Mason's Meeting with Joyce 9/1

This topic has 27 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by Andrew Kasch.

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    • #23707

      Evening, all. As you guys saw on Facebook Live, I was in the room with a roughed up Joyce while Mason got some real truth out of the gal. He also smelled me. It’s Coco Chanel, love, just for you.

      I didn’t have much to add really, except there was a second document on the table in Joyce’s place, some kind of anatomical or ritual diagram. I wasn’t allowed to move closer to get a better look.

      Oh and there’s one more thing. I’m pretty good with faces, and I’m really good with eyes, and I could swear, when they were up in my face like that, that I’ve seen Mason’s eyes before. Except I think he was going by a different name, and I think he was making everyone sign a book and introducing his leader at The Midnight Comission.

    • #23709
       Meghan Mayhem

      I’m SO glad you said that, Cristen.
      I was thinking the exact same thing.

      Morgan’s assistant at the Midnight Commission Event had very striking blue eyes that stuck with me.

      I recognized similar blue eyes tonight.

      And that would explain some things. Why Mason doesn’t reach out to Morgan? He already KNOWS Morgan.

      Is Mason the Antifa of the BOS?
      Similar goals, but completely different tactics?
      While Morgan waits and watches and plots…Mason throws bricks through Starbucks windows?

    • #23710

      I think that was him. If this is the guy from TMC, that would explain why “Mason” didn’t reach out to Morgan, and why the connection was so complicated and difficult to string together. They already know each other and have been working together. I definitely think that we may have a chaotic ball of mess here. I wonder if Morgan knew what was going down tonight, or like @meghanmayhem said, we have a guy taking things into his own hands.

    • #23715

      Shit yes I hope so!!

    • #23716
       Brad Ruwe

      Yep, rewatched that video once it was all over, and I’m almost positive it’s him.

    • #23719

      This seems so contrary to the Morgan I know that I have to assume…or hope, that Mason is operating outside of what Morgan wants.

    • #23720
       Lauren Bello

      This seems so contrary to the Morgan I know that I have to assume…or hope, that Mason is operating outside of what Morgan wants.

      Same. This seems like an extremely unstable individual going rogue.

    • #23721

      I hope so because this better not be what BOS is about.

    • #23724
       Bryan Bishop

      @kevin Seems it is time for BOS members to decide what they want it to be about.

    • #23725
       Lawrence Meyers

      Not an unreasonable stretch that Morgan is allied with Michelle and, perhaps, Mason.

      BoS wants to burn down OSDM? Then what?

      There’s a power vacuum and that will be filled.

      Anybody remember how Cersei brought in the High Sparrow and his zealots? How’d that work out for her, @111error?

    • #23728
       Lauren Bello

      I don’t want to speak for someone who isn’t here. But I really, really, REALLY doubt that Morgan was on board with Mason tonight. Morgan has said specifically that BOS doesn’t hurt people. We help them. We would rather risk being gullible, risk being manipulated, than allow anyone to suffer. That just doesn’t jive with home invasions and baseball bats.

      I find it more likely that Mason’s little experiment with the helmet – which he was convinced left him unharmed – tipped him over the edge into instability, perhaps even madness.

    • #23729

      I’m willing to bet there’s going to be hell to pay when Morgan sees that this happened. This is definitely not what he would have wanted. Like Dalea said, the BOS has specifically said they do not want to hurt people. I think we have a lose canon with his own agenda.

    • #23731

      What @daela said. I find it hard to believe Morgan had any part in this. We all saw how deeply he cared for addison last year…

    • #23732

      Wait @wanda102 did you have any sense about why they brought you there? Did Mason make you do anything weird?

    • #23733
       Lauren Bello

      Been discussing this in #theories but figured I’d take it here.

      Mason was working with a “Collective” whose existence Joyce confirmed and even described to Kristin. If that Collective was BOS, Joyce could have simply said “BOS”. But she didn’t: she seemed to know the type of people who were in the Collective, and described them as “too intelligent to be functional”, not identifying them any further. This is strong evidence that the Collective, which presumably also includes Michelle, is its own entity apart from BOS.

      A short while ago, Mason appeared on Slack to ask us for information. He did not, at that time, seem creepy or unstable. Just a bit bland and perhaps incompetent. But then A showed up, referencing a box that A had sent to the Collective a week before. A then called Mason, possibly with instructions. Mason bid us goodnight and disappeared.

      I think that perhaps that box contained the helmet.

      Mason said on the FB video that he’d tried the helmet on once and it hadn’t affected him. But I think it did affect him. Notice that after he investigated the contents of the box, he…changed. That was when the creepy version of Mason began making calls.

      I think that A sent the helmet to the Collective in the hopes of tearing them apart from the inside. And they succeeded…Mason became unstable and erratic, and went rogue.

