This topic has 46 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by EmilyJ.
August 31, 2017 at 10:56 pm #23563
ParticipantMy phone rang at 12:25am. It was Mason. I have probably forgotten the beginning of this call. I’m not sure it really matters in terms of important content.
I think he asked me what I was doing, commenting that it was late, and I said I was prepping for class tomorrow.
He said he had a request.He wanted to listen to me sleep.
I told him that I didn’t think I was going to bed anytime soon, and he said he was very patient and would hold on. He then told me I had a beautiful voice (which I do not) and told me to keep talking. So, I tried. And…he just made sounds. Like heavy breathing sounds. For…awhile. Sometimes there were other sounds. I asked what he was doing. He didn’t answer. He laughed a little. Sometimes he would tell me to keep talking. I told him that I was trying to prep for classes but hadn’t really gotten far because of him, because he was calling people and causing a stir. He just kept up the breathing.
I asked if I could ask him questions, and he said “you can ask,” with that tone that said “…but I’m not gonna answer.” And he didn’t answer just, you know. At some point he made more sounds. Louder sounds. And I said “why do I get these calls?” and he said “why do you think you get these calls?”
He then went and heated something up in a microwave???
But still wouldn’t talk, other than to say he was going to listen to me sleep.The second I said on slack that I was on the phone with Mason, he hung up. So, someone is watching.
Interpret the above however you want.
August 31, 2017 at 10:58 pm #23564
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantGod damn Mason is a creeper lol.
August 31, 2017 at 10:59 pm #23565
August 31, 2017 at 11:00 pm #23566
Robert Fuller
ParticipantDid you just have phone sex with Mason?
August 31, 2017 at 11:01 pm #23567
ParticipantThe Mason you talked to sounds very different from the Mason @kevin talked to. Either he’s the same person and is a massive creeper towards the girls, or we really are dealing with an imposter. With this call to @coryphella my bet is on the latter.
August 31, 2017 at 11:04 pm #23568
ParticipantWell if @kevin’s Mason is wondering why people don’t believe him, perhaps he’d care to explain @coryphella’s Mason call to us?
August 31, 2017 at 11:04 pm #23569
ParticipantThat sounds like a much different person than I talked to earlier today. Not only was he not creepy, he was pretty talkative. Very, very bizarre.
August 31, 2017 at 11:07 pm #23570
ParticipantI dunno about the latter.. MEGHAN has a history of characters getting all kinds of feelings for her. Haha. It’s the kind of shit that pissed her off last year. Doesn’t seem so bothered this go around though. ?
August 31, 2017 at 11:10 pm #23571
ParticipantThank you, Cody, for bringing up such swell memories. Also no ‘H’ in my name. 😛
I learned my lesson. Don’t fuck up my _path.
I don’t know if I had phone sex…maybe???? One sided??? Or he just sighs a lot? I mean. It’s been…16 years since I had phone sex.
August 31, 2017 at 11:14 pm #23573
Lawrence Meyers
ParticipantOr perhaps whomever is concerned about Mason has decided to create….HIS SHADOW…and make him so damn creepy that we run away from him.
August 31, 2017 at 11:23 pm #23574
ParticipantThe other thing he said that I forgot – at one point he very clearly said “you will wait.” When I asked “for what?” there was no answer.
That was before the part where there was louder breathing and stuff. So…
August 31, 2017 at 11:25 pm #23575
ParticipantOn Slack @coryphella compared his voice to Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen and I can see that comparison fitting. So best guess based on that is that we talked to the same guy. Which just makes it all weirder.
August 31, 2017 at 11:26 pm #23576
August 31, 2017 at 11:32 pm #23578
ParticipantGiven all of our chatter today, it would be careless of Mason to try to pull a 180 between one call and another. It’s sounding more and more like there could be two people making calls as Mason Silver, so let’s assume for a moment that there are.
If you were the OSDM, and you were creating a fictionalized character for US to latch onto, would you create a pop-culture-obsessed chatterbox, or an over-the-top creep machine that makes our skin crawl?
I know who I’d want to call me. We’re so dumb. We always want the bad stuff.
So, then what aren’t we seeing from the friendly Mason that called @kevin tonight?
