A Lesson to all

This topic has 27 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Cassandra.

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    • #21610

      What’s up guys and gals? I won’t lie to you, I have been a bit stressed lately because even though I dominate every ounce of my life, I too can still get surprised by people and things on very rare occassions.

      But the thing that makes me a fucking winner is that I then adapt and weaponize the surprise to my advantage.

      So, I’ve decided to take a little more control over our situation here and since I just recently wasted my breath with my call to Mr Smedman, instead of another one on one that may or may not pay out, today I’ll just give out the lesson to the entire class. Are you ready?

      I think that we could ALLLL use a digital break.

      That’s it. That is the big bad lesson for the day.

      Get your butts of the instagrams, the facebooks and the twitter.

      Hell, stop coming here too.

      Let’s all take a break to actually do some damn things in the REAL world. Dominate your actual physical life. Walk around and exert your authority on your fellow man. Put your chest out and live like the head lion for day or two and see how it fucking feels!

      Disconnect to re-connect and manifest actionable power where it counts, face to face… not digitally.

      Now, GO! Get out there and make me proud! Turn off the computer, put down the phone and dominate actual life.

      24 Hours starting now.

    • #21613
       Andrew Kasch

      Interesting timing, Noah. You’re the last person I expected to come in here and sound like Sean Spicer.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #21614

      Lol, no.

    • #21615
       Tim Redman

      I can get behind this!
      see ya later alligator.

    • #21617
       Kyle Bown

      Wow… @maddyxxx is even scared. Wonder what the Hostess with the mostess is about to reveal…

    • #21618
       Winston Smith

      Nothing to see here, ya lookie loos! Why don’t we all get some sun, and pretend there’s absolutely nothing of consequence happening on the forums at all.

    • #21620

      Is there something you’re worried about leaking out?

    • #21621
       Bryan Bishop

      Yeah, @maddyxxx. I think we’ll maybe try that after we hear from a certain someone that you’re apparently quite afraid of.

    • #21622
       Tim Redman


    • #21623
       Mustafa Said

      Kinda convenient that you’re calling for us to step away from the digital world while we’re witnessing someone attempt to dump some dirt about the ODSM and what’s really going on with the Lust Experience.

      Doubt you care about it though.

    • #21624

      How convenient… who amongst us is most obviously controlling the narrative??

    • #21625

      If you’re willing to compensate me for the money I would lose not being on the internet, then sure 🙂

    • #21626
       Brad Ruwe

      Basically…. ignore the leaks, right?

      This is a good lesson Noah. One that I’m sure a LOT of us could use. But your timing is… what’s the word… SUS.

    • #21627

      How bout nah? I spent all morning pitching this tent and I’m going to camp in it, dammit.

    • #21628

      Impressive. No other leak, to my knowledge, has inspired this much fear from this many components

    • #21629
       Kevin Hsu

      24 hour Periscope of not being active. #temporarilysilent

    • #21630
       Nicole Mae

      Very convincing, shadow Noah

    • #21633

      Yea, we’ll get right on that @maddyxxx.

    • #21634

      See you guys in 24 hrs!

    • #21635
       Andrew Kasch

      Random thought: Anyone else find it strange that Noah is still communicating through his rogue account name? Kinda weird considering he’s not “on the run” anymore and back with The System…

      Unless someone else is using it…

    • #21637

      Awesome timing there “Noah”.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Melissa.
    • #21639

      @maddyxxx So by “take a digital break” you actually mean “keep your eyes glued to your phones/computers like your lives depend on it” riiiight??

    • #21640

      “Stay off social media. It’s all garbage entheta put out by bitter SPs. Go out and clear the world.”

    • #21641

      I would LOVE to take a digital break!! But apparently that’s not happening today.

    • #21642
       Brian E

      I love how everyone is sure this is Noah, when there’s zero proof, who knows how many people have access to this forum and the @maddyxxx account.

      Hey Noah make a Periscope with what you want done next, I don’t buy that any of this is coming from the system. Maybe this is the secret plan The Midnight Commission / BOS has been working on in secret, too much is happening that I’m in the dark on, so although it’s an insanely busy day, I find myself glued to the the screen.

      The streisand effect is real. Welp looks like it’s going to be an interesting day. Maybe @maddyxxx is telling us to all leave cause that will just mean we all look just a bit harder. Still don’t believe or feel like this is a post from Noah Sinclair though.

    • #21649
       Julie R Goldstein

      That’s really easy for you to say @maddyxxx. No one’s trying to frame you for murder.

    • #21651

      I, for one, feel like I’ve experienced too much “real life” this past week. I’ll be watching my screen.

    • #21732


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