7/24 Email from The System

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This topic has 44 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Maranda.

  • Author
    • #20262
       Hannah Schenck

      Newest email from The System just went out and looked like this:

      If you click on any of the email, it takes you straight to The System website. In the events, they added more middle tier tickets as well.

    • #20263

      Thanks for posting! I’m not on this email list. Didn’t get the overview either! [email protected]

      Looking forward to unleashing my darkest potential!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Sage.
    • #20264
       Taylor Winters

      I didn’t know they gave out PhDs in Bullshit.

    • #20265
       Meghan Mayhem

      Apparently Noah is now a Doctor? Well, ok then.

      It also seems like they linked to the wrong video? The video in the email has a white background and the video it links to is the one we saw a few days ago. Ah well.

      These statements from The System don’t read like Noah’s encouragement, they seem like Horace’s influence.
      Cast aside emotion. Isn’t that what he told @taysavestheday?

      Noah certainly encouraged and inspired me. Inspired me to fuck shit up. To help start the fires. And he is still welcome to join us. If he isn’t already.

    • #20267

      @taysavestheday He’s a professor… of being a dog.

      • #20273
         Taylor Winters

        @kipsie I think he needs to go back to Obedience School; his collar is a bit loose.

    • #20268

      The quote from Noah himself says, “Allow me to unleash your darkest and most powerful potential.” Some similarities there with the phrase from the Encroaching Darkness email, “His darkness will unshackle us from man’s misguided morality. We will roam free. We will do his bidding. And we will release this earth of every false virtue and restraint.”

      We’re still not completely sure who Encroaching Darkness is, but there appears to be at least some connection there. Making one more leap, the email came from The Lust Experience, and not from any of the Sinclair accounts people have had contact with. We know that the OSDM is “Presenting The Lust Experience” so that may begin to establish a link between OSDM, The System, and Encroaching Darkness.

      And to make one final connection (that has no supporting evidence), could the Sarah Thompson mentioned in the email be who is now Sarah Sinclair? She does mention that “her entire world and outlook changed” after going through The System.

    • #20269
       Taylor Winters

      Horace, buying your son a degree won’t make him live up to your expectations or be the man you want him to be. He’s a lost cause; if you want a real PhD, you have my number.

    • #20270
       Brad Ruwe

      @meghanmayhem Who’s to say Noah isn’t working on lighting the biggest fire of them all?

    • #20271
       Meghan Mayhem

      @kipsie OOOOH Faced!

    • #20272
       Meghan Mayhem

      @nothenrygale That is my genuine and sincere hope.

    • #20274

      @kevin I was thinking the same thing about the email coming from Lust and no the System. Maybe this email isn’t from Noah at all… I don’t believe Noah would be voluntarily looped into the OSDM bullshit. I think there’s something else going on for sure.

    • #20275

      With all the info flying around, and forgive me if I’m being redundant, but I never had noticed that the System website also says (amongst other things) “Let desire unleash your freedom.”

      I’m sure that rings a bell.

      Maybe it’s where you place emphasis? I pledge MY desire for (their sacrifice and) freedom.

      To me the use of words that we’ve also heard from Horace et al at Registration fits The System in strongly with Joyce, OSDM, and the Experience as a whole. Where Noah himself falls on this spectrum, I suppose remains to be seen, but this has all been carefully laid out for us.

    • #20276

      Paraphrased from an email I just sent to Noah,

      Step 1 of The System is apparently “Use fake names and mailing lists to review and promote your own product.” I’m so excited unleash my own mailchimp potential.

      This email only says that The System has the same credibility as a knock off made in China fidget spinner.

    • #20277
       Brad Ruwe

      @chelsea Oh totally. There’s no way this email is from Noah. We already know the OSDM has a marketing person from the Sushi Dan emails. The Noah we’re seeing now (ahem, Doctor) is not Noah. It’s more lies.

