OC Meeting – One of you is holding back

This topic has 35 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Kurt Lohse.

  • Author
    • #9590

      There is a piece missing.

      Unusual narrative, Facebook echoing “Never silent”, unusual conversation flow.

      They’re waiting for one of you to come forward with the missing key, the missing piece.

      Even if it seems unimportant, you were given it and we need it now.

      Never silent, friends.

    • #9592

      All eyes here please.

      Don’t hold back.

    • #9594
       Max Z

      This is killing me. Is there any way you can expand on what you mean by “unusual narrative” and “unusual conversation flow” though? What’s the unusual part? I ask so I know what to keep an eye out for in the future

    • #9595
       Lawrence Meyers

      What straight answers? Was I asked a question? If I missed it, ask again. I’ve been fully transparent.
      No holding back here.

    • #9596

      But what? What are we missing? We took pictures of everything, envelope and T.G Note (Which I have now currently in my possession thX @lilmsfancpants :3) We recorded everything. We got narratives on Tay and Tom, and multitudes of observation.

      I feel as if @electrichippo did her very due diligence in recording and everyone collaborated fairly!

    • #9597

      I think this is all we’re getting, guys. Whatever Tom posted, it isn’t relevant any more. Let’s put our heads together. From when Sarah arrived on the patio to when she left, was ANYONE ever alone apart from @prufrock5150 and @taysavestheday? Did anybody leave the table? Was anybody given anything physical like @lilmsfancpants’s envelope? @theladyj is there anything about the envelope we missed?

    • #9602

      They’re watching, waiting for something. The Facebook post “Never silent” was directed at someone. They’re trimming conversation branches that are drifting out of focus. They’re keeping us focused on something because they’re waiting on something.

      I don’t know the details, I’m not informed that much. But I do know that something is missing. I don’t know if it was actually about something that was even at the meetup or if it was caught on a periscope or if it were entirely something else

    • #9603
       Taylor Winters

      I covered everything I had in my recap. And I looked over the envelop with @lilmsfancpants and @theladyj–there was nothing else on it or outside it. There was a red seal–but I didn’t look close enough to see what the seal was of. Was it anything of note?

      I also just looked over the joke cards and see nothing of interest. They are high quality paper–not a typical index card. The writing is imprinted on the back–but it’s the same writing as the front. I can’t find any clues or puzzles in it either. Seems like it’s just a joke for a girl trying to break the ice in front of a bunch of new faces.

    • #9604

      Shininigans afoot!


      Looking at it now, it’s still unremarkable. One piece of paper, no trick when held under a light. It has a staple in it, with two scraps that were torn off earlier before the meeting. The black Envelope has Sarah written on it, in white or silver, @taysavestheday and I compared writing to the writing on the cards, which appeared very similar. The wax that held the envelope together is red, with no declarable symbol in it. The Envelope is black, with no trick to it. No secret writing, those two other scraps of papers are missing still.

      Maybe it has to do with the 5 notecards? The joke?

    • #9605

      Sorry @larry, you tried to tag me and said something about client confidentiality, so I thought you knew why the deleted post got deleted. I wasn’t sure if you were trying to imply something to allude to anything, hence my confusion.

    • #9607
       Max Z

      @thegilded I didn’t even consider the possibility that they would be trimming things simply because they were too far afield from what we were supposed to be looking at. That’s pretty aggressive interjection, this must be something very important that we’re all missing.

      Maybe an option would just be for EVERYONE who was there to step forth and give us an account of their experience in excruciating detail, even if it overlaps with other people’s experience, to see if there’s something we missed? But I don’t know, this makes me think there’s either something big that’s under our nose or someone is actively holding back info (or just hasn’t gotten to their computer yet or whatever, to put it in less witch hunt sounding terms)

    • #9608
       Lawrence Meyers

      Somebody is missing something. Ladies, check your bags. Did something get slipped in? Guys — jacket pockets?

      no worries.

    • #9609

      Kim, Rizzo, Max. Hazel. Kevin. Julian. Candace. Lia. Chris. Tay. (tay’s girlfriend, I AM SO SORRY I FORGOT YOUR NAME ;_;) Derek. Tom. Carl. (karl?) (later: Nicole. Pam.) Did I forget anyone?

    • #9611
       Taylor Winters

      I just poured over the note cards again. They are numbered 1-5. This is something someone highly organized would do (I’ve actually done it on most of my speeches) and doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. There’s also lines like “That I won’t do here” that literally tell Sarah not to do a voice that the previous line calls for. It’s not to break the corporate facade she has up. There is one “n” that’s a little more stylized than the others in “then.” But I doubt this has much meaning and is just the writer correcting the letter.

      I see nothing else of interest on these.

    • #9612

      @visitor-m: Madelaine Rain.

