• @dawsonc no you’re right. For those of us who went through Tension/Ascension we did give up a lot more personal information to the OSDM. Right now email is their only way to contact anyone new aside from those who were judged as worthy in Noah and Sarah’s eyes who were then asked to send more info, which is probably why no one who is new to the…[Read more]

  • @dawsonc – I agree entirely with your murder mystery analogy. People that I interacted with in Tension seemed to either form a persona or acted as themselves, choosing one path or the other based on personal reasons and whichever allowed them to get into it more. I played a bit of a persona because I needed it to get immersed into a world that I…[Read more]

  • @dawsonc, 33 is the highest degree in Freemasonry, and some conspiracy theorists link Freemasons with the Illuminati and claim that they are working in tandem to create a New World Order. Hmmm…

  • @dawsonc while possible, I wouldn’t believe it. As They once said and as I now believe:

    Nothing is random

  • @dawsonc – Hmm.. more support that this theory is incorrect. What’s the status of your online presence? Any public social media? Anything that might suggest that they already have the information on you that they’d need from an essay prompt?

  • Sean replied to the topic Losers unite! in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    @dawsonc in Tension there were two factions, but they were ones that we chose: Brothers of Seraph and OOA. Both took certain actions and certain events were only available to some, but it took us months to get to that point, and our loyalties and our decisions were what placed us under each banner, not an email.

    I’m hesitant to say anything based…[Read more]

  • Megan replied to the topic Losers unite! in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    @dawsonc – not yet, haven’t decided yet if I’m going to.

  • Megan replied to the topic Losers unite! in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    @dawsonc – yeah my sarcasm (as noted by them) was also an attempt to speak Noah’s language. 😉

  • Kimberly Stewart replied to the topic Losers unite! in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    I applaud your passion @dawsonc, but have to question the “science” behind your conclusion. Are you assuming all of us who were accepted sent in a reply that was, for example, ass kissing and meek? While those refused were all, for example, bold and dismissive? I’ve spoken to many who received replies back from The System and I can attest this…[Read more]

  • Candace replied to the topic Losers unite! in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    @dawsonc it does seem that with your last line of “I’m out” you may have put yourself in the “loser” email category. Meaning you told them you weren’t interested. So what reason did they have to give you any other sort of reply? Just a thought.

  • LaSalle replied to the topic No Email in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    @pansyh, I had the same thought, but I think they’re making their way steadily through the emails. For example, @maxzumstein who’s part of this thread just got inducted into the glorious halls of the chosen.

    That said, it could be he’s also using non-response as a tool for some of us. See how many of us crack, whine, and/or give up.

    But whether…[Read more]

  • Carl Webb replied to the topic No Email in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    Gutsy, @dawsonc! I will be curious what response you get.

  • Mike replied to the topic Newbie in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    You guys are so amazing to us and it’s so effing appreciated <3

    @dawsonc – A synopsis won’t do Tension justice, but the timeline that @izryn posted is a great start. As far as characters, we still don’t know who may or may be involved. During “The End”, which was the last event where almost everyone we encountered within Tension was killed, a…[Read more]

  • M. replied to the topic Newbie in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    @dawsonc I couldn’t agree more with @ziegenbart. @Mike and Russell have documented the Tension Experience perfectly. Listen to their podcasts (My Haunt Life) and you’ll be all caught up. They’re my go to for everything immersive and haunt related.

  • Maranda replied to the topic Newbie in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    @dawsonc Here’s the official timeline from the Tension site: http://thetensionexperience.com/timeline/
    Noah appeared in person at some people’s Ascension, but we didn’t know his name at the time. The OSDM appears to be a the shadowy organization that was behind Tension and now Lust, and they are looking to get data on us for their own nefarious…[Read more]

  • Mike replied to the topic Newbie in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago

    Come on man, it’s only been 3 days and this is already happening? SMH @dawsonc

    We all know that if anyone is involved it’s @kasch 😀