7/5 – Call/Gift from Joyce

This topic has 27 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.

  • Author
    • #18996
       Andrew Kasch

      A few hours after the Jenna call, I received the No Caller ID while browsing a comic book shop…

      “Hello Andrew, its Joyce!”

      Me: “Joyce? How are you!”

      Joyce (incredibly chipper): I’m very well, dear. How is Portland?”

      Me: “I’m having a blast!”

      Joyce: “That’s terrific! Well let’s dispense with the pleasantries. When are you back in town?”

      Me: “Not till Saturday.”

      Joyce: “Oh fiddlesticks! I have something for you that I was hoping to give you in person. I suppose I will have to do this over the interwebs. Give me a few hours….

      Have fun, Andrew. And I highly recommend the Portland Brew and Bites Tour!”

      And that is where we left things… I should be receiving something later today. Will keep you all updated as bugs develop.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #18998
       Meghan Mayhem

      Sounds to me like Joyce heard you got a call from Jenna and she’s doing her PR job of distraction and diversion

    • #19001
       Hannah Schenck

      Hopefully Jenna is still fully intact and your surprise isn’t one of her appendages 😉 Always living in a horror movie world, but in all seriousness I am anxious to see what the surprise is. I wouldn’t be shocked if it was something to entice you towards @joycecarlberg and away from Jenna.

    • #19002
       Andrew Kasch

      Yeah, the timing is too much of a coincidence. I have a feeling like she’s going to lay down an ultimatum or at least sling some mud.

    • #19004
       Kyle Bown

      Whew… finally caught up. I was starting to wonder where @joycecarlberg went. She hasn’t posted on the forums in almost 3 days, and those two posts were links to @meghanmayhem’s Periscope.

      Was starting to worry about her. Can’t wait to see what she sends you!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Kyle Bown.
    • #19006

      @bruinbown FYI Joyce’s posts were edited during a Resistance hack… She didn’t actually post links to Meghan’s periscope. “Tea and crumpets” – this still makes me giggle…

    • #19007
       Kyle Bown

      Thanks @blondie. So she’s been MIA here for five days or so now?

    • #19008

      @kasch What could Joyce possible do in a few hours wrt your present? Is she going to mail it to you?

      After all the stuff the Resistance pulled, I wouldn’t be surprised if they found a way to lockeJoyce out of her account, hence her silence.

    • #19009
       Andrew Kasch

      Joyce said she would send it online. Still no word.

      I have a bad feeling about this…

    • #19010
       Hannah Schenck

      Always trust your gut instinct @kasch. As Fluff once said:

      He said don’t be fooled by how sweet something like this dessert is. He spoke about toxins and poisons and how while both dishes in front of us were “food,” some things will give you nutrients while some things that may appear to be better because they’re sweeter are actually killing you. He said not to be fooled by the bells and whistles of the sweet treat, it’s poison.

      referred to us as “food” and I wonder if she included herself in that analogy. Don’t be fooled by things that are sweet, especially if they seem too good to be true 😉

    • #19011

      Patience, @kasch. Rendering JibJab videos takes time. Can’t wait to see you as a dancing elf, though…

    • #19017

      Well, I’m sure it does take a while to get the programming going for the whole real-time face capture thing. They need to blackmail you somehow.

    • #19018

      Poison sometimes tastes like sugar. Be careful!

    • #19028
       Brad Ruwe

      Man, @joycecarlberg needs a new computer if this video facial reconstruction render is taking this long.

    • #19030
       Meghan Mayhem

      Seriously @joycecarlberg? You entice @kasch with something and say “Give me a few hours” and now 9 hours later you’re still MIA? Talk about lack of follow through.

      I respect your bluntness, so why are you stringing our buddy along?

    • #19031

      Worry not @meghanmayhem, I assure you that you and your associates shall enjoy my gift as well!

      In fact, I believe you will soon understand that finding just the right thing can take a little time.

    • #19032

      Worry not @meghanmayhem, I assure you that you and your associates shall enjoy my gift as well!

      In fact, I believe you will soon understand that finding just the right thing can take a little time.

      That…sounds like some dark, head in a box, kinda thing. Eeee.

    • #19033
       Andrew Kasch

      Did you just try to call me, @joycecarlberg?

    • #19034

      Indeed I did, please check your messages @kasch both voice and, in the near future, email.

    • #19035
       Hannah Schenck

      @joycecarlberg is most likely into some dark stuff so @kasch what’s in the digital box!?

    • #19036
       Bryan Bishop

      In fact, I believe you will soon understand that finding just the right thing can take a little time.

      Nothing like a sinister @joycecarlberg-ism to spice up a night!

    • #19037
       Andrew Kasch

      I received Joyce’s lovely voicemail. Nothing yet in email.

    • #19038

      @kasch what did the voicemail say? anything interesting?

    • #19039
       Julie R Goldstein

      Where’s your present @joycecarlberg?

      I’m very disappointed…

      And it doesn’t take much to please me… maybe a shot or two of your penis? I’d be good for a while.

    • #19040
       Brad Ruwe


      Better hurry before we get more dick pic requests.

    • #19051
       Lawrence Meyers

      I am starting to dig @joycecarlberg

    • #19052

      (mistake, moved to correct thread)

    • #19053
       Meghan Mayhem

      @macbethinabathtub I’d say it’s kinda like watching a mob boss shoot the delivery guy standing next to you, in order for you to understand what he has no problem doing. To send an aggressive message.

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