4/21 – Call from Stacey

This topic has 88 replies, 32 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Andrew Kasch.

  • Author
    • #10456
       Andrew Kasch

      OK, I just received a phone call from Stacey. Something really weird is going on and I’m completely frustrated and paranoid…

      First, a little backstory:
      Last week, Stacey called me out of the blue. She asked how things were with my wife and told me about this new “iConfidant” service (I was one of the few to get the initial round of calls) and that they would be looking for a match for me. She told me that she would have people follow me around to get “data” and asked me if that was okay? I said “Yes,” since I’m pretty used to being stalked by now.

      And that was that. I didn’t sign up for the registration like everyone else, cause it seemed like I was hand selected to be among the first round of Beta testers. Was very excited that things were finally happening for me.

      Cut to today: People get e-mail surveys from iConfidant. I don’t. @111error doesn’t either (he was among the initial round of phone calls), so he e-mailed Stacey and heard back that some mistakes were made and they were correcting them. Because I didn’t want to get neglected due to another clerical, I sent her an e-mail making sure everything was going according to plan…

      Tonight, Stacey called me. She apologized for taking so long to get back to me and told me how great it was that MY WIFE had signed up for the service too!

      “I didn’t know about this,” I told her.
      “Yes, we’re very excited!” she replied.

      She then went on to tell me that she reviewed my survey answers and that, due to ethical reasons, iConfidant can no longer help me.

      “But I didn’t send in a survey!” I said. I hadn’t heard anything since our first phone call.

      “I have your survey right here,” she said, “and for obvious reasons, we can’t help you.”

      I tried to pry more out of her, but she wouldn’t say why.

      Then I call my wife and ask her if she signed up for iConfidant. She responds with “What’s that?”

      So now my iConfidant Beta test has been cancelled over answers to a questionnaire I NEVER RECEIVED, and my wife is apparently signed up even though she DID NOT SIGN UP.

      What the fuck is going on here?!?!?!?!

    • #10457
       Meghan Mayhem

      @kasch Sounds rather… sabotagey

    • #10461

      @kasch I fear someone out there is pretending to be you…

    • #10462
       Andrew K

      Shadow @kasch!?

    • #10463

      Shadow? That seems more likely than anything else

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Kortney.
    • #10465
       Andrew Kasch

      That’s the only explanation. Someone is impersonating not only me, but my wife!

    • #10466

      What the f*ckity f*ck is going on? This sounds like somebody submitted answers on your behalf AND signed up your wife too?!

    • #10467

      Well hey, at least there’s two rejects now!

    • #10468

      This… is a weird development.

      You definitely have a shadow.

      I would email Stacey and say “I did not send in anything. Someone is trying to impersonate me. “

    • #10470
       Andrew K

      What @thebuz said @kasch – I’d love to know her response. If they correct their mistake or deny any wrongdoing.

    • #10471
       Andrew Kasch

      @thebuz Already done, my friend. If you hear anything from me, you know our special code phrase.

    • #10472

      You’re goddamn right @kasch.

      That all being said… I suggest everyone here make sure you have a code word with a partner. To make sure all is well if…suspicions rise.

      We had to do it last year as I got a call from @kasch number and it was just clips of him talking about me on a podcast. When I called back he was very clearly in a car with his wife and kid chatting in the background.

      So yeah… they know how to make it look like someone else is calling your phone.

    • #10473

      Also be careful guys. Saying someone is impersonating you is sane to US but to the public it will sound like you’re insane.

    • #10474

      @kortneydarling Too late for @Kasch. That’s how I got involved in this whole mess.

    • #10475
       Andrew Kasch

      @kortneydarling Yeah, we stopped sounding normal the second we joined the OOA.

    • #10476

      How to tell it is not me?

      I am actually calling you…

    • #10478

      Not really sure where this iConfidant stuff is going, but this is the second time it’s moved towards identity theft. They did start off by trying to phish security question answers off everyone in that one round of phone calls. For those moving forward with them, that may be something to keep in mind. Similar to the code words that @thebuz has set up, it might be worth setting up additional security on your normal accounts for an additional layer of comfort (it’s also just not a bad idea in general).

