FB Post – 10/11

This topic has 14 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Chelsea.

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    • #25988

      Original Image:

      The Duel, Wolfgang Lettl

      Quoting… Noah Sinclair. “There are no value judgements to my achievements.”

    • #25989

      “In the infinite vastness of the sea of possibilities there is a bridge. Someone wants to go up.
      At the top he meets someone. He recognizes that the rival is himself – and challenges himself
      to a duel.”

    • #25990

      For context of the quote go here .

      You’ll find “There are no value judgments to my achievements” near the bottom of Noah’s story.

    • #25991
       Brad Ruwe

      So have all of the other quotes so far been by real people? Any fictional characters?

      If not, it could be suggesting that Noah Sinclair really is an actual person and not a character being played by someone named Levi, as the OSDM/ODSM has suggested in the Tension book.

      • #25998

        I think all the quotes have been real people thus far.

      • #25999

        We did have the quote from Lord of the Flies.

      • #26000
         Brad Ruwe

        @chelsea Was it attributed to the author, or the character?

      • #26005

        @nothenrygale It was a direct quote from the book. “He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling.” It was attributed to the author, William Golding, but was in reference to Jack the character. I could see it being argued either way.

    • #25993

      This seems to tie in to the idea that OSDM/ODSM and Briarberg are 2 sides of the same coin, “dueling” for our emotional data.

    • #25994

      I’m guessing we get Noah back soon. Mason was using the facebook account last for his live videos. Are Noah and Mason working together? Is Noah part of Briarberg?

    • #25995

      Or possibly our own dueling thoughts/feeling about recent events?

    • #26002

      The image and it’s title do hint towards a rivalry between OSDM and Briarberg. The quote @coryphella posted adds more evidence that they could be the same thing. The full painting with the frame even suggests that it all could be performance, but even if it was a performance we’ve been told that they’re using lies to mask the truth.

      Noah’s quote works to tie it all together, and fits whether they’re separate entities or all the same business. OSDM and/or Briarberg are doing work they think is important and that we can’t judge it as right or wrong.

      Or it’s a kind of passive aggressive shot at Briarberg for saying OSDM isn’t doing things the right way yesterday.

      On that note, last night @daela was told that, “ODSM no longer sees you as a commodity or product to exploit.” If that’s true, why are they continuing with the images/quotes and song postings? Presumably those were both to get more information about us and keep us winding the clock; that wouldn’t do them much good if they don’t find us valuable any more though.

    • #26004

      I know this isn’t directly related- but the fact they’re attributing him to this quote means that he wrote/said it. Which was something we were trying to figure out if he has written his story or if Sarah had because of this quote in the story-

      At 22, I convinced my father’s board to remove him as CEO and instate me. When he was removed from the building, he stopped, shook my hand and told me he was proud of me. It was the best gift he could have given me as it solidified that he was entirely too weak to be an effective leader.

      Question was if this happened or if it was a fake story because it doesn’t align with what we know about with Horace/Noah/OSDM.
      Assuming this is a real thing that happened, what does that mean for the rest of the story? Where are we now in this situation? There was a bigger question/theory I had when I first asked this, just gotta find the forum post.

    • #26008

      Per @coryphella’s context, we’ve been talking about Noah possibly dueling a version of himself on Slack. It got me thinking:
      We’d started a thread a whole MONTH ago about the idea that Mason and Noah may be related in more ways than just having a similar upbringing. Thread HERE

      Noah loves Egyptology, and Horus did have four sons, after all.

      I feel like it also ties in to an idea of Mason as Noah’s Shadow. Noah dueling with the physical embodiment of his baser instincts; what he would become if he lost self control.

      Noah and Sarah, Mason and Michelle, Investors and Board Members, OSDM and Briarberg/ODSM? Are we looking at a series of inversions?

    • #26015

      Heh. So I’m currently going through the logs rereading stuff for things we might have missed. You guys remember when we were screwing around with the theory of Noah and Mason working together after Mason got his hands on the files that Noah was the last known person to have?

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