The Red Door


This topic has 45 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Maranda.

  • Author
    • #6322

      A reserved table


    • #6323

      Looks potentially like a pheonetic alphabet maybe?

    • #6324

      I lost connection on the periscope ? but I guess i can just see it in person when I get there. Lol

    • #6325
       Kimberly Stewart

      In the envelope was what appeared to be an “8 of cups” card from a tarot deck.


      A card of change and transition.

      The card evokes an immediate reaction of sadness and a sense of solitude.

      Upright: Escapism, disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal
      Reversed: Hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away

    • #6326

      About the eight of cups, this jumped out at me. Possibly describes Noah:

      The character in the Eight of Cups has lived and experienced life’s joys and sorrows. His journey is undertaken because of a sense of restlessness and unhappiness experienced as the result of achieving all he has desired, yet finding those things to be less fulfilling than expected.

    • #6327

      That letter looks like Greek?

    • #6328

      Sadly I’m not able to make it out tonight, but I’m enjoying the Periscope! Exciting!

    • #6329

      Can someone post all the notes?

    • #6331
       Andrew K

      The “37” at the beginning of the text on tie back of the red letter is interesting.

      Perhaps a biblical verse or passage from a particular religious text?

    • #6332

      The text is from the bible… check this out.

    • #6333
       Andrew K

      Also, the upside down keys logo on the forums has routes in tarot cards, as I pointed out in the Symbols Theory thread. So I’m not surprised that a tarot card has shown up as a clue.

    • #6334
       Kimberly Stewart

      I think the alphabet mighttttt by Egyptian. It’d go along with the various symbols we keep seeing.

    • #6335

      @shinobi What book is it from?

    • #6336

      Even better…

    • #6337

      Looks like Gospel of Thomas.

    • #6338

      @shinobi what language is that?

    • #6339
       Andrew K

      “Disrobe without being shamed…”

      Could it be alluding to the idea that we must give our all to them and “disrobe” our fears, insecurities, our societal “mask” in order to show them who we truly are as humans in order to progress? Is this tied to “the next humans” magazine thing?

    • #6340
       Kimberly Stewart

      Gospel of Thomas was written in “Coptic, which was the form of the Egyptian language in use during later Roman imperial times.”

    • #6341

      Nag Hammadi is a lost text if I’m not mistaken.

    • #6342

      To add to what Buz said, Thomas isn’t actually a canonical book of the Bible.

    • #6343
       Kimberly Stewart

      The lovely @brianamatopoeia and the envelope that contained the tarot card and a letter:

      Alpha Omega (?)

      Tarot - 8 of cups

    • #6345
    • #6346
       Julie R Goldstein

      @nking – Have you heard anything? We think the puzzle is referring to you.

    • #6347

      @nothenrygale found another clue in the men’s room: “Who we covet is all” AND a pizza just appeared.

      It’s all happening guys, it’s all happening!

    • #6348

      Maybe I’m fishing too deep but on the off chance of the 8 of cups relating to the gospel saying, here’s saying 8 from the gospel of Thomas:

    • #6349

      @nothenrygale @clairebuch
      What does he do Clarice?

      He covets.

    • #6350

      @thebuz Hannibal Lector? Are you trying to connect Silence of the Lambs?

    • #6351
       Julie R Goldstein
    • #6352

      Man, I’m going to have to start getting a babysitter so I can go to these gatherings! 🙁

    • #6354
       Kimberly Stewart

      Regarding the Alpha & Omega symbol written on the red envelope… It means the first and the last, similar to the first line that @brianamatopoeia read from the red letter contained in side the red envelope: “The first shall be last and the last shall be first the least of all creatures have a role to play…”

      The alpha and omega also has religious connotations:

      When “I am the alpha and the omega” appears it is further clarified with the additional phrase, “the beginning and the end” (Revelation 21:6, 22:13). The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet were used because the book of Revelation is in the New Testament, which was originally written in Greek.

