6/9 Facebook quote post

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This topic has 30 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Tim.

  • Author
    • #16474
       Brad Ruwe

      “This fire destroys not what we are, but simply burns away all that we are not.”

      The first time a quote graphic quoted an actual Lust person. This is what the man (Horace?) said at the book release party.

      So…. shit’s about to go down.
      FB Quote

    • #16475
       Brad Ruwe

      Video of this being spoken:

    • #16476

      Anyone else notice that ever since @wanda102 pointed out that the photos were all cropped that they have been zooming in closer and closer. As if they are starting to show us less and less or that the bigger picture is getting bigger and bigger.

    • #16477

      Having this quote applied to Sunday feels a lot like the promise of some big questions getting answered, or at least the dissolution of some shaggy edges in favor of clarity. Theories and speculation are growing like weeds. Sounds like they’re ready for a controlled, devastating burn. I’m ready to find out what we are.

    • #16482
       Brad Ruwe

      My wonder about this, is now that they’re referencing an event from what was essentially the start of Lust, is the ouroboros we’ve discussed so much to this point now starting to eat its tail? Are we now looping back around to the very start of this journey?

    • #16505

      Merged topics since they were on the same subject. Now everything is here!

      Great work @kortneydarling discovering the source of the painting.

    • #16506

      @thebuz do you think the deliberate zooms in further are telling us that our focus is still too narrow, or we’re just being toyed with as per usual?

    • #16507

      @wanda102 Well they definitely have been zooming in more and more (noticed this with the last one) ever since we got wise to their crop-game.

      So that’s two in a row where they are purposely zooming in more and more and making it harder and harder to find the source. Add in that they are darkening the photo all points to this being a very deliberate thing to point us to something.

      Maybe perhaps though it’s not so much what they are leaving out now as to what they are focusing in on. The picture was of a reflection so as @shankfx22 was saying that we may be too caught up in our own reflections… or perhaps we need to look within ourselves for something. Maybe there really is a select few of us whose iConfidants are other participants. All very curious.

    • #16508

      Oh @shankfx22 that’s exactly what I’ve been thinking. We’re all rushing headlong into the fire.

      That’s why I so loved that song last night.

      Yes, the danger must be growing because the rowers keep on rowing and they’re certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing

    • #16509
       Bryan Bishop

      The implications of this quote have my mind spinning.

      The first time we heard it, its implications were literal. Fire was burning down the Tension warehouse, physically removing the artifice of what this group was.

      With the Facebook post, are we the ones burning away what we think/wish we were? Or will Sunday mark a turning of the page similar to last time? And if it’s the latter option, what artifice will be stripped away this time?

    • #16511

      Following on what @bryan said…

      Since this quote is from Horace/Horus, could “we” actually be referring to the investors, rather than us?

      Or, perhaps he’s speaking of the internal fire, the LUST each of us has inside of us. That lust that gradually burns away everything we are not until it reaches the heart of who we really are.

    • #16512

      @superstar I like this. His full quote is “Tonight this fire destroys not what we are, but simply burns away all that we are not. You can leave now, and wait for the phoenix to rise for those among you who are wealthy.. worthy.”
      If he was referring to the Investors, it serves to explain the Freudian slip. Though in context it also implies that some of the Book Party attendees were the Investors…

    • #16513

      Did Horace say this quote before or after Michelle destroyed the beautiful cheese spread? Maybe the “we” prefers to the dairy farms of Wisconsin and California? Perhaps this is how the Investors made their money?

      brb making a post in Speculation.


    • #16514

      Murder, burning, extortion, blackmail, all kinds of kidnapping and imprisonment… and @thebuz is worried about the cheese.

      Really got his priorities in line, there.

    • #16515

      @thegilded I’m safe over here in Kentucky from all that, but the empathy I feel for the cheese is too strong to let go.

      Legit though this was the last thing Horace said right? Like right before we were all ushered out. Post cheese ruining.

    • #16516
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz He threw some insults at us afterwards, including something about someone’s car. But yeah, he was trying to get us all to GTFO after he said this.

    • #16517

      @wanda102 “Though in context it also implies that some of the Book Party attendees were the Investors…”

      Dun, dun, DUNNNNNNNN!!!! 🙂

    • #16519

      Ok, another thought… if we believe the investors to be followers of the Old Testament Book of Anoch, then perhaps the “burning away of all that we are not” means the destruction of the false representation of their god (ie: OOA/Tension/DLB’s “little art project”). The phoenix would then be the “true” representation of Anoch, who will rise to lead those who are wealthy/worthy (the “ten of spades” club).

