Twin Cities

This topic has 99 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Vox Chaotica.

  • Author
    • #1061

      There are 3 of us! You have no idea how weird this is. And maybe four of us shortly. Let’s meet for drinks.

    • #1063

      Wednesdays are always a good day for me but I can make other arrangements. I’m available after 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I can do St Paul, Minneapolis, surrounding areas, doesn’t matter to me.

    • #1068

      Then I will suggest a Wednesday after 4ish at Groveland Tap, depending on if @colaptesauratus is up for it.

    • #1069


    • #1104

      Sorry team, late to the party. I work on Wednesday afternoon/night. My next few weeks are pretty busy though irl so if you want to meet up without me this time that’s totally fine.

    • #1105

      I’d like to get together this week or next if that works @coryphella.

      let us know when would work for you. I can absolutely maneuver things around if given some notice. I think Megan is right that we need to pull together and disprove a few stereotypes about Minnesotans.

    • #1109

      I could do Friday evening or any time Saturday?

    • #1113

      If you two can make this or another Friday or Saturday work just let me know and count me in. I just may need to make arrangements on Friday but it’s doable. I’ll leave it to you two for now.

    • #1117

      Friday works for me.

    • #1118

      Groveland Tap? I’m good anytime after 4.

    • #1121

      Yeah I could do 4:30-5ish!

    • #1124

      Hey, it’s me, number 4! I could potentially do a Friday happy-hour-type thing, too.

    • #1127

      OK I just realized – supposedly we are getting a big snowstorm Friday. Let’s say temporarily we’ll have a Twin Cities Lust meetup at Groveland Tap in Saint Paul on Friday at 4:30, pending weather.

    • #1128

      @coryphella good point, it’s so nice right now I totally forgot it’s still technically winter

    • #1129

      @emar hi! Welcome!

    • #1152

      Works for me. Welcome @emar!

    • #1169

      Two questions.
      1. Have any of you tried any escape rooms.
      2. Who would be willing to give it a try?

    • #1170

      I haven’t, and the reason why is because they usually require a number of people that is greater than I have in a group, which means I have to be around people I don’t know and have no reason to know. I’d be completely up for it if an entire group could be made up of people I know or people I want to know. I have some social anxiety and issues around anyone else. My husband wants to write a book about them because he thinks they’re funny.

      Also…I’m about to go to a conference and there’s a workshop this year on escape room design!!

    • #1207

      I’m in the same boat. All the more reason to get that drink.

    • #1286
       Max Z

      @coryphella So this is the second time I’ve noticed you saying something intriguing about your professional life when I’m scanning the Activity feed and I just gotta ask, are you a set designer or professional theater person or something? Cause if so that is so cool 🙂

      • #1300

        @maxzumstein – yes I do theater professionally as a lighting and media designer and am a college prof. I’m doing my 2nd scenic design right now.

    • #1299

      I have an extra ticket for the live presentation of the No Sleep Podcast (think old time horror drama radio) at the Cedar this Thursday if one of you is interested in it. Doors open at 7, starts at 7:30. I’ll be there in line before that.

      • #1301

        @ziegenbart – sorry I never responded to this – I can’t do this Thursday but thanks for asking!

    • #1308

      @ziegenbart I also work Thursday but so nice of you to offer!

    • #1470

      Hey @colaptesauratus, @ziegenbart, & @emar – I am up to my eyeballs in this one design so I haven’t been around much…but any thoughts on tomorrow? One of my students said “zero to twenty inches of snow” which is the least helpful thing ever. I figure I’ll check back in tomorrow afternoon to see if y’all want to meet up.

    • #1472

      Sounds line a plan. Let’s touch base after we see what mother nature decides to do.

    • #1506

      Hey @coryphella and @ziegenbart looks like we dodged the weather bullet but I unfortunately am going to have to work late tonight – no meet up for me today 🙁

    • #1508

      @colaptesauratus & @ziegenbart – Yeah I’m severely disappointed in this “snowstorm.” @emar is sick as well and I have drawings due, let’s just plan on rescheduling.

    • #1509

      @colaptesauratus I understand. If anyone can make it that’d be great, I’ll be there. I’ll have a drink for you. ? ?

    • #1572

      Happy New week my mn-lusties. Im good for a drink on Wednesday if anyone else is. Or Friday after 6 after a six hour session with my tattoo artist. Let me know if either works for any of you.

