the eyes of OSDM. Is Mason the “Mad Hatter” in this scenario, and was this a subtle tell that he is in fact not real at all, but another fictional construct?
-We all get very excited when crazy shit goes down. (See: pretty much every Periscope or post-event post I’ve ever made for just a few examples.) We also get impatient, especially when we know something has happened to another participant but don’t have the full download yet. That kind of frenetic, edge-of-your-seat energy is part of what drives this whole thing. But there’s a line between being excited and wanting to know what happened, and being unkind. Slack was hard to read last night. It would probably serve us all to remember that at the end of the day, we are on the same side. We are all collaborators, with the creators, in telling this story. It’s just my pretentious as fuck two cents, but we’d probably have a much better time if we all treated each other like it. -
September 5, 2017 at 8:44 am #23994
Robert Fuller
Participant@coryphella That’s … wow. I totally understand your position. I feel like I should clarify my comment, though. I only meant that Mason thinks the world is a more interesting place with you in it, so, as Clarice said, he’d consider it “rude” to come after you. I wasn’t implying that he was hunting you, but rather the opposite. If anything, he’d probably like to have a drink with you.
September 5, 2017 at 9:34 am #23998
ParticipantWild night @coryphella! And you’re right about those of us outside of L.A., you can feel like you’re in your own bubble in some ways and usually put the line between show and reality, but then something like this happens and everything blurs and you have no clue what’s up and what’s down, and it sounds amazing. Most all of us are “asking for it” because we want that blurring between the lines and a new world to come into play, the fun in it all is not feeling safe, or the feeling that something is actually about to happen to you personally or as a group.
I don’t really think you have to worry about going on complete lockdown though, Mason may be unstable, but it’s like @remrelganaps said, you seem to be the Clarice to his Hannibal at the moment, so he shouldn’t want to come at you with his “truth stick” anytime soon.
September 5, 2017 at 10:04 am #24001
Participant@remrelganaps – I need to clarify my comment in the post – it was sarcasm. In the same way as when Bryan pointed out just now in chat “you never know how much they really have on you until they tell you, which they never will” and I responded with “you are SO helpful.” You mentioning Hannibal and Clarice doesn’t exactly COMFORT me. 🙂 Especially since I think he said something about me being interesting, or was it so hard to believe someone would want to know everything about me, or something.
September 5, 2017 at 10:58 am #24005
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantThis is incredible and things are getting meta on top of meta on top of meta… Where is the line between in and out of game? I honestly don’t know.
If the OOA was “fictional” and never really existed (which I’m not completely sold on), then is it possible that Darren, Clint and Gordon’s creation started out as immersive theatre and then became real? Much like the BOS started as a lie and now is being run by some of its founding members? We keep seeing “thoughtform” used thematically throughout LUST… What if certain people behind the scenes started to believe that Tension/Lust/everything was real – and decided to take over? What was once scripted is becoming dogma and TPTP can no longer control it.
Mason could’ve been brainwashed like Sabrina into thinking he is someone else. His whole past could be an illusion.
But I firmly believe that he believes it. (For the record, I wore “the helmet” last year. It was intense and claustrophobic, but I never “changed” and as far as I know, I’ve been in control and everything I’ve done has been of my own volition.) Maybe Mason’s new “science based” group has taken things like “The Helmet” and are making them real things, instead of the fictional “Scientology e-meter” devices they were.Speaking of Scientology (which gets brought up a lot), that too started as a game created by a science fiction writer. But his mad ramblings became truth to his followers, and now we have buildings on every corner of Hollywood. Could the same thing be happening here? Could all our friends and family who were genuinely worried we were in a real cult ACTUALLY have been right?
September 5, 2017 at 12:40 pm #24024
Robert Fuller
Participant@coryphella I got the sarcasm, which is why I felt the need to clarify. But I see what you’re saying: any comparison to Hannibal and Clarice is disturbing. Understood.
September 5, 2017 at 11:10 am #24006
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantThat would all be absolutely terrifying @kasch. If he’s making it more “science based”, there’s some real science out there that would help him achieve his goals. The psychology of the human mind is already fairly well established that we as people can be easily manipulated. Throw in some tinkering with our actual body’s chemistry, and who knows what results could come from it.
Still low key want to try the helmet out and see what it does. Something something curiosity something cat.
September 5, 2017 at 11:10 am #24007
InactiveI can completely emphathize and sympathize with you regarding what went down last night. I know I’ve jokingly said that you and I are similar people, but reading what happened to you last night and how you interpreted everything pretty much cements my joke into a reality. The build up of whatever this relationship is with Mason, Darren calling you, trying to get everything that happened up on the forums while continuously being bombarded with various information stimuli…I think you made the best decision by attempting to sleep so you could prepare for the day ahead (well…now it’s today) and letting your brain process everything away from the computer and internet.
There’s a lot to digest with what happened to you last night. The blurring of the lines is definitely harder to ignore now.