    • #10479
       Brad Ruwe

      Needless to say, I’m now SUPER interested to hear what happens on @111error’s coffee date coming up. So many questions!

    • #10480


    • #10481

      Have you considered someone is trying to help you? We don’t know what iConfidant actually is, but someone does. Maybe someone is out there watching out for you, someone who doesn’t want you getting involved. Although if the fake you was rejected and your fake wife was accepted, it’s much more sinister to think that someone is trying to drive some sort of wedge. Though what can they accomplish as your wife alone if your actual wife chooses simply to ignore it? At any rate, I shudder to think how any single word answers to the questions of your worst memory or your relationship with your mother could completely disqualify you. Someone must have been trying very hard to keep you out. I’d bet that someone will be in touch.

    • #10482
       Andrew Kasch

      Unless I hear back from Stacey, I am going under the assumption that iConfidant is one giant scam that is data mining us.

    • #10483
       Andrew Kasch

      @macbethinabathtub That is an interesting theory. I never thought of it like that.

      During most of my Tension indoctrination, a certain someone was watching out for me… It’s certainly possible.

      Still, this is all kinds of fucked.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #10484
       Brad Ruwe

      I am now curious @kasch, is your wife participating in Lust?

      And follow up to everyone, how many are in a relationship where both partners are actively participating?

    • #10486

      @nothenrygale, @lilmsfancpants and I are, and we’re the only actually married Lust couple I’m aware of.

    • #10487
       Brad Ruwe

      @macbethinabathtub Got it. Do you think that may be a reason why @lilmsfancpants got rejected? I know @birdiesrunamok and I both got accepted, but we’re not married.

    • #10488

      We don’t have much information to work with, but to find out why Lia was rejected, we need to figure out what she has in common with other rejectees, but that which she *doesn’t* with those who were accepted.

    • #10489

      @nothenrygale @izryn, honestly I think part of it might be she only sent her first email to Stacey yesterday. Beta tests are limited by nature, maybe she just ran out of room. Or, if you want to get conspiracyish about it, I’m willing to bet iConfidant and the System share a bit of DNA. Perhaps her close ties to the Sinclairs thus far have disqualified her. Or, yes, it very well could be our relationship.

    • #10490

      i love this i love this i love this

    • #10491

      My initial thought when iC came up was that they were using the shadows to set people up with them. But if a shadow impersonated a client then that wouldn’t make sense. Also it’s interesting how she said “for obvious reasons.” What was so out of line that would make them deny a client?

    • #10492
       Andrew Kasch

      My wife has a forum account but she is not active at all.

      It didn’t sound like her involvement was the reason I was booted from iConfidant.

    • #10496
       Brad Ruwe

      Whether or not it seems like the reason, the two people who have so far been rejected outright have been married. It might be nothing, but it is indeed a connection. No one else has been rejected so far other than @kasch and @lilmsfancpants correct?

    • #10502

      Things are getting weirder at the speed of

    • #10505

      I think maybe someone has other plans down the line for @kasch and @lilmsfancpants…not sure who, but that could be a reason?

    • #10509

      @nothenrygale There have been several participants who were accepted that are married. I don’t believe being married has anything to do with being rejected. I believe their path is just one that may not involved iConfidant right now or at all.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by M..
    • #10513

      I believe their path is just one that may not involved iConfidant right now or at all.


    • #10527
       Andrew Kasch

      Marriage has nothing to do with it since it was mentioned in my first iConfidant call. And if my path isn’t with them, why did they reach out to me first???

      This is all too weird.

    • #10529

      OK, a few thoughts.

      1. I think that Lia and Kasch are two separate cases. I think the thing that separates Lia from the rest of us is possibly Noah & his interest in her – perhaps she was rejected because of him? Because he’s pulling the strings somehow? Someone suggested Sarah possibly was?

      2. Kasch and Morgan didn’t get the congrats emails, but I did. However, I registered for the beta online (I was also one of the few initial phone calls). I wonder if there is a correlation between Kasch’s and Morgan’s unusual experiences and them not registering for the beta…if I hadn’t registered online like they didn’t, maybe I wouldn’t have gotten one either?

      3. @kingkill33 – did you register for the beta? Did you get a congrats email? Was there anyone else who got that initial out of the blue phone call from Stacey, before the website was found?

