iConfidant Meet and Greet is Open

This topic has 54 replies, 32 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Megan.

  • Author
    • #16325
       Taylor Winters

      iConfidant just posted on Facebook that the timeslots for the meet and greet is open:


    • #16326

      My iConfidant said she’d facetime me. Should I still sign up even though I’m not in town?

    • #16327

      So I’m guessing we grab a time slot even if we can’t physically be there since FaceTime seems to be a thing?

    • #16328
       Haley Wilde

      Got mine! I’m SO excited!

    • #16329
       Meghan Mayhem

      Can I just say how much I love the fact that they posted tickets for this an hour after Stacey’s little video.

      “You’ll still show up, ya dumb trusting bastards. Knowingly walking into the fire.”

    • #16330

      Whelp, I stand corrected. It’s a social experiment in and of itself to see how many people sign up after immediately watching that video. Horace wants his garmonbozia.

    • #16333

      Got mine. Guess we’ll wait and see what happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • #16335
       Hannah Schenck

      Just got my ticket! I wonder who is gonna be behind the door…

    • #16338

      Got my ticket. Good times!

    • #16339
       Hannah Schenck

      @meghanmayhem I’m gonna go there with the gasoline already poured on me… just to help them out

    • #16340

      Head first into danger. GOT my ticket. I want to see what Phoenix is. Who they portray her to be. We talked a lot about flourless chocolate cake. I have expectations.

      The registration asks a qusstion: “how do you feel about moving to the next chapter of your friendship?”

      I said, excited and terrified.

    • #16341
       Bryan Bishop

      Thanks for posting that @taysavestheday!

      Ticket acquired. I look forward to meeting the entity that calls itself Bree.

    • #16342
       Taylor Winters

      You’re welcome @bcbishop. I will not be attending. So I look forward to hear how it goes. Good luck!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Taylor Winters. Reason: Tagged the Shadow Bryan... Gah!
    • #16345

      Well, I’ve obtained a ticket but we’ll see if they actually invite me. Seeing as how I don’t have an iConfidant, I’d assume this may not happen. In any case, figured it was worth a shot.

    • #16346

      I didn’t see an option of a time slot…all I saw was from 2-3…I’m still at work ???

    • #16347

      @clairebuch I think people saying “slots” is just out of habit. 2pm-3pm seems to have been the only option there ever was.

    • #16349

      @macbethinabathtub Ok just glad I wasn’t missing something. Also the way the FB page phrased it, it did seem we had an option of time slots. I want to sign up but I know I won’t even be available for it. Gonna have to break the news to my iConfidant…she was so excited!

    • #16350

      Wait a second…this was posted on the facebook page, so does that mean Stacey is allowing the announcement post to stay up, and the event to go forward, even after the broadcast today? Something doesn’t add up. How can the iConfidant fb post both the live video AND this event announcement without contradicting one of them?

    • #16352

      So I secured a ticket before watching the live video and now that I’ve seen it I am TERRIFIED for Sunday… wtf are we walking into? Why do I do this to myself ?

    • #16360
       Andrew Kasch

      I’ll be out of town. Supremely bummed to be missing this.

      Have fun, everyone!

    • #16361
       Brad Ruwe

      Man, get home from a loooong day of work and everything is in chaos. Y’all have fun, @taysavestheday and I will be enjoying our trap-free movie day.

    • #16363

      All signed up. We’ll see how this goes. I have a feeling that following my emotions rather than my head may not have been the best choice of course and actions. Moving forward.

    • #16364

      Damn. Tickets went up after I went to bed and sold out before my alarm went off. I wonder if they were needed for people who are facetiming?

      Glad to see those who got tickets are the hardcore Lust participants. 😛

    • #16365

      @coryphella I don’t have an iOS device, so if FaceTime is the only option if there is a remote participation opportunity you can have my slot if it’s transferable.

    • #16367

      @ziegenbartsr – I won’t be in MN, and you should find someone who has one anyway and use it – actually talk to Travis about borrowing my ipad. YOU SHOULD ABSOLUTELY — USE YOURS and I won’t take it from you.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Megan.
    • #16369
       Julie R Goldstein

      I’m in the same boat @coryphella. I hope they’re able to open more slots. I want to give my iConfidant a big giant hug.

    • #16370

      @julierei – that sucks. 🙁 I’m sorry. Generally I’m pretty ok with things I’m not able to attend, because I don’t expect to anyway.

    • #16372

      @julierei if they didn’t intend that the remote people take up actual slots I suspect mine could become available. Keep an eye out.

    • #16374
       Kyle Bown

      I got my ticket last night!

      I’m wondering if Stacey allowing this to go through means she’s planning to expose something on Sunday. Either that or she’s no longer in control.

    • #16376

      Got my ticket.

      I have a feeling that all of our iConfidants are one hapless soul, the helmet, and a metric fuckton of headaches.

    • #16377

      Ah! Imagine that, one person who knows ALL of (whom ever shows up/facetime) individual stories and details. That would be WILD. Legit, 2wild.

