Morgan just called – 2/21/18 9:26pm

This topic has 7 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Sage.

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    • #28930

      Morgan called me.

      I had shot him a text with a screen shot of Slack, when the seemingly newest member of our community @2eds44ws-1 said he was going to see @111error “REAL soon.” After Morgan’s appearance on Slack, when he was stepping out to get cigarettes, he gave me a call.

      Morgan: “Hey bud, how you doin?”

      Me: “Alright, how bout you?”

      “Dealing. I really appreciate you giving me the heads up, wanted to give you a call since you sent me the picture of chat. Since you did that, i wanted to reach out, but I don’t really wanna spend an hour bearing my soul to you, and i don’t know if it’s going to make a lot of sense.

      I owe a lot of favors, and I owe them a lot to have gotten what i’ve gotten. Passwords, the drop, insider info, this shit carries a price to have gotten what i’ve called in. I’ve been ignoring calls, ignoring voicemail, I thought he was doing it for the support, but this is something else. This is not BOS, this is not for an ARG, none of this bullshit, he’s gotten to a point where he’s becoming obsessive. I don’t trust this guy, and he’s probably watching me right fucking now. So I’m gonna go, I’ve ducked into a thing, i’m gonna get my smokes. Stay frosty, i’m gonna get my smokes and i’m gonna go home, will you let me know if any shit happens before I see him?”

      I’m fucking shook at this point and can hardly get out a “Definitely”

      So fist, Morgan, please stay safe.

      Second, who the fuck is @2eds44ws-1?

    • #28931

      Sounds like our mysterious new member (Morgan called him “L”) could be one of the insiders feeding the BOS info. We’ve probably not met this person.

      Take care, Morgan.

    • #28932
       Michael Rizzo

      So L is a dude who got Morgan lots of the valuable OSDM juice that he needed to start things up with. Morgan isn’t paying up the piper and has been ducking calls left and right from “L”, would it necessarily be “Obsessive” for someone to be calling him out to collect? If Morgan wasn’t answering me, I too would probably go to the slack and call him out in front of everyone. Is this dude part of a larger collective or is just himself going at it solo? And what’s the support this dude is possibly after?

      I guess also technically you could call it game jacking, as “L” isn’t interrupting the Slack as part of the Lust “ARG” nor is he doing it as part of the BOS plan.

    • #28933
       Lauren Bello

      Morgan called me shortly after. He sounded nervous. When I told him people were speculating that he was on his way to meet Levi, he said, “It ain’t Levi. It ain’t fucking Levi.”

      I’m worried.

    • #28936

      To give all this some context, here’s what happened on the Slack tonight (participant chatter removed/summed up for brevity)…


      2eds44ws-1 [8:21 PM]

      ,friendly piece of advice. There is a difference between commandeering accounts, vs logging into them… That would be like me saying I broke into your house, when in reality, you left your door open. A turn of phrase, but an important one. Careful sticking out your chest. Keep walking around like that you’ll bump into someone who ain’t your friend and knows this isn’t a game. Sleep well, brother.

      <Slack speculates on the newcomer’s identity – Sabrina? Otis?>

      2eds44ws-1 [8:26 PM]
      you kids and your names, and labels. But you aren’t kids, are you? No… so let’s stop playing follow the leader.

      2eds44ws-1 [8:28 PM]
      Puzzles on one side, cryptic fucking non answers on the other side JESUS FUCK
      go do a crossword

      2eds44ws-1 [8:30 PM]
      some occult reading on this site

      <Gamejacking is suggested>

      2eds44ws-1 [8:30 PM]
      oh shit
      someone with a new idea comes in, talks shit… no NOT SHIT the truth
      and it’s gamejacking

      2eds44ws-1 [8:32 PM]
      Oh I know it’s Sabrina, no no it’s the old dude, maybe he is BOS/OSDM/ODSM/OOM/OOA/OTL, oh wait, some of those haven’t been dropped yet
      my bad

      2eds44ws-1 [8:34 PM]
      there we go
      there is a team I stand behind

      2eds44ws-1 [8:37 PM]

      , I’ll see ya REAL soon. You other peeps, go do a crossword, or learn about some hermetic order or some shit. (edited)

      2eds44ws-1 [8:42 PM]
      Me, don’t listen to me, I am just a troll, or game jacker, or someone who is too over this to care which side I piss off

      2eds44ws-1 [8:43 PM]
      are you all so starved for attention? AND THAT is how they fuck you. Both sides. Oh look at me, look at me – pay attention oh you need my name, sexual preferences, my bank account, my home address? OKAY!!!

      2eds44ws-1 [8:44 PM]
      or “make a video”

      2eds44ws-1 [8:44 PM]
      now they have your face, your voice, and doing silly shit. (well, to you silly) not to them.

