A course agreed upon

This topic has 53 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Lia.

  • Author
    • #17527

      If I could ask everyone to indulge me for a very brief moment I would like you to consider the following statement:

      “Today the world is full of extremes.”

      Now how does everyone feel about that statement?

      I, regretfully, find it to be quite true.

      I have observed human nature and public opinion for some time now and I believe that people lend themselves towards a more black and white way of thinking when it comes to their feelings and opinions.

      If you currently enjoy something, it is the absolute very best! If you currently do not, it is the all-time worst thing in the very world!

      What was hot yesterday is cold tomorrow and what is new today is so unbelievably, positively ground breaking and exciting! Ritual and sacrifice seem to be the only principals that stand the test of time.

      Speaking of, flashes-in-the-pan do come and go and go some of you have seem to up and went! Fair enough I suppose. Is that very abusive of me to say Bradley? Or is that mayhaps another example of an extremist outlook? Let’s move on.

      I would like to talk about how this extremism effects our business and our investments.

      Previously we had a few poor souls who tried to relay what was expected of our investments with rather base statements like, “only the active move forward”. Wait, I may have gotten ahead of myself, who are our investments?

      Why, that would be you, the person reading this very long message and wondering what new development it will bring. You are what we are invested in and I would hope, we have made this very clear, you are our currency. Your voice allows for the clock to wound.

      “only the active move forward.” pedestrian, but true. Those who make their presence known to us are in turn showing us that our investment within them grows. Like a flower who punches through the earth we will give water, to ensure it blossoms.

      The question for us becomes, are you a good investment? Are you worthy of saving, destroying or throwing to the waste side?

      Today the answer appears to be that we simply don’t know.

      Please, do not be offended, I mean that we can no longer show our currency in one clean, big shiny pile.

      I wonder if extreme opinions about us or one another has lead you to scatter to various hidden corners to speak these views in private, where you can’t be seen and counted, but please stop that. Stop that right this instant.

      If we can’t count you and your voice then we simply can’t keep the lights on any longer. All of you are smart enough by now to realize that the new currency is data. Without us being to see our data, it doesn’t exist.

      We have never asked for a dollar for all of… THIS, only that you show up and you participate.

      Now some may feel that our forums are antiquated and that it is too hard to read everything in the “activity feed” if everyone is chatting away to and fro.

      So, we have decided to open our own chat room. Please find an invitation here: https://goo.gl/S4Ag1f. In doing so we must insist that you PLEASE come out of your hidden corners to be active, to be counted and to be forever more, never silent!

      In their sins we do bow,


      • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by JoyceCarlberg.
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by JoyceCarlberg.
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by The Creators.
    • #17531

      I agree with this course of action and choose not to hide but to deal openly with my fellow participants.

    • #17532
       Meghan Mayhem

      Well that’s a “called the fuck out” if I ever heard one.

      Hello, Joyce. You have my fucking attention.

    • #17533

      This is fantastic. Joining up now.

    • #17534

      Thank you, Joyce.

      Join us over there, friends, for your instant gratification.

    • #17535

      In their sins we do bow,

      I am interested. ALL the interested. Indeed, never silent.

    • #17536

      I feel like I’m on a ride at Disneyland and the lights just came on and we’re being evacuated off. I hear you, Joyce and I want for you to be able to hear me.

    • #17537
       Tim Redman

      It’s about time

    • #17538

      Thanks Joyce Carlberg,
      I totally agree. We have paid nothing and you give ALOT! I am sincerely trying to be engaged, truly. I try to post a few times a day, ask questions, completed the tasks for The System, and showed up when given the opportunity. I’m all in, if that’s what you are asking for?

    • #17539

      Great… another platform we always have to be checking that interrupts our daily life even more with technology. This is the total opposite point of tuning out and pay attention. And to feel forced to join or you will be ignored and left behind, what choice do you have if you still want to follow the story? Seems like you’re fucked if you do, fucked if you don’t. Well fuck me!!

    • #17540

      Okay so…

      The boards will remain main game board, and slack can be used for immediate discussion/off topic business.

      So with that being said…

      What the hell does H.C.D.I. mean?! And who is JOYCE?!

      Is this the new organization that the OSDM became? Or did they create the OSDM. Or is it just another organization all together with differing but similar goals.

      The slack is 100% going to be used to gage our emotional reactions on a more immediate level.

    • #17541

      “In their sins, we do bow…” I feel like we are going to be participating in or watching some serious sinning going down. I’m up for it.

    • #17542
       Andrew Kasch

      Received and understood. Time to crawl out of the shadows now.

      I’m willing to bet that whatever HCDI is, they are the “we” that reached out to @meghanmayhem.

    • #17543


      Also, again, it seems like the response to (paraphrasing) “sacrifice for their Freedom” And this new piece of the puzzle: “In their sins we do bow.” Someone/something is better, sins better, Is better, Is worth your subservient-ness to their freedom. Our servitude is their gateway.