    • #6357
       Lukas L

      The first shall be last and the last shall be first. The letter S. Serapis

      The Serpent on the cross is the one true light
      Serapis is the serpent on the cross that was also the precursor to the Christian Christ, who would take the serpents place upon the cross in this Sixth Age under the religion of Christianity.

      With the symbol of Jesus, St Mark informs us, “With the form of a serpent, He kills the serpent, for the serpent made out of the rod swallowed up the other serpents.” This symbolic event is further explained in St Augustine’s sixth sermon where he said, ” the serpent signifies death, and that Moses’ rod was changed into the serpent because our Lord took upon himself death for us.”

    • #6358
       Lawrence Meyers

      Thus far, this is playing into the themes we’ve been discussing. The Gospel of Thomas is indeed not canonical. The theme of this book is not that Jesus is necessarily a living figure who will return in a temporal and material way, but as a spiritual ideal to find within ourselves.

      Thus, Jesus and each one of us are…TWINS. “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become as I am”. The rest of the verse is omitted but it says, “And I will become that person, and the mysteries will be revealed to him”.

      So we return again to the snake eating itself — the Ouroboros — becoming self-aware. The other quoted passages about disrobing would suggest that we must take off all our “masks”, or “personas” in Jungian language, and trample on them literally, to revel is who we truly are. Our authentic selves. That includes the Shadow.

      Now, Remember what we initially postulated? That Sin with Perfection was a play on words of “sinless perfection” — the state the canonical Jesus achieved and which we are encouraged to strive for? Well, that would seem to run directly contrary to what The Gospel of Thomas messages are saying.

      This suggests that there are two factions at play now — one encouraging us to move away from Jesus and self-knowledge via sinning with perfection, and this new entry suggesting that we do try and transcend ourselves.

      Note also how this message was delivered at a GATHERING of the like-minded, on a friendly basis. We are working together to solve the clue. Community. There’s no nominating or choosing of people. There’s no division. It’s what we are supposed to be, as a group.

      This stands in direct contrast to Buz’s meet where people were arguably pitted against each other and in which a mischievous prank was perpetrated (PLANTS!).

      Who appeared at the Noah meet? A “focus group” pitted against each other….and a kindly man that everyone loves.

    • #6360

      Thomas has also been referred to as Doubting Thomas because he wouldn’t believe in Jesus’ resurrection without proof.

      We’ve been seeing a fair amount of doubt between Sunday’s meeting, Noah’s arrest, and the press release from yesterday.

    • #6361

      @sassyyael are you still coming tonight? Apparently someone might have a clue that was supposed to be here but isn’t…?

      • #6382

        no wasnt feeling well but i kind of kicking myself when i was reading all of this @pandace88

    • #6366

      Ok so @nothenrygale was thinking that perhaps the numbers on the bottom of his survey on Sunday could possibly be another verse reference soooo @nosnevets said maybe we should check out Genesis since it’s the 01 (the first). Whelp Lusters this is what I found:

      “This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised.”

      So dudes of the Lust experience…get ready… ???

    • #6367
       Winston Smith

      There are a few typos in here, which I’ll have to clean up by hand later, but this is a Substitution Cipher. Here’s the ciphertext of the note found in the bathroom, followed by it’s plaintext solution. This is probably a quote from a book. Need to google it.


