Encroaching Dusk Message

This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by Jackie.

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    • #29480

      I decided to do a test to see if I could somehow get any info to help push us in a direction. Well, any direction. So I went through all of the emails that I had on file within my gmail to see if I could trigger a response. I didn’t think much of my email to encroaching dusk when I sent it. Welp. That was the one that delivered a response.

      View post on imgur.com

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Sarah.
    • #29482
       Unseen Presence


      Still on message that things are going to get rougher still and that, in the end, they’re going to spread–to win, to pass on the virus.

      Man, the ‘infection’ theme is strong now. Stronger than ever.

    • #29483
    • #29484

      @theladyj I have missed these!

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