    • #9613

      Noah was walking around our group, the tables we were sitting at, and most of us were very focused on Sarah. I had my purse with me. Did anyone leave anything on the table that he could have slipped something in?

    • #9614

      @maxzumstein – I may have phrased that incorrectly, I am not privy to the details for a lot of that, I wasn’t actually around for a good chunk of the night. Whatever this is – it was important… but let us remember lessons we learned before: choices made, either direct ones like picking a side or indirect choices like hiding a communique doesn’t end anything. It just opens another path.

      If the person who holds this key wants the path they’ve chosen, then so be it. I just hope the decision isn’t being made because they just straight forgot about something before going to sleep or something along those lines.

    • #9615

      Was Tom’s post (and Buz’s follow up) the only one that was deleted? If so, and if it was deleted because it is irrelevant, why not delete @electrichippo’s post asking for his POV too? If not, which other posts were deleted?

    • #9616

      First people to leave were Tom, Derek, to go catch a movie thing. A bouncer confronted him and asked what did Noah give you, but he said nothing. He MAY BELIEVE he has nothing. But does have something, he just doesnt know it.
      Does anyone have @prufrock5150 phone number? I think he may be the missing link.

      Then Max, Rizzo, and kim left to continue their night. So did Chris and Lia. Hazel and kevin too. Pam as well.

      Then Myself, Tay, his lady, Madaline, Nicole, Karl stayed the latest, talking and theorizing. Nothing happened, we broke up and went our separate ways. I went back inside (through the back) and used the restroom, then went to the garage to my car, with no event to describe.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Jackie.
    • #9619

      And Madeline

    • #9621
       Max Z

      @izryn These are very good questions…


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Max Z.
    • #9622
       Kimberly Stewart

      I agree @theladyj, it would make most sense that Noah gave (or was supposed to give) Tom something. The thing I’m unclear on is how Noah would know someone would be following him to the bathroom. Maybe Noah did (or was supposed to) hand something off before he left the patio meet-up area? Tom was sitting behind me on the patio and it seemed Noah said goodbye to someone behind me, maybe @prufrock5150 or Derek. At 5:34: HERE

      The only other thing that I can think of is the whisper exchanged between Noah and Sarah. If that were relevant, we simply could’t hear it. Taylor and I both leaned forward but the whispers were not audible with all the background music and sound in the space.

    • #9623

      (Just in case Tom’s post wasn’t deleted to trim the fat, the screenshot can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/GYPaC) @thegilded Did something in particular give you the idea that fat is being trimmed?

    • #9626

      @prufrock5150 just posted guys.

    • #9629

      Look at that @electrichippo, deductive reasoning won out in the end!

      Full Disclosure…

    • #9677
       Kimberly Stewart

      Yes @theladyj! It makes all the sense in the world now why @prufrock5150 looked so on edge when I approached him. I was giving Tom the benefit of the doubt that he was rattled due to having been angrily confronted by a pretty imposing man, then later giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was frantically looking for his own cell phone that he’d misplaced somewhere along the way. Turns out there was a lot more behind his nervous demeanor.

    • #9702
       Madelaine Rain

      Thanks @macbethinabathtub for remembering!

    • #9704

      Of course, @visitor-m, it was great to officially meet you outside of processing! I hope we’ll all be together again in a few weeks!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Chris.
    • #9734
    • #10116
       Maxwell R

      Did anyone at the meet up scan that musicians card? Any clues?

    • #10117

      @moustachemax, if that guy was actually a part of this I don’t think I’d ever stop screaming.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Chris.
    • #10333
       Kurt Lohse

      I must confess, I was there only until about 9pm and remained silent and unengaged. I was really curious how these meet-ups played out, I doubt I heard, saw, or received anything of note. I was planning on being there and engaging with you all until late in the night if need be, but I had a friend show up unexpectedly who had no clue about any of this. I had to decide to leave him by himself to engage with you all, or just wait for another better time to meet up. Then my daughter texted my and needed homework help, so I had to leave.

      I took one small video clip of everyone when you went to the back of the patio and took a group pic, but it was really far away and I highly doubt there is anything in that video that is revealing. I just don’t want to be the one holding anything back. It just now dawned on me that I was one who was actually silent, and I’m looking to correct that. Apologies to all if I made any kind of misstep – it was not intentional.

    • #10335

      @shadow462 it wasn’t you. That issue got resolved don’t worry. Next time say hello though! Lol

    • #10338
       Kurt Lohse

      @pandace88 ok cool. Thanks for letting me know. I was totally feeling guilty, and I will definitely say hello next time, promise!

    • #10340
       Kimberly Stewart

      Awww @shadow462, you really are living up to your user name, now aren’t you 😉 For real though, say hi next time. I’d love to meet you, even if just for a moment. I have a daughter too so I totally get that sometimes we just need to excuse ourselves. No judgement if you ever have to step away for whatever reason.

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