      Re rc rzhlvempe blv ekx hcqokrmevrce el mhhvxormex Bgssq ekx
      hvlexmp pmegvx lb kqhlnsqoxzro xhrclwxc. Rpfmvrmusq, ekx
      hqhlnsqoxzro meemot rc okmvmoexvrixw uq clzx hcqokrmevro
      hkxplzxpm mpw rpw ekx zxpems cqzhelzc zmq wlzrpmex ekx
      osrproms hroegvx. Mc kmc uxxp hlrpexw lge uq Mssmp mpw lekxvc ekx
      hcqokrmevrce rc bvxagxpesq omssxw lp el vxpwxv mp lhrprlp rp omcxc
      rp rkrok ekxvx mvx urimvvx lv gpgcgms zxpems hkxplzxpm mpw kx
      cklgsw vx “kqhlnsqoxzrm olpcorlgc.” Ekxvx mvk ekvxx zmylv nvlghc
      lb kqhlnsqoxzrm, 1 ekme wgx el rpyxoerlpc lb rpcgsrp, 2. ekme wgx el
      lvnmpro hmeklslnro okmpnxc rp ekx hmpovxmc lv lekxv lvmpc, mpw
      3 ekme wgx el GPTPLJP OMGCXC.
      Ekx xdmoe zxokmprez uq jkrok kqhlnsqoxzrm hvlwgoXc rec xbbxoec lp
      ekx pxvflgc cqcexz rc ple rpljp. Rp lgv evxmezxpe lb 13 hmerxpecjkl k
      cokrihkvxprm jx kmfx vxxp musx el lucxvfx ekx zxpems mpw Pxvflgc
      hkxplzxpm wgvrph mhhvldrzmexsq 350 wxxh olzmc. Hvlblgpw okmpnxc
      rp oxvxuyvms bgpoerlpc loogv wgvrpn kqhlnsqoxzrm mpw ekx
      hlccrursrEq ekme kqhlnsqoxzrm zmq hvlwgox hmeklslnro okmpnxc rp
      ekxoxpevms pxvflgc cqcexz cklgsw ux mhhvxormexw

      ——Plaintext Below——–

      It is important for the psychiatrist to appreciate Fully the protean nature of hypo(g)lycemic episodes. Invariably, the hypoglycemic attack is characterized by some psychiatric phenomena and ind the mental symptoms may dominate the clinical picture. As has been pointed out by Allan and others the psychiatrist is frequently called on to render an opinion in cases in which there are bizarre or unusual mental phenomena and he should be “hypoglycemia conscious.” There are three major groups of hypoglycemia, 1 that due to injections of insulin, 2. that due to organic pathologic changes in the pancreas or other organs, and 3 that due to UNKNOWN CA– USES. The exact mechanism by which hypoglycemia producEs its effects on the nervous system is not known. In our treatment of 13 patients who h schizphrenia we have been able to observe the mental and Nervous phenomena during approximately 350 deep comas. Profound changes in cereberal functions occur during hypoglycemia and the possibiliTy that hypoglycemia may produce pathologic changes in the central nervous system should be appreciated

    • #6369
       Kimberly Stewart

      @winstonsmith it’s this:


    • #6371

      Rad job homie!!!

    • #6372

      So Sarah is telling the truth about Noah??

    • #6376

      While there are medical scenarios that support the theory that Noah has gone AWOL die to a hypoglycemic episode, it would be highly unlikely to have reached this acute stage without previous indications. If in fact we are to legitimately be concerned about a guy who’s been in a prolonged psychotic episode due to hupoglycemia, why encrypt this and give us this tidbit to gnaw on? This person is in danger of imminent death. He would require medical attention like two days ago.

    • #6377
       Winston Smith

      Also, I think the highlighted letters in the note read:

      BsqRpkxezxpe = FlyInhetment

    • #6379
       Julie R Goldstein

      Men In The Lyft?

    • #6380
       Winston Smith

      I think it’s interesting that “UNKNOWN CA– USES” is underlined in relation to the reasons one might experience hypoglycemia. Is the suggestion that Noah’s “hypoglycemia” has a mysterious unknown cause, as opposed to one of the more common ones?

      Also, why is the last word, “appreciated” struck out? It just ends the sentence, so it doesn’t seem like a controversial word. Is someone trying to say that they don’t feel appreciated? Sarah not feeling appreciated by Noah? Noah not feeling appreciated by Sarah? Powers that be not feeling appreciated by their test subjects?

    • #6384

      Drinking alcohol can spur a hypoglycemic episode. But Noah seems like a dude with a decent tolerance.

    • #6797

      For posterity’s sake, and for the benefit of anyone reading this thread long after the events described within it happened, the “clues” at the Red Door meet-up are confirmed to have been OOG and the work of a game-jacker. None of the drops discussed here are part of The LUST Experience. See @the-creators’s comments on it in here: TRUST and mod comments here: Trust and Looking Forward

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