3/16/18 – DLB and Gordon Ritual

This topic has 7 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by Megan.

  • Author
    • #29429
       Brad Ruwe

      As you may have seen, Meghan and I were tasked to go to the Beverly Hills Hotel tonight. I get there and she’s dead silent to me, doesn’t even look up when I get there. I later find out that this is from an instruction from Noah. Keep this in mind, it’ll come back later.

      An Uber arrives and asks for us, we get in and are taken to a really nice big house in the hills. We go up to the front door, and it opens to Gordon. He invites us in and I instantly noticed the giant mirror placed along the wall in the main entry way. If I am correct, it’s the same giant mirror from the Red Office at Registration, as well as the one that was situated directly in front of me at the Focus Group way at the start. Once again I’m faced with my reflection.

      We are led upstairs and instructed to sit on a couch. On the table in front of us I notice four playing cards, King of Spades, Queen of Hearts, and two Joker cards. I’m looking around the room for more details and trying to remember everything, and notice Meghan is looking back behind me. Turn around and there’s DLB at a far end of a long table. He walks over to us and sizes us up, eventually sitting down next to Meghan. He asks her, “What do you want from this?” and she responds “Unity”. He turns to me and I go “I think you know the answer.” He replies sternly “Answer.” “Change.”

      DLB and Gordon step away and whisper to each other. I may have misread body language (it was dark and fire light was flickering) but I think one of them pointed to me during this. They direct us to head back downstairs. We are led to a dark pathway behind the home where we see two boxes and a metal tub. DLB tells us something along the lines of “We destroy the old to make way for the new”. I may have the exact wording wrong but that was the main gist, get rid of the old for whatever comes next.

      He then has us pick up a box and inside we see all of the old OOA Tension processing forms. All our photos, all our answers. Meghan confirmed it was the same stolen from the Registration warehouse. DLB starts sifting through the boxes, seeming like he’s looking for something in particular. He instructs us to dump all the contents into the tub and has me stomp it down a bit (there was a LOT of paper packed tightly in those boxes). He looks through the tub once more, finds a paper he seems to approve of, and twists it into a sort of paper torch. Hands it to me, and hands Meghan a thing of matches. He has us stand back and this is when it gets weird.

      Gordon starts to bow his head, like he’s at church. DLB take sand or something similar and begins sprinkling the papers with it in some sort of motion. As if he’s doing shapes on the paper with the sand. He steps back, grabs lighter fluid, and begins pouring it on the pile. This is where you all join us on the Facebook Live feed. He instructs Meghan to begin, she lights the paper in my hand, and I ignite the pile. The papers burn, DLB records, and everyone watches online. He asks us “What are you doing?” and I stammer out trying to remember the phrase he mentioned earlier, “Destroying the old for the new.”

      When DLB finishes the video he turns to us. He asks “Why do you think you’ve been brought here?” to which Meghan replies “To witness”. I realize we basically just saw the entire Tension community go up in flames and add “Yes, we just witnessed a death”. It felt like a change for sure, that the old is out, and something big is on the horizon.

      DLB begins to lead us back towards the front and tells us “This is not a victory”. Meghan asks “What is it then?” and we are directed back to our Uber to ride back to the hotel.

      We’re getting back to Meghan’s car at the hotel and I get a Restricted Number call. It’s Morgan. Megan transcribed the call from what I said so if I miss anything she can cover it.

      M: “Tell me what I didn’t just see.”

      B: “You didn’t see puppies? Rainbows?”

      M: “Quit pulling my leg. Was that a ritual?”

      B: “Yes.”

      M: “If that was a ritual it wasn’t about burning paper. It wasn’t about burning data. It was about burning us. Burning the community. It was a sign that we are expendable.”

      We get in the car and compare notes and discuss, and eventually Periscope. As we are finishing up the Periscope Meghan’s phone rings Restricted. It’s us. It’s the Periscope we’ve just been recording being played back to us. Our own words repeated back. This could’ve been just a “we’re watching” message, but I took it as more. It was our witness of tonight’s ritual being recorded. Our witnessing has been documented.

      So I’m sure Meghan will add her own thoughts including more details about her call and why she was silent at the beginning, but I’ll say this. I demanded change, and suddenly I’m literally burning down the old. Whether this was BOS or Oracle or The Master or whomever was behind this, they got me what I desire. They literally gave me the torch to burn down what was.

