Fuck Buz

This topic has 63 replies, 36 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Christine Barger.

  • Author
    • #4770

      My, my, my, poor Noah must be in quite the pickle, recruiting the leader of the losers to recruit other losers. It’s a good thing nobody lied about turning off their phone, right Buz?

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Briana.
    • #4771

      Could you give us some context behind this sudden animosity towards Buzz? Did something happen at the losers’ party?

    • #4773


    • #4774
       Taylor Winters

      @briana; this is very much unlike you. You’re one of the nicest people I know. You wouldn’t start a “Fuck Buz” thread without someone forcing your hand.

    • #4775

      (Apologies to Buz for misspelling his name)

    • #4777

      Buz with one “z”

    • #4778

      This just in from the Lust fb:

      Post text reads as follows:

      “It’s never over.

      Julie Rei Goldstein
      Hannah C. Schenck
      Brad Ruwe
      Andrew Kowalski

      BACK In:
      Buz Danger Wallick
      Cristen Brinkerhoff

      4 SPOTS REMAIN…”

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Maranda.
    • #4782
       Michael Rizzo

      Lmao rip buz

    • #4784
       Kimberly Stewart

      Anyone who thought he wouldn’t make a move clearly doesn’t know @thebuz very well. No judgement implied.

    • #4785

      I didn’t know Buz when I went to the meetup this evening, but I’ve literally never seen anyone change their tune so quickly. From hating Noah to loving him SO quickly! My head is still spinning. Perhaps us “Maybes” should have had our own meetup instead of tagging along with the losers.

    • #4786

      I’m down for a “Maybe” meetup @brianamatopoeia!!

    • #4787

      So does this mean these are the people going on Sunday?? How the plot thickens!!

    • #4788

      @brianamatopoeia As to the nature of @buz’s convictions, may I point to the tale of Gatekeeper III.

    • #4789

      It pays to be active, losers.

    • #4790
       Kimberly Stewart

      Not sure if I should applaud or throw shit at you @thebuz.

    • #4791

      Hi @thebuz, would you like to tell your side of the story?

    • #4793
       Andrew Kasch

      Why am I not surprised? 😉

    • #4794

      Damn, I go out to dinner with my visiting mom and shit really hits the fan.

    • #4795

      Yes, do tell. Phone calls?

    • #4797

      What the fuck happened?! I’m so lost!!

    • #4798

      Someone called them traitors on the Facebook image, so we can probably start to make some assumptions.

    • #4799

      I would say shenanigans are going down. And going down fast. Don’t worry, @nothenrygale. I’ll take care of the plushies for you while you’re away. 😉

    • #4800

      Dang, the shade is thick!

    • #4801

      I am okay with not being one of the initial chosen ones. My trust is in Noah. He knows what he’s doing. In fact, I bet he’s been watching me and has seen the growth I’ve had over the past two days — he’s probably watching and rooting for me. I’m almost certain of it.

    • #4802
       Tim Redman

      I’m not sure why anybody thinks this Sunday thing is going to turn out well for anybody. I’m happy to stand back and laugh at all the tears and blood letting. Making it through to the end is more important than being first, kiddies.

    • #4803
       Chelsea Morgan

      @timsmyname Making a lot of sense there. Time to figure out how to play the long game and how to sort through all the noise.

    • #4804

      Since no one else wants to actually explain what happened, I’m posting the link to @mistere’s periscope video. He gave his perspective on what happened. thank you Brian!!

      Brian’s Periscope

      Ps. I hope people are not actually upset. He only was able to choose four. Don’t be sore… jk jk I’m not gonna say it ?

    • #4805

      Julie was told it was a focus group right? So they are getting people from parts of the community. At least they are trying not to have a biased group. The question now is, what product/service are they going to be discussing? Are they being assembled to give feedback on The Noah System? Or are there other people that are the focus group and they are the subjects?

    • #4806
       Carl Webb

      Good perspective @timsmyname. We’ll get eaten alive if we let it happen.

    • #4807

      Thanks @pandace88!

    • #4808

      @thebuz didn’t you say you had to go visit your mom on Sunday? Lol

    • #4809

      I could have sworn I saw him say that at some point, but it doesn’t show up in his feed any more, haha.

      And thanks for the Periscope @mistere.

    • #4810

      @kevin pretty sure he said it in Julie Rei’s periscope

    • #4811

      Quick summary of @mistere’s periscope: At the loser party, someone on a bike dropped a note off to Buz that said “F*ing losers.” Buz got a call and was told to pick four people (who were named on the Lust fb, presumably to join Noah’s Sunday event). Loser club didn’t take it very well; people were upset for various reasons, and then the party disbanded.

    • #4812

      Thank you. Needed a little more data.

    • #4813

      Don’t most parties end when the host leaves?

