Sean replied to the topic 8/2 Follow up call from Noah in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 4 months ago
Got my call. Was working from home today so I could actually hear him this time, for the most part. Paraphrased (poorly) below:
Sean: Noah!”
Noah: (Mockingly, referring to my earlier answer) I’m afraid that people will know who I am and I’ll need to be motivating/funny/entertaining in order to get people to like me… Hell of a post there, and a…[Read more] -
Sean replied to the topic 8/1/17 – Calls from Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
Feels weird. I hate anything personal on any social media. But I guess this ain’t so bad. Already getting some good responses to it. Hope that it helped someone out there.
Sean replied to the topic 8/1/17 – Calls from Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
I think I got a little ramble-y on my Facebook post but it’s up. I hope that’s what you’re looking for @maddyxxx because that’s the fucking best you’re gonna get out of me for that shit.
Sean replied to the topic 8/1/17 – Calls from Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@coryphella – Presumably it had to be public. If there were other parameters I didn’t hear them. Whole thing was like trying to have a conversation with someone who was in another room. I’m extremely private on Facebook. I don’t like to share pictures or anything personal or even post at all. Presumably it was to target that?
Sean replied to the topic 8/1/17 – Calls from Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
I’m having a little trouble with my task, so I’ll post about it while I think of how to word it. I got a call too.
I should note, before I continue, that my office is right next to a R&D facility that does work with drones and radio communication. That means that when they do tests, cell phone reception SUCKS. Today was one of those days. Below…[Read more]
Sean posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
At least what I think his task was. I heard at best half of what he said to me due to poor reception at work
Sean posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
Received a call from Noah. Will post details after I get a chance to complete his task
Sean replied to the topic 7/29 – The System Event in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 4 months ago
The system and good deeds to me are on opposite ends of the spectrum so none of this is making sense to me
Maybe this is all a ruse, The System and Noah coming from different minds or being controlled by different things.
Or maybe simplifying things into “Super goodie boyscout” and “Meanie pants” is reductionist and a mistake. Maybe The System…[Read more]
Sean posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
No problem. New members thread at the top of each forum is definitely the place to start. If you want any further help or want to speak with the community, we all hang out on the Slack channel that the front page links to
Sean posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
Hey, welcome!
Welcome! Don’t go ax’in us now 😉
No worries. That’s saved for the parents. It’s a little rusty at this point anyway.
Ahaha! Glad you found it funny and not annoying (you may be slightly annoyed, I’m sure you get it alot) but I can always help ya shine that baby up 😉
Not annoyed at all. Get it alot. Nice to meet ya
Sean replied to the topic Impact Made & A Message For Noah in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 4 months ago
Can I get a translation for the linguistically ignorant?
Sean replied to the topic 7/30 Call from Horace in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
I have to wonder why “you of all people” were chosen to get a message of non-agency delivered to. Is @bcbishop right, and Horace is trying to manipulate all of us, knowing that @shankfx22 is most likely out of all of us to rebel against the “you have no control” line? Or is she specifically being targeted due to her involvement with people who…[Read more]
Sean replied to the topic 7/29 – The System Event in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 4 months ago
It is curious that the directive was to “make an impact” but it is we, the participants, who decided that only things that we view as being impactful are valid. Whether water or beer was dispensed, a kind thing was a kind thing. You can make an impact on the life of a person sitting at a bar just as much as you can a person sitting on the street.…[Read more]
Sean replied to the topic Call from Noah – 7/27 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
Sean replied to the topic Call from Noah – 7/27 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@blondie – So Noah’s a dick, and a dick who’s effective and good at business. But if you’re going to imply that “business man” and “mustache twirling villain” are the same because they’re both meanie pants, then that’s a bigger leap than saying something as outlandish as “Tension era BOS was effective at things beyond getting domed to death in sand boxes”
Sean replied to the topic Call from Noah – 7/27 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
Have you ever been in a class in which a student didn’t do a project or homework or show up and got kicked because of it? Ever seen a trainer stop working with someone because that person wouldn’t even try? Are the trainer and professor “not truly powerful” as well?
If you signed up for The System, but you aren’t going to do The System, you…[Read more]
Sean replied to the topic Call from Noah – 7/27 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@blondie – I’m viewing this as one of the first actions that The System has actually done in service of its end goal. So far I’ve seen 1: A woman facing her fear and 2: A man being told to act more valiantly. I suspect, even if it’s just a little, Chelsea feels less guarded off now. Step one on this lesson plan has shown that he’s going to make…[Read more]
Sean replied to the topic Call from Noah – 7/27 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
“Chelsea’s first task didn’t have a beneficiary.” is exactly what makes you wrong about the entirety of this. You’re all looking at this as though humanitarianism is the primary goal. It’s not. The goal is to better the people involved in The System. The beneficiaries are the ones performing the actions, themselves. For Chelsea, that meant bei…[Read more]
Sean posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
Noah – “The System will teach you how to get out of your comfort zone and be better”
People – “Okay cool”
Noah – “Step 1: Do something out of your comfort zone”
People – “YOU MONSTER. FUCK YOU FOR GROOMING. HOW DARE YOU ” *further responses inaudible due to rampant circle jerking* -
Sean replied to the topic Call from Noah – 7/27 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
Perhaps I wasn’t clear. Let me rephrase this. People here bought tickets for The System. The System promises that it’ll teach you things. Now you’re saying that the people ignoring the lessons are doing some great good thing because the leader is a big meanie head who uses bad words?
Not every lesson is grooming. These are on par with exercise…[Read more]
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At least what I think his task was. I heard at best half of what he said to me due to poor reception at work