Also, something you’ve told me every time I’ve downplayed myself. No matter how much we protest or deny our importance and existence in this experience, I think you and I both now know that we can’t hide. Except maybe if we set up a hermit cave somewhere stocked with enough books and goodies to keep us sane. I was going somewhere with this. I swear…
@blondie Same. I keep telling myself I’ll take a break. That I need a rest from the contact adrenalin high that comes with just reading what is unfolding in this experience and, yet, I keep logging back on… -
September 5, 2017 at 11:18 am #24008
Bryan Bishop
ParticipantSpeaking of Scientology (which gets brought up a lot), that too started as a game created by a science fiction writer. But his mad ramblings became truth to his followers, and now we have buildings on every corner of Hollywood. Could the same thing be happening here? Could all our friends and family who were genuinely worried we were in a real cult ACTUALLY have been right?
Shit, @kasch… I really don’t want to believe this. But it meshes awfully well with DLB apologizing to @thebuz and going dark, Stephanie shoving @larry away, and mysterious phone calls from TPTB warning us that they’re no longer in control.
I guess it also raises the question: Did one of the creators themselves also begin to believe the narrative was real?
September 5, 2017 at 11:30 am #24010
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantRemember how stressed Gordon was at the Lust event? How the investors had taken over? How they were trying to do anything to recoup money from The Tension Experience?
Theory time: What if Gordon (or, hell Clint or the investors) got so stressed over money and saw our fanaticism over the OOA (“half of them have tattoos, for chrissakes!”) and decided to take it over and make it real. Start the OSDM, the OOA, the BOS for REAL.
“Fuck immersive theatre… Y’know what’s really profitable? An actual religion? And we have one RIGHT HERE!”
They are in effect doing exactly what L. Ron Hubbard did.Fuck, guys…I think we could very well be dealing with a REAL cult this time. The Tension OG cast, crew and participants are like the cast of Galaxy Quest…and we’ve been pulled in by some aliens who now expect BIG THINGS of us.
September 5, 2017 at 11:43 am #24011
InactiveLRH did it on a bet, but he also created Dianetics as a self-help method for himself after he was denied mental health care by the VA. He advertised his cool new self-help thing in the back pages of sci-fi anthologies and picked up a legion of hippies and raygun enthusiasts who would learn to hate psychiatry and hate space cooties even more.
So, what was DLB and SDL missing in their lives that they had to go out and create an actual cult? DLB wanted to create ‘The Game’ in LA. Looks like we’re pretty close to checking that off of the list. Is it just the pursuit of control and power?
September 5, 2017 at 11:50 am #24012
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantI don’t think DLB intended to create a real cult. I think he’s watching helplessly as it’s being taken away from him and he’s trying to do damage control.
The apparent financial woes from Tension seem to have directly influenced what is happening now. You wanna get to the bottom of something? Follow the money.
September 5, 2017 at 11:54 am #24013
Meghan Mayhem
Participant@kasch This is something that’s been lightly floating around in the back of my head.
There’s all this talk about DLB and Clint, and we always forget the silent 3rd, the money man. Gordon, who we’ve only seen recently at the investors meet and greet…I mean registration.Bijelonic…Serbian name. Eastern European. It’s not completely unfounded to wonder if perhaps he would have some Russian connections. If…if you know what I mean.
Gordon has always been the money man. Would it be out of the question to wonder if perhaps Gordon made some poor business choices and fell in debt to some old Russian connections and is now doing some shady things and connecting shady people to it in order to help settle some debts? Like letting the Russian “investors” take control of a theater thing, and turning it into an actual religion for a bigger profit?
Or am I just talking completely crazy here? -
September 5, 2017 at 1:51 pm #24036
Participant@meghanmayhem, yes I’m with you here. And what was that reference from Clint? about other cultures and having to yell loud when things go bad… I read that in one of the email/calls in the last few days right?? But he specifically said other “cultures”.
September 5, 2017 at 2:08 pm #24037
ParticipantRe: Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters –
Still no idea how/if this connects to me, I mean, anything I say right now is just coincidence and is just going to make people say “wow what a coincidence are you sure that’s a coincidence?” I grew up listening to Elton John, I owned all his albums on cassette tapes which was definitely not cool, and this particular song was one of my favorites. The Indigo Girls did a gorgeous cover and I listened to them all the time in college (of course I did). When asked what it meant, I replied with what it has always meant *to me* – that there are people in the world who spend too much time working and making money and getting rich to actually live life. That’s really just the chorus. There’s a lot more too it than that, in that it uses NYC as a symbol for all of this. Wikipedia says that Bernie Taupin wrote some of it because he heard a gun shot going off near his hotel, and also some of it was inspired by Ben E. King’s song “Spanish Harlem.” This site also has a good essay interpreting the song.
He also has a 2nd Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters song which is unlikely to be relevant but does exist – it’s much faster.
September 5, 2017 at 2:45 pm #24064
Participant@coryphella what a fucking night. that’s insane..
idk if it’s just me not noticing, but up until yesterday I believe, Gordon has been pretty much silent on Instagram, which up until late July he was pretty active on. Maybe working out something on his end, or maybe unable to post. Don’t want to assume the worst, but it’s a little sus. cc @meghanmayhem @kasch
BUT the email from Gordon contradicting Darren (and DLB’s reaction) seems to be a smoking gun – especially considering the leaked calls with him and Clint indirectly referencing Mason and “handling it before/doing it again now.” Mason or Briarberg leaked that audio as proof that The Investors would lie, as is happening now.
