
  • It’s interesting to me that these pages seem to have some very important information and are clearly torn out of a book and yet were seemingly strewn about with no thought. Across tables, on chairs, etc. As if someone were reading through it and tearing pages out and just leaving them wherever.

    We are clearly missing some sort of key that will…[Read more]

  • Sage replied to the topic What Is Missing in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    @meghanmayhem, those are intriguing questions… as far as @wanda102 and her being called I wonder if it wasn’t simply to give her a chance to attend the special last show since she purchased a second ticket? Unless there are others who purchased two tickets and didn’t get a chance? But it does seem fair for her to get that opportunity if eve…[Read more]

  • I have a few more pages to add to the pile, or at least pieces of the puzzle. All passed onto me anonymously. All by those eager to help the BOS mission. So before I share and attempt to unravel the mystery, thank you to those people – we sincerely appreciate you.

    The first two pages were discussed by myself and @coryphella at length over in the…[Read more]

  • Meghan Mayhem replied to the topic What Is Missing in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    A couple of questions I have:

    @lilmsfancpants was specifically called out by full name during her 2nd trip through. She was brought upstairs where she was faced with something super hard and unable to handle for her. The only other person we know about that had that experience was Noah Nelson. Why was she singled out and what is it they wanted…[Read more]

  • Violet changed their profile picture 6 years, 9 months ago

  • I ate the apple, poisoned my soul;
    Couldn’t resist the story you told;
    Now I’m here in the coffin
    Awaiting your kiss–
    Was it worth that sweet moment
    Of unbridled bliss?

  • So the German is in old German, which makes it a little more difficult to translate. Seems to be a monologue of sorts from Abraham to his beloved brother, who may or may not be dead. He’s talking about carrying this burden and then talks (potentially) about a girl named Mariz. I’m going to look into it deeper.

  • Damn, I went back and looked – got confused by the font. What I thought was meadow is more like “mat” and it’s roughly “…mats are spread out so that…” something. I was reading the last few words on the page without the distracting hand job pic. So forget that and probably this too. Will only post again when I’m sure. 🙂

  • I looked quickly and saw “…lie in Meadow.” But that was very quickly and I’m working. If I can de-rust my German I’ll certainly try it for real.

  • Sage replied to the topic Pages from book at MSE in the forum SPECULATION 6 years, 9 months ago

    @tc-mortem, @rosie!! I’m team red candle too! This really excites me and seems extremely important for stopping the OSDM. How can we get this translated and yes, figure out a way to find that candle the next time around?? And was this the “specific” page you were asked to find? Or was it “just find a page”?

    In the mean time, I’ll try to find…[Read more]

  • Blondie posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago

    I can’t run no more, with that lawless crowd
    While the killers in high places say their prayers out loud
    But they’ve summoned, they’ve summoned up a thundercloud
    They’re going to hear from me.

  • There were more pages smuggled out of MSE. Luckily one of these was in Latin (which I can translate) while the other, like these, was in German (which I can’t). @meghanmayhem – do we have permission to share those pages here? I know the discussion happened over in Slack, mostly between @coryphella and myself, but it might be worth sharing on h…[Read more]

  • Megan posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago

    “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”

  • Violet posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago

    only in darkness do we see the light…the only way out is through

  • Team “find the candle” here too! I wasn’t given the instruction to bring the pages to be translated, and she didn’t mention that other people may have the candle, but other than that I got the same instructions. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to follow through with either of them, I was shut down whenever I asked about it. I’m wondering…[Read more]

  • Maranda replied to the topic Anointment Theory in the forum SPECULATION 6 years, 9 months ago

    I haven’t had time to read every post since the MSE ended, so apologies if I’m stepping on anyone’s toes. There are things that are stick out from an outsider’s perspective (I didn’t attend MSE), so I’d like to take a stab and guessing what may be going on.

    First, if Morgan’s intro that the attendees were infiltrating the “real OSDM” were true,…[Read more]

  • Robert Fuller replied to the topic Feelings in the forum JUST FRIENDS 6 years, 9 months ago

    Yeah, I was disappointed that the answers I gave weren’t utilized, and that my experience wasn’t personalized. That was my fear going in, first when I got the e-mail about the masks, and secondly after Morgan’s opening speech. The one thing I didn’t want was anonymity, but that’s what I got.

    We need to make sure you end up in a room with Cecilia…[Read more]

  • Unseen Presence replied to the topic Feelings in the forum JUST FRIENDS 6 years, 9 months ago

    I’m curious, too, whether it was given differently in other groups or if others were just more ready to toss off their clothes. I know one friend of mine took his suggestion literally, stripped instantly and was ready to start following through–simply because my friend was ALSO looking for the edge of being uncomfortable. And apparently, in that…[Read more]

  • I don’t want to share too much of what went on in those rooms…

    However, I had an interaction in a rest room where I was told to collect a page from the book. They’d be laying around. Give it to the man he would translate Find a candle in the red room. Two or three others may have the candle. We need that to complete the seal.

    I ended up…[Read more]

  • Robert Fuller replied to the topic Feelings in the forum JUST FRIENDS 6 years, 9 months ago

    @unseenpresence I feel the same way about being pushed. And that brings up an interesting point about Rico, because that was my impression as well, that the circle-jerk request was just a funny, casual suggestion. And yet, some guys apparently did get naked for him. So I’m wondering if, with other groups, he broached the removal of pants and…[Read more]

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