    • #20278
       Taylor Winters

      @nothenrygale; It’s the idealized Noah that they want him to be. Just a shadow he can never live up to.

    • #20279

      Certain words in the quotes stand out to me. “terrify/ing” (two times), “transformative/not recognizable” (twice), “electric”, “excite/ing”, “push through the fear”, and the idea of darkness equalling power.

      sounds like we’re all gonna get helmeted to me.

    • #20280
       Brad Ruwe

      @taysavestheday Exactly. I’ve had to make “garbage” look good before. You still present the product, but you show it in an idealized light. Ignore the negative aspects, highlight any potential elements that would get people interested. Even if they’re not quiiiiiite in the actual finished product.

      I mean how many movie trailers have we seen that looked awesome, but then the movie was something totally different?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Brad Ruwe.
    • #20282
       Bryan Bishop

      We’re through the looking glass people. White is black – and black is white. Welcome to the rebranding.

      I’m picking up what you’re putting down w/r/t The System being part of The Experience (brought to you by your friendly neighborhood OSDM). Is it possible @joycecarlberg wasn’t rolling her eyes at Noah because he was some outside fly in the ointment, but rather because he’s the boss’ temperamental kid who keeps making messes OSDM / HCDI have to clean up?

    • #20283
       Nicole Mae

      I keep looking at the testimonials for… something. Those names aren’t random. Nothing is random. There’s a string there, I’m just not sure what to pull yet.

      I also especially hook in to the bit about how Noah “used my own secrets” etc. Maybe those original OOA questionnaire files are coming back in to play here?

      Or possibly Noah and Sabrina have teamed up, the leaked emails from the dead drop did mention the Investors noting that she ‘knows things’ aka secrets

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Nicole Mae.
    • #20285

      @maenicole I was wondering the same thing about the names. So far, they aren’t showing up as anything if you throw them into an anagram decoder. But nothing is random, right? I’m going to keep going down puzzle road and hopefully something comes out of it.

    • #20288

      So I shot off a note to Dr. Noah Assclown Sinclair following this mailing list note.. had a brief email exchange, will update if he hits me back. He’s obviously very confident in his system, otherwise he’d have resorted to name calling. Excited for the 13th 🙂


      On Jul 24, 2017, at 3:03 PM, Addison Born wrote:

      Wow Noah! So step 1 of The System is “Use fake names and mailing lists to review and promote your own product,” huh? You’re giving this away for free just like that?!??

      Nice one bud. I can’t wait to unleash my own mailchimp potential. It’ll SAVE me a ton of time that’d I’d otherwise spend replying to emails.

      Your System has the same potential as a knock off made in China fidget spinner and I dare you to prove me wrong.


      On Jul 24, 2017, 3:51 PM -0700, Noah Sinclair, Inc <[email protected]>, wrote:
      Addison, I’ve seen hungry toddlers that have cried out less to get attention.

      You are a big, bright special boy. Your insults and actions have caused me to really think about a great many things.

      Is this the response you wanted?

      Now how about some real talk?

      Do you know what a “tracer food” is Addison? It’s like the nut you see in your shit after cashew chicken and you say, “Oh yeah, I did have take out.” That’s you my friend! Not good enough to be actual shit, just a reminder of something I did… I sent some jag offs an email and there’s Addison, the stinky little nut reminding me of it.

      Who knows though, maybe if you show up and listen you might learn something and actually graduate to become an actual piece of shit.


      Professor Noah Sinclair


      On Jul 24, 2017, 4:23 PM -0700, Addison Born wrote:
      Nice nice nice. Thank you, Professor, for the patronization here. I feel so much better about myself now! The System works!!

      I’m not looking for attention – I’m just calling out bullshit when I see it. What about “be impulsive” and “nice is not productive?”

      But anyway, thank you for the great lesson in your digestive tract and the undigested nuts therein, that’s a huge compliment. Except I think I’m a less like a nut in your 24 karat gold, rose smelling shit, and more like a little bit of red in your piss. Could be that you ate too many beets last night. But it could be the cancer that’ll tear you down from the inside.