August 31, 2017 at 11:39 pm #23579
ParticipantI still think it’s weird that I got some sort of combo of the two…part chatty & informative, part creepo.
August 31, 2017 at 11:40 pm #23580
August 31, 2017 at 11:47 pm #23581
ParticipantThat’s not the way I spelled it @coryphella. My phone is wack and did the spelling of MEGHAN from caps that I posted earlier. At least I think that’s where it came from. How does one fuck up another’s path? Well besides offering false information of course.. @lilmsfancpants, is that not the way though. It’s like chicks liking Assholes and guys liking the bitch that wants to play them.
August 31, 2017 at 11:48 pm #23582
Participant@lilmsfancpants I’m not totally convinced we’re dealing with two different people yet, but I think I might actually go the other way with that.
When I talked to Mason, he was incredibly frustrated that people weren’t believing him and kept going back to the idea that it was just a game. Someone on Slack, @izryn I think, made the comparison to The Boy Who Cried Wolf and that feels apt. So if no one is taking him seriously, someone making creepy phone calls in his name would erode that trust in him even further.
August 31, 2017 at 11:49 pm #23583
ParticipantOh no – I’m saying I fucked up my own path. I learned my lesson, don’t fuck up my OWN path.
August 31, 2017 at 11:50 pm #23584
Participant@kevin Here’s my slack post, for the record:
Bringing reality into the game is so like the OSDM. We’ve talked about it before, and we’ve encountered situations like it before, like with Tanya’s sister and The System. If they do it enough, it’ll essentially be a Boy Who Cried Wolf situation, and we’ll never know when reality is reality, or if it’s a construct. So I’m going to take Mason at his word for now.
September 1, 2017 at 12:15 am #23585
Lawrence Meyers
ParticipantFrom a crisis communications standpoint, were I the OSDM, I’d definitely create a Sock Puppet to impersonate an opponent.
September 1, 2017 at 12:41 am #23586
ParticipantOK, maybe I’ve been playing too much Ace Attorney but here’s a thought about the two Masons theory. Presumably real!Mason follows our conversations here and on the forum and should know if he’s being impersonated. If he does know, why hasn’t he said anything about fake!Mason? If he doesn’t doesn’t follow our conversations, how can he be saying we aren’t listening to him? It’s a huge contradiction! (OBJECTION!)
September 1, 2017 at 12:54 am #23587
ParticipantJust spitballing here, but say all this is ONE person. Why would he be doing this?? How would this succession of increasingly weird/creepy behaviour serve his cause?? Could there be a point to all of it??
September 1, 2017 at 2:39 am #23588
InactiveEveryone here is acting like you don’t know people that act different around other “groups” of people.
There are plenty of instances I know of where I’ve had female friends tell me that a male celebrity I’m working with is disgusting and a total creeper when all my own interactions have been perfectly fine (and even enjoyable).
Is it really so hard to accept that Mason has a really bad dark side?
I mean what’s more reasonable here… The OSDM created a sock version of Mason only to be creepy to the women in the community (and his real version never says THERE IS AN IMPOSTER!) or a guy looking into the experience realizes there are a lot of fine looking and lovely ladies and can’t help his creepy perversions shining through?
Maybe it’s even darker. Maybe the only reason he is looking into all of this is just to get close to the women he has been obsessing over.
Mason is by far the most unsettling person we’ve come across yet. And he might be the most dangerous.
September 1, 2017 at 3:54 am #23589
ParticipantI’m pretty dang sure it’s all one guy and Mason is just creepy and highly unstable. I mean, it’s like @thebuz said, the supposed “real” Mason is watching these forums and yet doesn’t say that this “fake” Mason isn’t him? Wouldn’t he want more people on his side and not want to scare them off by being disgusting?
But who knows though, I’ve been wrong before, but if it does turn out that Mason is all in one nasty creeper package, then screw him. He doesn’t deserve us or the time we’re wasting on him if he’s willing to treat women this way. I really don’t take kindly to guys like this, and I want proof before I start really trusting Mason.
September 1, 2017 at 5:27 am #23590
ParticipantThank you @thebuz. What’s funny is as I went to type this, someone who has been creeping on me for a number of years (decades at this point actually, gross) popped up, commenting on a photo album that I didn’t really post for the general public, just for the people I went to Edinburgh with. That’s honestly a bit more unsettling, that after all this time, this dude is still doing this.