      And part of what burned with it is my trust in Morgan. I need to think some things over tonight, and I’ll let Meghan post about her calls, because it ties in with something. I mentioned in the Slack just before that I think I figured out what they were going to do to break my heart. When Meghan wasn’t speaking to me it seemed to confirm my worst nightmare. It was a message that they know just what to do to rip my heart out. And they grabbed my heart tonight and made sure I knew they knew. Fortunately it was just a message and not the full act, but it was a message. Loud and clear. They know how to get to me, and it’s because of Morgan.

      But for now, I need sleep. The community is dead. Long live the community.

    • #29430

      C showed up on Slack late last night with a recommendation:

      c [12:55 AM]
      I am looking for words. And I am coming up short. Stick together. Please. I urge you.

      Look back. Go back to the beginning.

      c [12:56 AM]
      The VERY beginning. Morgan was one of you. People, yes can be corrupted. But he is one of your own. Fight not only with him. But for him.

      c [12:57 AM]
      Morgan has always been in trouble since he decided to resurrect the dead.

      kevin [12:57 AM]
      Did he know what he was doing when he brought it back?

      c [12:57 AM]
      Our time is running out, and I can no longer talk in riddles.

      c [12:57 AM]
      He did not.
      He took his seed and grew a garden many of you are now playing in.

      creepsociety [12:58 AM]
      @c can I post my call?

      c [12:58 AM]
      What call?

      kevin [1:01 AM]
      @c you were saying Morgan created a garden and we were playing in it?

      wanda102 [1:03 AM]
      Right and he _didnt_ know what he was doing

      c [1:04 AM]

      c [1:04 AM]
      Morgan took an idea. Something that was only hinted at, and turned it real.

      c [1:04 AM]
      You all have the same ability.

      <Kristin posts about a call she got from Morgan. It’s deleted.>

      c [1:06 AM]
      That was not deleted by us, but by her. Please respect her wishes.

      c [1:07 AM]
      That will not be allowed back on this Slack. She deleted it. And unless she decides to repost it, it stays down.

      c [1:09 AM]
      I DID NOT delete it, and this topic needs to change now.

    • #29432

      Just watched the periscope again…couple of things stood out.
      1. Darren saying “I told you from the beginning this isn’t what you think it is.” and also “This isn’t a victory.” I think these are important and The Creators may still not be on our side.
      2. WHY Brad & Meghan?? Clearly this was a ritual, and yeah, witnessing and all, but I have a nagging feeling y’all were chosen specifically. Meghan got the call from Noah pretty much at the last minute so either Brad alone wasn’t good enough (sorry dude lol) or there’s a deeper reason other than just community members witnessing.
      3. The phrase. Burn the old for the new. Well, we don’t know what the fuck the new is, but we do keep hearing about the Big Bad Thing coming. What the fuck is the new?!?!

      Also, Kristin’s call & the immediate shutdown of discussion was super sus. If the call was OOG after all, that could have been stated & we all would have easily dropped it.Seems like there’s more to that as well.

    • #29437


      I’m definitely on the same page as you. I think these things need to be explored when they were glossed over, ignored. I understand the want for unity. I’m not against those who want it. But, we, the community, tends to get so tunnel visioned that we overlook what needs to looked at or questioned. I think there is more to what happened last night and that it is very possible The Creators are not on the side of the community. Maybe they’re using the community to get themselves out this mess they’re in? Maybe they’re a lot more sinister than we know? So many questions still. DLB said it wasn’t a victory. Who is that directed at?

    • #29440

      From the big picture angle–

      Last night’s “ritual” was meant for the BoS. With @nothenrygale having changed sides, this complicated things, and thus @meghanmayhem was called in. BoS needed to see that their efforts amounted to nothing–a bunch of ashes in a bucket.

      At least, that’s what I got from a bigger picture PoV.

    • #29442
       Brad Ruwe

      I think I know why Meghan was brought in last minute, and it tied in to what I said about them sending a message that they know how to break me. Which in turn ties into why I don’t trust Morgan anymore. I’ll elaborate after Megan adds whatever she wants to add, but they know what they were doing with bringing her in last minute and having her remain silent.

    • #29443

      Oh, also the cards…King of Spades, Queen if Hearts, and 2 Jokers. Those were meant to be seen, and obviously reminds me of dear Otis. So who do those cards represent??

    • #29449


      • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Megan.
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