This topic has 51 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Chris.
July 3, 2017 at 6:53 pm #18881
Lauren Bello
ModeratorMeghan dropped off some emails, which were retrieved by Brad.
July 3, 2017 at 6:54 pm #18882
ParticipantOur girl is back! And holy shit, she’s bringing her A game in confidence and swagger..
Link to her Periscope:
July 3, 2017 at 6:54 pm #18883
ParticipantBrad retrieving the package:
July 3, 2017 at 6:56 pm #18884
Lauren Bello
ModeratorTranscript of Meghan’s Periscope:
“Hmm. Hmmm. Hello everyone. You know, there’s been a lot of talk lately. A lot of chatter, coming from different sources, and you know what that chatter is? Blah blah blah blah blah. It’s lies. It’s blatant lies that are just to trick you into doing what THEY want you to do. And I am done. I am sick of it. They’re frauds. Secrets are gonna come out, because we’re everywhere. The only currency I now deal in? Is truth.”
At which point she hid the envelope of emails.
July 3, 2017 at 6:59 pm #18885
Hannah Schenck
Participant@meghanmayhem I missed your face! Excited to see what these emails are all about
July 3, 2017 at 7:00 pm #18886
Lauren Bello
ModeratorIt seems to me that Meghan is affirming that The Resistance is all about sharing information, about transparency. “Secrets are gonna come out, because we’re everywhere. The only currency I now deal in? Is truth.” Just because they aren’t revealing the name of their leader/plant (which honestly makes total strategic sense…why give the OSDM that info?) doesn’t mean they’re going to compromise their mission of bringing information to light.
July 3, 2017 at 7:01 pm #18887
Participant@meghanmayhem clothes are changed, hair done, looks unharmed from last night and ready to wage a war.
July 3, 2017 at 7:02 pm #18888
ParticipantSeems like Meghan isn’t going to be able to act the same after her encounter, which is really sad.
She’s “doing the lord’s work” but at what cost?
July 3, 2017 at 7:06 pm #18889
Brad Ruwe
Participant -
July 3, 2017 at 7:11 pm #18890
Lauren Bello
Moderator“The New Moon rises on the 23rd.” ?
“Find us the sacrifice.” !
July 3, 2017 at 7:12 pm #18891
ParticipantOMG Meghan cracks me up in that periscope!! ???
July 3, 2017 at 7:14 pm #18892
ParticipantThe sacrifice needs to be fully willing, which if we’re all as thirsty as it seems they’re making us – they’ll have options.
July 3, 2017 at 7:15 pm #18893
ParticipantOath of Equinox? New Moon Phase promises? Losing money?! Art vs product!? Yessssssss. Who’s kern? WHAT MUSIC VIDEO! (Staring Nicole?)
thoughts? @joycecarlberg
July 3, 2017 at 7:18 pm #18894
Lauren Bello
ModeratorIt’s interesting to me that the word “Bait” is crossed out. Who censored the emails before they were leaked?
@theladyj – “Kern” would be a reference to Sabrina Kern and the music video she filmed, which DLB directed. -
July 3, 2017 at 7:20 pm #18895
ParticipantI just wanted to put it out there that I find it interesting that money plays a factor into this.
Yes, money is material that we as a society deemed as necessary for survival in our time. But if they were true believers, followers, of Anoch… I feel like they should be focusing on that and nothing else.
AKA fuck money, get the sacrifice. And any other horse shit they need to bring him down to party.
Looks like someone is lower card than they appear to be. -
July 3, 2017 at 7:20 pm #18896
Participant@lilmsfancpants, @111error, @meghanmayhem, @daela, @wanda102, @chelsea and I all saw The Second Coming of Klaus Kinski the same day Andrew Perez filmed the music video the emails are talking about. He was talking openly to us about the experience, how surreal it was to be filming with all the Tensioners in his blond hair.
July 3, 2017 at 7:22 pm #18897
InactiveHence the laughable $10,000 tier.
July 3, 2017 at 7:23 pm #18898
July 3, 2017 at 7:34 pm #18899
ParticipantSo they need a place by the new moon phase on the 23rd in order to make their sacrifice. Now the worrisome thing is, who or what will that sacrifice be?
