Tagged: 7 chapters, control, desire, lies, love, Lust logo, power, reflection, sex
This topic has 30 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Chris.
July 23, 2017 at 7:26 pm #20158
Hannah Schenck
ParticipantSo there was some late night talk on slack a couple of nights ago regarding what was different and what we were missing. I started looking around the website and at the logos and started paying close attention to the logo that’s in the bottom right corner of the forum page with the keys, encircled by 7 words:
I started wondering what the significance was to these words, and why there are 7. I mentioned it in slack and @thebuz had suggested he thought each chapter we have encountered so far were as follows:
Chapter 1- Self Reflection
Chapter 2- Self Realization
Chapter 3- Self fulfillmentMy spidey sense started to tingle when I saw Buz mention reflection, which is one of the words surrounding the keys. Maybe each word represents a chapter and that means we will be experiencing 7 chapters (including the prelude) with the 7th being the finale. I started comparing the words against his theory of the chapters’ meanings already and it seemed to make sense that the words would go in order, if we included the prelude, and started with Lies.
Prelude- Lies: This time frame was dripping with deceit. The System revealed itself as powerfule and entitled, only to later expose it’s flaws such as Noah’s drinking and the ugly family issues. @bcbishop was blackmailed by Noah, shadow accounts were made on the forums, Otis earned our trust and lied to us.
Chapter 1- Reflection: Registration, iConfidant emails begin, and Otis’s persicope about the 2’s and 10’s. This had us dissect ourselves, share and be open about what we think, feel, like, etc. Along with this, a lot of the photos from the FB page showcased quotes and art that could tie in with reflection. General idea of this chapter was “Always Watching”.Chapter 2- Desire: This chapter had us face head on what we want. Stacey wanted to get revenge, Joyce wanted and achieved emotional reactions and interactions from all of us, and we were presented with two options of loyalty: OSDM or The Resistance. These had us question what it is that we want out of this experience and what sort of consequences we were willing to accept, including giving up our friendships.
Chapter 3- Power: This is our current chapter and it has started out strong with The System back up and running with more intent to prove to us all that we are our biggest failures. I see this chapter being a battle between factions to gain power over us and whatever it is that they seek the most.
Chapter 4- Sex: ??
Chapter 5- Love: ??
Chapter 6- Control: ??
The finale chapter will most likely become the big show at the end, and someone will have the overall control. If this is all true, then perhaps this is what we are missing… the bigger picture… it has been right in front of us, and we are being told what is coming next.
July 23, 2017 at 7:29 pm #20159
ParticipantIf we are in Power, I’m guessing Chapter 3 ends with The System event on the 13th. Next would be Sex. What in the fuck happens there? Anyway, if this works out to be true, then Lust ends with Control. Who ends up with Control at the end? That would be the piece setting us up for Adrenaline.
Control as a live event could be fascinating.
July 23, 2017 at 8:04 pm #20161
ParticipantAnd if we think about the logo itself, why are the words placed like that, around the crossed kyes? Crossed keys are a very used and famous symbol – most of all, are the symbol of the Gates of Heaven, the symbol weared by the pope, the keys given by Christ to Saint Peter, the Gatekeeper…
BUT, those keys are always represented up, and not upside down, like this one. Not even in Free Mason symbologie, its upside down like this (a simple google search will show that images of crossed keys in this direction are very rare). And if the crossed keys, facing up, can open Heaven… The ones facing down wil open…
Just an idea.
Keys in their more common analogie are representations of something being unlocked, revealed, very commonly, knowledge. If we look even closer, we will see that the keys are inside a circle divided in 4 quadrants (usually representing 4 elements or even the Templar cross) and inside of a hexagram, that could have several esoteric meanings, being the most obvious the Solomon seal, the star with six point (and the crossed keys, for Masons, are the keys that open the Salomon Temple).
Anyway, just a bunch of thoughts about the logo itself that are crossing my mind since friday. And I didnt even started on the main logo, lol. But back to the words/chapters, if they are arouns those keys, they will help unlock something, even if it is the whole experience circle itself. (And we are back to circles, oroboros and etc, rs).
July 24, 2017 at 8:46 am #20188
InactiveEach chapter has 100% had a point and motive to it. I like your breakdown quite a bit. I feel like I need to add this to the popular theories thread.