      4. @kasch – was there a shadow version of you yet on the forums?

    • #10543

      @coryphella I did not register with iCompanion since I was under the assumption they were going to following me around and told me as such. I also did not receive a congratulations email from them. I did happen to reach out to them on FB Messenger though, and asked if this a mistake or not. Typical read, no reply. The way I figure it, they will get around to me when they find the time.

    • #10545

      Well it seems that iConfidant definitely is reading the forums here. Just got a reply back from them apologizing that I did not receive the email, but that I am indeed one of the individuals picked for the beta program. They mention I was one of a few selected early on, and will be in touch with me very soon. So, are the people that were selected early on @kasch, @111error, @coryphella, and myself? Any others??

    • #10552

      OK, well, I was kind of worried I had screwed up my _path by registering when obviously Kasch & Morgan hadn’t and had interesting results, you made me feel better. 🙂 I wonder if the purpose of calling the four of us (or more?) was just to spread the word and get the website out?

    • #10562
       Andrew Kasch

      Update: Stacey just called me!!!

      She said she was offended and upset that I was sending her such “explicit and unethical” emails. I told her I hadn’t, and that my wife had never heard of iConfidant.

      Stacey: “So you’re telling me you’re not the one sending these explicit emails???”

      Me: “Hand to God, Stacey!”

      Stacey: “I have to check with my IT department! I’ll call you back!”

      Guys… I have an imposter out there! And he’s trying hard to fuck things up for me!

    • #10563

      Let’s catch the imposter and then have a suspicious BBQ right after.

    • #10564

      @kasch did you confirm with her what email address they were coming from?

    • #10565
       Meghan Mayhem

      …I can’t be the only one dying to see these “explicit and unethical” emails.

      You know, for science.

    • #10566
       Kyle Bown

      @kasch IT! She is checking with IT! </tinfoil hat>

      This is fascinating. Truly fascinating.

    • #10569
       Andrew Kasch

      @chelsea When Stacey calls back, that’s the first question I’m going to ask her!

    • #10570

      @kasch I’m very curious. It might not be a bad idea to change all passwords just in case. Cause that’s weird.

    • #10572

      I’m still wondering about the motivation. The person clearly isn’t trying to get into iConfidant as you, they’re being so offensive that no version of Andrew Kasch is admitted. I don’t know how hard I would fight against this shadow just to join the same accepted list as everyone else. This is making me worried about being on that list. It feels like you have a foul-mouthed guardian angel out there. Or at least someone who wants you on a different path.

    • #10574

      @kasch, a suggestion – when Stacey calls back, you should set up a secret passphrase with her too. Tell her to ask for it wherever she contacts you, whether by phone or email. If that doesn’t convince her there is a second person involved I don’t know what will.

    • #10575
       Tim Redman

      Stacy could produce the mail headers and maybe ID the location

    • #10577

      So does this mean the “shadow version is a better version of us” theory is invalid?

      It does still fit with the “manipulate the real world via bots” theory.

    • #10579

      @bruinbown oh wow.. “IT” dept. ? …could it be one in the same?? That would be interesting..

      I’m glad you got a call..things were getting too quiet around here.

    • #10580

      @macbethinabathtub this occurred to me too. It sounds more like someone is impersonating Kasch to try protect him from whatever iConfidant has planned for him more than just trolling him.

    • #10583
       Andrew Kasch

      I hope Stacey finds some info on this and let’s me know something soon.

      I also don’t think this is Shadow Kasch. It doesn’t fit their modus operandi.

      And to my imposter, who is undoubtably reading this: I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve other than being a colossal dick…but it’s only a matter of time before you’re discovered. It would be wise to step out of the shadows and explain yourself before that happens.

    • #10584

      Are there any samples of you being vulgar? Like maybe you’re a total dick on facebook and they could have pinched an idea of what it would be like to be ‘Negative Kasch’.Who knows? Maybe it is a internet vigilante trying to spare you from IConfidant? Or a person aligned Chaotic Evil. The Plot thickets.
      What does explicit Kasch even look like? Is it obvious, or is it subtle?

