9/10 Call from Horace

This topic has 29 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by Jackie.

  • Author
    • #24457
       Mason Silver

      Oh my Anoch, I was so nervous you guys. I just got a call from Mr Big Bad himself, Horace! The call was a little hard to hear (big surprise) and, of course, it came when I was busy working on someone else and I’m trying my best to remember exactly what he said but you know how it goes when you’re not expecting it. Let’s see, at first he was asking me if I knew he was an huge incompetent piece of shit and I was like, yeah, I do! He then laughed and said “I should have known that Mason, you’ve always been so damn smart!” Then he talked a lot, I don’t remember all of it exactly so I’m paraphrasing but it was basically about how scared he was, how he would probably just kill himself and that he was grumpy all the time because his stinky and saggy old balls were always dipping in the toilet water when he took his giant “Joycies” – we both had a good laugh at that. A little tip for everyone, don’t let old Horace fool you, he has a super strong sense of humor!

      He then started to hint about the fact that he’s the head cheese for blah blah blah and that’s when I got bored and I asked him a question!

      I said, Horsie, “do you think that truth is malleable or absolute? What do you think little Noah would say about that?”

      Well, he acted all flustered and then said that the only truth he cared about was his own and it was absolutely absolute. He then said something like it didn’t matter that his son was a born loser with a dependency problem who just also happened to kill his own mother. He also talked about control or something like that, my notes are a little murky here, there was something just super distracting in the corner of my room — it’s like just blink already, I know I’m handsome but stop staring at me like that you big old flirt!

      Anyways, I let him talk to Snoop Joycie Joyce after that but she didn’t say much. Not much at all really.

      So all in all, it was a good call and I think it really pushed the story forward a bit which is good. Oh PS TPTB,I’m going to have to put my phone on silent for the rest of the night, I have to roll up my sleeves and get to some old business, so if you need to call back I’ll be available in the morning after my meeting!


    • #24458

      Good lord is that what we sound like?

      This is weird. I feel weird.

    • #24459

      @thegilded Yea… This is exactly what we sound like.

    • #24460
       Meghan Mayhem




      I mean, I can’t say this isn’t how I imagine in my head every call with Horace, so the smile on my face? Oh it’s very fucking real.

      Noah killed his mom? Joyce is still alive and getting the basement smack around treatment from Mr. S? Horace has a sense of humor?

      Well, wow.

      You’re still a psychopathic piece of shit Mason, but you’ve certainly got style.

    • #24461
       Meghan Mayhem

      @thegilded Yes. Yes entirely.

    • #24462
       Brad Ruwe

      I have so many thoughts about this post and none of the words to accurately convey them.

    • #24463

      there was something just super distracting in the corner of my room

      This reminds me of when III had a certain someone on ice. Is Joyce Mason’s new plaything a la Deadgirl?

      I’d also love to know what Horace really said in this call.

      Meeting in the morning? Or a meeting that will go all night that won’t be done until the morning?

    • #24464
       Robert Fuller

      “Working on someone else.” Um, what exactly are you doing with that body, Mason?

    • #24465
       Robert Fuller

      I’d also love to know what Horace really said in this call.

      I bet there wasn’t a call at all. In fact, this whole post is game jacking and should be deleted.

    • #24466
       Drew Huntley

      Someone needs to show Mascie how to operate a voice recorder.
      What’s the meeting you have planned tomorrow?
      Noah killed his mom?

      So many questions…

    • #24467
       Tim Redman

      That’s a sense of humor I can get behind. But none of the rest of it.

    • #24468

      Well…that’s one way to hear that Noah killed his mother. I only wonder if it was intentional or not, or something through Horace’s doing. I’d definitely believe more on Horace killing his wife and framing it on Noah, or causing something that would force Noah to kill his mother.

    • #24469

      This is…wow. I have no words. all the thoughts, but no words…other than this is one of the greatest fucking things I’ve ever read.


    • #24470

      If this information is good, could it be that Noah’s mom died in childbirth? Possibly in one of those rituals?

    • #24471
       Kevin Hsu

      @itsnotmason, your mockery of everyone around you to make light of the situation does not mask the dark depravity of your actions. You stand alone, we are many.

