2/26/18 – Call from an old pal

This topic has 12 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Unseen Presence.

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    • #29056

      Morning, folks.

      I’ll cut to it. I just had a chat with someone who didn’t identify himself, but I’m a bit of a creep with voices and I’m gonna take a very educated guess it was Mr Noah Sinclair.

      Here goes:

      “Cristen, ask yourself this if you want to look past all the current distractions:

      Why is Noah quiet again?

      Where is Sabrina?

      What does Lia actually know? Sound a lot like she’s hiding something.

      Does the current BOS operation further our agenda?

      From the beginning Noah asked you to think for yourself and not follow anyone. Maybe it’s time to start doing that again.”

      “I agree.”

      “Well, we’re waiting. (Long pause) We’re waiting.”

      “For us?”

      “You know.”


      Well, we’ve got some things to think about, huh? I hate to press @lilmsfancpants but he’s got a point. You need to get something off your chest, love?

      Otherwise I can’t pretend this wasn’t a very welcome communiqué.

    • #29058
       Nicole Mae

      They tell us not to get caught up in the distractions, throw another distraction our way, then watch us follow them like moths to a flame. Pushing buttons, collecting data – the OSDM is alive and well!

    • #29059
       Kyle Bown

      Then let’s get rid of the distraction. I think it’s time @lilmsfancpants.

    • #29060
       Bryan Bishop

      From the beginning Noah asked you to think for yourself and not follow anyone. Maybe it’s time to start doing that again.

      Translation in my mind: Fuck @A. Fuck BOS. Fuck OSDM. Fuck OOA. Fuck The Order. Fuck the mystery of Lia’s story, which A and BOS are pushing. Fuck everything but yourself.

      Also: What does Lia actually know? Sound a lot like she’s hiding something.

      That could mean @lilmsfancpants has forgotten information about the Red Room event. But it could just as easily mean that she is hiding the fact that the Red Room event was bullshit, she was put up to it by person(s) unknown, and that it’s all a con designed to get us all riled up.

      may have made the public stance about @a’s questions in Slack yesterday, but let’s not forget it was @a himself who made the very public fucking pronouncements that he was asking Lia secret Slack questions to pique our interest in the first place.

    • #29061
       Meghan Mayhem

      Who exactly is this “us” and “our” this anonymous voice speaks of?

      When I got the call on my Noah burner from the anonymous man, he spoke of “us” and “our”
      I never truly found out who it was that he spoke of.
      “We’ve been watching you”
      “You may think he’s forgotten about you, but we haven’t”
      etc etc.

      There will always be distractions, but you have to wonder if they’re distracting you from the truth, or distracting you from the lies.

    • #29062

      Please, oh please, let Noah be back.

      “…if you want to look past all of the distractions.”

      Are the distractions intentional? Are we intentionally being distracted again, and if so, from what? New A comes in promising truth and less bullshit, and Noah comes back reminding us of old patterns. I think trusting weird, polite A could be a mistake. I think new polite A giving us answers could be the new distraction.

      “Why is Noah quiet again?”
      – And why choose now to speak up?

      “Where is Sabrina?”
      – This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot. Where is she? The last time we saw her, she was celebrating. I feel like people don’t usually choose to disappear during a celebration like that. I think I’m worried about Sabrina.

      “What does Lia actually know?”
      – I feel like Lia is either hiding something, or she’s being coerced into silence. A’s weird timing and interest in this makes them even less trustworthy to me. Why would Lia stay quiet if she saw something that would help shed light on what’s happening, even if it was scary? This only makes sense to me if the consequences of talking are scarier than what she saw.

      “Does the current BOS operation further our agenda?”
      – There’s an agenda larger than the BOS plan? “our agenda”. Is BOS working for someone? Noah? This is interesting considering BOS seems to hold all of the access right now.

    • #29063
       Bryan Bishop

      The beautiful thing about people thinking for themselves, as the mystery caller suggests we all do, is that the very act itself clarifies all of these questions.

      Honorable truths become self-evident when examined outside the distorting lens of groupthink or propaganda. Dots fail to connect in falsehoods when they are starved of the protection of pre-existing bias or manipulated emotions.

      It’s obviously a drum that’s been beat since the very beginning, but self-actualization continues to be the throughline. It’s not a distraction. It’s the antidote to distraction.

      • #29064

        @bcbishop I love all of this so much. Such good words.

      • #29065

        @bcbishop all about this. If you’re not willing to move, even slightly, then you just won’t.

        I feel like I have to take what Noah said as face value and follow that _path, both because it interests me and because I can, same as any of you should, if that’s what you want to do. And they’re waiting, whatever that means. And whatever that means, so am I.

      • #29066

        Honorable truths become self-evident when examined outside the distorting lens of groupthink or propaganda. Dots fail to connect in falsehoods when they are starved of the protection of pre-existing bias or manipulated emotions.

        And it goes beyond that even, we have to be able and willing to interrogate our own actions, wants, and desires every step of the way. If we can examine those ideas in a clear-headed way, we can start thinking on our own.

        Maybe that means realizing you were doing something for one reason, but convinced yourself it was something else. Maybe it means coming to an understanding of why your pre-existing ideas were correct and continuing to dedicate yourself to them. Maybe it means leaving those ideas or notions behind you as you follow your path forward.

    • #29067
       Unseen Presence

      All of this.

      The only thing I am certain of is my current desire–to attempt to experience something new, that I have never experienced before. That desire drives me from the current -stated- agenda of the BOS towards the -stated- agenda of whoever is offering illumination.

      Should that change, I am willing to make that change. Should my desire alter, I will attempt to recognize it. Should I not be seeing a truth, I will attempt to pierce the illusions in my way.

      And every time, every time you all speak ideas and attitudes and positions and beliefs, I -do- listen. I contemplate.

      That is the best I can do to think for myself. I think it is the best any of us could do. Biases DO blind you. Loyalty CAN create cognitive dissonance making it hard to admit one was wrong. It is hard.

      But your desires do not have to make you weak.
      They can set you free.

    • #29068

      But your desires do not have to make you weak.
      They can set you free.


      • #29069
         Unseen Presence

        You are correct. Your desires can chain you as well.

        IMO, that is up to the individual, the desire, and the strength at which someone accepts it.

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