7/9 – Mysterious Call

This topic has 32 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.

  • Author
    • #19249

      Just got a call on the burner phone from a suspicious party that wanted to relay an important message.

      Watch this Periscope, currently live.

      Account name @1HourUntilZero

    • #19250


    • #19251
       Mustafa Said

      So…..what just happened? Couldn’t hear a thing(no earbuds or headphones available.)

    • #19252

      Well @111error – That was cute.

    • #19253

      https://www.instagram.com/p/BWVP_Nnlrh8/ so those listed here are part of the new BOS?

    • #19254
       Winston Smith

      @111error You say the sweetest things. Let’s be friends.

    • #19255
       Lukas L

      That was pretty bad ass not going to lie!!!

    • #19256

      @111error Burn it DOWN!!!

    • #19257

      @joycecarlberg here are some Resistance members to start monitoring!!

      midnight society 1
      midnight society 2
      midnight society 3

    • #19258

      Lol, Much like last year the resistance/BOS does literally everything it can to turn as many people away as possible.

      When will you people learn that the holier than thou grandious acts only work to turn you into the antagonist?

    • #19259

      I have never felt so betrayed.

    • #19260

      Sigh. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

    • #19261

      @bcbishop just did a response periscope

    • #19262
       Lukas L

      I don’t flip flop. Even though i thought that was well played, I pledged to @joycecarlberg and I stand by my word.

    • #19263

      I know which side I’m on… https://www.pscp.tv/bcbishop/1yNGaqLbNgnGj

    • #19264

      I dunno about that, @thebuz. From where I’m standing, the ranks are swelling.

      Even @julierei flipped! (PSA: Do not trust this woman. Especially when she’s smiling.)

    • #19265

      I think @julierei is always on the side of Anoch. Glory be.

    • #19266
       Hannah Schenck

      I am at a loss of words, I must be honest. I’m pretty turned off by how this went down, as it wasn’t very welcoming, in fact it was more seclusive. Just don’t really know what to think at this point

    • #19267

      Frankly, I have never been more exhilarated.

      The Midnight Commission, The Resistance, wanted to find the people with the best minds, the people who could figure out a problem. They wanted the best to take down OSDM, and I think they got it.

      I’ll happily side with the Resistance now, I already have been for weeks.

      you might as well add me on that list from their previous posts for @joycecarlberg. I’m not afraid.

      The Midnight Commission / The Resistance

    • #19270

      @chloe how come you didn’t end up on their final list if I may ask?

    • #19271

      @shaun Most likely because I’m out of state and wasn’t able to be there physically.

    • #19275

      Well, well, well, it now seems that our data was off for a reason wasn’t it?

      Congratulations to the “resistance”! You all seem to be able to be able to MATH very well! How exciting! Burn us to the ground or surprise us with daily word scrambles? Your secrets will not keep us from any of your hidden corners.

      As previously stated, you are ALL noted and accounted for. ALL.

      Yet, I will state implicitly that it is not too late for anyone to un-make their unwitting mistake.

      I do hope that this new B.O.S. and their techniques to acquire these skeptics and little nerds has kept some of you entertained! Listen carefully once more, I promise you this little club of theirs will offer no shelter if in the future things become, unstable.

      I now see one path open up to people if they wish but for your own sake, please think twice before taking any such actions.

      Finally, a parting message to my friends and my enemies. The only mistake that you can make in this world is believing that you understand what it is going to happen next.

    • #19277

      The only mistake that you can make in this world is believing that you understand what it is going to happen next.

      I couldn’t agree more, @joycecarlberg. 🙂

    • #19278
       Winston Smith

      The only mistake that you can make in this world is believing that you understand what it is going to happen next.

      That’s pretty prescient, @joycecarlberg. Do you think it might apply to you as well?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Winston Smith.
    • #19283
       Andrew Kasch

      I don’t even know what to believe or who to trust anymore.

      For the very first time, I am at a total loss on how to react.

    • #19284
       Hannah Schenck

      I second @kortneydarling where’s Noah? Still #teamnoah

      Back to feeling uncertain and unsure about so many things ??‍♀️??‍♀️

      • #19294

        I second @kortneydarling where’s Noah? Still #teamnoah

        Where the nuts is our crowned prince?! #teamnoah

    • #19295

      If the leak from The Resistance is any indication (found here) The System is “back on and to be firing at full cylinders” with “an audio video rebrand”

    • #19296
       Lawrence Meyers

      “The truth is [still] a lie agreed upon…”

    • #19298

      Late to the party, but Jesus Christ, talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. Bravo for the twist, truly, this has been a fascinating chapter. I’m probably not the only person to feel as such: I don’t know how to play anymore! Not suave enough for puzzles, not useful enough, not close enough, just… a not. Is that a position?

      Yay for making good on the promise to break hearts and betrayal. How can anyone be mad at being bitten by a snake, when it promised to bite? The @thecontroller words “You have no idea what you are celebrating and you will soon need each other more than you could ever realize.” feels so far away currently.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Jackie.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Jackie.
    • #19307
       Taylor Winters

      @kipsie, that was me on the phone! First time I have ever been a “mysterious caller”. I tried to ask you what forum you were posting on, but they grabbed the phone before I could hear the answer.

      Also, @joycecarlberg. I have to say, I’ve been loyal to the OSDM since the beginning, but not a word from you. I’m surprised. I can make myself useful to you, like I did The Midnight Commission. Use what cards you have in front of you.

    • #19308
       Lawrence Meyers

      Feewings hurt?

    • #19310
       Meghan Mayhem

      @larry Fuck. Yes.

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