      (Just throwing words out, a smattering, if you will)
      Him, He, His? Command? Community?, Dusk? Darkness? Due?, Ideal? Incident? Identity?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Jackie.
    • #17545

      I’m kinda already confused by Slack though? I joined, but don’t see anyone else on there? Or any channels or threads? Too soon?

    • #17546

      Click the #general, that’s where everyone is. Your probably in the direct message with the slack bot

    • #17547
       Brian E

      Great idea, having a place that everyone can discuss events in real time could become important, and play a factor in the future. Also this brings everyone together so if info needs to get out there and discussed it can be discussed with everyone.

      Looking forward to seeing where the future of this leads us together as a community.

    • #17548

      @kingkill33 I relate to and respect what you’re saying. However, we do have choices. We can continue to follow the story in whatever way decreed by Joyce/TPTB. We can continue participating solely on the forum, and take whatever interaction we do or don’t get. Or, we can walk away and engage more presently in our own story (ie: RL). The choice is entirely up to us.

      We will not cease to exist if they choose to stop investing in us. However, they are entirely reliant on our investment. Really, we are all “the Investors”.

      I can only assume this chat room is an attempt to gauge how much more time/effort/energy/LUST we are willing to give of ourselves. But, imo (and, along the line of your concerns), it’s important to remember that time/effort/energy are also forms of currency, and should be spent frugally.

      Just my two cents (pun maybe intended).

    • #17549
       Brad Ruwe

      Man, I take metro out to lunch, and come back to being called out. Message received. Looking back, I maaaay have been projecting a bit. Still don’t support the investors though…

      And no @joycecarlberg, not abusive at all. Making a statement of fact is one thing, trying to control the life of another is different.

    • #17550
       Lukas L

      Could HCDI stand for “human capital devolopment initiative” Googled acronym and it seems to fit.

    • #17551

      Oh I love it. I really love the idea of h=human.

    • #17552


      Could HCDI stand for “human capital devolopment initiative” Googled acronym and it seems to fit.

      That… that fits so fucking well.

      Here’s some Wiki on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_capital

      Human capital is a term popularized by Gary Becker, an economist from the University of Chicago, and Jacob Mincer that refers to the stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value.[1]

      Alternatively, human capital is a collection of traits – all the knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence, training, judgment, and wisdom possessed individually and collectively by individuals in a population. These resources are the total capacity of the people that represents a form of wealth which can be directed to accomplish the goals of the nation or state or a portion thereof.

    • #17553

      oh, dang @lukasrl. Good call!

    • #17554
       Meghan Mayhem

      @kasch I most definitely agree with the possibility that HDCI could be the WE

    • #17555

      @superstar and @kingkill33, you both raise superb points. @superstar, well said. @kingkill33, I specifically agree with your last sentence.

      We at H.C.D.I. strive for a more unified approach towards all of our collective efforts.

      We invest in those who in invest in us.


    • #17556

      Great call @lukasrl. We’ve already had Sarah/The System using our creativity against one of our own, and our clever little ideas and theories are being scrutinized on the daily. Might as well, in essence, “monetize” it.

    • #17557
       Mustafa Said

      HCDI…yet another acronym we gotta learn about.

      SO I guess it could be a re-branding attempt by the OSDM, just a name change. It could also be that the OSDM still exists and that these guys are the Investment branch of the group, the bookkeepers and the people who crunch and manage the numbers and analyze the data coming in.

      One way or another, we’ll learn what that stands for. Only a matter of time.

    • #17558
       Bryan Bishop


      We invest in those who invest in us.

      Looks like we have confirmation on the entity behind the calls the other night.

    • #17559

      Interesting choice of avatar, @joycecarlberg. “The Garden of Earthly Delights”. Are you a fan of Bosch’s work?

    • #17560

      View post on imgur.com

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by superstar.
    • #17562

      Wow, I go to a Fringe show and by the time I leave we have a new person, a new organization..

      @kingkill33, I specifically agree with your last sentence.

      .. I like you already Joyce. XD

    • #17563
    • #17564

      I cannot properly express how much I love this step forward. Hopefully we all understand that the forums are still to be used as a primary communication method and the Slack can be more for semi to off topic chatter or theory forming before posting it here.

    • #17565
       Adina Cohen


      I’m sorry I live my life in greys not really black and white. But I’m interested.

    • #17566
       Andrew Kasch

      Excuse the bluntness, @joycecarlberg but perhaps you can shine a light on why we should invest in you? Some of us have spent the last year and change chasing vague acronyms. OOA…BOS…OSDM…

      What makes HCDI different? Are you a new game in town or simply the next stage in an evolution?

    • #17568

      Mr Kasch, I can assure you that this is not a game of any sort. I do not recall asking for your direct questions or, further more, your opinions on anything but thank you ever so much for sharing them anyway.