      I’m going to be there, you can count on that. Very happy to have front row seats to another fucking dumpster fire.

      Happy Monday!
      – Grand Chancellor Addison W. Born, Esq.

    • #20289

      Well. I was thinking of ordering Chinese tonight. Not anymore.

    • #20290

      The Professor is super into potty talk lately!

    • #20291


      On Jul 24, 2017, 4:36 PM -0700, Noah Sinclair, Inc <[email protected]>, wrote:

    • #20292

      Holy fuck I laughed at the emoji update

    • #20293

      @addisonborn That exchange was beautiful. “Professor” Sinclair can’t be more of a hypocrite if he tried.

    • #20294

      Hannah, is there a number I can reach you at?

      Thank you

    • #20295

      @maddyxxx for the win with that email

    • #20296

      @tanyathompson – It’s admittedly a bit odd that a new user less than a few minutes old is asking for a member’s phone number rather than directly messaging here.

      What’s going on, something I can help with?

    • #20297

      You beat me to it, @thegilded. @tanyathompson Are you, by chance, any relation to a Sarah Thompson?

    • #20298

      @addisonborn I’m also pretty stoked to have a front row seat for you and Noah having that measuring contest for the group. I’ll make signs.

    • #20299

      i need to speak with someone who knows about that graphic, the one with Noah

    • #20300

      i am not sure how to private message

    • #20301
       Brad Ruwe

      @tanyathompson Which graphic? There’s been a few Noah graphics around here.

    • #20302

      @tanyathompson are you talking about the one that Hannah posted? Is there something specific about it you want to talk about?

    • #20303

      We’re all available on here. We all have a decent, but incomplete knowledge of what’s going on with The System.

      Alternatively if you would prefer to chat, we are also available on Slack here: https://experienceschat.slack.com/join/shared_invite/MjExMjIzNDQ4MTQ4LTE0OTk3OTIyMjItNWJmNzFlMjdkYw

      Or you can message people directly by clicking their faces, then clicking “Private message”. Hannah is often pretty responsive to PM’s

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Sean. Reason: Fixed link
    • #20305

      *eats popcorn and watches all the shit talk fly*

      Maybe he was getting his doctorate in his down time, University of Phoenix style. Dr. Phil is a Doctor. He has a Ph.D. in Psychology. However, he is not a psychologist nor licensed. “A PhD takes twice as long as a bachelor’s degree to complete. The average student takes 8.2 years to slog through a PhD program and is 33 years old before earning that top diploma. ” -Says a report by CBS News

      Realistically, you can just keep going to school until you get degrees and titles, as long as the tuition bill is paid.

      Dentists are also Doctors, but no one really referrers to them as such.

    • #20306

      There’s no need to look into any diploma mills, Noah is simply a professor of being a dog.

    • #20307

      Guys. Kanye West has an honorary doctorate. It’s not that hard, especially if you’re a business genius like Noah.
      There’s no way he would waste his time in a classroom to get approval from some school- they probably begged him to come to the ceremony to receive his doctorate.

    • #20308

      The wording used for promotion of The System is really…strange. And the people used for the “quotes” sound familiar? For some reason. Nothing helpful comes up when I look for them.

    • #20309
       Winston Smith

      I would think that if Noah was a business genius, he’d be getting more than $29-$99 a seat. It’s more likely that he’s a second rate hack with a second rate product who can’t even get an average market rate for his services. Maybe he gives handies in the back room for tips to make ends meet.

    • #20323

      If Dr. Dre is a master of mixology, Dr. Noah could be master of The System? I’m going with it!

    • #20338

      “terrifying”, “terrify”, “fear”, “darkest potential” why the sudden sinister undertones with The System?

    • #20339

      @shaun I’m thinking it’s due to Daddy Horace’s influence. He and Noah have butted heads in the past, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what the rebranding is all about.

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