July 24, 2017 at 10:10 am #20206
Hannah Schenck
Participant@chelsea Yes I am very interested to see what the next chapter will bring, if this all plays as such, and how they will go about conveying Sex as the overall theme. And yes, I also think @kevin mentioned in slack that he felt The System event would be perfect timing for a chapter ending. It seems as though Noah is wanting to take charge of this chapter and seize power, so who will step up to try and be one step above?
@thebuz Wow thank you, any guesses as to what the other chapters will turn out to be? If Control is in fact the last chapter/the end event, I guess we will see who falls just below the top dawg spot
July 24, 2017 at 11:07 am #20230
Hannah Schenck
ParticipantHOLY FUCK you guys… I just had a moment of heart stopping realization… Okay so @kevin posted the picture from the email encroaching dusk that shows an almost total eclipse, mentions Him, and highlights the letters N and A (in order). At the bottom it reads: POWER IS THE ONLY LAW.
POWER… This was presented to us in Chapter 1 and now this is coming back into play and the theory of which chapter we are in now is POWER.
Also, referencing Him: The N could be for Noah and the A could be for Andy, or Anoch
July 24, 2017 at 11:21 am #20235
Hannah Schenck
ParticipantAnd to add… if this chapter of POWER actually ends at The System event, then we will know who Him is and this approaching eclipse will guide us into the next chapter of SEX. And how will POWER lead to SEX?
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
Hannah Schenck.
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
July 24, 2017 at 11:36 am #20237
Participant@shankfx22 Power often leads to sex. It’s a turn-on for lots of folks. As is Noah’s cologne 😉
July 24, 2017 at 11:55 am #20241
Participant@shankfx22 That’s so great. We are definitely in Chapter Power. I think you’re right about knowing who Him is at the end of this chapter, which I still think ends at the System event. Noah being Him could be too easy, since it’s his event. I think something else will go down there that will be the mic-drop reveal. But what? Who shows up and crashes the party?
July 24, 2017 at 11:59 am #20244
Hannah Schenck
ParticipantWill it be The Resistance? Is @bcbishop the one who will be crashing the party? Perhaps we will find out who Andy really is… or has become?
July 24, 2017 at 12:10 pm #20246
@bcbishop was already chosen to be able to go. So it’s not really crashing if he was invited.I am curious if they would have a bunch of resistance followers crashing the party when it’s a paid event. That’d be an odd way to reward those who paid to go. They will fuck with your emotions… but will they also fuck with our wallets?
July 24, 2017 at 12:18 pm #20247
Hannah Schenck
Participant@thebuz There are already Resistance followers going who paid for the event, in the top and middle tiers. Perhaps this is the strategy behind the resistance: place followers within the enemy’s home turf to engage in a surprise uproar. Or maybe I have just been watching too much GOT. But maybe it is to seek out Noah’s course of action, to use against him later?
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
Hannah Schenck.
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
July 24, 2017 at 12:51 pm #20253
ParticipantBut is Noah really the enemy? I’m not convinced. Noah seems to be out there for his own personal amusement and to take our money (and our beverages. Free drinks yo!). But I’m tempted to think he’s the kind of person that likes watching shit burn. Neutral parties who like watching things being destroyed aren’t really enemies.
July 24, 2017 at 12:59 pm #20254
ParticipantThe question is if The System event turns out to actually be a ritualistic sacrifice, will The Resistance members in attendance resist?
July 24, 2017 at 1:04 pm #20256
Winston Smith
Participant@thebuz Maybe the real question is why did anyone pay for a ticket? I mean, it’s right there on the flier…”Stop asking for permission — Take what’s yours –” Did anyone even read it before pulling out their wallet? No, I suppose not…
The way I see it, I don’t need an invitation, certainly not from Noah. Who the fuck is he? Some douche puts on a suit, and a big mouth, and suddenly he’s got authority, and credibility? “Golly, he’s got something to sell me, I better pull out my wallet and start buying before it’s all gone! I wonder what I’m gonna get!” Ya’ll want to impress him by showing him how compliant you are, as the point goes sailing right over your heads.
Do you really think Noah is going to pat you on the head, and give you an “atta boy” for being a sucker, and buying a ticket? Do you really think that’s the lesson he has for you? Look at the bright side, $99 is a pretty fair price for a life lesson on not being a mark.