July 3, 2017 at 7:36 pm #18900
ParticipantSome new moon stuff for July:
“The Full Moon for July’s 2017 will be on the morning on July 9th in the United States and Europe later in the afternoon. The New Moon falls on July 23th.For many American Indian tribes July’s Full Moon is commonly known as the Full Buck Moon because it’s the time of year the Buck Deer start to grow there new antlers. This months moon is also known as the Thunder Moon because of the large thunder head clouds that form on the American plains in this summer month. ”
July 3, 2017 at 7:37 pm #18901
Lauren Bello
ModeratorSo, yeah, the next New Moon will be on July 23. I will be at Comic Con. Not clear what exactly happens when the New Moon rises, but perhaps I’ll miss out on some human sacrifice?
(The reference to the new moon could also simply mean that the clock is ticking, the way someone might say “The plane leaves at 10pm and it’s already 8pm, hurry up!” An indication that they measure time by lunar cycles, not necessarily a clue that something is slated to happen during the new moon.)
EDIT: Annnnnd Jackie’s beat me to it! I wish I could delete this now!
July 3, 2017 at 7:41 pm #18902
ParticipantRemy Stone says the Investors’ original plan was an escape room, but Gordon talked them out of it and sold them on DLB+C’s vision. So this, plus more mentions of poor Tina showing them every listing in CA looking for some mysterious quality, tells us that their true intent can be completed within the confines of a single building/room. They just needed a way to trick people inside. The Investors wanted a mousetrap, but Darren and Clint have instead set up something that in their eyes is needlessly complicated, like the boardgame Mousetrap: whatever part of the Lust ARG is within their control. So we’re right back to the question from this spring: what does it mean that the Investors want us all to converge on some tingly, floaty property? What are they going to try to do to us? This has danger written all over it. Don’t go inside. If the Resistance’s currency is truth, @meghanmayhem just made it rain.
July 3, 2017 at 7:45 pm #18903
ParticipantOath of the Equinox! That has to be the ritual Andy found/was led to!
I knew it sounded familiar or felt recent. Andy found that ritual with the blow up doll and the candles on May 26th. I googled the spring Equinox this year: “Spring Equinox 2017 in Northern Hemisphere was at 3:28 AM on Monday, March 20. All times are in Pacific Time.”
The timing is too perfect to be anything else. The Autumn Equinox is September 22nd.
So there were three cloaked figures, Remy had to be one of them?
thoughts? @thebuz
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
July 3, 2017 at 7:53 pm #18905
Mustafa Said
Participant@macbethinabathtub Thing is, we’re all going inside regardless. I’m thinking the property they’re looking for is going to be the stage for the massive immersive event that’ll take place towards the end of all this, similar to how Ascension was the event that took place as the Tension Experience was winding down.
In that context, no one’s going to shy away from going. Anyone who can go is probably going to do it. And they probably know it too-it’s just a matter of making sure everything is set up for us once it’s time.
Big question is, why was this the leak the Resistance wanted to show us? Is is just more peeling back of the curtains, more breaking of the already shattered fourth wall? Arming us with knowledge is an admirable thing to do but if that knowledge can’t be acted on then what good can it be? Sure, we know that they’re looking for a place and that Remy is pissed at Gordon and that there’s a sacrifice involved in this sooner or later but if we’re not given an opportunity to turn this knowledge into action then all it is doing is showing us more of a world that we don’t have a lot of power to change.
July 3, 2017 at 7:58 pm #18906
ParticipantFurther elaboration, on the equinox.
So March 20th is Equinox, Solstice is June 20th that’s about 92 days. Abouts half of that is May 6th-26th area. Very equal feeling. I dunno. I like it.
July 3, 2017 at 8:04 pm #18907
Hannah Schenck
Participant@theladyj this is a really great find ????
July 3, 2017 at 8:42 pm #18908
Kevin Hsu
ParticipantI’m really impressed that they got the live face morphing technology working with Periscope. It looks incredibly realistic!
July 3, 2017 at 8:49 pm #18909
Participant“I was told they have some art and stuff that is going to bust open the FB, Twitter and Instagrams.” —- Noah’s Egyptian artifact collection?