    • #1608

      @ziegenbart – I’m hesitant to commit this week because I’m so behind on work, and driving students to St. Louis next week. I don’t want to say “yes” and then have to back out because of work…did it last night to a friend actually. 🙁

    • #1609

      @coryphella No worries. Thanks for the heads up and travel safe. I’m starting a public meetup group to see if I can find other local people interested in the arts/theater and escape rooms and such. Not really Lust related but I hear escape rooms can be more fun with a group of people. There are lots of events I’d like to experience with like minded people. Going alone is ok, but not as fun as it could be.

      Oh, let me know if there are any projects your involved in that I could attend. I’d like to support your work. 🙂

    • #1611

      I do want us to have a MSP-Lust meetup, with @colaptesauratus too, I just don’t want to have to back out. I get back on the 11th, maybe the week after that?

    • #1612

      I’m super flexible with the general time frame, it’s just a matter of which shifts I’m scheduled on any week. Whatever works best for you, @coryphella 🙂

    • #1632

      Another Minneapolitan sounding off. I am also interested in a MN meet up.

    • #1633

      Welcome! Sorry I didn’t tag you. Wild gene on.

    • #1638

      Welcome @noahp!

      So I could possibly grab a drink on Friday or Saturday, if that would work for people.

    • #1668

      I’ll be in Minneapolis until a little after 6 then free on Friday. Could do a drink on Saturday or a coffee if earlier is better. I’m open.

    • #1734

      Howdy everyone. I’ll have a drink with anyone that wants to after 6 tomorrow. After happy hour, I’m going to find a nearby theater showing Get Out. I hear good things. Open to fellow attendees.

    • #1767

      @noahp @emar @colaptesauratus @coryphella What’s everyone’s general location around the cities and or willingness to travel a bit. I’d like to throw out an invite for coffee or what not but don’t know what might be a good location. I’m south of the cities but happy to drive up to at least Minneapolis or St Paul. Doesn’t have to be anything big. Like I said even a cup of coffee of a Sunday morning. But bigger events would absolutely be fun. (I know Megan is out of town for a bit).

    • #1771

      I live right by Macalester, in Saint Paul.

    • #1893

      @noahp @emar @colaptesauratus @coryphella Anyone up for a drink? I’ve got time after 4 tomorrow, or possibly Friday/Sat. I liked that bar Megan suggested, the food was pretty good. I know there’s not a lot Lust related going on right now but we could still get together to put a face to the names.

      Oh, Megan, I hope you had a safe and fun trip with your students.

    • #1897

      I live at the south end of St. paul, by 35e. 4:00 is a little tough, since I usually leave work around 5. Sat might be a great idea, then we have a lot more options for an early happy hour or something.

    • #1912

      @noahp Saturday could work. What time are you thinking?

    • #1954

      Hey everyone – I am trying desperately to come up for air – don’t wait for me though to set up a date, if I can make it I will. I’ve got 2 shows opening before mid April. St. Louis was great, I went to a session on escape room design and saw a whole bunch of theater students amazed that they were being told they could use their theater degrees to design games. I also jumped over everyone there to tell the presenters about Tension.

    • #3046

      @noahp @emar @colaptesauratus @coryphella

      I’ll be stopping by Groveland Tap after work tomorrow (Friday) for a drink and a bite to eat if anyone would like to meet up.

    • #3048

      @ziegenbart I would love to but I’m at Red Eye Theater all day and night tomorrow. 🙁

    • #3049

      That’s cool @coryphella Just keeping the thread alive. I think we may have lost the others, they haven’t been active for some time now ?

    • #3070
       Vox Chaotica

      I recently joined after a bit of silence on my end during the finale of Ascension, but I am also based in the Twin Cities – which is one of the reasons why it was incredibly difficult for me to actually attend Ascension in-person. Shit, I’m still trying to piece the story together from scattered first-hand accounts. One of the other reasons is that my epilepsy may have made it difficult for the cast to accommodate, so it’s not that I wasn’t able to attend for financial reasons either. Hopefully “Lust” brings me more opportunities to actually do something other than lurk and beg for scraps, yeah? 😛

      I may not be able to make it this Friday, but I would certainly be open to other dates – barring work on my degree or putting in my 1.5k words per day, of course.

    • #3086

      Hey Scott, that sounds like a good plan. Say 5:30-45?

    • #3090

      @noahp Excellent! The first official Twin Cities Lust meetup has been confirmed.

    • #3153

      5:30 tomorrow Groveland Tap I will try my best to be there.

