What Do You Lust After?

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This topic has 37 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Anonymous.

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    • #1662

      @mouse and @izryn had a good point on wondering what we all are lusting after, since that seems to be what LUST may be all about with each of us individually. So I thought I would start this topic so whoever is comfortable with it can discuss it.

      I don’t really know what exactly it is I lust after. I’m one of those quiet types that sort of just sits and watches whatever everyone else is doing and only talks if asked most of the time. I guess that could be something, lusting after being more assertive. I also lust after more in my career, I’m a freelance illustrator and I work as a graphic designer in a print shop, but I just don’t feel as if I’m moving as far along as I would like in it. So maybe assertiveness and drive is what I mainly lust after.

    • #1665

      I guess we all lust after common things as well. After trying to explain this whole endeavor to my mom she asked me “Why would you want to go through all this? Wouldn’t it just be easier to see a show?” And she’s right, it would be easier. But we don’t want that. We lust after the escapism. We forget about our day jobs and explore something that we know will probably frustrate, scare, and potentially upset us. It’s the excitement of the unknown and the potential to uncover these mysteries ourselves that is exhilarating to us.

    • #1669

      @lilmsfancpants You make some interesting observations about the excitement of the unknown. I really liked that about the Tension Experience.

      Another thing that I found interesting about the Tension Experience for me there was an interesting sexual/sensual component to the experience. Addison, the damsel in distress, the attractive white waif handlers in the white dresses and combat boots, the flirtatious woman in the bathroom, stripping in a mixed gender environment, the naked dancers in the red room, the woman who flogged me while I was blindfolded and the slow unzipping of my Hazmat suit. Prior to the Tension Experience I didn’t think I had a submissive bone in my body but I did have to rethink that.

      I think when I am completely immersed in the moment and the environment is right, Lust just happens. I relish the experience and want more, more, more. I think we all have that feeling of craving for novelty and excitement.

    • #1670
       Michel Rheault

      Escapism and change of scene is also what i figuratively lust upon. Hovewer, i admit i hoped for a more ”litteral” take on lust in this experience and in fact still do. But i guess Noah reminded me this is a horror arg, not pornhub. John gived me some material to hope though with his analysis of Tension sensual aspect.

      And yes, i’m a bit of a pervert. ^^

    • #1674

      I’ve been thinking about this since I posted my original hypothesis – like @chloe, I don’t really know what it is I lust after, although I have some ideas as to what the answer isn’t. It’s not power (got a “no” from Noah), it’s not sex/physical relationships, and it’s not things like money or fame. I have a feeling that the things I yearn for the most are cerebral, spiritual, or emotional in nature but aside from that I couldn’t go into detail even if I wanted to.

    • #1675
       Kevin Flint

      Great food, adventure, sleep, exercise, sex, drugs, gambling. These things all fire sweet dopamine right at our brains. Isn’t that what we honestly lust for? The next dopamine hit? What’s your flavor? Getting hooded and thrown into the back of a van in the dead of night in a rough part of town certainly did it for me.

    • #1676

      @izryn Totally agree. I’m not throwing myself back into this again solely because of Ascension’s dark/sexual themes. I’m back because that show challenged me. I had to participate. I had to listen closely and make choices in the moment. The setting was secondary to the ALL THE FEELS that I experienced. I put so much of myself into the experience, but I got back even more.

    • #1681

      @izryn @lilmsfancpants I agree, it’s really the immersive experience I’m after. Being able to share these thought provoking experiences with strangers is amazing because even without knowing people’s names or backstories, there’s a certain camaraderie that goes hand in hand with that “what the hell did I just do/witness” experience. It’s deeply personal and universal at the same time and I think for me it’s just about this desire to feel connected to people without having to deal with all the day to day bullshit.

      I only got to go through Ascension once, but it wasn’t the taboo or shock value things that got me so much as these moments of connection. Like the stories people shared in the red room, or the look of pleading and urgency in the white garbed handler who needed your help, or the shy intake woman who apologized repeatedly and quietly laughed despite Simon’s barking orders. Like @lilmsfancpants mentioned, it’s all about the FEELS! I was less titillated by what they were doing to me physically and more concerned/protective of all these vulnerable people.

