• In today’s game of “Wait What If”, we have Rogue Clint. Locking DLB out of the Creator’s Master Account? The voice saying he was stuck here with all of the events while someone was on the other side of the country? It would be embarrassing if that voice on the call to me was DLB and I didn’t recognize it, but it’s a possibility. @mike I think all…[Read more]

  • Which is all kinda BS. My initial response answered all the questions he asked, though I guess I didn’t answer in the way he wanted. The thing is, I even mentioned Tina to him as being a possible source of info before I started to get super suspicious of his intentions. He had no response whatsoever to that.

    You know who this reminds me of?…[Read more]

  • Thoughts:

    1) He specifically said “the PERSON who made me this way”. That makes me think it’s not the Creators, it’s a single person. Most obvious guess is Horace, but could be more meta than that.

    2) What way, exactly? We’ve seen a few different versions of Noah. Vulnerable weary gingham shirt Noah. Shouty suit Noah telling us that the…[Read more]

  • Sean replied to the topic 1 on Thursday in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago

    It’s definitely premature to make plans for us to choose who to send, but if it is going to be our decision, I’d say that we choose someone active who hasn’t been previously engaged.

    Spread that shit around, yo.