      “Stephanie, whatever your name is,
      I dislike the oxford comma verymuch so. “

      Just musing.

    • #10585

      Someone doing it to protect you doesn’t sound right to me. It’s too elaborate. They could have just asked to be removed from the program and you would have stopped being connected non the wiser. Instead they are harassing Stacey. There must be another motive, or enjoyment.

    • #10586

      Dang. Stay woke, @jay956

      There must be another motive, or enjoyment.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Jackie.
    • #10592

      @kasch did you ever post anything with your email address? Or- who would have access to that that people could take advantage of?

    • #10605
       Andrew Kasch

      @kortneydarling I’ve never posted my email publicly and I confirmed that those emails were NOT sent from my account.

      I actually emailed iConfidant asking to see these emails. I’m very curious what was said and if they might clue me in on who is behind all this.

    • #10702
       Andrew Kasch

      Update: A technician from the iConfidant IT department called me.

      He verified my email address and then asked me to visit the iConfidant home page and hold down the R+L+N+Command keys for 3 seconds. He told me to tell him once that was done, and I did (nothing happened).

      “Great! Thanks! We’ll be in touch!”

      He hung up before I asked him about the explicit emails.

    • #10704
       Brad Ruwe

      Strange…. wonder if there’s any significance of the letters RLN?

    • #10705
       Kyle Bown


      Command+R Refreshes the page
      Command+L Seems to highlight the website in the address bar
      Command+N Opens a new window

    • #10710

      I’ve tried every variation of R+L+N Command and it doesn’t do much.

      I’m curious from an IT standpoint what the hell they were trying to achieve by that.

      Any I.T. specialists out there that might know what this could mean?

    • #10711
       Brad Ruwe

      From my experience with web sites, really it shouldn’t be able to do anything, at least from a browser standpoint. Only thing that’s possible is if they put some secret command into their website that’s triggered by those letters. Some sites do this (some times without the company even knowing) when bored programmers sneak little easter eggs in. My favorite example is from ESPN a few years ago.


      So it’s entirely possible the iConfidant website has some secret script that is triggered by those letters.

    • #10712

      I hope that wasn’t your shadow calling, and it was actually the IT department….

    • #10716

      R+L=J confirmed?

    • #10717

      *raises hand*

      R+L=J has been canon for a long, long time.
      And was a bumper sticker on my last car.

      (she says sitting between her cats named Sansa and Asha)

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Megan.
    • #10719

      Per my brother, computer engineer, when asked what those four keys would be used for:

      “So a web page could detect you entering them. But otherwise, they have no meaning together that I know of. command + r, command + l, etc all have meaning in a browser, as you mentioned.”

      *shrug* so I don’t know if there’s much in the pressing of those buttons themselves. Except for obviously stealing Kasch’s fingerprints and making a clone of him using magic.

    • #10720

      @coryphella R+L=J? Cliffs notes for the less educated?

    • #10721
       Brad Ruwe

      @ziegenbartsr Game of Thrones plot point.

    • #10722

      Game of Thrones theory that has been around since the 90’s.

      Theory is that Jon Snow is the son of Ragar Targathian and Leanna Stark. Not actually the son of Ned Stark.

    • #10723

      @ziegenbartsr – yeah what they said. I’ve been on the R+L=J train since 2003. That’s also when we got Sansa. 🙂

    • #10724

      Thanks guys. I don’t watch much tv and was thinking it was a reference to Tension/Lust canon. After about 30 sec googling I realized my mistake.

    • #13169
       Andrew Kasch


      I just received the following email from Stacey:

      Andrew, thank you for your patience while this was investigated.

      After new developments it seems that I can not definitely say exactly what happened so… onward and upward I suppose. If you are still interested in your own confidant please reply to this email with “ begin” . Please understand that if any new information comes to light that attaches you to the previous correspondence I will immediately terminate our relationship without hesitation. I hope enjoy finding your new perfect match.

      So it appears I am now back in the iConfidant program.

      But what are these “new developments” she speaks about? I can only speculate, but it seems to me like Noah’s shenanigans might have caused the OSDM to issue a stranglehold on information over at iConfidant.

    • #13172

      @kasch o___O

      I haven’t heard from Kristin about tomorrow, but this certainly muddies the waters.