There truly is no longer a curtain, Mason is here, in the real world, with us.
September 5, 2017 at 2:53 pm #24066
ParticipantThere truly is no longer a curtain, Mason is here, in the real world, with us.
What do you mean “here” and “with us” YOU GET BACK ON THAT PLANE AND COME BACK HERE NOW.
September 5, 2017 at 3:05 pm #24068
Lauren Bello
ModeratorDarren said he was following in slack and wanted to know if Mason sounded scripted. He seemed concerned, really concerned about the Mason call. He wanted to make sure Travis was here, and then he said he was sorry, and said he’d call me right back, and hung up. …Darren left a voice mail telling me to call him back so I do. That’s when I hear him yelling at someone to “just fucking call her.”
Ahh, with the full context this makes more sense. It sounds to me like Darren was worried that Mason might actually do something to harm you. That’s why he panicked, and was shouting to call you.
He’s trying to figure out if Mason is a character that the OSDM has created on their own, or if Mason is a real person. His concern for you implies that he believes Mason is real, but is locked out of the loop so doesn’t know for sure.
In his email Gordon said that he had heard from Darren that I was upset over a distasteful storyline/narrative/something with Mason, involving Mason being in my home town. He was writing to assure me that Mason was NOT here, that this was all part of the fiction, and to have a nice day….Darren said he hadn’t spoken to Gordon in over a month.
So Darren is still being bugged/tracked, which is how Gordon knew this info. (Either that, or YOU are.) The question then becomes…what motive would Gordon have for telling you that Mason is fiction? If Mason is a tool of the OSDM to extract emotion, wouldn’t it be in Gordon’s best interest to let him keep doing that? And, on the other hand, if Mason is real, what would Gordon get out of lying and saying he’s part of the game?
September 5, 2017 at 3:15 pm #24070
ParticipantSo if he wasn’t yelling at Gordon, since he said he hadn’t talked to him in over a month, who WAS he yelling at? Clint?
September 5, 2017 at 3:18 pm #24076
ParticipantDidn’t Darren post a pic from Kansas airport that morning? Implying he and Clint could be together?
September 5, 2017 at 3:20 pm #24078
September 5, 2017 at 3:21 pm #24079
Inactive@coryphella Yikes. KC is one boring ass airport to be stuck at, but it’s not like I have to tell you…
September 5, 2017 at 9:10 pm #24118
ParticipantMason just called. This one doesn’t require its own thread, in my opinion, even though it’s now 9/5.
All he did was inhale and exhale slowly several times, and then tell me “I just needed to hear your voice” before hanging up.I thought we were maybe done but I guess not.
September 5, 2017 at 9:32 pm #24119
Bryan Bishop
ParticipantAt the risk of freaking you out too much, it sounds like Mason’s got something special in mind for you, @coryphella. Be careful, okay?
September 6, 2017 at 9:03 pm #24153
ParticipantThis whole thing reminds me very much of Scientology.
I’m sorry you got so freaked out and overwhelmed, @coryphella , I probably would’ve felt similarly, even being the bit of a cynic I am. That being said, like others have said, I’m glad you’re getting more Experience out of this experience, like I think you wanted but felt conflicted about wanting.
I think we are led to believe that truth is being written into the storyline, and that most of what we know to be ‘story” so far is also real. We are also led to believe Darren is very much out of the loop as far as Mason goes and very much suspects him to be a real threat. And Gordon and Darren are at odds. Does this paint Gordon in a sinister light? Kinda, to me.
As far as Science goes, I don’t know, Mason’s cover photo is kind of New Age-y…the geometry of life is often referenced as far as I know in various New Age-y cirlces…I don’t really know much more than this because I don’t participate in these circles…because I don’t really associate New Age “science” with actual science. So I don’t know, I think Mason is either BSing or ill informed. Then again, a lot of people think “Scientology” is Science as well :p It’s amazing what people think is science these days.
Also, I get that he’s trying to add depth to his character and garner some sympathy from us, and maybe he’s even being sincere (in fact, I bet that he is), but it takes a special type of person to bash a person’s face in with a bat, I don’t care how mad you are…
I guess the little psycho’s got feelings. The question is…should we let that sway us? It’s always so interesting to see how other members of this community react to various variables presented by “The Narrative”…but I remain a skeptic to Mason…and the Briarberg Institute…and the “research”.
September 6, 2017 at 9:13 pm #24154
ParticipantAlso…fringe theory…we didn’t see Joyce get her face whacked with a bat…what if somehow Joyce and Mason are collaborating…to manipulate us in some way? Probably not the case, but hey.
September 6, 2017 at 9:31 pm #24155
September 6, 2017 at 10:03 pm #24161
Robert Fuller
Participant@cass That thought also crossed my mind. I thought about bringing it up, but it felt like breaking the narrative, or something. Now that I think about it, though, I think it would be an awesome twist and would kind of make me respect Joyce.
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