Anyway, Buz is dead on. The world is full of narratives of nice guys who had a lapse in judgement or became someone else momentarily and did something wrong and otherwise screwed up a good life. Note that the two women he has called are out of town. That makes me ask two questions:
1. @izryn and @blondie, are you next on his call list?
2. Since he stepped up his creep factor between the call from @erisbonn to myself last night, what is he going to do when he turns his attention to someone local? -
September 1, 2017 at 6:45 am #23591
ParticipantThat’s some creepy shit. A 10 year stalker hey. I had a 4 year stalker who seemed to know things they shouldn’t have, including stops I made on family holidays on the other side of Canada that was never shared with anyone except those present.
You have to wonder where some folks get such informations.
As much as it was disliked at the time, I now look back on it with a light heart and a genuine smile.
After I got back from tgat holiday and the chick was telling me where I had been and what I had done while gone I told her to get away from me. She would not leave willingly so I chased her away from my house swinging a rake. Lol. Ahh good times. -
September 1, 2017 at 8:37 am #23593
Participant@coryphella I wonder. He’ll need my Japanese phone number, and I’ve only given that to one person in Lust. In any case I refuse to speak with him unless he conducts himself professionally and appropriately.
September 1, 2017 at 9:26 am #23594
ParticipantYes, one Mason… This seems right on par with the Mason Stephanie first described. She was way creeped out. He’s a weird guy with a dark personality, but could still be who he says? Or maybe not? But one guy, for sure…
September 1, 2017 at 10:14 am #23596
Participant@thebuz is 100% on this. Many men will act totally cool and be a generally “nice guy” around other men, and be a complete skeeze towards women, and I’m convinced that’s what’s happening here. We’re dealing with one person who is at minimum a weird creepo (remember him asking @kasch to “describe [his] girlfriend’s tits”??) and at worst, possibly unhinged.
I think we should be careful how we proceed with him. So far it’s been phone calls only, but like @coryphella pointed out, what happens if he gets around someone local (assuming he IS local to y’all, of course…we still don’t know that for sure). Stephanie was weirded out enough to refuse to meet with or even speak to him. There’s a lot of unknowns with this guy. Just because he may be “on our side” doesn’t make him a good person. We need to make sure we’re not trading one Big Bad for another.
September 1, 2017 at 10:16 am #23597
ParticipantMy first reaction was that this doesn’t sound like the same Mason and that we needed to seriously consider the possibility of at least two different people making calls as Mason, but Buz has a point. ALTHOUGH. @coryphella, did he ask if you were recording? Is there a connection between the conversations with Mason that are not creepy and that person making sure the call isn’t recorded, and the creepy calls with no concern of them being documented? If there’s one Mason who is concerned with being recorded, it could be that he has a different voice and is worried about it being able to be distinguished from the other Mason.
September 1, 2017 at 10:20 am #23598
Participant@chelsea – he did not ask me about being recorded. However, he didn’t talk much at all, he went right into “I have a request” and most of the 15 minutes was just heavy breathing.
I have spoken with @erisbonn and @kevin, and personally, I’m convinced we are talking to the same person. I don’t think there are two Masons.
September 1, 2017 at 10:22 am #23599
ParticipantHoly shit, what if there’s a Lust version of the helmet? Where it still makes you someone else, but it makes you the creepy/perverted version of yourself.
That would explain so much in my life.
September 1, 2017 at 10:26 am #23600
Mustafa Said
ParticipantWell, that’s some weird shit. I guess Mason’s just really into phone sex.
September 1, 2017 at 11:03 am #23601
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantMason just oozes creepy and antisocial…but I’m not convinced he’s “dangerous.”
I wouldn’t want to be a woman stuck in an elevator with him, but I genuinely believe he’s trying to help us. It feels like this firm hired the most OCD/ADHD genius-weirdo possible to dig deep enough into our rabbit hole (or maybe they considered Mason such an annoying employee that they threw him to the wolves).I’m going to reluctantly consider him an ally until I see more red flags.