Hey, maybe I’m wrong, maybe Noah’s got a great money making opportunity for you, selling Amway. Where do you think he buys all his suits?
July 24, 2017 at 2:23 pm #20261
ParticipantThe way I see it, I don’t need an invitation, certainly not from Noah.
If that’s the case I think they’d applaud Hazel instead of hate her.
July 24, 2017 at 3:55 pm #20286
Winston Smith
Participant@kortneydarling Ehh, there’s a distinction between the two. I’m not talking about showing up, and banging on a door for half an hour. What I’m saying is that you don’t need their permission. You already have it.
A ticket is permission. You don’t need permission. You just need to take what’s yours. Isn’t that what “The System” is all about? Wouldn’t that demonstrate a better understanding of “The System”, and an ability to apply it for your own personal gain? If you’re going to a seminar to learn “The System”, how can it possibly be wrong to apply it there?
July 24, 2017 at 1:11 pm #20257
Participant@winstonsmith I bought a garbage seat because ever since Ringling Bros. closed shop I’ve been waiting for a new circus to come to town. 🙂
July 24, 2017 at 2:23 pm #20260
Winston Smith
Participant@superstar Heh. I wonder which one is more cruel to the animals?
July 25, 2017 at 7:11 pm #20451
InactiveThis theory just made me think of something along with Noah’s emphasis on “Control.”
If we are taking each chapter to represent one of the 7 words then perhaps each chapter is a lesson that will ultimately teach us a lesson in that word.
First we lie to ourselves of why we’re here, then we’re taught to be self reflective, then metaphysicaly speaking what we desire, then what gives us power, then the emotional attachment that sex brings, then discovering what exactly it is we love in this world, and using all that knowledge we can then find control in our lives (or they control us.)
July 25, 2017 at 8:31 pm #20456
Kyle Bown
ParticipantI love this theory. Just going to add one bit.
The words are in a circle. So we gain control, as @thebuz said. Then, we discover control is a lie. The game is a lie. It’s all a lie. And the cycle starts again.
July 25, 2017 at 9:58 pm #20478
Hannah Schenck
Participant@thebuz I like this take on it as well. @bruinbown I like what you just said, however if that were the case then we would be in the SEX chapter right now. I think you are onto something thought: The end being Control would loop back to beginning which would expose all the lies that we were first shown and told during the prologue. Like you said, it would repeat itself. Bravo.
July 25, 2017 at 10:12 pm #20482
InactiveWell if we’re in Sex right now… Noah does demand a certain… attraction.
July 25, 2017 at 10:15 pm #20486
ParticipantIf we are in sex right now… I’m missing out. Fml.
July 25, 2017 at 10:19 pm #20487
Hannah Schenck
Participant@thebuz @bruinbown I guess we will have to see how the chapter unfolds. It’s very possible that chapter 2 could have been power, and chapter one was desire. They did lay on thick the head vs. heart struggle and that could fit well with desire. Which desires take precedent: the ones from your head or the ones from you heart?
July 25, 2017 at 10:22 pm #20488
ParticipantIf this is the sex chapter, then the thing with the “crown of dongs” better show up on the 13th!!
July 25, 2017 at 10:23 pm #20490
Kyle Bown
Participant@shankfx22 @thebuz I’m confused as to why we would have to be in we.
I think your list was right before. We’re in Power. I’m saying we started with lies and will end with lies.
So like a prologue and 7 chapters. 8 total sections. Lies repeats. Starts and finishes the cycle.
July 25, 2017 at 10:39 pm #20491
Kyle Bown
Participant@shankfx22 @thebuz I’m confused as to why we would have to be in Sex.
I think your list was right before. We’re in Power. I’m saying we started with lies and will end with lies.
So like a prologue and 7 chapters. 8 total sections. Lies repeats. Starts and finishes the cycle.
July 25, 2017 at 10:40 pm #20492
Hannah Schenck
Participant@bruinbown Oh my apologies, I really like that theory and think it is very valid. You just got me very excited and anxious for what’s to come when it all ends… and the link to the beginning is revealed… ouroboros much? 😉
July 26, 2017 at 4:26 am #20502
ParticipantYep. It all come down to the infinite circle that feeds itself. And again I ask, why are this words around the crossed keys? What do they “unlock”?
July 26, 2017 at 4:27 am #20503
Participant(what will the experience itself unlock, it the words ard really the chapters order?)
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