    • #3431

      @ziegenbart @noahp – still on for 5:30 @ Groveland Tap? @voxchaotica?

    • #3434

      @coryphella Absolutely. Just killing time until then.

    • #3435

      Yep. I’ll be wearing a green sweater.

    • #3436

      Black shirt and jacket for me.

    • #3437

      Striped sweater, green coat, really messy hair, looks like I just nearly fell off a ladder. That’s me.

    • #3446
       Vox Chaotica

      Just got this notification – but, as I have mentioned in my previous post, I will not be able to make this gathering. Future gatherings, I’ll have to check with my schedule – being a full-time student might cause conflicts within these next two months, but I certainly wish everyone the best with tonight’s gathering.

      And for future gatherings, I’m the guy in the black jacket w/ graphic t-shirt, black jeans, puffy-mushroom hair, and complicated glasses that haven’t been fixed/cleaned in ten years.

    • #3450

      Sorry @voxchaotica I thought you said you weren’t sure yet.

      Everyone else – I’m leaving shortly.

    • #3452

      I should have got here earlier, it’s a popular place. I got us on the list but it’s a 45 min wait.

    • #3458

      @coryphella We just sat down. Don’t get kidnapped.

    • #3459

      Don’t ruin my fun. I’m on 94

    • #3460
       Vox Chaotica

      I should probably re-iterate that I will not be attending, in case a “Shadow Vox” attempts to crash the party. Can’t be too careful, yeah? 😛

    • #3516

      @noahp @coryphella Great meeting you today! I had a really shitty day surrounded by negative people so it was nice to just sit down and talk/listen and share a few moments with similarly disturbed (stupid autocorrect) interested individuals. Looking forward to next time.

    • #4886

      Hey everyone. So our first get together was a great time and I’m reaching out for ideas for round two. A lot has been going on and maybe a conversation would help fill in some gasps. Thoughts, availability? Also a general call it to see who is still involved, I think we may have lost some, and for anyone else in the area that isn’t in our radar for invites.

      @coryphella @noahp @voxchaotica

    • #4904

      @ziegenbart et al – Unfortunately I am pretty much slammed until April 16…until I have focus & cueing times for the show after this one on my calendar I don’t know if free evenings exist at all but they might then…otherwise I’m free April 16. And am honestly counting the days until April 16.

    • #4921

      @coryphella. I understand. I’m actually kind of jealous of your busy schedule. Even if I don’t hear from anyone I’ll still put something on the calendar about once a week. I need to get out of the house sometimes. If nobody else is able to make it I can still use the time to catch up on forums or read my new Tension book.

      • #4995

        Uhhhh….no, @ziegenbart, do not be jealous of my schedule. This is the schedule of a person who can’t stand to spend time alone with herself.

    • #4927
       Vox Chaotica

      I apologize for not being as active, I temporarily forgot the password to this account and the password recovery function wasn’t willing to send it – or anything, for that matter – to my email. I’m busy until April 10th, although I would still need to know about any goings-on a few days in advance so I can work around it – rest assured, I am still willing to meet up.

    • #5761

      @ziegenbart @voxchaotica @noahp – I’m going to make a bold statement and say maybe we should plan to get together on Monday 4/10? I *appear* to not have rehearsal that night…

    • #5762

      What time are you thinking? I believe I can make that work.

    • #5766

      I hadn’t gotten that far. If others can attend maybe they could suggest times?

    • #5767

      I’m good to go. I can do anytime after 4. Later is fine if needs be.

    • #6312
       Vox Chaotica

      Apologies for the late reply, but I could do April 10th as well – classes end an hour before 4 that day, so I’m good with that.

    • #6313

      @coryphella I was able to get ahold of @voxchaotica on Twitter and he is good to go for the 10th. Apparently he forgot his password to the Lust forums and the reset function does not work. I’ll keep him informed via Twitter as we finalize plans. I recall that @noahp had mentioned the same thing about the password reset at our last meetup. Perhaps that’s why he’s not communicating with us but I don’t know his Twitter. I reached out to @colaptesauratus and received no response.

    • #6314

      Oh, there you are @voxchaotica. Hi.

    • #6456

      Ok Twin Cities people listen up – @voxchaotica @noahp @ziegenbart

      We are getting together on Monday – HOWEVER – details will be DM’d rather than posted publicly on this here forum. Hope to see you there/then.