September 1, 2017 at 11:17 am #23602
ParticipantIt really feels like he’s got two disparate personalities, both dovetailing into a similar goal, however. @mike you may actually be onto something there, ha. Maybe when OSDM tries to shoehorn him back into the narrative to put us back in out happy “fiction,” he gets a little…unstable.
September 1, 2017 at 11:25 am #23605
September 1, 2017 at 11:58 am #23608
Lawrence Meyers
Participant -
September 1, 2017 at 12:29 pm #23610
ParticipantWow. Just wow.
Yeah I’m gonna come out and call bullshit on a couple of things here guys.You want to wait for more red flags. Like what? What kind of red flags do you need? Do you need us to periscope a rape? I mean I am not trying to blow something out of proportion here but jesus christ listen to the women around you, four of whom have been creeped the fuck out by this guy and you’re all “I don’t know…her emails.”
You look back on having someone creep on you with fondness and smile? I had a real stalker in college and I don’t. That fucker, who know has a respectable job, and a wife and kids, also has a police record. Because I might have died. I don’t look back on that fondly and smile.
And I am DAMN LUCKY. I am not a victim of actual assault.
Y’all are privileged as fuck.
September 1, 2017 at 1:09 pm #23615
Participant**applauds @coryphella**
September 1, 2017 at 2:06 pm #23617
ParticipantUnconsenting phone sex is unsettling! Pre cell phone days it was a thing to get a “breather” prank call. Guess it’s called telephone scatologia.
September 1, 2017 at 2:21 pm #23618
ParticipantI’m going to reluctantly consider him an ally until I see more red flags.
Andrew, this seems odd to me. You have been toyed with in numerous ways, correct?
If I were you… I’d be super suspicious from what we have seen so far from this guy.
You need more red flags? He’s practically constructing red neon warning signs. Please be cautious.Unless, of course, YOU are creepy Mason.
Hugz. Luv you. -
September 1, 2017 at 2:39 pm #23620
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantYes, I’ve been toyed with and lied to since the beginning. But here’s the thing: If Mason had some sinister ulterior motive, don’t you think he’d be, I dunno, a little less conspicuous? If this is all more smoke and mirrors from the OSDM, wouldn’t they send a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Someone like @joycecarlberg who has a lovable personality and (I assume) a friendly smile instead of someone whose presence makes us immediately distrustful?
His inherent social awkwardness and creepiness is the REASON I think he might be the real mccoy. And if he’s an important piece to help us navigate this two-year labyrinth we’ve been trapped in, then sorry, I’m partnering with the weirdo.
September 1, 2017 at 3:08 pm #23621
September 1, 2017 at 3:19 pm #23624
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantWhile the OSDM’s members are about as subtle as dynamite-strapped chainsaws, there’s a DIFFERENT kind of weirdness I’m getting from Mason. If the man is really OSDM, then he’s the worst person they could’ve ever picked to try and fool us.
I don’t like him anymore than the rest of you, but this could truly be the case of the enemy of my enemy. And since Jenna disappeared, he could very well be our best shot.
September 1, 2017 at 4:09 pm #23626
ParticipantAlright, it still seems like we’re taking shots in the dark about absolutely everything (other than he is creepy), but I’ll put my thoughts down for the record.
A) I absolutely think Mason is one person.
B) I feel that he is sinister. Do not feel that he is trying to help us.
C) I think he is intelligent and thoughtful—not behaving recklessly, even when his apparent creepiness seems reckless.
D) that being said, I think that if being a creep didn’t serve his master plan, he would still be a creep, just because it’s his personality. I think he’s a creepy two times over, for strategic reasons, and just because he’s an ass.
E) I get the feeling Mason is something outside the OSDM, not necessarily a tier or several tiers above them. Something entirely different. I’m sure we will find out soon.
F) seems sociopathic.
G) he really, really unnerves me.But then again, it’s super hard to get a read on someone without hearing their voice. I could hear his voice and completely change my whole read. This is just going over what my best guesses are from the recollections of interactions with him.
I don’t necessarily think I’m providing any new info here, I just wanted to share my vote 😉
September 1, 2017 at 4:17 pm #23627
ParticipantDamn @coryphella you brave woman!
I like this theory about one Mason who becomes unhinged as needed, except is a creepy phone call really outside the realm of dude behavior? No, it is not.
Glad for once to be a newbie, and be escaping attention!
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