      <Over concerns that this may be gamejacking/a troll, people call for a mod>

      2eds44ws-1 [8:45 PM]
      Dad! @thegilded
      where are you?
      troll in the guest house

      2eds44ws-1 [8:49 PM]
      Morgan, Kiro, Infected fucking non logic, @111error, listen to a friend

      2eds44ws-1 [8:49 PM]
      STOP moving your mouth and live to mix another day
      I say this because I care

      2eds44ws-1 [8:49 PM]
      good night, and good luck

      111error [8:53 PM]
      L. You have my number, and my address, but you come HERE to cause a scene – but I am right here, feel free to come on over.


      a [9:11 PM]
      the reality is this.

      a [9:11 PM]
      come forward
      if you have something to say
      say it

      2eds44ws-1 [9:11 PM]
      at this point
      isn’t talk cheap
      threats cheap

      2eds44ws-1 [9:12 PM]
      “oh, it’s gonna get bad from here.”
      best to show not tell

      <“L” is asked what they have shown?>

      2eds44ws-1 [9:14 PM]
      literally nothing

      2eds44ws-1 [9:14 PM]
      I don’t claim to be a leader of resistance
      or running a fucking cult

      111error [9:14 PM]
      You’ve got my attention.

      2eds44ws-1 [9:15 PM]
      Same place?

      111error [9:15 PM]
      Fine. I’m walking to get cigarettes, you know how to contact me.


      addisonborn [9:28 PM]
      @channel Morgan just called me. Wrapping something up quick and posting.

      stay safe bud

      <Slack discusses possibility of “L” being Levi, the actor who plays Noah>

      daela [9:44 PM]
      It’s not Levi

      daela [9:45 PM]
      just got a call

      daela [9:45 PM]
      he asked what people were saying, and when I told him he said “It ain’t Levi, it ain’t fucking Levi”

      daela [9:46 PM]
      he mentioned something about a cup of tea or coffee, I think he might have been going to a coffee shop
      maybe the one where he met Kristen


      <Slack discusses the appearance of “a” earlier>

      a [10:11 PM]
      No. A has to be online 24/7
      Morgan does not
      He asked me to take over when he can’t be

      <Slack asks who this “a” is>

      a [10:12 PM]
      My name isn’t important, sadly. I’m just here monitoring.

      a [10:14 PM]
      that is not for me
      I look listen and report when needed

      a [10:15 PM]
      My loyalty lies with @111error

      a [10:15 PM]
      I can, but that not my role

      <Asked if Morgan is in danger>

      a [10:15 PM]
      I don’t know. I’m not near him

      a [10:16 PM]
      Morgan seems like he can handle himself just fine.

      <Slack continues to ask questions about this new “a”>

      a [10:16 PM]
      This shouldn’t be about me. This isn’t about me. I am however here if you need me.

      a [10:17 PM]
      The pleasure is all mine.


      As far as I’m aware, at this point (it’s pretty much 2am if I’m doing my maths right), no-one has heard directly from Morgan. However, tracking on his phone was turned off and when turned back on, showed him heading back in the direction of his apartment.

      • #28944
         Lauren Bello

        A bit of additional context – in a thread, @2eds44ws-1 got very petulant with Nate. Adding this as well since I’m not sure everyone saw it, and the tone may be a clue as to who’s speaking.

        nate31464 [18 hours ago]
        This is awkward but *hermetic

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]
        I fucking fixed it

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]

        nate31464 [18 hours ago]
        Overjoyed. Simply ecstatic.

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]
        fucking nozzle

        chriswollman [18 hours ago]

        nate31464 [18 hours ago]
        Who on earth says nozzle

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]
        I do, I also use ASS CLOWN, as in YOU are an ass clown

        nate31464 [18 hours ago]
        Language of origin?

        2eds44ws-1 [18 hours ago]
        I hail from GO FUCK YOURSELF

    • #28937
       Meghan Mayhem

      Thank you for putting this together.
      I know @Daela and I both heard back from him a little after 1130pm so we know he at least made it back in one piece.

      What do we know so far? It’s someone he knows. Someone named L. And someone who’s met him in a familiar place before for coffee. That’s…not really much to go off of for now and I’m sure we are all pretty certain we will be hearing from this person again so…until Morgan or L decide to enlighten us, I suppose we wait and we listen with eyes open.

    • #28945

      Gosh, it sounds like Noah, but I know it isn’t. Is there anyone who was at the MSE who sounded like this? Could it be a mole in the OSDM who has been giving him passwords and such and meeting with him to give info on them? We know Morgan had people on the inside at the MSE?

      • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Sage.
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