“Don’t let my friendly tone in our correspondance cause you to forget the pledge you made to him.” — Did GB pledge his desire for their sacrifice and freedom?
July 3, 2017 at 9:00 pm #18910
Lawrence Meyers
ParticipantThe Oath is a song by death metal band Equinox.
Cuz y’all know how much I listen to death metal.
Now I do. It’s in honor of Dead-Now-Robot-Meghan.
*** sob! ***
July 3, 2017 at 9:35 pm #18911
InactiveI just spent a month getting screamed at by an executive producer so I feel for Gordon here.
Also interesting to note that The System seems to be operating independently from the Lust Experience and the Investors.
Also they are scared of Sabrina.
But what was the Resistance point of leaking this? To show they have access to emails? To send a message? How do we even know this is real email correspondence?
What exactly is the info they want to come across? That DLB and CS are pawns? Already knew that. That Remy is a dick? Yep already checked off that box.
Though this does prove one thing. The leakers are working with the resistance.
July 3, 2017 at 10:19 pm #18916
Participant“I am too busy hustling all these other players” (Gordon’s first reply) – Is he talking about getting the OG Tension group back in? If so then the odds that Sentinel is not part of The Resistance just shot way up.
July 3, 2017 at 11:33 pm #18917
Moderator“Your membership shows no growth, and the interaction on social media is in steep decline”
That’s the part that worries me. This Resistance needs fresh blood to fight its war and Remy and co need the same thing. All these data drops are allowing for a concrete entry point but is there a person among us that hasn’t already tapped all possible friendships and such for recruitment? What happens if it continues?
What happens when Remy and those that he reports to grow frustrated with the additional overhead compared to an escape room?
July 4, 2017 at 9:29 am #18920
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantMeghan is posting again on the Slack, picture of fireworks.
July 4, 2017 at 12:21 pm #18922
Bryan Bishop
ParticipantSo let me get this straight: A group that claims to be all about exposing “truth” leaks some emails that cover a conflict we already knew existed, offer no transparency as to who their leader is, spirits away community members, and actually seem to be stringing things along to get people more invested – rather than taking any “bad guys” down.
Meanwhile, @joycecarlberg offers actual information, openly says what she’s here for, and regularly communicates with the entire community. Seems pretty clear who’s playing theater games, and who is being a straight shooter.
And even more interesting is the one tidbit of new information that we did learn: Gordon complaining to Remy about the hacks being a step too far. I’m assuming he’s referring to the forum hacks – and if that is the case, did the Resistance just accidentally admit that they Remy and The Investors ordered them? Is The Resistance just a pawn of the Investors despite what they say?
July 4, 2017 at 1:38 pm #18923
Participant*yawn* Ever heard the phrase “biding their time”? Because laying all their cards on the table and marching gung-ho into battle without adequate preparation is exactly the way to win this war…
And saying @meghanmayhem has been “spirited away”, told what to say or been turned into a robot gives her absolutely no credit whatsoever. I’ve never even met her and I know she is a smart and strong woman who can make her own decisions. She has seen more than most of us and if she says she’s done with it all… Well. I’m prepared to wait for the time when the Resistance feels it is ready to share with more of us. Rather than beating my fists on the table and demanding transparency that would put people in danger and the rebellion at risk of failing…
July 4, 2017 at 1:59 pm #18924
ParticipantEver heard the phrase “biding their time”? Because laying all their cards on the table and marching gung-ho into battle without adequate preparation is exactly the way to win this war…
What battle though? I trust both that Meghan isn’t a robot, and that she certainly thinks she’s on the right side of whatever this “fight” is.
No one’s demanding transparency, merely noting that between say, Joyce, and The Resistance, one has provided more immediate transparency as to their motives, beyond “let’s burn it down,” and I’m inclined to respect that. -
July 4, 2017 at 2:13 pm #18925
Lauren Bello
ModeratorSome threads from the emails that haven’t been mentioned yet:
Remy: “I have invoices from the System who is doing an audio video rebrand?”
