Argentrose posted an update 7 years ago
I’m ready for the next page. Whenever you’re ready….
Argentrose posted an update 7 years ago
Still turning pages….
Argentrose replied to the topic The Poetry Corner in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years ago
For some reason this speaks to me today:
by: Johann Wolfgang von GoetheHERE stands an ancient castle
On yonder mountain height,
Where, fenced with door and portal,
Once tarried steed and knight.But gone are door and portal,
And all is hushed and still;
O’er ruined wall and rafter
I clamber as I will.A cellar…[Read more]
Argentrose replied to the topic The Poetry Corner in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years ago
Messages for those willing to listen:
Argentrose posted an update 7 years ago
You play with words, and we swallow them. How amusing that we become the thing you tell us we are; how sad that we accept this as truth. You’ve framed us…perfectly–fools that we are.
Argentrose replied to the topic The Poetry Corner in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years ago
This song goes out to all those of you leaving…. Come and dance with me some time. You’ll be sorely missed.
The Speakeasy Three – When I Get Low, I Get High – ( Official Video )
Argentrose posted an update 7 years ago
Is nothing sacred?
Argentrose posted an update 7 years ago
I drove my fist into the air and punched the sky….
Argentrose posted an update 7 years ago
What is seen cannot be unseen….
Argentrose replied to the topic The Poetry Corner in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years ago
And though I posted this in Slack, I think it’s suited to this place, too. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone.
Argentrose replied to the topic The Poetry Corner in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years ago
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.Take…[Read more]
Argentrose replied to the topic Fun for All Seasons in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years ago
So this is the book I am referring to here:
Napoleon’s Sorcerers: The Sophisians
I only read a small excerpt from it while looking for a certain phrase (which isn’t memorable enough that I remember it, sadly.) If you’re interested in that sort of stuff, though, this might be a fun read, and I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions if you do.
Argentrose replied to the topic 3/16/18 – DLB and Gordon Ritual in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
From the big picture angle–
Last night’s “ritual” was meant for the BoS. With @nothenrygale having changed sides, this complicated things, and thus @meghanmayhem was called in. BoS needed to see that their efforts amounted to nothing–a bunch of ashes in a bucket.
At least, that’s what I got from a bigger picture PoV.
Argentrose replied to the topic New users, start here! in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years ago
Welcome, Rachel! (And also to the rest of you new people lurking…)
Feel free to join Slack if you have questions. Most of the people there don’t bite. At least not too hard.
And don’t be afraid to ask questions, start threads here, and get your feet wet.
~~ AR
Argentrose posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Welcome to carnival. <3
Argentrose replied to the topic The Poetry Corner in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years ago
Are we not wise enough…?
Argentrose replied to the topic Fun for All Seasons in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years ago
Oh yes…I forgot, one last thing:
I think it was @unseenpresence yesterday who mentioned something about the Holy Grail, but I guess something must have stuck from that.
A while back, I was reading about Napoleon’s Sorcerers and found it interesting that much like our own immersive theater, they had their own kind of initiations, theater, and…[Read more]
Argentrose posted an update 7 years ago
Is it not enough that we are wise?
Must we also be true? -
Argentrose started the topic Fun for All Seasons in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years ago
Because I like to look at details, sometimes I tend to find things interesting that others don’t. I turn the pieces all over to see what there is to see, and more often than not, while I’ve learned something interesting, the effort is just information at the expense of time. Still, I enjoy throwing things into the digital void just to see what…[Read more]
Argentrose posted an update 7 years ago
Another drop in the ocean,
Another body in the sea…. - Load More