    • #1683

      To me, lust is nothing more than my own personal needs, desires or obsession that originate from a forbidden, dangerous, exciting scenario that I play in my head. The more and more I play those scenarios the deeper I become absorbed into this mental state that it begins to affect my reality.

      To answer the question, what is it that I lust for? I lust for a greater will power to focus more on what is real rather than what is not real. I need to clear the fog that currently distorting what is real. This fog is made out of my obsessions, needs, desires, my ego, judgement, expectations, anger, stress, and all other negative reactions or emotions that are currently influencing all my decisions. I lust to become a happier, more peaceful, and to love myself unconditionally.

    • #1689
       Chelsea Morgan

      To answer this, I think it’s important to define the difference between desire and lust. Desire is a strong want, longing, wish. I desire to go to more immersive theater shows. I have a desire to travel and see London. I desire that Sarah would respond to my fucking phone call.

      Lust, on the other hand, is defined as a “overmastering desire or craving”. Normally seen as sexual, but power, money, attention, fame, are also go to. Desire is a want. Lust is something you can’t help yourself – you crave it more than anything.

    • #1693
       Chelsea Morgan

      Also – being lustful is a very singular feeling. You lust for your own pleasure. Not for someone else’s pleasure. It’s very selfish. Which goes along with Sinclair’s whole persona.

    • #1715

      I agree with Chelsea’s description of what Lust embodies. I don’t typically associate my feelings with Lust because I generally don’t have that overwhelming need. However, I do think that I have a lust for travel and for stories as a whole, whether it’s me writing them or me being dragged into them via immersive experiences. Other than that, I’m relatively neutral in the overwhelming desire for things department. Ha ha.

    • #1716

      @darthzannah I think Chelsea makes a really good point about desire and lust.

      Desire to me is a healthy emotion. It informs our decisions. Love is a healthy desire for mutual benefit. Desire for a more interesting job, slightly better pay to enjoy life a little more, or even a desire to escape the real world for a short period of time are all healthy desires.

      Lust to me is to me “desire” run a muck. Its one sided desire. A love or craving for something completely selfish.

      I suspect a lot of us hide our lust deep inside ourselves. So much so that we fool ourselves. I think everyone has been in a relationship where they quickly realized there partner was not at all at interested in them but merely lusting after their body, money or power.

      I am kind of hoping the creators toy with us a bit so that we can figure out a bit the fine line between our desires and lusts.

    • #1717
       Chelsea Morgan

      @mouse Oh I can almost guarantee that the creators are going to toy with us. Walking that fine line along with many others.

      I like how you brought up hidden inside of us. Maybe a lot of us don’t realize we are lusting over something/someone. I mean unless you’re the emperor and you know you want unlimited powa, then many of us might have to be put in situations that really challenge our ideas to realize what we are truly after.

    • #1718

      The only thing I’ll admit to lusting after right now is a decent neck massage… Got a yoga ouchie…

      • #1722

        @blondie I am with you there. A neck massage and, actually, a full body massage sounds lovely right now.

    • #1730

      My wife is a massage therapist. Guess who is the worst person to be married to when you really need/want a massage.

    • #1736

      I lust after sex and breakfast sausages.

    • #1740

      @thebuz hmmm…not sure if I completely trust you unless you lust after bacon as well as breakfast sausages… ¬_¬

    • #3524

      fast cars.

    • #3525

      @thebuz bacon. ?

    • #3541
       Brad Ruwe

      That’s a loaded question if I ever did see one. People lust over many things.

    • #3564

      @mouse I like where you’re going with desire and lust. I think you’re right, it’s easy to confuse the two.

