Megan replied to the topic 10.4 A Task from Sabrina in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@mouse, Shut the fuck up with that shit.
JakeO replied to the topic What Do You Lust After? in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse I like where you’re going with desire and lust. I think you’re right, it’s easy to confuse the two.
To me, Lust can have several levels of severity, but at its most intense it can be something that is blinding. When you Lust for something, you can lose sight of rationality and you probably make poor decisions to attain what you are…[Read more]
Max Z replied to the topic 3/22 Olive Hotel Set-Up + DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse Wow, that IS creepy, and tragic! I had a dear friend from high school get murdered in a hotel room a few years back, she was also into meth at the time. I wonder if this type of thing happens pretty often in hotels? Sad/chilling stuff.
Lia replied to the topic Quantum Theory and Noah Sinclair in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse Whaaa? I missed that. Can you post a picture?
Candace replied to the topic 3/22 Olive Hotel Set-Up + DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse all I can say is as far as your question #2 makeup coming off in the shower. HA! if only it came off that easily. Eyeliner and mascara would just smear and turn into a mess in the shower. You need makeup remover to get it off. So no lies detected there.
superstar replied to the topic THE BOOK in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 11 months ago
I got the exact same note as you, @mouse. The first sentence reads, “I am inside the wall nearest to which you found this note.” The woman at the book table said it was written by “Emily”.
Kimberly Stewart replied to the topic Production Design – behind the scenes – Ascension in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse: Per Facebook: “Book Ships the week of March 10!” I can’t wait to see all the hidden treasures inside!
@lilmsfancpants & @sassyyael: I miss that weird, fantastic place. I picture it now a lot like the last time I saw it (for a “media” sort of event), barren and torn apart. It felt like a place that contained all the ghosts of the past.…[Read more]
Sean replied to the topic Production Design – behind the scenes – Ascension in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse – My understanding is that the books are finished and going to be shipping March 10, so you should be getting it soon
Chelsea Morgan replied to the topic What Do You Lust After? in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse Oh I can almost guarantee that the creators are going to toy with us. Walking that fine line along with many others.
I like how you brought up hidden inside of us. Maybe a lot of us don’t realize we are lusting over something/someone. I mean unless you’re the emperor and you know you want unlimited powa, then many of us might have to…[Read more]
Sage replied to the topic Who is Sarah? in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse, I hope this is where they are headed. The suspension of social mores on certain holidays/festivities is so interesting to me. I went to UCSB and they did this study at Halloween and found that all the “good” kids net totally bonkers on this one night, where all expectations were suspended and they could drink, do drugs, have random sex,…[Read more]
Chloe started the topic What Do You Lust After? in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 11 months ago
@mouse and @izryn had a good point on wondering what we all are lusting after, since that seems to be what LUST may be all about with each of us individually. So I thought I would start this topic so whoever is comfortable with it can discuss it.
I don’t really know what exactly it is I lust after. I’m one of those quiet types that sort of just…[Read more]
Allison Fogarty replied to the topic Who is Sarah? in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 12 months ago
@mouse that was HILARIOUS!
Sean replied to the topic Registration in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
@mouse – possible, but I’d doubt they’d go that route. During Tension there were implications that there were moles and plants among us.
The resulting chaos and mistrust not only lead to one of the biggest fights that the Tension community ever had but also turned out to be completely untrue and unfounded.
Nowadays I don’t think either side…[Read more]