    • #13173

      @kasch was there anything hidden in the email or pictures attached?

      Why are they just now getting back to you after a long time?

      Why am I asking so many damn questions?

    • #13175
       Andrew Kasch

      Oh snap!
      I just double checked the e-mail and hidden underneath in the “previous history” section was this…

      From: Campbell Mark <[email protected]>
      Subject: Re: Kasch correspondence, email chain 1 of 3 (Start date April 12, 2017) Case: KL304-1
      Date: May 07, 2017 at 5:13:46 PM PDT
      To: Stacey Erikson <[email protected]>

      Sorry it’s been Hell. Yes, my kid is fine as the shots seem to be taking hold. Jesus, Stacey I know your under pressure with whoever the hell those guys are but remember when we used to kind of care about each other’s lives? I mean I took this job because you promised we would be chill.

      Okay, the sort of weird thing here is that the IP tracker showed a bunch of different addresses – we didn’t even bother with that in the beginning because it’s not unusually for people to correspond from different locations and devices but after running out of all other options we looked them up and they are bouncing all of the world. Hong Kong, Botswana and Argentina. Unless old Andy has a lot of frequent miles this might just be a weird spam thing. I don’t know, we’re all short on a reasonable explanation.

    • #13178
       Haley Wilde

      Seems like they know just about as much as we do when it comes to iConfidant…

    • #13179
       Andrew Kasch

      First off…Mark Campbell is apparently their IT guy (and maybe Stacey’s significant other?). “The shots seem to be taking hold?” comment is alarming. What is happening?

      And his “these guys” comment sure seems to indicate our theory about the OSDM or investors barging into the company.

      But this opens up a whole new can of worms: IPs from all over the country???
      This means that whoever impersonated me is either a master hacker or a hive of people. Could Noah have secret accomplices in his scheme?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #13182
       Meghan Mayhem

      Also fuck that dude for being an IT guy who uses “your” incorrectly

    • #13189
       Taylor Winters

      I am very interested in the comments about the shots taking hold. Maybe it has to do with the same “sickness” that we assumed Noah’s Tim might have. Maybe Mark and Noah’s kids are around the same age and both come from a program. Maybe this is a program trying to develop Future Humans. Maybe there’s something connecting iConfidant and The System. Or maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree.

    • #13190

      @kasch I’m happy to hear that you’ll finally getting your “perfect match” like the rest of us. Welcome to iConfidant buddy! ?

    • #13191

      Ps. This Mark Campbell guy is saying things that make me think him and Stacey used to date. Just throwing that out there.

    • #13192
       Brad Ruwe

      In regards to the IP thing, didn’t we notice our iConfidants emails seemed to be sent from various locations as well?

    • #13196

      @kasch My first thought was that Mark is Stacey’s ex, since he alludes to a previous relationship (“we used to care about each other’s lives”) and to some trouble with said relationship that has since been accepted (“you promised we would be chill”).

      Looks like neither Stacey not Mark knows who’s supporting the company and are pressuring her (the same Investors that funded Tension, I bet!). That, or Stacey’s just not telling him.

      But! I’m glad it’s been sorted. Can’t wait to hear what your iC is like!

    • #13197

      The “shots are taking hold” comment sounds like it’s referring to a sick kid.

      Did anyone try emailing Mark? I did and it bounced back.

    • #13198

      @coryphella yes, I emailed to ask if they were looking for a data analyst and it also bounced back.
      Could be a sick kid, or perhaps the nanobots are starting to have the expected influence/results.

    • #13199

      I also was a little unclear; Mark is presumably referring to the Noah as Kasch emails that came to iconfidant but it read to me like he’s referring to OUR Confidants, themselves. We’ve had folks track their confidant emails as coming from multiple locations beyond what is normal, too, yes?

    • #13211
       Andrew Kasch

      @wanda102 I didn’t sound like he was referring to the iConfidants, because he was responding to Stacey in the e-mail chain. (She said “What is the status on this? Need an update.” referring to my case).

      At any rate, it feels good to be back in the program again.

      And I did try and e-mail Mark to say thanks and offer my support, but it bounced as well.

      This is all very interesting…

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