      But, what if even the investors don’t really know who’s on top (the King of Clubs)? They think they’re in charge, but maybe all the investors are actually at the bottom of the stack with the rest of us in our “pathetic Priuses”.

    • #16537

      Yes, love it.
      The Phoenix rises from the flames of course.
      And the reflection/vanity-ties in to here on the internet we see what people want us to see, people here are not what they seem (i.e. Iconfidants…or even forum members?).

      How the hell did you find the full picture by the way? Fantastic work! I don’t even know where I’d start!

    • #16478

      Picture Posted –

      Original Art –

      Admiring her Reflection
      Conrad Kiesel – Date unknown

      Quote is apparently from Horus from the book signing?

    • #16479

      Also they very intentionally made the photo darker so we would have to dig.

    • #16480

      When I took the photo into photoshop this face was spoopy

    • #16481

      Figuring out what that picture could be was the best way to start my day! Lol congrats @kortneydarling on the actual find that was a tough one! Brainstorming at it’s best ?? @shankfx22 I’m also nominated you for mvp on all the ideas you were throwing out! Lol

    • #16483

      Girls you crushed it this morning. A pleasure doing business with you.

      So, reflections. She’s seeing the version of herself that she believes she presents to the world. One version. Maybe that shady observer sees something different. It’s interesting to think that you never know what you really look like. You only know how you are perceived in a reflection.

      And once again we have a passive observer in frame. She’s distracted by the picture she wants to see (in this case of herself with flowers in her hair,) but there’s more to the picture, and someone’s always watching.

    • #16484
       Hannah Schenck

      Nice work @kortneydarling! And to everyone else we killed it. Thanks @pandace88 that’s very sweet of you ❤️

    • #16485

      You gals are inspiring! ?

      Ok, in the painting, the woman is so self consumed with her own image she doesn’t notice her voyeur. Initially I’d leap to her being admired from afar.


      I’m also still thinking of Otis’ Periscope about power dynamics and vanity. Every card scrambling to be top of the card pile. Struggling for rank. When someone else is clearly above them all watching. I’m probably paraphrasing this wrong but figured it’s worth noting. They could also be unrelated plot points. Just wondering if there’s a tie in. The idea of her being so enamored with her own reflection she doesn’t see him is interesting, regardless of his motivations.

    • #16486

      The woman in this painting is giving me major Nicole-from-Registration vibes.

    • #16487
       Hannah Schenck

      @chrysalis359 Yes I definitely think you are onto something here. It could definitely tie together, especially since he specifically spoke of vanity.

      I’m on the same page tbh. This is a perfect example of being too distracted with yourself, your image, or anything that is vain when you apply too much focus to it, that it blinds you from what is happening around you. This plays into the “bigger picture” theme and also ties into the Clock room from Tension when they mentioned not being fully present because there are too many distractions. When you become so self absorbed, you tend to miss subtle things changing around you, and you even miss important aspects of life. She seems blind to what dangers lurke behind her and whatever this person is thinking or plotting, it is in their advantage that she is so caught up in her reflection because she will never see it coming.

      Moral of the painting?

      Don’t be that person

    • #16488

      @meghanmayhem I keep thinking back to what you said Remi told you athat registration about why everyone is so concerned with posting on the Internet and making ourselves look a certain way. Like we’re all consumed with our own perception of ourselves.

    • #16489

      OH! @shankfx22

      This is a perfect example of being too distracted with yourself, your image, or anything that is vain when you apply too much focus to it, that it blinds you from what is happening around you. 

      Maybe like how we’re all too self absorbed with our iConfidants to heed the OBVIOUS warnings that they are not to be trusted and it’s all bad! But we’d rather ignore all the red flags, the home invasions, the bugs found in our friends’ homes because we want what we want. Etc etc

      And the creeper is like @wanda102 said, the always Watching people. Watching us be completely self absorbed.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Candace.
    • #16491
       Hannah Schenck

      @pandace88 This is your typical horror movie premise: character(s) sense danger… instead of doing the obvious smart thing of getting as far away from it as possible, they go towards it because they are curious and it ends in a violent, gorey and awesome bloody mess ??

      That is our destiny guys. We made it in the movies ?

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