    • #7534

      Here’s a suggestion for @voxchaotica and @ziegenbart (and other Twin Cities people) – the show I’m working on, While You Were Out, opens at Red Eye Theater on Saturday night. It’s quasi-immersive-ish, the audience is seated but everyone wears headphones and hears characters’ inner thoughts. I can’t get you in for free (I can only get myself & my husband in on opening) but if you wanted to go, it’ll be interesting, and there’s a bar around the corner and we could meet there after to chat about Lust.

    • #7536

      @coryphella That sounds awesome! My first actual live event. Seeds planted months ago by our own @mike and @russell finally bearing fruit. I should be good to go, but I’ll know for sure by tomorrow and let you know. Thanks for the heads up!!

    • #7545

      @ziegenbart – well, it isn’t horror, but it is experimental theater…and hopefully by Saturday it will be good. 🙂 Right now it’s very stoppy/starty and a work in progress.

      Anyway, here’s the info:

    • #7547

      Doesn’t need to be horror. Experimental is just fine.

    • #10899

      @voxchaotica and ither TC lusties
      ybb ru qj 1278 bedu eqa heqt ij fqkb vhec 4-515 jetqo jkuitqo veh q thyda yv oekt byau je jeksx rqiu iehho iksx ixehj dejysu

    • #10901

      Oh for fuck’s sake. You’re making me do work.

    • #10902

      Oh it’s a super simple one. ?

    • #10978
       Vox Chaotica

      u wot m8

      fuck it, I’ll run my ciphers in a few hours after class

    • #10984

      Ceaser +9

      I got an unexpected window of time out. I know short notice doesn’t work and some people aren’t in the Meetup mode. I’ve been trying to hone my Cipher skills, not to developed yet. I’m going to our local speak easy for a drink. I’ll go over my Tension book, but I’m not so sure it’s relevant anymore . . .

      The message was

      ill be at 1278 lone oak road st paul from 4-515 today tuesday for a drink if youd like to touch base sorry such short notice

    • #12249

      I’ll be at Groveland Tap tomorrow (Wed/3) around 4:30 if any Twin Cities lusties would like to have a drink and talk about whatever the hell is going on here

    • #12250

      @ziegenbartsr – I will be there – will need to head over to Mac to see a student’s performance at 6 so I will set an alarm on my phone…we seem to get caught up in conversation. 🙂

    • #12252

      Yes, we do. I have lots of questions after yesterday/last night.

    • #12502

      @ziegenbartsr – still on for 4:30 @ Groveland Tap?

    • #12509

      Yes. I’m actually might get there a little early. If I do I’ll get a table/get on the list if they’re busy.

    • #12880

      @coryphella @voxchaotica (and the rest of the community) Please welcome @tttterri to the Twin Cities group and the overall community. She has no idea what she’s just gotten herself into is the newest member of our crazy little family. She’s brand new so any help you can offer will be appreciated. We’ll have to get together sometime to fill her in on what we know, which isn’t much I suppose.

    • #12882
       Vox Chaotica

      I’m currently going through final exam hell, so it’ll be a few weeks until I can join, yeah?

    • #12885

      Hello everyone

    • #12890

      Hi @tttterri!! Welcome!

    • #14206

      @tttterri @coryphella @voxchaotica how would next wed around 4/5 work for you as a potential get together?

    • #14207

      @ziegenbartsr – Do you mean 5/31? I’m in Austin next week, I’ll be back 5/27.

    • #14229

      I’m unavailable from May 24th to May 30th. I’m available May 31.

    • #14231

      31 works for me. More time to plan schedules. @voxchaotica? As I recall you have yet to prove you are not a robot.

    • #14259
       Vox Chaotica

      Wednesday, May 31st at around 4 or 5 PM should theoretically work, although I’ll most likely drop around a bit after five – I’ll need to buy one of my friends a burger or something to give me a lift, as I’ve had incredibly poor experiences with rideshare services in the past that I don’t trust anyone I don’t immediately know to give me a lift, and my doctor has yet to give me the “OK” to obtain a driver’s license even after 10 years of waiting. Same thing will apply if my iConfidant is located within the Twin Cities, I’ll make sure that’s a priority for ride planning – maybe I’ll buy my friends two burgers, or even make them myself; I’m currently in the process of testing ways to make burgers for the “Test Location” of my Restaurant, and I’m sure they would be thrilled to be part of the process.

      Once you hear what I sound like, however, you may still come to the conclusion that I am, indeed, a robot.

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