    • #24472

      LMFAO!! Damn he has us down perfect ??? gross

    • #24473

      The Noah we know and love wouldn’t have killed his mother. It *must* have been during childbirth.

      Or it’s just #fakenews. There’s a lot of misinformation going around. Sound familiar?

    • #24474
       Lawrence Meyers

      I’m reminded of something Sam Fuller said, who used to be a reporter before he was a filmmaker.

      “Who said that? Joe? Do I know Joe? No. Have I met him? No. So why should I believe him?”

      Noah’s mother? We know nothing. Why believe Mason? If ALL people, why him? If it even is him.

      Joyce? What did we see? We saw nothing. We saw a woman with blood in her face. Was it real blood? How did it get there? Did we see a beating? No.

      All we have is testimony from those who spoke to Mason. We know those people. That’s the only reliable sources we have and none of what everyone supposes has any evidence supporting it.

      Did any of what we suppose happen? Perhaps. But as of now, what do we actually know about these alleged incidents?

      We know nothing.

    • #24475

      Rather than analyze what Mason has said and what information this call has given/not given us, if the call was fake or not, why has he posted this? To mock what he thinks participants sound like who don’t record calls? To deflect attention away from @bcbishop’s post? There’s a reason why he posted this. What is the reason?

    • #24476

      There’s a lot of information we can get from this, that’s why he posted it. More information on Mason himself, other characters, on us, and more story points.

      I’m hoping we see a Mason vs. Noah battle. Not that Mason seems to be on Noah’s radar, it would just be an amazing show.

    • #24477
       Meghan Mayhem

      @michelle Reasons for the post? To mock us. To make people forget his actions and character for a moment and fall for the charm of his candor and his wit. To rile us up. To mock Horace and the OSDM team. To make us question the validity of his words.

      We keep getting told “It’s not a game”. Well it certainly is for Mason. He’s playing a game with us all. To what end, though?

    • #24479

      @kortneydarling To be honest, I don’t have any reason to believe a single word that Mason has said in this call. Did even really happen? So, I’m falling into that camp that it could be fake.

      There’s a reason he wrote the post exactly the way he did. I think we’re on the same page. What is his end game for it? That’s all I was asking. It was a calculated post and, imo, it wasn’t to give us further insight into his life.

    • #24480

      There’s a lot of information we can get from this, that’s why he posted it. More information on Mason himself, other characters, on us, and more story points.

      Normally I’d agree with this, except every single thing Mason does makes it harder and harder to trust him. He’s jerked multiple people around, he lied about what Briarberg was up to, and he appeared as “Jack” before appearing as Mason. All of his actions have led to reversals, betrayals, and dead ends. There very well could be a kernel of truth in there, but who knows what it is right now. Or maybe his own words apply to himself as much as they apply to everyone else, and somewhere sandwiched between all of his talk and lies is the truth.

    • #24481
       Bryan Bishop

      How To Be Mason Silver In Five Easy Steps:

      1. Troll.
      2. Kill people.
      3. Troll again.
      4. Play some Rubik’s Cube.
      5. Repeat.

    • #24482
       Lawrence Meyers

      How do we know this post was even composed by Mason?

    • #24484


      Joyce? What did we see? We saw nothing. We saw a woman with blood in her face. Was it real blood? How did it get there? Did we see a beating? No.

      I understand what you’re saying, but I know what I saw, and yes it wasn’t the beating itself. But Joyce was scared. It was very real, as real as I can describe an aftermath I saw with my own eyes. Why did Michelle and Mason bring a witness? Because now I can tell you personally that I saw a terrified woman who’d been severely beaten and a dishonest creep who was very much enjoying himself.

      I hope you can at least trust me with that.

    • #24485
       Lawrence Meyers

      @wanda102 that’s an
      Account I can trust.

    • #24489
       Christine Barger

      That made me laugh. Well done Mason.

    • #24490
       Christine Barger

      @bcbishop Is that what the kids call it these days…playing with his “rubik’s cube”? ?

    • #24499

      What a complete fuck. For no reason other than being a fuck.

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