Lenize replied to the topic Who is Sarah? in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 8 years ago
And even if they are not in an open relationship together (where both can do things outside the marriage), Noah seems the type that would just tell his wife that he’s gonna sleep with whoever he wants to and she just have to be okay with that.
That being said I think it more likely that Sarah is an alias or family member (cousin even maybe)…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic No Email in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
I’ll join the no-reply group!
There might still be some emails going out, but I’m not holding out hope. I’m relatively sure something will come along to get involved with either anti Noah or at least different from him!
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
That’s a very interesting theory @bcbishop, the system does seem to be looking for a certain type of person, and everyone will certainly not fit that.
What I find interesting is that technically we have not seen any direct connection between Noah and LUST itself. The forum was “spammed” by people pointing to his website, and some people remember…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic 4/19 Email from Sarah/ Noah Sinclair in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
@dontscarecrly there are a few of us who haven’t, they seem to have a lot of emails to respond to if you look at the response @tuckerbarkley got, so maybe they are still getting to everyone, or they have only picked certain people to email back.
Lenize replied to the topic 4/19 Email from Sarah/ Noah Sinclair in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
So @rizzzoooooo did you get the email saying not selected/eliminated, or did you not receive any emails yet?
Lenize posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Wouldn’t surprise me, as we wouldn’t be any use to him, so probably just gonna get a rejection letter, or if taking his personality into account possibly nothing?
Lenize posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Also waiting patiently! They’re probably working through the emails that came in. Wondering if they will be emailing everyone, or just some people.
Lenize replied to the topic Noah Sinclair in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
I wonder if there is any correlation between the type of messages people emailed Noah, and being accepted or rejected?
Lenize replied to the topic Very curious in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
@jared from what I’ve seen from Tension, the creators did put some effort into making some of the participants that were “harder” to interact with, part of the game. I’m thinking of the dead drop for @mumumusings and @blondie getting a phone call all the way across the ocean. So it would not surprise me, if @sassyyael is an active participant, if…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic Community Websites & Blogs in the forum JUST FRIENDS 8 years ago
@izryn that sounds like a really nice idea! There are so many resourcesn to have them all sorted and accesible would be very helpful 🙂
Lenize posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Lenize replied to the topic Community Websites & Blogs in the forum JUST FRIENDS 8 years ago
Great idea!! I was thinking I wanted to look through the last tension stuff since I missed most of that, so if everything is in one place that would make it a lot easier!
Lenize replied to the topic Noah Sinclair in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
The personality type that Noah espouses is everything I try not to be, and if I meet someone like him in real life there is usually an instant dislike to them!
I did however still send him an enthusiastic email wanting to join, you can’t stop the enemy if you don’t know what he is up to!
Lenize replied to the topic Noah Sinclair in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
Ah, thanks @rasberryberet had no idea you could click on it!
Lenize replied to the topic Noah Sinclair in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
This is also a very wild and random speculation, but the little dot on people’s profile pictures (that seems to be blue when someone is online and grey when they’re not) is also in the position of the 4 on a clock.
So with the incorrect roman numeral in the picture and there being four hands on the clock, maybe the number 4 has a meaning as…[Read more]
Lenize posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Glad to be back! It’s nice to see everyone on the forums here again!
Lenize replied to the topic Newbie in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
Hey, I am also jumping in with LUST from the beginning this time, and I think with different expectations than I had with Tension!
All the way from South Africa, so will have a hard time keeping up with everything, but looking forward to seeing what develops 🙂
Lenize changed their profile picture 8 years ago
Lenize changed their profile picture 8 years ago
Lenize became a registered member 8 years ago
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When you wake up to a slew of periscopes on your phone and know stuff has gone down in Lust while you were sleeping, but you are on your way to work so you can’t catch up!! Don’t you just hate that!!! View
Or maybe Noah isn’t interested in anyone outside of the US? Just a thought
Wouldn’t surprise me, as we wouldn’t be any use to him, so probably just gonna get a rejection letter, or if taking his personality into account possibly nothing?
@blondie I got mine around 9 this morning and I only emailed yesterday, so it might make sense that they’re working backwards through their inbox