      To me, Lust can have several levels of severity, but at its most intense it can be something that is blinding. When you Lust for something, you can lose sight of rationality and you probably make poor decisions to attain what you are lusting for. First love seems like a good example. When you want someone so bad you can’t think about anything else and all your decisions are based around the desire to be with this one person.

      I think you’re right that a lot of us have buried our lust deep and can’t really explain what we lust for. Also, I think a lot of people, including myself, would deny that we lust for things as it seems like admitting lust is against mores.

      What do a lust after? I guess right now, new experiences, I’m craving the feeling of placing myself in an awkward or difficult situation and seeing how I will react mentally.

    • #4131

      I’m kind of wondering how this experience will come to effect those of us who don’t believe ourselves to be inherently lustful creatures. I don’t particularly see myself as lustful, so it’ll be interesting to see how this experience will pan out.

    • #4133

      I pretty much lust to feel. I’m a pretty lustful and obsessive creature and while I have many submissive bones in the body they mostly form around masochism which is a pain im completely addicted to.

      And I pretty much always lust good food and wine and maybe a dominant hand to be nearby.

    • #4429
       Rebecca Horist

      I lust after many things, emotionally and sexually. For me emotionally, I tend to lust after friendships, because with moving a lot it is hard to make friends when you start new places as an adult. Not everyone is always remembering there is a new person in town when making group plans.
      I lust after knowledge and tend to read a lot of various books, from a best seller to ones that inspire me.

      and sexually, well thats between me and my partner.

    • #4585
       Stephanie schultz

      I think what noah may be after is for us to lust after more carnal, existensial related ideals to bring us out of ourselves and our day to day ideas of who we are and how we live our lifes everyday. The things we wish we were like on the inside but are to scared to live those thoughts out that would make us the best version of ourselves we could be. I would dream to be more assertive in my life, more outspoken and driven to do what i truly love in life and to stop listening to those who are holding me back and believe in myself more.

      • #4615

        @schultz80 If making us lust carnally is what Noah is after, maybe it’s good that I can’t get into his seminars. I’m not a lustful person. I’m that weird neutral-chaotic person that just sits and stares at everything around me. Sexuality may have a hand in that. It’ll just be interesting to see how this all develops for us individually moving forward.

    • #4587

      Welp, I’m done because I’m already there. ?

    • #4592
       Stephanie schultz

      We can always improve ourselves and be the person inside us that we want to be with the right motivation and the right push. I could be totally off track here but, thats just my view of this whole thing. You are not done. I dont believe any of us are ever done truly….tension, lust and the others like them leave us all with a craving inside to always need more and more and never truly be done or have enough

    • #4594
       Kyle Bown

      @schultz80 Be careful ascribing good and noble intentions to then OSDM. Their track record is… spotty… at best…

    • #4596
       Stephanie schultz

      @bruinbown thank you for the advice and i wish to see everyone as good and noble until otherwise shown. It is a problem and maybe something else to wish to change within.

    • #4597

      @schultz80 True enough. I am a work-in-progress.

    • #4598
       Stephanie schultz

      @monkeymuffin333 we are all a work in progress. None of us are truly perfect. Even those who believe themselves to be.

    • #4635
       Stephanie schultz

      @birdiesrunamok i cant either. It will either be so individually challenging and changing or super interconnected and bonding for us all. Maybe thats what noah will work on with you and make you lust after is to open you up to be more involved in life and to have you give yourself the permission to gice yourself to new experiences and feelings to let yourself enjoy them.

    • #4641
       Brad Ruwe

      Thought on this a lot. I think what I lust for the most is meaningful (yet still profitable) work. I’ve worked in advertising for TV and film for awhile now, and while it’s treated me fairly well, the work leaves me kinda empty inside. Working to promote the creative endeavors of OTHER people, while being unable to really pursue my own creative interests, has been pretty much a soul suck. I want to create something new, something memorable. Not something that’s forgotten within minutes of being seen like most advertising is. Wanting to create an actual impact on people.

    • #4796

      @schultz80 I think there are more interesting people for Noah to focus on other than myself. I don’t fit his profile of target audience anyway.

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