    • #4815

      We don’t have the full story yet, but seems like they’re going to keep everyone on their toes as far as the ‘rules’ are concerned. Noah’s site does say:

      “And what is better than writing our own rules for those around us? Changing these rules when the sad, small people who follow them get used to them. Be unpredictable so that your friends and opponents are always on guard. It keeps those loyal to you fresh and your enemies unbalanced.”

      had to pick people and they were immediately kicked off a list. @thebuz had to pick people and they were immediately selected for Sunday.

    • #4816

      @thebuz congrats at your opportunity to noah and the rest of the your chosen ones to join you. The rest of us would like to thank you for forgetting your pizza. We are the real winners. Noah scammed you.

    • #4817

      What if Sunday is just a build up for a Time Share pitch?

    • #4818
       Twan Intarathuch

      I was there and I can tell you it isn’t as bad as you may think from reading this thread. Sure @thebuz picked four people to go with him Sunday, and some people got upset, but it’s an exaggeration that we just simply disbanded. Some people left. It’s a work night and people have things to do, but a handful of us stayed and talked it through. It was nice moment and I felt I made some friends today.

      Noah’s not worth the drama, and we’re all better than the lab rats he’s trying to make us out to be.

    • #4821
       Hannah Schenck

      I gotta say… I was looking forward to that pizza #pineappleforlife

    • #4822
       Andrew K

      As @thebuz said- it pays to be active. 🙂

    • #4823
       Meghan Mayhem

      @shankfx22 Winners choose the pineapple life.

    • #4824
       Hannah Schenck

      @meghanmayhem I always knew I was a winner

    • #4825
       Meghan Mayhem

      @shankfx22 I mean…maybe not a winner…but the winners talk to you at lunch. 😉

    • #4826
       Hannah Schenck

      @meghanmayhem guilty by association 😉

    • #4827
       Andrew K

      @shankfx22 I was kind of looking forward to that pizza too. But, winning is sweeter than pineapple. 😉

    • #4828
       Christine Barger

      What’s going on? Where’s the Periscope link? I’m so lost…like always. And honestly it’s my birthday and I’m doing taxes this weekend so if it’s just gonna depress me more than those two things, then I don’t wanna know.

    • #4829
       Brian E
      • #4840

        Thanks for the recap! Buz was active that’s for sure!

    • #4830

      @christineb Happy birthday!! (*´∇`*) Be sure to make some time for yourself too. Hope you have a great birthday weekend even after doing taxes!

    • #4836

      Obviously this happened hours ago and I’m just now seeing it because time zones but…I don’t understand what there is to be upset about?

      Buz got a call and was told to do a thing, and he did a thing.
      And furthermore in picking people, he picked four people that weren’t OG’s. He picked new(ish?) people (I’m not sure). He couldn’t pick more than four.
      This is probably going to happen a lot.

      Maybe I should just shut up and stop trying to make any sense.

    • #4839

      Well played buz ?

    • #4841
       Julie R Goldstein

      Careful what you wish for Losers… So far there’s only one Winner attending this Sunday…

    • #4848
       Brad Ruwe

      Hey gang, catching up on the thread after last night. So yes, I am one of the four @thebuz picked (thanks again man!)

      Nothing really happened after we left the “losers club” meetup. Buz was told to take the pic of the five of us that is now on the FB page. We were given the deal that we’re in for Sunday, but we had to leave the meetup and call it a night. I know some are hurt by what happened, but just as with @julierei’s situation, a quick decision had to be made. Who knows, maybe we’re now screwed on Sunday. We’ll see.

      Hope you all enjoyed the pineapple pizza Buz bought. Freaking savages (seriously, who puts that on pizza?)

    • #4849
    • #4850

      @nothenrygale thanks for clearing up that you guys were told to leave. That makes sense now. Yesterday was so exciting for everyone!! Congrats to you and @thebuz @wanda102 @shankfx22 and Drew? (Can’t find him to tag him..) ???

    • #4853

      Can confirm we (via Ser Buz) were told “in for Sunday” but we had to leave our fun party and go home. I left an entire beer and we didn’t even get pizza so think about it who actually won anything? ?

      It was SO nice to meet all of you let’s do it a million more times.

    • #4854

      Oh wow @hazelverse some of the rando commenters on your periscopes are giving me the heebie jeebies. ☹️

    • #4855

      Trolls literally give me life. That’s what happens when you have a large audience. 😛


      LOVED meeting everyone last night. You all rocked my soxxxx.

    • #4871

      Buz continues to play hard: confirmed. Nice nice nice nice nice

    • #4878
       Kyle Bown

      I feel like people are greatly exaggerating the “angry” response from the “losers” who stuck around after. It’s kind of ridiculous.

    • #5308
       Christine Barger

      Thank you @izryn! The weekend turned out quite well.

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