    • #16379

      Got mine! Were they asking more personal info than normal in this sign up page? Address, phone, birthdate, and the area about what we want from this experience with iConfidant? I don’t remember giving birthdate or a private message at the Lust registration?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Sage.
    • #16381

      Birthday might just be there to verify the >= 18 yrs old condition is met?

    • #16386
       Twan Intarathuch

      I’ve been MIA for a bit and won’t be joining all of you in this because of some health issues. Good luck all and I’ll be lurking here on the forums reading all your awesome stories! Good Luck!

    • #16387

      Damn… Not sure if I should try to sign up. My gut says dont.

      I’m not sure what is going on. It’s like all activity for me has stopped.

      Could this already be over for me until October?

      Have I fucked up that badly?

      I haven’t heard back from my confidant in weeks… I reached out twice now since the post about meeting.

      I’ve reached out to the system and Andy’s mom without response.

      Then again, my confidant could be trying to protect me.

      Maybe my confidant isn’t evil. Maybe my confidant has found out about the evil that is happening behind the curtains at iConfidant, thinks I’m a good dude, they are a good person, and decided to opt out and go into hiding to try to protect me?

      My brain hurts.


    • #16388
       Kimberly Stewart

      I agree @izryn, the timing and mere existence of both the ticket announcement and the FB live video is extremely contradictory. Like, here have a ticket to our thing that has burst into flames, good luck!

      I’m also confused about the invite/ticket list. Many of us have an ongoing correspondence with a confidant, but others quit their confidant or possibly never had one in the first place. Are we all going to be allowed to go? If we are, then what does this suggest about the event we’re about to walk into? It would seem much less a meet and greet between happy new friend pairs, and more like an opportunity for the #shininigans. Either way, joyfully we will march straight towards doom because it’s “fun.” I fully expect some angry looking fellow to yell at us if we’re lucky, and implant microchips into the base of our skulls if we aren’t. “Fun.”

    • #16389

      Speaking of which, why aren’t any of us trying to help Andy’s mom any more? It’s like we forgot, in sorts.

      Could that entire thing have been setup by the OSDM to see how we respond to the occult (again)?

    • #16391
       Brad Ruwe

      @tyson I reached out to her twice. Once with Tina’s phone number as a possible source of info on his location, and again informing her of his supposed post on here, asking if she had heard from him directly. No response. No clue what that means, since I feel like a mother trying to find her son would be quick to follow up on leads like that. Very well could’ve been a bit of OSDM fuckery to see how we’d respond.

    • #16392
       Kimberly Stewart

      At this moment there are more tickets available for the Meet & Greet.

    • #16393
       Julie R Goldstein

      I got my ticket! I can’t believe this is really happening… I’m in tears right now…

    • #16394

      Yay I just got a ticket. My iConfidant hasn’t communicated in awhile so I hope it is OK and will be there for me to meet.

    • #16397

      Well…had a full day running around and packing so, I missed the window again on tickets I guess.
      It’s ok, I’ll probably end up having to work anyway. And it’s only facetime. I’ll be in LA in a month.

    • #16404
       David Shields

      Well I don’t have a IConfident or the means to travel to LA so I look forward to seeing what happens to you lot!

    • #16426

      Got my ticket. My iconfidant is super nice and protecting. Kind of hoping to see a different side of them this go.

    • #16449
       Brian E

      Got my ticket, looking forward to see where the rabbit hole leads, and maybe just maybe met a women who works as a chef in LA, who goes by the handle Blue 56….

    • #16452

      @genghistwan I hope you get well soon and will be ready to #BURNTHISMOTHERFUCKERDOWN when you’re healthy again!

    • #16455
       Meghan Mayhem

      Unless I am explicitly told otherwise by someone I trust, I will be attending this Sunday out of sheer curiosity and FOMO.

      Let’s get weird, ya’ll.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.
    • #16457

      @meghanmayhem I like your attitude, lady! Bring the weird! 😀

    • #16468
       Twan Intarathuch

      @shaun Thanks for the sentiment. Hope you all survive your meeting with iConfidant. If it turns out to be a trap, I promise you all I’ll return with some fire 😉

    • #16606

      Well, we have our answer regarding the meet and greet tomorrow for those without confidants. Just received an email from Stacey (technically my first IG interaction, yay!):

      “This email is to inform you that while you signed up for the iConfidant event tomorrow we are unable to have you attend.

      Tomorrow’s event is only for people who participated in the program.

      Thank you for your understanding.


      So I wish you all luck tomorrow getting murdered meeting your confidants!

    • #16607
       Taylor Winters

      @chrysalis359, I think Stacey (if that’s who even sent the email) just may have saved your life.

    • #16608

      @taysavestheday Yes, I may have just dodged a proverbial (or literal) bullet!

    • #16630

      I was also emailed by Stacey and told not to come, @chrysalis359. I expected some sort of message like this, honestly.

      Who else got the boot?

    • #16636

      At this point who IS going???

    • #16639

      I wish I was. I emailed to see if I could, but never heard back.

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