Gordon: “The System stuff came from way above my paygrade. His people told me that’s all back on and to be firing at full cylinders.”The System is coming back? Maybe this is how they intend to recruit those new users. Who will it be spearheaded by, Noah or Horace?
For that matter, the return of the System reminds me of a hint The Resistance dropped in one of their answers on Friday. Horace “is Noah Sinclair’s father, thus making the story on Noah’s website quite suspect.” Reminder, this is the story on The System’s CURRENT website, pre-rebrand: “At 22, I convinced my father’s board to remove him as CEO and instate me. When he was removed from the building, he stopped, shook my hand and told me he was proud of me. It was the best gift he could have given me as it solidified that he was entirely too weak to be an effective leader.” What was the point of Noah’s elaborate lie? Why bait Horace in this way? Is the rebrand because someone other than Noah is taking over?
Gordon: “I don’t want to be in the same room let alone building as Marcus.”
Wow. Is Marcus that dangerous?
Remy: “–and what the fuck is up with these carbon copies? If I find out you are starting your own thing I swear on the Oath of Equinox I will gut you.”
So, what carbon copies is he referring to? Is he referring to email cc’s? Or is he referring to physical copies of the questionnaires/participant files? We’ve seen that they have multiple copies of the files; one minute they’re being burned at the book release party, the next minute they’re showing up at Lust registration. Is the implication that our info may be used to build some sort of new lure? Not The System, not iConfidant, not even OSDM-spearheaded, but something entirely outside of that?
@bcbishop – You said,Gordon complaining to Remy about the hacks being a step too far. I’m assuming he’s referring to the forum hacks – and if that is the case, did the Resistance just accidentally admit that they Remy and The Investors ordered them?
I think the emails point to the exact opposite. Gordon’s exact words were, “This stupid hacking thing and all that, it keeps going too far. I know you don’t think it means anything but it’s embarrassing at this point. We are building a brand.” That sounds like embarrassment that they are being hacked. He didn’t order the hacks, and he’s embarrassed because the hacks are undermining the brand he’s trying to build.
July 4, 2017 at 2:13 pm #18926
ParticipantInteresting you should say that @wanda102 – I trust @joycecarlberg’s “transparency” about as far as I could throw her… And I have very weak arms. I don’t understand what she is trying to achieve or what her motivations are. But that’s just me. We all have our own paths. I guess it all comes down to if people are tempted by sweet treats. I’m more of a chip and dip gal myself (I bet the Resistance has great snacks ?)
July 4, 2017 at 2:16 pm #18927
July 4, 2017 at 2:19 pm #18928
Meghan Mayhem
Participant@blondie <3
July 4, 2017 at 3:03 pm #18932
Lawrence Meyers
Participant@meghanmayhem how do we know this is you?
July 4, 2017 at 3:29 pm #18933
Meghan Mayhem
Participant@larry Go fuck yourself 😀
July 4, 2017 at 3:48 pm #18934
Lawrence Meyers
Participant@meghanmayhem THANK GOD!!!!! I was so worried.
July 4, 2017 at 5:51 pm #18940
ParticipantAgreed, @blondie, what Joyce is passing off to people as “transparency” is laughable. It’s the same cynical, willfully ignorant spin that we used to make fun of Sarah for. It’s honestly beyond me how anyone can watch what happened to Stacey at the iConfidant meetup, read @joycecarlberg cherrypicking facts as she belittles her, and come to the conclusion that Joyce is the stable, trustworthy one. Yes she’s been honest about not caring about connecting with us and only wanting our energy and emotions, but should we actually respect an organization with nefarious intent because they’re admitting they’re screwing us? After the lead yesterday it’s clear we have NO idea what our energies are actually going towards. They’re using us for something much bigger than any of us realize. We’ve seen what they did to Sabrina, seen what they did to Otis, seen their intimidation tactics towards members of this community. Data mining, election tampering, theft, breaking and entering, torture and conspiracy and murder and backwards religion. The Resistance shouldn’t have to spell out what they’re trying to stop if any of us have even halfway been paying attention. It’s self-evident. Their goals are clear and the individual motivations of the members we’re aware of are clear. To complain about them not immediately revealing their entire game plan or the identity of their secret leader after less than a week when we’ve been strung along for months meeting a dozen random OSDM members with no explanation whatsoever of what they do or who they are is really reaching. As far as I’m concerned, @meghanmayhem and the Resistance have been straighter and more forthcoming in a week than anyone else has since before Tom Barrow was going around saying his daughter was missing.
