6/08 – Noah Sinclair phone call

This topic has 43 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Jackie.

  • Author
    • #16417
       Andrew Kasch

      Well, shit. Noah just called me…

      I’m totally paraphrasing here, but this is the gist of the conversation:

      Noah: “Andrew Fucking Kasch!!!! I did everything I could to steer you from that fucking iConfidant program and what did you do??? You turn around and write fucking novels to the CEO. Whaaaaa whaaaa, let me back in!!! Let me back in!!!

      You have no fucking idea…

      So here’s what’s going to happen: Are you planning on going to this fucking iConfidant event this weekend?”

      Me: “Actually, I’m skipping it…”

      Noah: “Good boy.”


      And that was it.

      For the record, I’m out of town this weekend so I’m not deliberately skipping the event. But Noah seemed very happy that I’m not going.

      And I will take this as confirmation that Noah hacked me to try and save me from something horrible…

    • #16418
       Brad Ruwe


      It will be interesting to see what happens for both those who go and those who pass. Feels almost like this could be the start of a BOS / OOA type divide. I’d still suggest everyone to heed these warnings and take note of all the red flags going up. Something is not right with this.

    • #16419
       Hannah Schenck

      Well @kasch I’ll say it now it was a pleasure having met you. I’ll be going and probably accepting my death ? I wonder what he had planned on saying if you WERE planning on going…

    • #16420
       Meghan Mayhem

      “Here’s what’s going to happen”

      -doesn’t actually tell you what to do-

      Oh, you mouthy little thing, you.

    • #16421
       Bryan Bishop

      So now we have all three Sinclairs — Horace, Noah, and Sarah — going out of their way to talk people out of meeting with their iConfidants.

      What are the Sinclairs afraid of?

    • #16422

      Getting this official confirmation just makes things more aggravating. We knew it was Noah, what we didn’t and still don’t know is WHY. What does Noah know about this, and why was he only interested in sparing you? What about us, @maddyxxx? Why can’t anyone in this family just say what they mean?

    • #16423
       Hannah Schenck

      @bcbishop iConfidant could be a rival company of The System disguising themselves as a matchmaker website. When they have just enough of what they need from us they could have the means to become more powerful than The System and maybe the Sinclairs know it

    • #16424

      Well I’m sure as hell going. Sorry, not sorry, Noah!

    • #16425

      Very salient point @bcbishop. Do we have two rival factions working against each other? It not out of the question that “The Investors” aren’t the same for both companies. Maybe the New Testament Book of Anoch folks are down with iconfidant, while The System is keeping Old School?

    • #16427

      Noah ignores me.. my iconfidant at least pretends to give a shit so I’m seeing them this weekend.

      Sorry not sorry Noah.

    • #16428

      The Sinclairs being against iConfidant actually makes me feel better about going. None of them are upstanding citizens so I’ll take my chances with the emotion stealing robots and the “investors”

    • #16429
       Bryan Bishop

      @shankfx22 @wanda102 I think you both are on to something here. What if it’s just a simple matter of technology obsoleting The System’s older way of doing things?

      The System was part of the very beginning of LUST. It was created back before TPTB had been fired. And it represented an old-school way of manipulating people and seeing how they tick. Tony Robbins, Frank T.J. Mackey from Magnolia; these are very ’90s kind of figures.

      What rules in 2017? Data. Artificial intelligence. So when things go sideways and The Investors decide they’re not happy, they go in a different direction. They embrace the data-centric approach that something like iConfidant represents. And hey, guess what — it’s working.

      Perhaps there’s simply no reason for The System, or the people that created it, to even exist should iConfidant prove successful. Life or death stakes. If I were the Sinclairs, I’d try to stop it too.

    • #16430
       Nicole Mae

      Noahhhhhhh. We’ve missed you, goofball. May has come and gone… So howsabout finally holding one of those System seminars we’ve been hearing about for months now?

    • #16431

      So if whoever is really in control of the iConfidants and the Sinclairs and their System are in competition, then the Investors like the Stick Man are a unifying presence. There can only be so much money to go around, right? The Investors want emotions. iConfidant and the System are two companies with very different strategies to collect them. The Investors could be waiting to see who wins, and it appears the Sinclairs are afraid of losing. Remember that The Investors are “The Lust Experience,” that is what we registered for. And Horace in his call to @taysavestheday said “anything that involves The Lust Experience, whether it’s Noah Sinclair, my investors, or iConfidant,” so we have our three separate entities laid out for us under that umbrella title. The difficult thing to grasp in this case is how Anoch and the cult figures into this, if indeed this corporate intrigue is what it appears. Because the Investors and the Sinclairs both have a connection to Anoch, but so far we haven’t seen that from iConfidant. There is a lot left to uncover.

