ODSM vs Tension Forum?

This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Taylor Winters.

  • Author
    • #2269
       Maxwell R

      Has anyone noticed that certain theories presented on The Tension boards have been removed? I went back in an attempt to recall something I had going on over there and it is completely gone.

      Would the ODSM be scrubbing the boards of anything that could possibly expose them?

    • #2270

      The OSDM can scrub the boards but they can’t scrub the Wayback Machine…

    • #2271
       Taylor Winters

      There was mention to someone named Horace who seemed to be a much higher up.

      This fits within the Egyptian Mythos that is populating many of the clues so far. I can’t find any of the posts on him either. Interesting find, @moustachemax!

    • #2272
       Maxwell R

      I’m totally wrong! I found it! jumping to conclusions.

    • #2274
       Bryan Bishop

      NM! Leaving link to Horace thread for posterity.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Bryan Bishop. Reason: thread found
    • #2277
       Taylor Winters

      Thanks for sharing that @bcbishop! Very helpful to re-read those exchanges. I feel they may be important moving forward.

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