Lenize replied to the topic in the forum Lenize 7 years, 11 months ago
@mkarrett it actually took me a while to make sure I didn’t use military time when writing in the US since a lot of people didn’t really understand it, while that is just the time we mostly use here in South Africa when we write the time out. (We don’t really go around saying, hey I’ll see you at 18 hundred hours and stuff)
Lenize replied to the topic in the forum Lenize 7 years, 11 months ago
@lilmsfancpants yep, I doubt that is really what they mean, but that’s the most sense I can make out of those numbers with the information we currently have, maybe we will get some context later that would point us in the right direction. And if my random guess does turn out to be correct I would be stunned.
Lenize replied to the topic in the forum Lenize 7 years, 11 months ago
So random theory (if this was not just a drunk person not knowing what they actually wanted to post), the first two numbers refers to dates (2 april etc.), but the last number doesn’t refer to year (since 2 are already past) but to time… 17:00, 16:00 etc. and two people get to go on each day in each time slot.
Lenize replied to the topic Your Shadow Self in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 11 months ago
My shadow self would be very active in the forums and post frequently, hate all things Disney and be scared of everything except spiders 😛
Lenize replied to the topic Symbol Theories in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 11 months ago
Well, on the main page crossed keys logo. It seems the crossed keys symbol is very much used by the vatican and the pope, (although theirs is “inverted” from the one used by lust).
The official view is the crossed keys represent the Keys of Heaven that were entrusted to Simon Peter by Jesus.
Matthew 16:19
: “I will give you the keys to the k…
Lenize replied to the topic No Email in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
@rasberryberet I’m mostly basing my speculations on my experience, and the reasons for it on THIS podcast where Darryn and Clint was interviewed by My Haunt Life. Specifically look at around 1h 36 mins where they talk about vetting.
I personally don’t have any (find-able) digital trail for example, my Facebook is completely open but mostly…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic No Email in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
I also still haven’t received anything, and if I’m being honest haven’t really expected too. I know from experience that they do ignore certain players for various reasons, and even though that hurt a lot during Tension, this time it’s not bothering me, since I came in with that expectation. (If they ignored me when I was in the US and made an…[Read more]
Lenize posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
I felt the same way a few weeks back, since I absolutely hate dentists, but I ended up with an amazing one who did it so well! It wasn’t nearly as bad as I had expected it to be, and having the pain gone was amazing!
Lenize posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Well, with my ninja reflexes I managed to block it’s first attack and deflect the lid over my head, so I survived with only a minor bump on the head while the toilet still needed a lot of fixing so I’d call that a win! It’s an old design toilet where your cistern is high up on the wall and you pull a chain to flush, when I pulled the chain the…[Read more]
Lenize posted an update 8 years ago
Life is certainly not dull if you get home from work and your toilet tries to kill you!
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
@addisonborn, do make sure it’s a good deal then!
Noah seems like the type to make deals that would mostly/only be to His advantage 🙂
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
Could it have something to do with google searches in your area (since I did mine in South Africa)?
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
@lukasrl I got “american apparel high waisted jeans” as the best guess for the logo! 😀
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
So @addisonborn just how far do you think you’d go for everything you ever wanted…
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
If Noah is connected with the demonic side of things (supernaturally or biblically), a seminar like he is presenting with people getting chosen would be a great way to recruit souls for nefarious purposes.
Also the fact that some people gets chosen and others not would generally make the people who got chosen more likely to stick with it and do…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic Losers unite! in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
So perhaps they are looking for something completely different in their participants and what you said is not that relevant as whether you have that specific thing, so if two people messaged the same type of message they would get different answers based on whatever that “special” something is.
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
Lol! @darthzannah if we started adding supernatural mythology to this the rabbit hole would get really deep! Noah could fit into quite a few roles including, as what was already speculated, Lucifer himself.
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
@darthzannah or if he has yellow eyes that would also be very telling!
Lenize replied to the topic Is Noah Sinclair the Devil, and is he building an army? in the forum CONJECTURE 8 years ago
@darthzannah I definitely see a Leviathan vibe there!
Lenize posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
I would personally go for the latter.
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When you wake up to a slew of periscopes on your phone and know stuff has gone down in Lust while you were sleeping, but you are on your way to work so you can’t catch up!! Don’t you just hate that!!! View
Who won? You or the toilet?
Well, with my ninja reflexes I managed to block it’s first attack and deflect the lid over my head, so I survived with only a minor bump on the head while the toilet still needed a lot of fixing so I’d call that a win! It’s an old design toilet where your cistern is high up on the wall and you pull a chain to flush, when I pulled the chain the…[Read more]