
  • That’s your position and I respect that. Although I politely and respectfully disagree.

    I also didn’t mean personally being attacked. I meant BOS as a whole. Just for clarification.

  • 18 months of pretty constant attack… and now the tide is turning.

    Sucks to be on the receiving end, huh?

    Sucks to be expected to explain and defend your position, right?

    WOW just wow! 18 months of being attacked? I can think of people who have been more attacked throughout this. @coryphella @bcbishop to give an example. Many of us have had m…[Read more]

  • I never said picking BOS is the only way to play. Or that picking a side at all is necessary. What I was trying to say was that you play the game by being true to yourself and making decisions based upon that. For example, I respect that @erisbonn believes in herself as an individual and won’t be swayed until she truly feels it.

    I was trying t…[Read more]

  • You’re right, Blondie. This isn’t a safe place. And while I’m not surprised this is the tone of your response, as your friend, I am hurt by it. It does suck to have to defend my position; in fact, one reason I defected to BOS in the first place because I was tired of being maligned for questioning group think. If division exists, it’s because…[Read more]

  • So we’re back to “if you don’t choose a side, you’re not playing”…or more like, “if you don’t choose BOS you’re not playing.”

  • 18 months of pretty constant attack… and now the tide is turning.

    Why do there need to be attacks from either side though? There can be division and strife and disagreement, but we call try to do it respectfully.

    I rambled about choices last night, but an easy one is for us all to acknowledge each other as people and everything that comes with that.

  • One part of my phone conversation with Morgan last night that I forgot to mention is when he brought up the statement I had made on Slack, about how TMC will not always be the only path for engagement. He wondered how I could see into the future like that. More sarcasm. Make of that response what you will.

    In any case, after sleeping on it (and…[Read more]

  • I can’t help but find all this very amusing.

    I defected to BOS in August 2016. I wasn’t recruited. No-one came to me to convince me to join. I saw what was happening, felt it was wrong (whether this is all theatre or not is irrelevant to me – eg sexual assault is still wrong whether it is “part of a show” or not), sought out like-minded people…[Read more]

  • I hear something about asking Participants to get involved in promotion for The Experiences?


    Imagine being on a United flight, and the flight attendant is being horrible. Doesn’t matter what you come up with — she’s insulting passengers; throwing hot coffee on them; whispering to the guy in 7A that the guy in 9B banged his wife; put…[Read more]

  • @kevin, @izryn, and @wanda102 are all echoing my feels on this.

    I can’t help but feel there’s something we aren’t seeing…in everyone’s enthusiasm for the return of the resistance we aren’t looking at the bigger picture and most importantly, the WHY. Currently, things are still feeling pretty sus and so far, while I WANT to trust Morgan, I’m…[Read more]

  • @blondie to be clear: in the scheme of things, my allegiances don’t matter, and neither does the mole, as
    Morgan himself has said. This is exactly the point I make about unnecessary division.

    My intention was to be thoughtful and reflective about this recent task, same as Kevin. I’m not “flip flopping,” that’s reductive reasoning, I’m sayin…[Read more]

  • Blondie posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    080916 – the road certainly hasn’t been easy but nothing worthwhile ever is… the Resistance rises… finally

  • @wanda102 gurl, your allegiances flip flop so much I’m getting whiplash… unless you were never BOS and you were in fact a mole… which your behaviour would in fact support now I think on it… 🤔

  • @kevin you elegant bastard. Thank you for saying this. I don’t think you and I have ever stood apart on any of this, and I’m not starting now.

    …everything changes, right?

    I know what I saw at MSE: OSDM hurting my friends. I also know that all signs indicate that it was theatre, another show to distract, to elicit reaction. And if any of you…[Read more]

  • Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
    — Edgar Allen Poe
    (Recruiters Welcome anytime but Tues. AM and Thursdays)

  • one of the main things that’s always there is a nagging voice that BOS and OSDM are still the same.
    — Edgar Allen Poe

    Recruiters Welcome, Anytime except Tues. morning and Thursdays

  • now I can see people feeling the same pressure about BOS: if I don’t join, does that mean I get nothing?

    And for what it’s worth, definitely feeling that pressure. Even @111error‘s statement back to me had that sort of ring to it, even as it attempted to defuse it with a joke immediately after in the same message.

    “If you don’t understand t…[Read more]

  • So here’s the thing, I’ve been with BOS since 8/05. I was welcomed and invited by Morgan himself to continue questioning BOS. Despite that, I’ve never felt like my views completely lined up with everyone else’s. #burnitdown has never seemed the correct solution to me, especially not from a group who are mainly about making sure people don’t get…[Read more]

  • Here’s the thing. I really want to believe in Doing The Right Thing with BOS. I really want to trust in Morgan and his vision. But my gut is screaming “trap.” Catching flies with honey, as it were. To what end, I can’t guess, but I don’t want this to be true. @111error, I hope you prove me wrong, so for the time being, I can’t commit fully, but I…[Read more]

  • This, @izryn. Everything you said, so much this.

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