9/3 Call and Message Delivery from Horace

This topic has 30 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by Kyle Bown.

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    • #23853

      @bruinbown Got a call from Horace with instructions to go pick up a package from a bar. He asked me to throw this up in the meantime because he’s driving. A link to the driving Periscope is below. I’ll throw up a link to the Periscope from the bar when it comes in.

      Cliff notes: Horace asked Kyle if he knew what happened Friday night, and that there’s a package waiting for him at a specific bar and will be delivered when he orders a specific item. What’s inside of that box would tell him everything he needed to know about what Horace thought about what happened on Friday night.

      Here’s a link to his driving Periscope: https://www.pscp.tv/w/1vOGwOAeOBbGB

    • #23854
       Meghan Mayhem

      Last time someone got a box, it was headed Mason’s way. Uh oh.

      Maybe your box will have fun extra goodies like the duct tape that came in mine.

      So what’s in the boooox?

      Maybe cctv images of Mason sans mask, colluding with someone we know?
      Burner phone with glitter sticker on the back that says **property of horace**?
      Joyce’s letter of resignation dated Thursday?

      Best of luck, @bruinbown!!

    • #23855
    • #23856

      So what we can take from this is that Horace is at least claiming that A. he doesn’t give a fuck what happened to Joyce, and B. He doesn’t give a fuck about Mason/Michelle and isn’t afraid of them?

    • #23857
       Hannah Schenck

      I would love to continue my conversation from the System Event with Horace, especially after today… As far as the box goes, I’d say the only way to really effect Horace would be to come in between him and his investments… is that Noah? The System? Money?

    • #23858

      @bruinbown just called me. He got another call from Horace while he’s on his way home, and asked me to throw it up so you all can have it while he sits in traffic.

      Horace: “Did you get the package? Do you know what it means?”
      Kyle: “That you give could give two fucks?”
      H: “Yea those were the last two fucks. I don’t care about Janet, Jane… Joyce – That’s it. They’re a dime-a-dozen.”

      Horace said that he did get a lot of great reading from this, “especially that Bishop (@bcbishop) fellow.” He then started talking about “that guy who did this, Mason, that’s the one.”

      H: “I’ve been told he used to be on board and used the helmet of his own volition. That was stupid. You can’t trust someone like that. He’s erratic and unstable. I hope he won’t crack too many more of my eggs before I’m ready to make my omelet.” *hangs up*

    • #23859

      We are Horace’s investments. And, Mason doesn’t seem to be very effective in convincing any of us to withdraw our assets.

    • #23860

      @wanda102 That’s my take as well and fits with what we know about Horace. He thinks that he’s in control and this won’t affect whatever he’s doing. Though fucked up that he doesn’t care that an employee of his was kidnapped and beaten, and that as far as we know Mason still has her. I assume, at the very least, she’s got some info Horace wouldn’t want out there.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Kevin.
    • #23862
       Andrew Kasch

      Biggest LUST twist yet: Horace has a sense of humor. I still find that hard to believe.

    • #23863

      Just clarifying: Horace saying “Janet, Jane… Joyce – That’s it” is to reiterate that he doesn’t really care to even remember her name and not references to other people involved right?

    • #23864
       Hannah Schenck

      Seems as though as @superstar said, WE are the investments he is most concerned about losing… if he wasn’t slightly threatened by Mason, he wouldn’t have mentioned him and he wouldn’t have told @bruinbown to NOT trust him, discrediting him with the helmet and all… What does Mason know or have that Horace thinks will turn us away from The System, Noah, or OSDM? Why is Horace threatened by Mason?

    • #23865

      Horace seems really interested in poking that erratic and unstable bear. This should be entertaining.

    • #23866
       Lauren Bello

      Horace said that he did get a lot of great reading from this, “especially that Bishop (@bcbishop) fellow.”

      Is this the first time the OSDM has openly acknowledged their quest for emotional readings, as opposed to Stacey figuring it out or employees mentioning it in leaked emails?

      Does he just figure it doesn’t matter what we know…we’ll still keep coming back and giving him the emotions he wants?

    • #23867

      I agree with Horace. Mason is garbage.

    • #23868

      @thebuz I agree.. though Noah is not on good terms with his father right now I’d love to see a Noah vs Mason title match.

    • #23869

      Wonder what Mason thinks of his ex-boss’ “joke”…

    • #23870
       Kyle Bown

      Hey everyone, I’m back.

      Thanks @chelsea, you’re my new favorite.

      Still processing a couple of things. Some strangeness on that particular trip.

    • #23871
       Kyle Bown

      @shaun Yes, he was misstating her name as an indication that he didn’t care. At least that was his tone.