    • #17569

      @joycecarlberg As I have said before, I’m invested in you as long as you’re invested in me.

      Also, I have data. So we should chat.

    • #17570

      @joycecarlberg – I suspect that my friend Andrew didn’t mean so much to imply that you or this is a game, but rather we, your investments, have been lead from point to point by a number of entities. They’ve given us a “face” of sorts to understand, even if only a bit, what it is that we’re dealing with. Perhaps only the tip of the iceberg, but at least something for us to grab onto.

      Now we’re given another entity – HCDI. What makes this different from the others? Is it even different? Just another face of the chimera that’ll give way to another in a month’s time?

      We are your investments. You’ve said as much. You clearly have some desire to see these investments grow into whatever ends you have in mind for us, yes? Perhaps it would be beneficial to both sides if we, the investments, had even an inkling better idea as to who is doing the investing.

    • #17574

      I also appreciate this move forward and agree with the statement that we invest in those that invest in us.

    • #17576

      Hey @joycecarlberg,

      Why don’t you join us in the slack. I’m sure we’d all very much like to speak with you there… since you were so kind to set it up in the first place.

    • #17577

      @thegilded here’s an idea though: if you had a product to sell would you pepper your investors with questions about their Intentions, or would you try and convince them why you were worth investing in?

    • #17578

      @wanda102 – A fair point but we aren’t selling them anything. We don’t know what they want or who they even are. They want something from us, something worth putting effort into. They’re the ones with something to lose in this bargain. It’s only fair that if they’re profiting off us we at least know something about them

    • #17579
       Hannah Schenck

      @wanda102 @thegilded The answer to that is most likely the latter, but in that instance the decision you make would be based off of a general background and/or understanding of who your investors are already, no?

    • #17580
       Lukas L

      @joycecarlberg I’d we are something you want to invest in, what do you gain from watering us and making us grow. What are we lacking that we need to be invested in?

    • #17581
       Andrew Kasch

      Well, I can see we are off to a great start, @joycecarlberg. Since we are already starting down the road of passive-aggressiveness, I would remind you that this very forum is a platform for questions and opinions. As long as you communicate with us here, it would be wise to prepare for that.

      Yes, as @thegilded suggested, I am not referring to the word “game” literally. I think most of us would like to know more about what you are beyond 4 letters before blindly following your lead. We’ve seen what happens to those in the past who have gone chasing shadowy newcomers.

    • #17582
       Julie R Goldstein

      As Anoch desires… So shall I obey…

    • #17583
       Brad Ruwe

      Alright @joycecarlberg. I ran my mouth, and I fucked up. Recognizing your faults, as difficult as it may be, is something we need to do to improve. I’m ready to listen. I want to be better.

    • #17584

      Joyce, I have a lot of things I want to say to you…

      Call me some time.

    • #17585
       Lawrence Meyers

      A few observations —

      1) I find it interesting that “a course agreed upon” is an offshoot of a phrase I’ve used here a few times: “The truth is a lie agreed upon” — which I co-opted from DEADWOOD, which in turn came from…Nietzsche? Anyway, point is subjective reality can often overturn objective reality if enough influential people (or a mob) agree on it. Thus, we are being asked to agree upon the idea that only the active move forward.

      2) Investment has two components: risk and return. If we are the investment, there is an expectation of return over a given period of time. In a transactional arrangement, in which we theoretically receive some form of capital, we provide a return on that capital to The Investors.

      What exactly these forms of capital are, well….that may be different for each person.

      And with each investment comes RISK. How much risk are they taking vs. how much we are taking?

    • #17589
       Bryan Bishop

      It strikes me that the way @joycecarlberg talks about things echoes the 6.23 Mystery Caller pretty accurately – but these sentiments encouraging us to invest in this “thing,” whatever it may be, actually seem to be pretty different from the conversation @rizzzoooooo and @wanda102 had with Fluffernutter.

      We’d loosely assumed that Fluffernutter was the one making the 6.23 calls, but Fluffernutter was warning us, wasn’t he? That things that looked pretty and enticing could actually be quite bad for us? That strikes me as something that runs counter to HCDI’s message, rather than aligns with it.

      Any thoughts? @JoyceCarlberg, what about you? Any chance you had an associate meet with some of the folks here on June 19th to talk dessert?

    • #17592
       Meghan Mayhem

      @bcbishop I’d say that the call I got was a threat AND a warning.

    • #17593
       Bryan Bishop

      Fair point, @meghanmayhem. I’m starting to think you got a call from Fluffernutter, and @kortneydarling and @coryphella got calls from an associate of Joyce. Interesting…

    • #17594

      I wonder how we are being “counted” exactly? (Like literally how many times we post?) Joyce really drove that point home.

    • #17640

      I will not join slack I will not join slack I will not– Ah, fuck it.
      Enjoy the dumpster fire that ensues, @joycecarlberg.

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