FB Post 6/19

This topic has 10 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Tom Hite.

  • Author
    • #16925

      L U S T

      Looks like Chapter 2 is beginning.

      And interestingly enough this one doesn’t seemed to be cropped like our Chatper One photos.

    • #16926
       Hannah Schenck

      I wonder if this means that we have finally seen the bigger picture? Perhaps Chapter 2 is going to be more broad and in our face as far as the bigger picture?

    • #16927
       Kyle Bown

      I was thinking the same thing. They don’t have to hide anymore.

    • #16928

      Interesting that it’s not cropped. Maybe Chapter 2 is going to show us the bigger picture… In comparison to Chapter 1 where we were meant to focus on small and separate parts of the story.

    • #16930

      As much as I hate to see the search for bigger picture photos go, maybe we’ve seen the big reveal already.

      This is an Edward Leighton painting called “Fame” or “Faded Laurels.” We see an older harpist upstaged by new blood. Poor old thing, he looks like Zeus to me. I see this as a nod to the older and newer versions of the Book of Anoch we’ve been hearing about; make way for the new God.

      I’m also really fond of Gia Chekhov quote, from “The Student.” It is the story of a young student who meets two widows by a fire and tells them the story of Peter’s denial of Christ, reducing them to tears. After he leaves he realizes that it wasn’t his storytelling that moved the women so deeply, but the way the aincent story itself still resonated with them in their present lives:

      “the past, he thought it’s connected with the present in an unbroken chain of events flowing one out of the other. And it seemed to him that he had just seen both ends of that chain; that when he touched one end, the other quivered.”

      It’s a statement on how the events and stories of the past still echo in the present; one directly affects he narrative of the other. The use of the quote here denotes some far more sinister connotations than Chekhov may have intended.

    • #16931
       Meghan Mayhem

      Your crop searches may be in the past, but I have no doubt we’ll still be very in need of your art history knowledge in the future @wanda102.

      And I agree…Chapter 2 is not likely to simply hint at things anymore. We’re gonna get smacked square in the face.

    • #16932

      Thanks for the synopsis!! And I agree that the reveal of an entire image is likely emblematic of us now having a bigger picture awareness. (Though I’m sure we still have many twists yet to come)

    • #16933

      I love these break downs, they’re spectacular.

    • #16934
       Mustafa Said

      Looks like Chapter 2 isn’t going to hold back in any way. This’ll be fun. 🙂

    • #16936
       Meghan Mayhem

      I wonder if, now that we’ve figured out the hidden dangers and bigger picture concept with the photo crops, they’ll now do something along the lines of bigger picture with the quotes? That if we take the full context of the quotes posted we’ll learn more about the intention?

    • #16940
       Tom Hite

      Can’t help but be reminded of Quantum Entanglement, here. Two ends of a chain, one being immediately affected by the other, seems reminiscent of the phenomenon of quarks which are instantly spin-adjusted by the observation of either one, seemingly beyond the limits of space or time. Beyond past, present, and future, in the place where all are the same, we are the shadows that echo therefrom, perhaps…

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