    • #23872
       Andrew Kasch

      “I agree with Horace.”

      Why am I not surprised?

    • #23873

      *goes to catch up on the forum blah blah blah let me guess buz says mason is garbage and that he agrees with Horace blah blah more scrolling HA* FUCKING CALLED IT.

    • #23874
       Bryan Bishop

      Nice to hear Horace is a fan, but can’t say I’m surprised to learn he’s not big on emotional attachment when it comes to his employees.

      Basic situation remains unchanged. Mason is a rabid dog, and there’s only one way to deal with an animal like that.

    • #23875

      H: “Yea those were the last two fucks. I don’t care about Janet, Jane… Joyce – That’s it. They’re a dime-a-dozen.”

      What a monster. No wonder he doesn’t care about Joyce, Mason, Noah, puppies, anyone, because he thinks he’s the most Apex of the Apex predators. And what did Noah say at the system event? “(paraphrasing)…Eventually we’re nothing but monsters, who only take comfort with other monsters.” What, Joyce was not monstrous enough, so the punishment for her weakness is callousness? For getting clubbed in the face? Mason isn’t rabid enough to worry about? No one is?

      Horace is a beast above. I’d spit on his fucking shoes.

    • #23876
       Kyle Bown

      So there’s one more piece to this that I haven’t mentioned here but have talked about in the Slack. Wanted to be sure, or as sure as I can, before bringing it here.

      When I walked into Black Market the hostess turned out to be someone I know. A friend of a friend. An actress named Molly. I was very surprised and unnerved to see her, but she didn’t seem surprised, maybe she just didn’t think anything of it.

      So as she seats me I’m weirded out and ask her “So, you work here?” She explains that she used to but hasn’t for two years. But she just started back.

      What I assume is the manager comes and takes my order and then they go talk in the corner. After that she doesn’t look at me until she brings out my order and the package. She leans in and whispers: “Get out what you can.”

      My head explodes. As I leave she’s at the front and says “Thank you!”

      Now I couldn’t decide if she was in or if someone decided it would be fun to have her say that to me because I know her.

      So I text her:

      Looks like she’s in. What the actual fuck? I don’t know how to process this right now. Anyone? Help!

    • #23877

      @chelsea Yeah and? I don’t like Horace either but happen to agree with exactly what he’s saying.

      Not exactly a bold stand to be against a psycho with a bath.

      Nor is it at all new or bold for you, specifically, to root for a pyscho with a bat.

    • #23878

      So we have had a couple of actors tell us to get out while we can.

      My question is why would Horace go to this trouble to make @bruinbown go to pick up a box with fucks? That seems so grandiose for him…

    • #23879

      Wow, @bruinbown, that is crazy! My mind would be spinning, too!

      Immediate thoughts: Is OSDM slowly but surely pulling in our friends and family, anyone they can to serve as “insurance” on their investment (ie: US)? If so, how many people we care about are involved already? How long has this been going on? And, what will happen to these people once OSDM has collected on their “investment”?

    • #23880

      Horace is a jackass that cares for nothing but himself and what he wants, nothing new here. It’s interesting though that he mentioned the readings, I’m curious if he’s going to try to eventually use Mason to “make his omelet”. If he could manipulate him the right way, he could use him on others to get whatever readings it is he wants from us.

    • #23881
       Lawrence Meyers

      From a PR standpoint, and so far Sinclair Industries has been so clumsy with PR it’s been like watching a clown run through a minefield, when you call that much attention to something you allegedly don’t care about….

      You care a lot.

    • #23882

      My question is why would Horace go to this trouble to make @bruinbown go to pick up a box with fucks? That seems so grandiose for him…

      @mamatato A while back, didn’t @bruinbown get a call from Noah, who told him something to the effect of “I can’t figure you out, Kyle”, implying that Kyle’s a well-adjusted, non-reactionary kind of guy? Maybe Horace wasn’t getting sufficient emotional reading from Kyle and wanted to see how he’d react in a more extreme scenario?

    • #23884
       Meghan Mayhem

      @thebuz While I understand what you’re saying, that you’re not saying you like Horace, just that you agree with what he’s saying about Mason…I do have to point out that Horace is also a psychopath, just with a fireplace for puppies instead of a wooden bat.

      They’re all psychopaths. A lot of the community seems to have the memory of a goldfish about the personality traits of some of the people we’ve met thus far. Lots and lots of verbal threats of violence to go around. And some melted cheese. Goddammit, the cheese.

    • #23887
       Kyle Bown

      Yeah. That was the gist of my phone call with Noah. If that was your goal, Horace. Mission fucking accomplished. I’m still not able to process this.

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