    • #23735

      I LOVE that theory, @daela. It says so much about all parties involved. The OSDM sees a threat, but they don’t act with aggression, they provide a temptation. Something Mason could have very easily tossed in the trash. But Mason, whoever he was, the one who was flustered at how fast Slack moves, who can’t talk to girls, cries on the phone, was tempted. I’d have to assume someone untrained who put the helmet on without a technician’s supervision would get a pretty odd result. And now we have some peacocking Joker wannabe with a baseball bat, far away from an intelligent researcher with social issues. Too deluded to see what the helmet has done, as if anyone could be immune to something like that. As much as I disagreed with @joycecarlberg, no one deserves what happened. And it sounds like she may now be viewed as expendable by her own people, given her reluctance at the retreat. I’ve been a vocal supporter of Michelle since she first came on the scene. But now… what can we do?

    • #23736
       Hannah Schenck

      @daela I think you have a solid theory here… to go off of the interactions in slack, Mason and A were both present in slack that night. A seemed to be contradicting a lot of what Mason would say, suggesting that they knew each other and that A did not want Mason to be a reliable source for us. Perhaps Mason was getting a little overzealous and A was trying to tame him by sending the helmet?

      A needed a way to discredit Mason without looking like theh had a direct hand in it. So A sent the helmet and suggested to Mason to try it on. If A was trying to find a way to make Mason unstable as you said, what better way than to present the helmet? It’s easy to come off not having any evidence of involvement if you simply supply the tools, step back and watch from a distance. This may even change Mason’s way of thinking into siding and joining forces with A. Discredit them at least, turn them at best.

    • #23737

      @emilyj he didn’t ask me to do anything weird, no. He did smell me as you saw at one point, which honestly I was expecting and was nonplussed by.

    • #23738
       Lawrence Meyers

      @daela — The theory holds together and makes sense. I think you are on to something.

    • #23739

      I think the Helmet theory makes sense, too, but, if the the OSDM was trying to “tame” Mason and make him less of a nuisance with the helmet, why would they send him this hemet that has seemingly made him more of a threat, and I’m predicting, even more of a pain in their ass? Maybe they did this on purpose? Or maybe they made a mistake, and this is not the result they were hoping for.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Cassandra.
    • #23741
       Brad Ruwe

      All I know is, if this is indeed the same person as the guy from TMC, he’s completely different in terms of attitude and personality now. Before he was quiet, spoke only when needed, and seemed very much sane. Def didn’t seem the sort to bash a person with a baseball bat. But who knows, maybe I’m just THAT much a bad judge of character.

    • #23744

      So I’m still catching up but I noticed in #theories over on Slack that people had brought up the name Jack in relation to the assistant at the TMC event who we now know to be Mason. Well, the name rang a bell, especially in terms of a connection to Michelle. Jack was the person Michelle was on the phone to when she took Julie Rei’s fingerprints in the car towards the end of Tension… Which confirms that Mason and Michelle have been in cahoots for some time. (Thanks to @coryphella for fact checking for me – I literally just got back to my room following a busy festival shift)

    • #23745

      @blondie FTW!!!

      and I think the helmet theory @daela brought up makes sense. It would explain why he seemed to be…I dunno, struggling a bit when I talked to him. Like, he got worked up for a second, then calmed down & apologized. And was both chatty & creepy. Maybe he was still being affected by the effects of the helmet & now he’s gone full tilt. either A MEANT for him to be like this, and he & Michelle are somehow in cahoots with A, or they expected the helmet to make him more pliable and expected WAY THE FUCK WRONG.

    • #23747

      Michelle: “I need you to listen to me Jack. I don’t give a shit if the fucking Queen of England is giving him (him? you?) a fucking blow job right now I – turn that shit off.”

      Julie: “Are you serious?”

      Michelle: “Turn it off now.”

      Julie: “Ok. Ok.”

      Michelle: “Give me the phone.”

    • #23748
       Hannah Schenck

      @cass I use the word “tame” loosely. Whether that was their goal or not, the helmet was intended to make him seem unreliable to us. He became creepy, weird, back and forth between personalities and emotions, which ultimately made us super SUS. Taming him was getting him to stop talking to us on slack that night, and then he became weird and unstable. Whatever was intended, it worked.

    • #23749
       Meghan Mayhem

      SUCH a fantastic catch @blondie!

      But…wasn’t Michelle still working with the OSDM at that point? Does that mean Mason/Jack was too?

    • #23750

      Maybe she’s always been a double agent… She has never seemed pro-OSDM despite claiming to work for them, in fact she’s been downright scathing at times. She even appeared sympathetic (?) to BOS when she was revealing that it was a construct… Michelle does whatever the frick she wants, lets be honest

    • #23752
       Andrew Kasch

      I’m very curious what BOS thinks of these recent actions…

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