July 4, 2017 at 6:15 pm #18943
ParticipantWow @macbethinabathtub – everything you just said. All of it *standing ovation*
July 4, 2017 at 7:13 pm #18947
Andrew K
Participant“A cardboard cutout of an illusion.”
Yeah, no kidding.
So an encroaching Equinox, a time limit is set- it seems- for them to “find a sacrifice.” Is that What Andy ran into? Or was that just a test/trial run.
And again, why was Otis running it??
Sacrifice for what exactly though? @shankfx22 Did some great research into the fall equinox that might prove helpful.
For all these “answers” and truth The Resistance just gave us, it creates so many more questions….
July 5, 2017 at 1:50 am #18956
ParticipantI’m going to take a minute to step in here and say something that has been on my mind as I’ve been trying to keep up with what’s going on while also being present in a country I’ve never been to…and that is the concept of “sides” has always struck me as ridiculous both with Tension and now with Lust. Perhaps if I’d gotten invested in someone like Sentinel who was attached to a side that would be one thing, but without that I’m left with looking out for my own self-interests here. And I’m not into pretending, it has to be real.
Last year I picked III because he was interesting. I want a good story, I don’t want to be bored, and if I can have fun for myself in there somewhere – not easy for the non-LA player – then I choose that side. I have no idea what the resistance is resisting. Anoch as we knew him last year is a sham. Maybe elder god anoch is cool. I don’t know. Maybe.
So I’m going to lay MY cards out on the table for @joycecarlberg or anyone else who cares, because the truth is this: I’ve been 150% invested in Tension and Lust since April of last year. As a distance player that isn’t easy. I’ve been critical but have also been a fierce advocate and defender of the work, and I’ve wanted nothing more than to play with my entire being. Be fully present. Give you more than enough emotional data. But I’m running short on time, and my energies need to go to those who invest in me as much I do them.
Joyce, if that’s you, I think you’d find I’m a useful ally. If you’re interesting, and up for a challenge.
July 5, 2017 at 7:02 pm #19025
ParticipantRe: the dead drop email sorry I’m late but some thoughts (hopefully not all rehashes):
* What does Sabrina “know” (“She knows things and she’s back in the limelight”)
* I’m so glad they didn’t just set up an escape room. Remy trust in Gordon/Clint/Darren!!
* $3200 for an event (I assume the iConfidant meet & greet) was well worth it
* We haven’t seen The System rebrand yet right? I can’t wait..
* The “Alone Land” RGK/Kern/Bousman joint is dropping in a couple of days according to IMDB – would be awesome if it was related to *that* Alone but I doubt it.. -
July 6, 2017 at 10:58 am #19081
ParticipantI’m catching up on all of this since being on a camping trip with no cell service. This is an unfortunate turn of events and I feel badly for Jenna and @kasch! But I do have one question, I know the leader of the resistance was not revealed, but WHO was the “one of you is not who you seem” that was promised to be revealed by the end of the weekend?? Or was that person (and the leader) only revealed to Meghan? Maybe I just missed it in my scrolling?
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
July 6, 2017 at 11:05 am #19084
Julie R Goldstein
Participant@sfire8 – I’m willing to bet @meghanmayhem being chosen for the meeting was not a coincidence. She’s likely one (or both) of those.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
July 6, 2017 at 11:30 am #19086
July 6, 2017 at 12:28 pm #19095
ParticipantHi @sfire8. Obviously none of us know anything for sure, but I’m willing to bet that @meghanmayhem is neither. The note said that “one” of us would know who the leak is by the end of the weekend. To me that says Meghan was told, not that she is that person. I also think we have to take her word for it: she met the leader and they won her over. We’re dealing with two people who we likely know, but neither of their true functions have been revealed yet. Maybe they’re both the same person, but that’s looking less and less likely.
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