    • #16432
       Hannah Schenck

      @bcbishop Seeing the iConfidant seems to be the more popular choice for the community, to what lengths are the Sinclairs going to take to ensure they stay in a power position? Horace in particular I think is going to hold Sarah accountable and she will become very desperate to make things change. Maybe she will go to such drastic measures as putting Stacey and Kristin in danger

    • #16433

      @bcbishop The System, or the framework for it, may have existed even before Lust. It would explain Noah’s presence in Tension, and Horace’s well…culty…hobbies. So would we argue that if The System/Tension is built on emotions, and manipulation of those emotions, that iConfidant/Lust is like a System 2.0? Emotion AND Tech. Heart AND Head. Didn’t Stick Man tell someone they would need their head and their heart to survive? The Investors have expressed displeasure with the monetary return of Tension as they go into Lust. I think we already know that money’s not all the iConfidant investors are expecting this time around.

    • #16434
       Lauren Bello

      @kasch Was the implication that Noah knew you’d “written novels to the CEO” because you’d posted about it on the forum…or because he has access to everything Stacey has access to?

    • #16435
       Meghan Mayhem

      The iConfidant system is more popular with the community than The System because iC is all about emotions and friendship and buddy system and also taps into the ego and being able to talk about yourself and share with others.
      The System asks people to disregard emotion and doesn’t tap into the ego in terms of sharing with others, so much as focusing ONLY on yourself.
      Asking for a hug versus demanding a blow job, so to speak.

      Once again, head and heart.

    • #16436
       Brad Ruwe

      This absolutely makes sense to me. The head v heart thing. Cause I know, deeeeep down in my heart, I want to go on Sunday. I even pulled up the registration page last night while on break, wondering if I should register. I want to keep talking with my iConfidant. I want to support Stacey’s company fully.

      But wants can get you in deep shit if you don’t also use your head and think logically.

      If there’s an internal conflict for me, where my heart and head are going at odds with each other, it’s usually the head that wins out. I’ve been burned too many times by chasing the emotional need, and then watching everything fall apart once I made that choice. If using logic and thinking out the options points to the same option I want to go with, then it’s no question.

      That’s how I’ve felt with this. I want to go and see all you amazing people again. I want to talk about theme parks and music with my iConfidant. But I know it’s a trap. One which I’m very likely easy prey to given my emails so far. So the head wins. I may not agree with Horace and the rest of the Sinclairs, but god damnit… I think they’re right this time.

      Boy who cried wolf. Just because Noah’s been a jerk and lied to us before doesn’t outright mean he’s lying now.

    • #16437
       Bryan Bishop

      @shankfx22: “Seeing the iConfidant seems to be the more popular choice for the community, to what lengths are the Sinclairs going to take to ensure they stay in a power position?”

      My concern? They will put Otis in play. I’d wager many of us have stronger emotional connections to our iC’s than we do Stacey or Kristen at this point, arguably making them less effective pawns. Everybody has loved Otis at some point, however — but lately he’s emerged as a colossal wildcard. @mike recapped all of this recently, but we know that Otis went haywire after working with Noah, broadcast from the same location as Noah and Sarah, and was at the Andy Jenkins ritual with Horace. He clearly seems to be in the pocket of the Sinclairs (even if it’s against his will).

      Frankly, I hope I’m wrong. If we see him on the 11th, I can’t imagine it would end well.

      In an ideal world, that would be wonderful, but I have a hard time believing The System was ever a legitimate self-realization course. I think it’s far more likely that The System was also something designed to collect emotional data on us — just using a different set of tools. None of it is noble. It’s all corrupt.

    • #16438
       Brad Ruwe

      @bcbishop Absolutely. Not joining up with The System by any means. Gotta take things in a case by case basis. To just assume The System crew is wrong about everything because they’re shady sets you up for trouble. It’s the genetic fallacy by that point. Assuming all info from someone is incorrect simply due to who it’s from. Who knows, maybe the Sinclairs are urging people to leave iConfidant as a means to get MORE people into that system. They know people don’t trust em, so what better way to get suckers into a trap than by telling people to not join? Reverse psychology in action.

      But what the fuck do I know, we’re all going to have the rug pulled out very soon methinks.

    • #16439
       Michael Rizzo

      From the sounds of it @kasch, maybe he had some kind of plan in mind for you if you were going? So when you said you told him you won’t be making it, he was happy with that and didn’t have to get into any more detail?

    • #16440
       Andrew Kasch

      Since Noah hacked my email, I’m sure he was easily able to view all the follow up emails with Stacey. So it’s not a big surprise to me that he knew.

      What he was trying to save me from, especially since I never met the guy, I have no idea.

      But I’m curious if he DID want to recruit me for something to fuck with iConfidant this weekend….Stupid travel plans!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #16442
       Hannah Schenck

      @bcbishop Frankly I hope you’re wrong too but I have a bad feeling you’re right. We definitely won’t be walking in to see our iConfidant’s smiling faces, but we will most likely see a few faces that are all too familiar. What is their agenda with Otis, other than luring us into a trap with a nice old man we are empathetic for

    • #16443
       Mustafa Said

      I wonder just what it is about iConfidant that Noah, Sarah and even Horace have all warned various individuals about it.

      I’m guessing Stacey’s got some questions to answer on the 11th.

    • #16444

      From what we’ve seen of him so far, Noah is the kind of guy to look out for him and his own, and no others. When trying to figure out why he called @kasch and told him not to go to the event, we should (as others have said) think about what he has to gain from all this. I don’t think competition between The System and iConfidant is the strongest factor, here, because they’re both backed by the same people, and those people (i.e. Horace) have interests in both companies, not to mention a personal interest (i.e. Noah, his son) as well.

      Then there’s also the question of why Noah is so fixated on Andrew in particular. If his goal was to stop us from interacting with iConfidant, why not make a post about it under the @maddyxxx handle? Why target one guy and ignore the rest? Conclusion: Andrew has something Noah wants, and he’s giving it to Stacey instead of to Noah.

    • #16445
       Meghan Mayhem

      @izryn I 100% think that Noah is the type to look out for him and his own and no more. (I am often the same)
      And I can’t tell you why @kasch was targeted as someone to protect (other than being a lovable guy with a winning smile. Oooh, maybe Noah wants a documentary made?)
      But I did notice there were others that suspiciously were turned down or never given iC’s, despite applying the same as the rest of us. Most notably @lilmsfancpants, who Noah obviously took a liking to early on.

    • #16446

      Stacey said in the video that it’s normal for glitches to occur in a system, then appeared to have corrected herself into saying THE system. She made emphasis on the THE.

      Is iConfidant the system?

      That could mean that surprise, surprise – – the system was probably never about seminars. Or it could also mean that the iConfidant meet up IS the seminar. How crazy would we be not to immediately join if we saw first hand results in someone we knew/cared about??! Are these confidants an advertising ploy for the system? Could they be the perfect, successful “winners” created by Noah?

    • #16448
       Brian E

      @shankfx22 @wanda102 That’s a strong theory and explains their behavior to a degree, rival factions of some sort. We know the Sinclairs do not want us to go to the meet up, but we can’t get any reason why.

      Well that interesting that Noah is looking out for you, and warning you about iCofidant. Also gives some clarity on the hacking of your account earlier. But why? That’s the question, what are the Sinclairs afraid of?

    • #16459
       Taylor Winters

      I find it very interesting that the Sinclairs have such an interest in ensuring that we disconnect ourselves from iConfidant. They are either trying to protect us, make us stronger, or there’s a more personal reason here. Either way, my characteristics fit with the Sinclairs so I am glad I am skipping the event and putting my trust in them. I am curious as to motivations though.

    • #16460

      What if Otis is ALL the confidants.

    • #16461

      @theladyj you know that’s kind of like what I’m expecting.
      Everyone will be gathered together excitedly anticipating a stream of lovely people to come in and match up name tags.
      Instead, a lone individual strolls onto a stage and declares, “No. I, am your iConfidant.”
      And then burns the building down.

    • #16462
       Lawrence Meyers

      All’s I know is y’all are gonna die and all my friends will be robots trying to kill me.

    • #16463

      Dibs on haunting @larry!

    • #16464
       Bryan Bishop

      Oh @larry we would never kill you but i find your humors delightful JAJAJAJAJA

    • #16465
       Brad Ruwe

      Could you imagine being haunted DOUBLE by the people who go? Once by the ghost of the murdered person, and again by the robot duplicate that would then roam the earth.

      Would they take turns? Double team? These are the questions that plague my brain at night.

    • #16466

      Dibs on Eiffel Towering @larry with my robot double!

    • #16467

      Welp… I’ve been pretty much on board with the Sinclairs for awhile so perhaps it’s a good thing I’m skipping out on this Sunday.

      I love that he confirmed though that he was the one posing as you. But why you? Why try and keep you from it?

      I have a feeling that what is going to happen on Sunday is nothing we can predict.

    • #16469

      The closer Sunday gets the less I feel I’m going to see any flour-less chocolate cake. If food is offered, would anyone eat it? Did anyone drink the water at registration?

    • #16470

      @theladyj, that would be really interesting since he would have been playing on so many interests and emotions from all of us.

      Would probably be pretty awkward for @thebuz though with the flirtation stuff his has been giving him.

      Otis: Hi sexy, how u doin’? 😉

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Chloe.
    • #16471
       Lawrence Meyers

      @bryan jajajajajajajaja!

      @kipsie I…I don’t know what to say to that….

    • #16472

      @larry You say “yes.” (Consent is important.)

    • #16528
       Maxwell R

      @theladyj I did drink an open bottle (I know…I’m a fucking broken record…) and I would probably eat food if it was offered…Vote me most likely to die of poisoning!

    • #16532

      Oh man if I was near my computer, I’d make the most rad seanior yearbook photo and quote, of that statement

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